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Dec. 13, 2024

Ep.314 w/Sal Barry of Puck Junk Part II

Ep.314 w/Sal Barry of Puck Junk Part II

Puck Junk's Sal Barry returns this week to chop up some hobby.

Talking Points on this episode (may include):
*Young NHL Stars
*Expo Show talk
*Fanatics Hockey?
*What do you collect and why
*Being a dealer and collector
*To price or not to...

Puck Junk's Sal Barry returns this week to chop up some hobby.

Talking Points on this episode (may include):
*Young NHL Stars
*Expo Show talk
*Fanatics Hockey?
*What do you collect and why
*Being a dealer and collector
*To price or not to price.

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sports card Nation the hobby is the people Weekly News and interviews It's
Your Number One Source sports card Nation the hobby is the
[Music] people Sports
Nation what is up everyone welcome to Episode 34 of sports card Nation Podcast hope
everyone is doing well out there in the hobby verse uh Our Guest is returning as
our usual part two uh that guest sberry of pug trunk a writer uh a collector a
dealer uh like myself he wears many hats in the Hobby and uh you know I think he
does a great job in in all of those I hope uh I hope I do even
75% of the job he does cuz he's really good uh at what he does we're going to
talk more hobby more hockey and uh you know just uh everything in general so uh
glad to finally have them on last week and today is the conclusion of our
conversation and uh we're going to take a quick 30- second break and then we'll
be back with sberry hi I'm is Albert a longtime Card
Collector and the co-founder of the penny severer my wife and I started the penny severer with a simple premise in
mind to offer collectors top quality supplies at fair prices we offer a full
range of hobby supplies and we'll get them to you fast whether you're looking for a 260 Point magnetic for that
oversized patch card or a slew of semi- rigids for your next PSA submission the
penny sleer has you covered shop now at the penn.com and use
the promo code sction to get 10% off your first order that's SC Nation for
10% off at the penny.com the penny severer top quality supplies fair prices
all right guys happy to present you part two of our great conversation with Puck
junks sberry uh I know you attend the Expo uh in in Canada uh you know I've been to
the one in Toronto uh and kind of went it was a few years back it wasn't a
recent one probably three years ago four years ago kind of went in open-minded
and it was a great three or four days that I was there I kind of roomed with uh Eric Norton who was in at Becket at
that time and uh he invited me like hey because Syracuse is really not that far
from Toronto he kind of called me and said hey man I got I got two beds in my room if you want to make this trip and I
did uh so thanks to Eric and it was a great time time I I bought some cards uh saw some people that maybe you don't
always see being that's in uh you know north of the border and uh obviously it
was Heavy hockey as you well know but there were other sports there too uh I mean primarily hockey and they do a
great job with like interview guests and and signers and I I kind of coined it I
don't even think I was it was kind of like the the Canadian national and I don't and I don't mean that you know in
a in a d but it was a it it's a huge event it's a huge show and there's
probably people who maybe can't get to the state so that's there you know that's their Super Bowl show I gotta get
back I almost went this year to just schedule-wise wouldn't cooperate so uh I
plan on going again just kind of speak to that show I mean it's not fair to compare it to the National but it's a
it's a great show in its own right and as someone who's obviously done both kind of your
on on the you know the expo well it is a smaller show than the national I'll say that but um it's more concentrated with
hockey so I mean if you like hockey I mean you're going to find a lot of hockey at the national just going to be
like 10% if that right you go to the Expo it's going to be 80 to 90% you know
you'll find a dealer with non sports you'll find dealers from the states who bring their non hockey cards you know
they bring their their baseball and their basketball and their football because people in Canada want to collect
those also right um but um so it it's more concentrated if you're a hockey fan
it's definitely worth the trip because every table or almost every table is
going to have something that's going to want to make you stop and look like when I would buy at the national there'd be
just so much stuff that I'd skip okay here's a guy with four tables of autograph baseballs guess what I could
just Fast Track right past those tables I don't buy baseball I don't buy autograph
but at this show it's like oh that guy has hockey oh that guy has hockey has hockey that guy has team issued sets oh
that guy has uh dollar boxes oh that guy has uh cards from this year so I could finish my sets that guy has vintage
right so it's definitely a show that you're going to want to try to spend three or four days at it's a 4- day show
if you like getting autographs from hockey players I mean the most recent Expo that I went to I want to say there
were 35 hockey people signing autographs which a good naal might have five or six
last year's National had exactly one hockey signer which was Dominic hashek couple years before that when it was in
Chicago um there were like maybe four or five hockey guys so here this was like
35 hockey guys and then you know some actors some baseball players I think one
or two football players so it's a mix but it definitely skews heavy and hockey so I would say if that's what you
collect make the trip because you will find a lot of stuff that you like and also the with the exchange rate it
definitely helps being an American and changing your American money to Canadian money and just gives you you get more
bang for your buck so to speak all right a little bit of a hot seat question not not too bad obviously both shows are
great um like you said the national is is obviously bigger um as someone as a
hockey dealer and strictly from the business side of it if you will I'm not
not comparing the shows to like as many people as you meet or events after the show but strictly as a dealer do you
look forward to the Expo more because you for what your inventory is you're GNA have more percentage wise you know a
better chance you know you have a bigger audience on percentage wise or not necessarily you mean selling at the Expo
yeah yeah comparative to the National well I would not sell at the Expo and I
haven't and I'm I have no plan doing so because being in the United States you
got to bring your stuff over the Border you gotta you know and then there's taxes and stuff like that as far as like
when you bring merchandise in if I understand this correctly when you bring merchandise in you have to kind of prepay what they would tax you on your
sales and then when you come back with the merchandise then you say I sold this and I didn't sell this and then they
refund you the difference so there's just a lot of like just from like upfront Logistics and upfront costs and
stuff like that right so um I wouldn't really do that to sell also I kind of
like being a big fish in a small pond right like if I go and I sell hockey cards guess what has hockey in Canada
and they have some they have an advantage because you know they drove there you know so they're not spending a
lot of money on airfare and stuff like that or if I drove there it would just be like forever right I mean in
expensive with gas and everything um I like being a hockey dealer at the national and I'm okay with not being for
everybody because you know what the 10% of people who like hockey or maybe 20%
if you count casual buyers that's okay you know what like I'm not for everybody just like the people with high-end graded cards guess what they they make a
lot of money but they're also not for everybody so it's just it's like just that's the great thing about this hobby
is that there's enough different ways to sell and there's enough different ways to collect like I know one guy I would
never want to do this but he make he must make Bank edit because he's I see him at every Chicago show he has like
maybe four six booths all he sells are quarter cards tons and tons and he has
them under his table and he has boxes stacked on top of each other and there's always just people around his table it's
like a Feeding Frenzy and they're going through and they'll be like oh you like football I got some football and they'll just hand you a box you know I've gone
to his table and spent like 80 or100 doll on just quarter cards you know so
obviously he's doing something right but if you look at it some people be like cards you know so um yeah I mean so that
that's kind of my perspective i' I'd rather be a hockey seller in the US than
a hockey seller in Canada where it' be crowed yeah great point I I didn't think
I didn't even think of that I I apologize I didn't realize you you went but didn't set up so gonna ask you from
a dealer just went to buy for my own collection and you know to buy for my own collection mainly if I find
something that I I think I could sell in Chicago yeah of course I'm open to that I mean we're all open to that we all do
that s but uh yeah definitely went there to to buy some yeah you you you mentioned uh you know like buying like
what do you PC s like what does it make your showcases at a show like for me I
I'll answer kind of like my own question like for me as a as a fellow dealer I
you know collect graded Hall of Fame rookies of all sports baseball football
you know hockey B and basketball basketball probably be number fourth on that list but um I still have I still
have that and you know will you see that in my showcases if you see a a a rookie
card uh in those Sports of a Hall of Famer it's it's one I have duplicates up
like the first one stays home so for for you what what doesn't what won't someone
who's looking at your your your setup what won't they see or what do you keep
and know not for well I like complete sets especially vintage sets so like
I'll give you like a for instance I bought at the most recent Toronto Expo a complete
19771 op hockey that I'm I'm hanging on to that that's not going to be for sale
now if I end up with another set and you know then then I have two then yeah I'll sell one and keep one but like so to me
complete sets like I have pretty much every OPG set from
7273 that I got that 7071 I don't have 71 72 I have
7273 all the way up to 9394 tops I have every top set from 1968 69 to 94 95 then
after that it's like well there's so many other companies that doesn't matter as much right so like I like vintage
hockey sets um you know I oh and I also have a complete 5960 Parkers hockey set
which that took me a little while to piece together um and and so that's the thing like that those are my Keepers
right same with like rookie cards like I mean I got a Gretzky rookie I got a couple of Gretzky rookies and yeah if I
upgrade then yeah I would sell one um you know like I most recently I'll just show you since you mentioned Hall of
Famers I picked up a uh Stan Makita graded rookie card I don't have this
card right and he's like the all-time leading score for the Blackhawks and I'm like I should really have one of those
cards now I was looking for this card because I was trying to piece together the complete 6162 no
6061 um tops hockey set right so I I was looking for this card anyway um and then
just the fact that it was graded okay that's fine it it was affordable to me so I I bought it um but yeah so that's
the kind of stuff that you know I'm GNA hang on to that for a while unless I get one in shape then that one might end up
in the case and I think that's how it is with most dealers who are also collectors it's just like when you say
do I need to have three of this card or two of this card or 15 of this card yeah
you know not so much now but you know I did my first show sell at 15 years old
in 197 wow and then I had my first store at at age 25 years later and one of the
you know I get asked even when I'm like on on another podcast if the host knows kind of my background you know I get
asked do you know do you have trouble like I want to keep this or I want to sell it like that tuger war war that you
sometimes uh play it was bad for me in my my younger version you know now I'm
I'm better at like no that's going in the show inventory or that's not going but in my earlier days you know show
days store days I had more of that tug of warar like oh I kind of like this card I'm kind of hold on to it not put
it in the Showcase um and a lot of those times you know looking back kind sight
being you're like man I should have I should have sold that uh when when I had the chance so that that's a that's a
thing that used to be an issue for me not as much uh now so that that that
nice that it's not but it it you know I had a partner in my store and he'd be like what's that stack of cards in the
back and I'm like those are those are like PC goes well bring them home like why you even have them here you know and
and like it was just you know I'm like I'm tempting myself put it out or or
leave it back there you know so he's like well just if you're not going to sell him take him home and you know that
way nothing can happen to him or or whatever and I've gotten better at better at
uh Through The Years you mentioned vintage I love I love vintage really all sports uh but uh really you know
especially baseball uh as a dealer and I'll ask you this on the hockey side it's getting harder to kind of restock
and buy it you know it's easy to sell I want to say easy to sell but it's easier to sell than to necessarily uh buy uh
and there's more you know on on baseball and football and and there's a lot of people starting to get into the Vintage
uh you know I do carry hockey not a ton I'm sure you have way more than I do do
you do you find it harder to kind of restock vintage hockey or or not
necessarily oh yeah absolutely because everybody who is buying hockey not
everybody but a lot of people who are buying hockey they're buying the new stuff I mean look at like what's getting what are the breakers breaking right
they're breaking excuse me take a sip of coffee here yeah go ahead go ahead yeah
no just s sound like I swallowed a frog but um yeah so uh the breakers are
breaking new stuff so there is just a delus of new stuff out there right you
know there's no shortage of Connor Bedard cards when I was at the Expo it was easy to find Conor Bard it was
harder to find Stan Makita or Bobby Hall right just to stick with Blackhawks as my example right so anything that's new
there's tons of it out there so that's easy right with the older stuff it's either got to be somebody um decides you
know what I'm gonna part with these older cards or somebody died and then their Widow says you know what I'm going
to take all these cards and just sell them to this card store and then now they're going to you know put them out
on the market right so yeah it's it's tougher I'd say I think with like the newer cards a lot of people see them as
something to buy and sell and make money off of and with the older cards it's like stuff that people want stuff they
like so they kind of hang on to them yeah that's a great point you made there the last line right I think more you're
seeing less vintage gets flipped where like you said the the modern the Ultra Modern uh is more like hey I'll buy it
on Monday and sell it on Friday and buy some stuff and then the process kind of gets repeated uh as a dealer what like
what percentage is of your inventory uh is vintage too to Modern again it's hard
to like it's not an exact science if you had to guess what would would you say percentage vintage to to Modern so if
we're talking like pre-1990 I'd say like maybe 20% and it might be less than that because I sold a
lot of it at the last National um again because it it doesn't restock as easy
and then also because I'm buying new cards right so like I'm always going to buy new cards right because I'm a collector right so I you know I like
buying the cards I like opening the packs even if I don't build the set you know I'll try a box if I like it I'll
get more if I don't that's okay it's in my budget I'll buy it so then I end up with cards that I don't necessarily want
right so it's easier to buy you know 2324 product than 8687 product I mean
it's ridiculous that like unopened boxes like I saw like an unopened box of 8889
tops hockey and I was just like oh that would be so much fun to open because that was the first year I collected
hockey cards and I'm just fond of everything from the rapper to the Wayne Gretzky card where he's holding up the
king's Jersey and so I'm like okay 800 bucks 800 bucks for a box of
8889 Topps hockey cards now if you complete the set maybe a $100 set maybe
an $80 set right so you gotta really I mean there's no point in buying and
opening old stuff and there's enough of it out there right but I mean at 800 bucks you're not gonna if if you bought
a box of that and you opened it just to have fun right because money is nothing
to you right so 800 bucks whatever yeah like people who buy a bottle of wine for $800 at a restaurant right it's nothing
for them right so I guess if you bought a box of hockey cards for $800 knowing full well that if you open up all the
packs you're not going to make back $800 and you're okay with that have at it right but that's that's not what I can
right so it's easier just to buy $800 worth of new stuff get lots of new stuff
and potentially something that people would want a little bit more because I hate to say it but if I get a young gun
of mlin celebrini or even if I buy last year's uh series to and I get a Connor
Bedard Young Gun probably gonna have an easier time selling that than a complete
8889 tops hockey set which is unfortunate but that's just how it is yeah it's the you know what have you
done for me lately type of uh you know Mantra that uh many people in in the
hobby go do and I I agree and listen I've you know I used to open a lot more
wax out than than I do now like you said I don't mean this is I'm just being real
like you were like right generally it's a losing proposition sure there's exceptions to that rule but like you
said you got to kind of go in there expecting that and if you're comfortable you know with that expectation uh you'll
be all right but uh you know that's the gambling aspect of the hobby is buying a box and open there's no guarantee you're
going to get get what you paid for it out you know what what's in the box is going to match what it cost and that's
the risk you take and and then sometimes it does happen you hit something huge and it it you get that adrenaline rush
but it like you said to me um I agree with you it's you're better off buying the card you want to kind of whether it
be for PC or for show inventory um but like you said uh I was curious to see
how it was on on the hockey side but vintage is getting a little trickier to kind of the restock um at least for me
too and I'm always I'm always asking like you know people I know that are at my table hey you know I even I'm at the
point where I'm like listen I don't need it in grade worthy condition I just need
inventory so if you got a A bunch of D duplicates or you know you were starting
a set and you decided I'm not going to do it and you got some stars and semi stars um and I've gotten some deals like
that but it it's getting harder and harder uh to to do those like you said a
lot of people you're that that competition pool there's a lot of people in there swimming with you're trying to
buy that stuff too and it's not recirculating like you like you brought out people are buying that and then
keeping it and so it's it's getting trickier but uh you know but that's why it's it's it's fun and that's why it's
in demand and and when you do buy a nice lot it's it's usually productive you are
listening to the sports card Nation Podcast we'll be right back after this
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[Music] 5561 we are
back I got to ask you a couple dealer questions you know I'm a pricer like all
my stuff is is is priced I've kind of been like that uh for day one when I'm a
consumer at a show and I'm just walking around believe it or not I'm fairly shy guy I don't like to ask like hey how
much is this I'm not saying I don't I I have it's not Uncharted Territory but I'm more apt to not and maybe just go to
a table and try to find one with a a price on it what's your philosophy as a
dealer are you a pricer or or no uh I price almost everything I there might be
a few things I don't price for whatever reason um not to keep people guessing although sometimes it people guessing
but no like I um I absolutely do price my cards I find it annoying when people
don't price their cards because then a lot of times I find it like when people don't price their cards like sometimes
they just want too much for them anyway right um but then it's like I have to it's like I have to play like a game
like remember memory when you flip over a card you flip over another card you go oh those don't match and then you put it right so you go how much is that card
and they go $20 they go oh okay how much is that card and they go $25 go oh okay right and you're like how
much is that c like $40 you're like you know and it just like you get tired of asking questions right like because look
everybody has a threshold like what they think it's what they would like to spend on like what they think it's worth or
what they'd like to spend on it right so um I I'm just not I'm just not interested in playing gu games at
other's table and at the same time I don't want people to have to feel like they have to do that at my table like
people have come up to me they haven't bought it they might not buy anything but they'd say I appreciate that you price your stuff or they'd say your
tables are so nice to look at I do card shows and I do toy shows us to be a big toy collector now I'm parting out my toy
collection right so people will come and they'll just say you have a really nice setup and I'll be like thanks I hope it pays off right in more ways than what
right because it's one thing to say you have a nice table but if they don't buy anything so what right like um but yeah
I definitely price my cards because I want people you know look at the stuff
and just you know kind of know if it's something they want to buy or not and I feel like like you said some people are
kind of shy to ask kids are sometimes shy to ask or afraid to ask um you know
and then also it kind of gives a starting point right because like we still got those people with their phones right like I saw this guy he was I call
it doing long division right he was standing at my table he was doing long division on his phone I know what he was doing he was he was cing a Carill Capri
off card that I had and you know he's just like well it's competent for this and I go yeah that's okay I I I said
very politely I said' look it's numbered out of 299 I'll wait he's having a great season he's second in scoring in the NHL
right now um you know and also I I have money tied you know you you put some money into buying some of these cards
right so it was just like I was polite I just said oh that that's all right I can't really go that low right but if
anything it gives them a starting point in their head right and so I I think that's nice I think that's the thing
like with any negotiation it's like somebody's got to throw out a number first and I think if you're a dealer
you're saying I'm willing to sell this product for this much right you've made the decision that you're going to sell
it you're not going to keep it in your PC you're going to sell it and that you're comfortable asking for this
amount right and I think that like when you don't then it just becomes a guessing game right or it just becomes
like a like a a blinking contest and I don't think that's really fair to the consumer either right like if they have
to ask what the price is on everything that that kind of wastes their time and then they also might feel like they're
hassling which you know well then the dealer kind of set himself up for that right also one more other thing I know
I'm getting long winded here I'll get off the Soap Box no you're good you're good I think it's also lazy on the dealers part how many times have you
seen where they have boxes of cards and you kind of you go in you reach in you grab a card start and you go the cards
and they go they're all different prices and you're just like yeah it is I I tell
you you sound like me almost across the board uh s it's sort of lazy I get comps
change I get how comps are a big thing but at the end of the day like you said with the kiosoft example right it's your
card you can put whatever you want on it and you know just as well as I do right
as a pricer as a dealer who prices a c it's a starting point right very few occasions where someone it happens where
someone will come up and be like I'm taking that thank you usually it's like hey what's the best you can do you get
that you do it uh any better on then so that price is a starting point anyway
and if I didn't price my stuff right and you come up to my table say hey how much is that card and I say 25 bucks now to
be fair I need to remember that because the next guy that and let's say you don't buy it and the next guy comes
along and he says hey how much is that card it's the same card what if I said 20 you know what I mean I forgot and
what if you know somebody shows are kind of on the small side he like hey you know I got that for 20 bucks and like he
told me 25 and you can you can really rub somebody the wrong way where if it's
priced it's it's it's stickered for everybody to know what it is and it's whoever wants it bad enough or or first
and I think you know I think when you don't price your stuff it just can lead to some issues like that hey he told me
that he told you this I don't you know he's inconsistent and and you know even if you mark him up a little higher
knowing like hey someone's going to banter with me or Hag on price which I do the same thing it's not a bad thing I
don't mean that in a derogatory way but like you said it's a starting point so
like you I I price I think it's it's easier uh so like you said you know some
people aren't going to ask so it keeps them as potential customers where if you
didn't price and they're not at not going to ask you've already eliminated them from a potential sale because
they're you could have the best PR price on it you know it could be a $100 card and you want 30 bucks but you don't
price it that person's not going to ask to ever know that so where if you priced it for 30 bucks someone's just going to
come along and say uh that one's mine I'm taking so I think it you know by not
pricing you sort of eliminate a percentage of that of people who are buying that are not just to ask you I
don't want to do that you know uh me personally I I don't want to eliminate so much right off the Jump Street so
I've always done it like you too there's there's a couple maybe kind of a card that's kind of fluctuating from whether
it be every couple weeks or from one month to the next and I maybe I'll leave that on pric where someone will say hey
I know that's a crazy car what did we get on and again you know and then you negotiate uh from there so you know we
kind of we think along the same lines which is kind of neat uh let's talk about the podcast you know you kind of
mentioned you know how would I kind of all came about um you know how long have
have you done it kind of what do you you know you interview people uh let you
know get uh let people know about about your show and what it entails all right
so my Puck junk is or my podcast is called the puck junk hockey podcast or the puck junk podcast uh I started it in
2015 I started my Puck junk blog in 2007 and then I added the podcast in 2015 and
then I added an online store in 2019 where I sell my original t-shirts uh
hockey themed t-shirts some are based on uh they look like old Topps hockey
rappers they're not they just look like them but they're my own designs I have some other ones that are video game
themed hockey video game themed so I started my store in 2019 and I started
my uh newsletter my weekly email newsletter in 2023 so I got all these different facets but um the podcast
started that in 2015 talk to people uh in the industry who like have to do with
hockey cards sometimes I've been lucky enough to talk to some former NHL players who talked about their career
with us um I thought it was funny when um we interviewed Craig Patrick who used
to be the general manager of the Pittsburgh Penguins he was uh the GM when they drafted yarma Yager fifth
overall in 1990 who was also the assistant coach on the 1980 US Olympic
hockey team that won the gold medal and I thought it was fun when my co-host asked him he says how do you feel about
being on the yir yger upper deck rookie card where he's shaking hands with them after he drafted him and he said I'm
kind of embarrassed that I take up that much of his rookie card which I thought was just such a funny answer right so
you know we talk about new sets we talk about vintage sets um we Shy Away about
talking about prices too much because there's other podcasts do that sort of thing and yeah it just gets exhausting
to be like this card sold for $10,000 and it's a PSA 9 and it's just
like okay great you know that's you know what that's that's the bling right that's the gold chain but that's that's
there's no substance um we did though I will say this when uh Upper Deck Series
2 came out and the Connor Bedard Young Gun started hitting eBay like right away
we did a podcast about that card and just how the card like the first one that sold on eBay was $1,200 ridiculous
right it just we talked about just that whole day like how the card started at 1,200 and then it kind of went down to
700 but then there were the different variations and inserts and stuff so we do get caught up in that from time to
time because it's hard not to yeah and that's that's not wrong with that so I I'll stick up for you too then that's
that's important stuff that's you know you know especially in a player who's kind of at least you know even before
he's done anything yet sort of changing the landscape of of the Market I I don't think there's anything wrong with that
like you we don't even on this show I don't talk a lot of bit a lot about pricing but it'll come up uh sometimes
but my philosophy is this that stuff is all out there can find out I'm not breaking like Hey this not like any kind
of Insider information that's public domain stuff so I like you I don't I
don't delve in that too too often and like you said there's plenty of other content that's already uh knocked that
out of the PO know covered it uh um and uh I'm more you know personal stories uh
and the people in The Hobby and that sort of thing and what they're doing rather than the up and down you know uh
pricing I mean it does uh does come up occasionally but it's just not my focus much like uh you men so but but go ahead
I just kind of wanted to interject no no it's quite all right I mean your show interject
away but I I you know the thing is is that like a card being highly desirable
ride out of the gate kind of like Alexa La franer in 2021 right like you have to talk about these things well you don't
have to but you should because they they drive the market forward but you're right like it's I sometimes it was
interesting that like sometimes we would recap like here are the five biggest eBay sales from the last week but then
it was just kind of like okay a Sydney Crosby rookie card with an autograph sold for this much and a Conor McDavid
rookie card with an autograph and a patch sold for this much right so it just it kind of just became more of like a laundry list or grocery list than like
actually talking like about like why that's important and I think that's that's the thing like when we talked
about Bard and like why that was important um so uh yeah so that's kind
of like what we cover though like we we do interviews with people who work in the industry we interview hockey players
we you know sometimes have other guests on um and uh yeah and we talk about new
sets we talk about old sets right because uh we're all myself Clemente and Tim we're all collectors so you know we
like to talk about like the stuff that gives us joy in collecting yeah you know much like uh the tagline of the show
right the Hobbies the people like I get the cards are the the Common Thread but right it's us who who make up that hobby
uh without us that there is no hobby so uh I love those stories and the personal
aspects of those so uh I like that more like we like we just said I like that
more than even the the talking about what a card or set or or sealed wax went
for although we do you know like you said we do have to cover that at certain times because it is it is important just
the just the same so I I'll I'll one more question and I'll let you kind of give out all your credentials social
website uh where people can grab the shirts listen to the podcast um I'm a guy that likes to find under the radar
players and in really any sport uh you're the hockey guy so I'm going to you know an underrated player in in the
game right now that doesn't get enough hobby love but should that's a tough
question um because there's a lot of players that should get hobby love that don't um that are underrated like okay
this guy's obviously going to be in the Hall of Fame so saying that he's under the radar is ridiculous but like if Genny malcin on the Penguins right he's
been in the league just one year less than Sydney Crosby everybody wants Crosby cards yeah people want highend
Malin cards but it's just funny how like nobody really he's not like a collected player like the same at the same level
as Crosby or even oetkin right so I feel like that's a player who's like severely underrated and I just thought of this
the other day as was going through cards and like he's going my three four doll boxes oh these going in my like Star box
for like a dollar right oh okay Crosby goes in the dollar bucks right malcin three for a dollar it's just funny how
that that works out right like um as far as like new rookies I can't really think of anybody off the top of my head who's
like under the radar um I think that like a lot of people were expecting mcklin celebrini to maybe be the odds on
favorite to win rookie of the year he was the first overall pick to San Jose Sharks however he had an injury so he's
not like at the top in the rookie scoring um the guys though that are at
the top of rookie scoring aren't really exactly household names so maybe these would be kind of under the radar even
though they have the stats to back it up uh matvey mitchoff of the um should say matvey mitchoff of the Philadelphia
Flyers currently leads rookies in scoring and in goals and in Logan
stankoven of the Dallas Stars leads rookies in assists and he's second in
points right so just off the top of my head when you said you know uh when you asked me earlier like yeah I think of
some players to talk about I was thinking yeah stankoven seems like he'd be the one to win uh The Calder Trophy
uh although uh meof has a few more points right now and a lot of times with forwards the league tends to kind of
lean towards okay which forward rookie had the most points they're the winner
of the Rookie of the Year with defenseman defenseman don't have to lead in points they just have to make like an
impact on their team and then of course with goalies I think this is so funny but like if you're a rookie goalie you
have to be like one of the best goalies in the league to be considered as Rookie of the Year you can't just be
a good goalie for a rookie you have to be like among the best that would be like saying last year if Connor Bedard
had as many points as Sydney Crosby and uh Conor McDavid that would be like an unfair criteria so I feel like goalies
are held to a much higher standard defenseman a higher standard and then forward it's like hey you showed up and
you're 18 and you scored 60 points in 80 games good for you you get Rookie of the
right it's it's definitely a lower CR it's the old it's the old chicks dig the long ball line right chick chicks dig uh
you know hit in the back of the net uh with the puck as as well so I get it you
know with defensemen the one thing I like about hockey too s is you know in
football defensive players they could be like game-changing players and their
cards aren't necessarily as desired as a quarterback or um but in hockey I think
there's more love to to the defensive side of the game uh you know with with
guys who are are you know Big Time Defenders I I I it's nice to see that
because you don't see that as much in other sports um I'm sure there's there's room for improvement even on the hockey
side but you know I think I think H hockey collectors are more appreciative
of defensive players than maybe football collectors are or at least willing to to
spend with their with their while it's in firstes to sort of make that known then we see well it depends again but it
also depends on the the type of defenseman so if it's an offensive defenseman like kale M yeah absolutely
or if it's like a big hitter like uh Jacob trouba right a captain of the Rangers right like he's he's a pop he's
a popular player because he's a physical player right so when you have like those physical players um they're popular or
when you have like guys who help in the offense like a kale card then yeah then
uh they're they're more collectible but then when you have like your stay-at-home defenseman not not as much
you're you're you're good defensive defenseman not super popular on for um
yeah you know I i' definitely say it probably goes you know um your Topline
centers you know like your your mcdavid's or even like your Topline forwards like your Alex oetkin or kill
Capri soft especially if they're playing on a Major Market team um they're G be
tops in the industry followed by go tenders yeah no doubt well this has been
this has been fun uh for me I have I love to have you back on but uh you know
before we uh Before We Say Goodbye give out where people can pick up some of that apparel your podcast website social
media uh no time limit get that information out there and steer people
uh that way to check out what absolutely so you can find everything at Puck junk.com you can uh find the Blog
podcast the newsletter the store all of those things are there but uh separately
you could find the podcast at Puck junk.com podcast the shop at Puck
junk.com shop and the newsletter at Puck junk.com newsletter and then likewise if
you want to follow me on social media I'm on X Puck junk um Instagram at Puck
junk got a YouTube channel uh got a Facebook collectors group
fb.com grroup Huck junk you can join that as well um yeah I'm pretty much out
there uh on on all the uh on all the socials and such so uh if you want to follow me there I'll follow you back and
uh yeah hope hope you uh check out some of the things that I got my podcast my newsletter and so forth yeah listen you
know you're you're approaching your 10th year of on the podcasting side of things
and and as you well know and I well know at at six years that's a long time in in
this space so uh hats off hats off to you there on on approaching your 10year
uh anniversary thank you very cool s Barry coming on the show uh that was
part two of our conversation part one was the last Friday if you want to catch
that one if you didn't uh already we appreciate uh all you out there for for
tuning in uh great having Salon very lot of lot of the same hats we wear wear
right collector dealer writer uh hockey fans uh but I mean his hockey knowledge
is is far superior uh to mine and uh leaned into that a little bit uh during
our conversation for for sure so uh we'll have S back on long as he'll come
back on uh got definitely can talk more current events and maybe more hockey uh
the sport uh as well next time so look forward to that uh down the line all
right we're going to hear from our hobbies and people announcer some closing thoughts and wrap up this week's
episode time for our hobby is the people announcer of the
[Music] week this is David Keele remember the
hobby is the people if you'd like to be the hobby is the people announcer of the week do a wave or MP3 file and send it
to sports card na PC gmail.com that's a wrap for this week
huge thanks to you the listeners out there because without you there is no us
if you like the show we truly appreciate positive reviews Big Ups to our great
guests who drive the show and our awesome sponsors who make it all possible sports card Nation will be back
next week but don't forget to catch either hobby quick hits or card menes coming up on Monday day I'll leave you
with this how do we change the world one random act of kindness at a
time remember the hobby is the people hobby hotline is the Hobby's only
live interactive Callin show join some of your favorite hobby personalities every Saturday 11:00 a.m. eastern 8 a.m.
Pacific to discuss the hottest hobby topics if you miss us live catch us
after the fact on all major podcast platforms follow us on socials at Hobby
hotline hobby News Daily is your homepage of the hobby providing original writing exclusive gem rate data a daily
Morning Minute Podcast and some of the best content creators in the hobby remember Hobby newws daily.com and at
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