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Nov. 29, 2024

Ep.312 w/ Lauren Rizzo Shaffer Part II

Ep.312 w/ Lauren Rizzo Shaffer Part II

The multi-talented Lauren Rizzo Shaffer returns to talk some hobby this week.

Talking Points on this episode (may include):
*Collecting Vince Carter and Shaq
*Writing for numerous hobby entities
*Show schedule grind
*Card Art explosion and...

The multi-talented Lauren Rizzo Shaffer returns to talk some hobby this week.

Talking Points on this episode (may include):
*Collecting Vince Carter and Shaq
*Writing for numerous hobby entities
*Show schedule grind
*Card Art explosion and stitching cards
*Women in the Hobby
*Hobby "Magic Wand"

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sports card Nation the hobby is the people Weekly News and interviews It's
Your Number One Source sport card Nation the hobby is the
[Music] people Sports
Nation what up everybody Welcome to episode 312 of sports card
Nation Lauren Rizzo schaer is back for part two of our great
conversation uh continuing from last week's episode and Lauren's a writer for
various hobby Publications a collector uh she you know does shows uh she
stitches cards she's uh and she's just a great person right and I think that's the biggest uh takeaway and I was glad
to finally have her on and so we get some more Lauren today and that is a a
good thing uh just to say real quick uh some of you reached out uh they figured
out it was my birthday probably through Facebook if you follow me on Facebook or attach to me on Facebook I didn't really
talk about necessarily my birthday but uh some of you who happen to know or
figured it out uh who sent uh birthday wishes uh means a lot to me I want to
say thank you uh for that another year older uh you know I guess it could be
worse but um you know still here and uh nothing hobby related to talk about uh
birthday wise uh you know stayed home ordered some Italian food uh for me and
the family and uh had a great birthday it was a rainy day so kind of just uh
stayed inside and and ate some food and relaxed and uh uh watched some football
uh as well happened to be Sunday so uh got to watch some football and uh uh no
Steelers game they played earli in the week lost to the brown so no nerves go and just relaxed and watched all the
other teams uh play so uh pretty good birthday and again thanks to those who
who said happy birthday so appreciate that so enough about that let's get the
show uh going quick 30 second break and then we're back with Lauren Rizzo schaer
hobby hotline is the Hobby's only live interactive Callin show join some of
your favorite hobby personalities every Saturday 11:00 a.m. eastern 8:00 a.m. Pacific to
discuss the hottest hobby topics if you miss us live catch us after the fact on
all major podcast platforms follow us on socials at Hobby
[Music] hotline now to the conclusion of our great conversation with Lauren Rizzo
schaer I know some of that stuff where where card art is involved with that
artist having to cut up the card cards and and you know whether it be like what you just showed in a shadow box or just
cutting up pieces and making sort of a a caleidoscope design and other designs if
you will but here's the thing like I it's a bad par I know people make the parallel to those two things but you
know when it comes to like car trimming and cut that's done to dupe somebody
they're not they're not someone that's doing that stuff doesn't want you to know they did that stuff that's the the
whole end game is like I'm going to sell this as it's not altered and hey look at
it it's got four sharp corners and no white edging and it's going to grade
high or did you know you fool The Grater in some cases right yeah right card art
is not that it it there's no secret I mean the secret might be in how the heck did the artist do that that's amazing
but there's no secret like they're not this isn't designed to get graded and go
from a six a nine you know I mean that's that's not the end game there so I get I
get why some people draw those parallels but it's it's you can't because they're
two different animals right not even the same species and so exactly yeah and I think I think it gives card a bad rep
when it it's not even an earned one like if you're gonna get a a bad rep at leas they're not trying like this is all up
in the like this is this this is all 100% transparent like I'm going to you
know look like uh like you know Tim Carol who who cuts up real cards and then makes a picture of iconic cards
with the cutup c there no secret he's at the national at a table doing it in front of
it you know and you you're right I think people connect those when there's really
no connection they are two different one is a completely illegal immoral act
right uh a theft in the sense and the other one's creativity and if someone
wants to pay for that creativity and genius then it is what it is they that
no one's buying you know that that Shack you have you know you're not sending
that to PSA or SGC uh for grading they wouldn't grade it but even if they did
you know what I mean that's not necessarily uh what it's what it's about so I right I get it I think you make a
great point there and I think but the point is these are two different things that shouldn't be put into the same same
box one is done by one is done by criminal element and the other is done
by a very talented uh person and someone might say well John that trimmer might
be talented he might be you know a bank robbers can be talented too good at their CRA it's still illegal and and a
crime so right frowned upon though so yeah yeah so to put him in the same
categories not not not fair uh to the artists that are doing great work but it's a great point because I think
that's what exactly uh happens unfortunately and unfairly so um so hopefully that that sort of changes and
people see for what it really is meant to be right I think most people do I I
think most people do but you have that small segment right that just doesn't think about it maybe on on that same
level maybe you and the majority uh do you know I know you mentioned uh Kayla I
believe the player was Austin Hayes I could be wrong yeah I blanked on it completely but yeah yeah no that's okay
that's okay uh I just figured I'd throw that in there well uh you know I want to segue to you know uh women in the hobby
you kind of mentioned that as well obviously you are a woman in in the hobby um I've been in the hobby since
1979 I can tell you as a seven year old kid in 1979 um it was obviously in you know
heavily very few women involved in the hobby when I did my first show as a
15year old dealer in 1987 same thing right well we made and
we've got a lot of room for room ways to go don't I'm not you know well I think
the Hobbies made strides uh in this category we've seen uh women hold
positions of power in the corporate side of of the hobby uh we're seeing
obviously a lot more uh female collectors that is awesome um we're
seeing more female dealers which I think is really super cool um you know used to
be let's I'm going to keep it real like it used to be if you saw a female behind
the table was someone's wife now these are dealers themselves there may not
even be a husband you know and and you know black jaded wolf and others I I don't you know
I'll leave someone out but but there's there's we're seeing across the board at all different levels ERS collectors uh
jobs in the hobby holding very important positions for me it's it's great to see because that's how it should be the
hobby should be about anything should be about diversity you know including uh
everyone but we have a ways to go I've heard you know the bad side of the stories where I've seen it I'm Not Gon
to lie I've seen firsthand being set up as a dealer another dealer how do I want
bch a female collector or assume she didn't know as much because she was
female yet that wasn't the case I've had that conversation I don't want to say with a friend but even just in a dealer
acquaintance and I'm like you went and assumed you know and that's not the case
you can't you know and I've had those tough conversations so while we've made strides Lauren I know I'm being a little
longwinded here there's still ways to go from from your perspective as an actual
uh woman in the hobby what have you you know from from when you started and and
and today you know I'm sure you've seen strides but kind of talk about even your
own personal experiences if you will uh kind of talk about you know piggyback and sort off what I said uh you know
what you've seen firsthand you know in the trenches if you will to be a little dramatic yeah I I mean well first of all
I I would like to say I appreciate that you acknowledge that you witnessed something and um you know you you
experienced that you know through somebody else because a lot of people I will say you know not to paint with
broad strokes but um they don't want to acknowledge that and um you know I don't
want to sit here and be like boohoo it's so hard for me but um if if it wasn't
for my husband I don't know that I would have stayed in this space if it wasn't for social media I know I wouldn't have
stayed in this space um it's big part of the hobby I think and I don't think
anybody would disagree with this is community and I think finding a community of women is what made me feel
comfortable and able to stay because um there's ju I mean just there's there's
doubts sometimes I'll just be frank I have doubts sometimes do I know what I'm talking about do I belong here um do I
want to even go into this experience whether it be you know trading or or my
husband you know he's a dealer and I go with him and um you know I I'll I'll be
honest I've I've had to tell him like I'm very happy to be here if you need to run to the restroom or get a snack I
obviously am happy to be here by myself but um people will sometimes not talk to
me when I'm there by myself um they you know I I can greet them or whatever and
I've been I mean I've been make I'll say I'll say what maybe you're I want to say fearful but you're a little T say right
you might be viewed as oh that's just a dealer's wife yeah and you are you are
I'm not saying that if exactly but they think like oh she she doesn't know she
doesn't know anything about the car and it's the same conversation not the not the kind of to cut in on here but it's
kind of it's the same conversation I had with the dealer who I was set up next to
who basically belittle might be too strong I don't think it was that bad but
he basically without even knowing the young lady just made the assumption that
she didn't know anything because of her you know right race and uh or you know
because she was female and you can't do that you can't do you can't make that assumption just on on visuals um and
people do that all the time I'm not you know but you can't or you should TR definitely try uh not to and and you
know I saw the kind of the interaction between the two of them um she walked
away I don't think she was feeling pretty good about that interaction and and I knew him enough Lauren to say
something to him and I used Tack and I used tacked in my conversation to him
and then I'll just you know give the cliff notes version I basically said you know I think you you sort of you know
how come you said this and how come you said that well I I didn't think she knew and I'm like you just did you hear what
you just said you you didn't think she did meaning she did and I'm like you can't you know not in not anymore you
know uh and and you shouldn't anyway but uh especially uh the HBY is is is
growing and um and and and rightfully so and I I think he learned his lesson
between the interaction and my conversation uh afterwards and I'm not a
you know a gatekeeper per se I don't believe I think we're all Gatekeepers right I don't think you selfa appoint
yourself but I I was I was glad I knew him on off laoren that I could have that
that sort of tough conversation if you will and I think right after between what happened with the conversation uh
with the young lady and my conversation again afterwards I think he realized sort of the error in in his ways and I I
you know so I think when when the next time comes I think he'll you know muscle
memory he'll he'll revert back to like hey I'm not going to do make that mistake again uh or at least I hope so
right right um and and you know we can learn from our mistakes right and hopefully in this case that dealer does
but so I've seen that you know why you know I've seen that firsthand and I felt
really bad I almost wanted to like leave my table and like kind of go up to and
like hey I I like deal like all dealers are not like that either please don't
you know but I I did so I I took my opportunity to sort of direct that at him and and sort of a teaching moment if
you will a professional muscle in as well but you know and and maybe prevent
that I think that's you know being proactive that's where the change will eventually uh occur and so so for me to
like say that doesn't happen when I seen it firsthand I know it I know what occurs and and and I um I hate to say it
maybe it's more the norm than it should be uh and some uh some scenarios so but
I didn't mean to cut you out but I wanted to in yeah I'm glad you see it for yeah just seeing it firsthand but
you know is again and like going back to you you know where you're behind the table people making that assumption that
oh she doesn't know she's just watching the table so and so gets back you know and you can't you can't do that you
can't do that even if it was the case you still it still can't do it it doesn't make it uh right so but but go
ahead I mean I just wanted to sort of interject but go ahead I'm sorry yeah I I appreciate you saying all that because
um you know and even you know you saying um you felt comfortable you know talking
to this this person you know and saying like why would you treat somebody that way um you know it I it's hard it is
hard um you know and I I know a lot of people don't want to talk about this and they don't to have this conversation but
it you know a lot of people talk about 10 Xing the hobby I know that's kind of a massive slogan for you know some
corporations and stuff um you can't you can't 10 exit if you are trying to close
people out if you are trying to say you don't fit the mold and um I think you
know you you make a very good point too A lot of people are like oh that's just the wife the girlfriend whatever um I
can hold space for both things I can be a collector and I can be a spouse I can
you know I can be two things at once and that seems to confound some people with
that whether they realize that or not um you know I I might not know everything you know sometimes my husband has really
high-end cards and I I don't know the details of the the price but like you
know and here here's the other thing and this will be a shorter Interruption no one here's the thing no
one knows everything that exact it's not a it's not a male I don't know anything
it's not a male it's not men know everything and and women don't it's it's
we can say that about every dealer every person in the hobby so yeah you know we've got to stop like looking at
someone at face value and then making all these assumptions and no one no one
knows everything so you know uh it just becomes like how much do you know but uh
you know and I learned St something every day and this is 44 years in into
the hobby right so so yeah you but but go ahead I just want to when I hear you
say well we don't know again that's again a stereotype that we got to get away you're right though like you know
but the that that not everybody knows everything but the bar is definitely and
I'm not saying in contrast to what you're saying I I understand what I don't want you to think I'm being in opposition of what you're saying um just
to add on to it you know the bar is higher for some of us um and you know me
having to text my husband on something because he didn't mark the price or whatever um not always but sometimes
people are like I'll just come back and then they're you know and um you know that's not more than anything that put
that that makes me feel like a hindrance to you know my husband's operation there
and that's not that's not what it is and that's not fair for me to put that kind of pressure on myself um I don't really
remember where I was going but um yeah I just I don't um um I mean I I don't know
how many I don't know how many times I I could probably text any of my um you
know female friends right now and say um has anybody ever challenged you when you
were talking about something Instagram or in person or what have you um and I I would probably say maybe like nine out
of time nine out of ten times the the probably the top of Mind response would be oh yeah they asked me to name uh um
like five players from that team or name their statistics you know the statistics
of that particular I can't tell you how many times I've tried to join into a conversation um mostly online you know
in the comment section or whatever and the comments that come up underneath it are um you know name name five players
from whatever name their their scoring average from the last they're giving you a test when there's no test yeah ad
Minister yeah if my my husband has an opinion on on an athlete nobody's asking
him like okay well what was you know what was the shooting average in you know 1994 like and
I and i' I've seen that I've seen that too I've seen that I've seen that in the
hobby Lauren I've seen that you know speaking fantasy leagues I play in in
baseball and football fantasy leagues and we had a female uh person you know a
lady in our fantasy football league now I didn't know her I just met her at the draft but there were a couple and I
didn't do it but there were a couple other guys in that League that much like you just said hey you know uh kind of
quized her like sort of to justify her being in the same room yeah and you know
I I think I even said like knock it off guys let's get the draft going or like you know I did it in I said listen she's
you know we're all paying 125 bucks to enter into like let's you know sort of like through water on the fire like to
put it right in that in that sort of way instead of making it a bigger deal I
think it worked because then we got going but like I felt bad it was almost like she had to like earn her way in and
and that again an unnecessarily an unnecessary test there is no test right
right if she doesn't know if she doesn't know right that's her 125 bucks in this
case right he wants to play and enjoy a you know that's her business we don't have to quiz or test anybody right um
you know so I see it's not even just again in the hobby that's that's a
fantasy league story but so but I'm and I know that happens Obby because again I've seen it uh on that level too has it
let me ask you this kind of and then we'll get into into your writing but is has it improved and are we moving are
the improvements moving fast enough or or or in your opinion are we getting
better you know at at the right pace or or not necessarily I I think it's it's
hard to say it's hard to generalize that I'll say for me I'll I'll be honest um
I've never been a big like blocker for accounts like blocking people um but if
I have found that if I see something appro inapo like that I I deem um
unacceptable I'll just go ahead and use that word unacceptable unacceptable from my experience um I I will probably just
go ahead in in the I don't we don't have to have ever interacted I could just see your comment and just gut sense I don't
want this part of my experience um and you know that's not with everything but with with the Hobby in order for me to
not get burnt out on it um and and to enjoy it I I I I have to curate my
experience and um you know I I'm I don't want to speak for you know all women all
my friends um you know all all minorities like you know across the
board I think in some ways we've gotten better I think in some ways um it's been
more overt or more covert it just kind of depends um I I think I don't know you
know I'll just I'll just say I I it's hard because you you can't you don't
want like my line I always say you don't want to paint with a broad brush it's not listen I think we we both will agree
on this much right it's never going to be right it's not gonna be a Utopia it's
not gonna be all like roses every day but I'm here and I'm happy and um I
wouldn't I wouldn't be if I wasn't I guess I'll just say that now is it the same level of happiness every day and in
every inter interaction and experience probably not but like overall I I still
derive Joy from being a part of this community Community from collecting um
from whatever aspect that I take in from my experience um I think that you know
with people like you who are saying um not necessarily that this is a priority
but that this is something I'm willing to act on and to um divert somebody
else's discomfort into my own so that I can maybe prevented in the future
because that's what you're you're doing with these interactions and I think that's the biggest thing I think um for
a lot of men it is hard to stand up to your friends and I know you don't want to you know destroy relationships
because it can impact your collecting down the line but I I don't think you're wrong for me just speaking for myself if
that conversation ruins a friendship or an acquaintance if you will then I
probably didn't what kind of friend did I hate to say it like this but what kind of friend that I really like I don't
exactly it doesn't it doesn't align with how I was rais in what I believe in so
and I'm not saying you have to all your friends you have to agree with everything they say that's that's basic
human know kindness decency I think that that's a a pretty pretty you know if I
lose a friend or even a listener on the podcast uh because I I stick up for
somebody who deserves to be stucking up for yeah then so be then so be it uh I
I'll I'll when my head hits the pillow that day I'll I'll sleep just fine and and hopefully wake up uh just fine as
well too so that's never been for me uh and maybe it's easier for me than than
for some others I I again can't pay with that that say but for me just the way I was raised I was raised by my
grandparents and my grandfather died when I was 12 and so uh you know my
grandma was still around for for years after that for all intents and purposes she she was my mom so uh and a very
strong female presence so that's never going to be an issue with me and even
further than that I have no problem you know going to bad if you will uh you know to try to prevent uh some of that
stuff we see and like like I said if I lose a friend an acquaintance or a
listener because of that stance then it is what it is I'm I'm I'm I'm okay with
that like that's I'd be not okay if I didn't do anything and and think well my
grandma would be very uh disappointed uh in me for not doing us then I would have
trouble uh sleeping at night so uh that's you know that's kind of where I'm coming from so we'll kind of you know
hopefully the the strides continue to get to get made I will do what I can do
when when the opportunity uh presents itself and uh I think it's important and
uh you know hopefully uh you know and I I think you make a great Point too Lauren where you know like there's
nothing wrong with delete like either not accepting someone's friend request or deleting someone if it's ruining your
hobby enjoyment right that's uh nothing wrong with that you don't have to apologize for that and I don't want you
to go nowhere and so if that's if if that's at the uh sacrifice of someone
who maybe doesn't have great morals to begin with then it is what it is and so
you know whatever you got to do right exactly whatever gets you during the day
I exactly time to hear from one of our great sponsors but sports card Nation
will be right back after that hobby News Daily is your homepage of the hobby
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card Nation Podcast all right so kind of coming down
the home stretch here uh we both happen to write for uh Sports Illustrated collect and and hobby News Daily uh you
know uh and you do great you do great work and uh you know get we can plug
kind of direct people where at the end here but is is writing something you've always done or is it something you've
sort of honed your skill like where where does writing fit in uh you know
for you I um I mean I I I've always been interested in reading and writing um
since I was a little kid it's just kind of always been uh probably like with the
the needle point like it's just kind of an innate um I to kind of like
facilitate this conversation when I was a kid I had something wrong with my my foot and I couldn't play a lot of sports
and I was little I was like six or seven so I did a lot of like more stationary
things and um so you know I wasn't ever GNA be an athlete but I liked Sports and
I appreciated it and um but I did a lot of quiet things like reading and writing and stuff and um I got my degree in
English in college and um so I kind of you know I've always had like writing's
always been kind of one of the things that I feel that I am I'm I'm very um I
I am just very good at I just just to put it plainly it's one of the things that I can um you know not always you
know some of my artic probably aren't perect like they're probably not a great read but um it's one of the things that
I feel like comes to me pretty pretty naturally and um yeah and so you know
when Danny with hobby News Daily um he he asked me if I wanted to write I think
um gosh I think it was December because I was going to start in January so it's been almost a year um he asked me if I
you know would like to if you know I thought I had anything to say and I was like I don't really know but this is
really cool and I'd like to be a part of it so I'll figure it out once a month I can definitely figure it out um so yeah
so i' I've been able to kind of you know merge once again merge my passions and
the things I enjoy and um and also again built a good Community you know I I've
gotten to know more about you and um and you know like Adam Palmer and and then
Kayla you know we got to colle connect even more on that and Danny is incredible I'm you know like very glad
that I have like a direct line now to him and that I you know like um I it's
really great and then when he asked me to do Sports Illustrated a little over a month ago I was like yeah yeah
absolutely like um I yeah I'll do it so yeah that's it's once again just kind of
everything working together towards a certain point and you and you do a great job and you're you're far more trained
than I am being like you said an English major I'm you know I'm lucky I can speak
it sometimes alone write it and you know it's funny hearing you say like you
write something and like is it good or I don't know you know I I think all writers if if you will sort of uh go
through that there's sometimes like you know I'll write something and I'm like I don't think that's very good and and'll
get good feedback and then there's that's a that's a two-way street now too
that there's sometimes I think like man that I like that you know we all read
our like after we write it we read it to ourselves right oh I like that and like
maybe we like it more than certain other people do if you will so that that
that's a double edged sword right and I think that's you know that comes with the other the territory I think for me
too writing is just another Outlet I I wrote for tough stuff way back in the
day for those that remember the the you know the hobby magazine tough stuff um
and again I'm not classically chain uh trained I'm more self-taught I think I've I hope I've gotten better the more
the more I do it I I'm more I'll say I'll just go ahead and I'm more I speak
from experence like I just share my experience I also share my opinions and and sometimes people agree with them
sometimes people don't that's the beauty you know no one no one ever says I wonder what John feels about that
because it's pretty I do I'm like I can't wait to hear his yeah I'm not shy to to you know
one of the what you know I've had people say listen I don't agree with everything you say John but I really appreciate you
because you don't you don't mince words yes and I you know and that's just
another way I I I'll you know hats off to my grandparents for kind of instilling that you know to to ex ress
yourself and and obviously do it the right way and and don't be a jerk about it but um you know but I I am
opinionated but you got there's tacked in that as well right it's easy to say
top stinks or Panini sucks uh there's a there's ways to do the same thing without using why is that what can and
right but also what role do it's easy for us as as hobbyists and collectors to
say that but what can we do proactively to to make make that better or get them
to act so exactly that's what you do yeah that's you have thoughts but then
you also are like yeah but I'm gonna back it up and say what I think might help the situation and you're very good
at articulating that yeah and it may fall on deaf ears and and and that is
what it that is what it is but uh you know that's how I try to be um very few
people will read anything I write or hear a podcast episode and man he just
he he beats around the bush that that's not someone will will say with me and
that's that's on purpose right and but I also try to be respectful and use tag
and I've had people on this very show Lauren and and that were sort of in the
Limelight maybe for not great things and and I have to ask tough questions too but I do it in a respectful Manner and I
have had so and say hey I don't agree with that or you know uh you know I've
had someone from grading like I upcharges our money grab I don't like them I know you know well here's why we
do it John you know whether you AG agree with our explanation or not this is why
and I still say no I hear you but and I respect you but I don't I still don't
like you didn't you didn't change my mind that particular issue and that's
the be you know that's the way it should be right and and and we can still be friends we can we don't have to agree
across the board you know we we're obviously an election year we just had
uh the election uh take place and it always amazed me how much animosity and
and vit all is involved and and I get it we all want the folks we like to win and
but you know at the end of the day I mean in the United States right no matter who wins right we're all should
be waving that same flag at the end I don't think that always always works
that way or happens that way but um and and the hobby too right like so many
times you have to take a like there's a line drawn what side are you on and I
agree we have the side might be the opinion but we're still on in the same fraternity of being the Hobby and I
think more I wish more people sort of uh thought along uh those lines you know
and I think we'd get along uh the hobby would be even fun hobby is fun but it' be even funner if we had a little bit
more of that sort of sentiment rather than sometimes uh when when we don't all
right I don't ask this to every guest uh but I do sometimes I'm going to give it to you Lauren uh I call my hobby magic
wand obviously unfortunately it's not a real thing I'm trying to invent it but
uh not coming up good in the lab but it's a magic wand like we traditionally
know magic wands but uh you get one wish and it has to be hobby related and you
can do whatever you want you only get one you can't you can't use one wish and get say I want three wishes now okay
right that that that's the Only Rule yeah but you you can get rid of
anything you could say hey I want this Grail card whatever you want to use it
for that's the beauty uh of it uh what do you use in your hobby magic wand I
the the kneejerk reaction was uh um Christina Christina's
PC from card ladder uh the neon green
prism fast break disco I I I need her to
get that card so badly and and that is what I would use my my magic wand on is
to pull that card out of wherever they're hiding and and give her let her
create like let her complete that rainbow it's time it has to happen for all of us it's it's a hobby wide
accomplishment when that card surfaces well we're we're chuckling I chuckled you chuckled but all seriousness I think
that speaks volumes to the kind of person you are Lauren for to use your wish to help someone else out right uh I
don't know if I would have did I don't ask myself normally on the show uh but if like I don't know if I could I would
have done that and so kudos to you uh that speaks again uh to you to your
personality and who you are that you're basically you know using your wish to to
make someone else's uh day if you will and I'm very passionate about her yeah
and and hopefully you know unfortunately the Hobby Magic want's not really real
but hopefully that mission gets completed uh nonetheless as well we I had a on recently and and I know she she
threw that out there yep you know hopefully that happens uh I agree but
that's very unselfish of you and and Kudos uh for saying that and being that
way and uh again speaks volumes uh to who who you are and uh which is which is
awesome so with that being said uh I always give the guest sort of the final
uh final word where people can see what you're doing uh whether it be the Articles you're writing in the cards
you're creating uh Day in the Life whatever you know social media no time
limit uh put that stuff out there and and that way people can see all the great stuff you do okay um my I'm on
Instagram pretty much that's the only place I'm at uh social media wise uh Lauren goes here um and uh I am a writer
for collectibles on SI and I'm really enjoying that and there's a lot of really good writers there so even if you
don't want to read what I write highly recommend going there and checking it out um and then also hobby News Daily I
write an article once a month but it's in the name hobby News Daily Danny has a
great Collective of people contributing it's a great website there's a lot of different perspectives on a lot of
different topics and um yeah so those are the three places and even if you
don't want to hear what I'm up to or see what I'm up to definitely check out collectibles on SI and hobby News Daily
yeah one one thing I'll throw in there too both obviously create sites different styles of writing different
types of Articles so it's not one size fits all you can you can go to both
sides and see all sorts of different it's not like they're the same articles on each one and they're not and they're
not and they're not designed to be that's done that's the way they're they're set up so check both of those
sites out Lauren's doing uh tremendous uh with her her uh writing on both of
those sites and uh uh you know you can learn you can learn some stuff along
with me uh as well so Lauren awesome finally having you on but again betterly
to never keep up uh the great work and we'll have you back and I uh we won't make you wait this we won't make you
wait this long I wait forever this was fantastic I really appreciate it well
thank thank you thanks John man Lauren such a bright light in the hobby glad to
get to know her a little bit better and uh just uh just a great person and uh
again wanted to have her on sooner but uh better late than than never and we'll have her back on again if uh she'll come
back on so uh check out what she does check out her her writing which is
excellent to say the very least and uh loves the hobby collects and and wears
many hats and and wears them all very well time for our hobby is the people
announcer of the week
hey it's Chris Carlin formerly from upper deck now with collectors remember the hobby is the people if you'd like to
be the hobby is the people announcer of the week do a wave or MP3 file and send
it to sports card Nation PC gmail.com that's a wrap for this week
huge thanks to you the listeners out there because without you there is no us
if you like the show we truly appreciate positive reviews Big Ups to our great
guests who drive the show and our awesome sponsors who make it all possible sports card Nation will be back
next week but don't forget to catch either hobby quick hits or card Menches coming up on Monday I'll leave you with
this how do we change the world one random act of kindness at a
time remember the hobby is the people iron sports cards is your number
one source for all your PSA and other grading submissions their Elite status improves turnaround times heck they even
provide the card Savers their chat rooms provide updates on all your submissions they also offer wax options and single
cards to cover all the bases check them out on Facebook at iron sportscards group or on the web at irons
sportscards.com or even give them a call at 1877 i n PSA Rob's got you
covered for nearly 50 years Sports collector's digest has been the voice of
the hobby bringing you comprehensive coverage of the sports collectible industry from industry news auction
results market analysis and in-depth stories about collectors and their collections sports collectors digest has
everything you need to know about the hobby SCD is also your leading source
for listings of sports collectible dealers card shops card shows and the latest from the industry's top companies
to check out all the latest news or to subscribe to the Hobby's oldest magazine
visit sportscollectors digest.com or call 1800829 5561

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