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Oct. 18, 2024

Ep.306 w/Chris McGill & Kristina Thorson of Card Ladder Part II

Ep.306 w/Chris McGill & Kristina Thorson of Card Ladder Part II

Card Ladder's Chris McGill and Kristina Thorson return for part 2 of our conversation.

Talking Points:
*Hobby growth-Good or bad?
*Grinding in the hobby
*Dealing with haters
*The acquisition of Card Ladder
& more!

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Card Ladder's Chris McGill and Kristina Thorson return for part 2 of our conversation.

Talking Points:
*Hobby growth-Good or bad?
*Grinding in the hobby
*Dealing with haters
*The acquisition of Card Ladder
& more!

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sports card Nation the hobby is the people Weekly News and interviews It's
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[Music] people Sports
Nation what is up everybody Welcome to episode 306 sports card Nation Today part two of
our candid conversation with Chris Mcgill and Christina Thorson of card ladder and finally it was good
to catch up with them after uh probably think almost two years and uh if you
missed part one that was uh last week's episode go back and and check it out
today we have a our conclusion of our conversation so uh
with that being said uh let's not delay any further quick commercial break and
then we'll be on with Chris and Christina for nearly 50 years Sports
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industry from industry news auction results market analysis and in-depth stories about collectors and their
collections Sports collector digest has everything you need to know about the hobby SCD is also your leading source
for listings of sports collectible dealers card shops card shows and the latest from the industry's top companies
to check out all the latest news or to subscribe to the Hobby's oldest magazine
visit sportscollectors digest.com or call 1800829
[Music] 5561 we are now happy to present you
with part two of our conversation with Chris Mcgill and Christina Thorson of
card ladder now on the topic of potholes which is a really which is a great one
because I like I was saying I think every collector and content creator and participant in the hobby they deal with
it on some level you know I mean if people have a disagreement it can get heated and it can involve you know the
stakes can feel really high because like certain people really believe in this card and other people really believe in
that card or some people you know really believe the industry should look like this and other people really believe it should look like that and you know it
can become personal and it can become about motivations and at the end of the day like it's okay it's what's going to
happen you know people are going to argue they're going to get upset at each other they're going to fire some shots you know hopefully at the end of the day
everybody who's when when calmer head when cooler heads prevail people calm down a little bit they can get back on
the same page and have some mutual respect going for each other um but then you know the other side of the coin too
is that uh this is a hobby uh occasionally people do need to blow off steam occasionally people do observe
things that are out of whack or that somebody might be up to no good and you know hey it takes
balls to call that stuff out because there can be a lot of blowback you can get a lot of flack now sometimes people mess up you know and they call out the
wrong thing or they didn't have the full fact straight and that's okay we're gonna have I think we should have a
tolerance for people to make mistakes or to get something wrong give them a chance to correct the record give them a chance to get it right but you know we
also have to sort of take the perspective that you know think about Ben Simmons all right Ben Simmons is a
guy who had a had a nice start in Philadelphia and then it went awful and
on the Philadelphia 76ers and then he kind of forced his way out of the team people were wondering is he faking his injury is he not the last time Ben
Simmons rolled into Philadelphia to play a game there was hundreds of people waiting outside the bus just booing him
calling him every name in the book they were throwing bottles at him you know I mean it was vicious this is this is this
is uh This Is The Life for people who have a public a public facing Dimension
to their Persona and when you're in the in the public sphere when you're acting
as a public figure this is going to come with the territory people are going to be tough people are going to blow off steam people going to have harsh words
and I just think it's actually incumbent upon the recipient of the criticism to a
take it seriously I think almost everybody out there in the world has something something worthwhile to say
there are some people who are just but the but almost everybody has something worth listening to so if
somebody's criticizing me for example and even if it's sharp and it's you know
it's it's mean and it's tough I still want to listen to it because you know what maybe this person's saying what a
hundred other people are thinking and maybe they're not putting it as politely as they could but I could still learn
something from this there might be something there that I can actually take and make myself a better person from it so let me let me listen to it and take
it seriously even though it stinks but let me just listen to it take it seriously see if I can learn from and
then secondarily even if I can't you know even if it's just kind of an unfair criticism somebody's just kind of you
know being tough and and slinging some mud let him let him you know you kind of
pointed out that sometimes people are you know it's it's a reflection of their own unhappiness which could be the case
uh sometimes there's a morsel of Truth in there but even if there isn't you know people need to vent people need to
blow off some steam I think the best thing you can do as a recipient of that is just try to have empathy you have to
be careful too just because sometimes you have to set the record straight if somebody is saying something untrue
about you or something unfair about you and then other people read it and then they don't know the full context then
sometimes you have to go out and you have to set the record straight that can be annoying and it takes effort but that's just part of life sometimes you
have to go out there you have to stand up for yourself and but other times part of life is just saying hey you know this
is my fellow human being they might be going through something they also might have a point let me take it serious
seriously but it's but let me not internalize it too much let me let it not it's not going to bother me but let
him say it and let's see if we can learn something from and at the end of the day have some empathy and compassion uh for
people who you know might be having a hard time or they might be blown off steam or whatever the case may be so
that's kind of how I look at potholes John yeah it's a great Point uh you made too with like I like what you said like
hey I I'll listen you know um and maybe I can learn something in the process and
and you use a word that I think is important like personal if someone can avoid making it personal like you could
be critical without making it personal right you can say hey I don't like when
you did this or I don't agree when you did that but when you resort to name
calling or or labeling and other things like that I think that's where the line
gets crossed that's where like you said I I I'm kind of like you like I've had hey I didn't like that new segment you
did or the old segment you did it's it's kind of past its its expiration day
right if you come at it with tact I'll I'm more apt to listen to you than if
you just say you know John you're stupid and that segment sucks too right you know what I mean because it's just it's
it comes from a an animosity place where the first thing I'm like is he really
critiquing the the something or he just doesn't like me because I'm ugly is it as simple is as simple as that or should
I really take this point uh but you the point gets lost in the personal aspect
of if you use tat you know I know I spoke to you even before we we started recording about you know we do double
episodes now with this show in the interview guest to make them shorter and more consumable that was from people
saying hey John love the show but long like a little bit long you know and it
was something like I told you I was thinking about doing but those people who used back and and said that um it it
made that decision easier and I I think it was a good one and I'm more I think we're more after to listen to people uh
when they use TCT and when they just cross the line right out the right out the gate and you're a jerk and you know
who who knows what else uh they and I think we've all dealt with it uh some more than others obviously and and like
you said uh you know you can't lose sleep about it you just got to do what you think is the best you're not you're
not going to win the whole room right I I know that from my coaching days as a as a a high school football coach and
baseball coach like you know you could go undefeated and but you know there's
going to be the parents whose kids didn't play as much as they thought and they're still gonna they're still going to dislike you uh even though they got a
big trophy uh in their son's room right or daughter's room so um you just
knowing that's half to battle and um you know uh but like you said you should always you know try to be open to
feedback as long as it comes from a respectful place with tech and I think
that was that I think that says a lot about you that you said that you know someone else might have answered that a
different way or hey I don't listen to him I block out all the white noise and sometimes that's that's not a wrong
answer either but the fact that you said hey I I don't shut the door I I maybe
there's something I can learn even though the message may not be great maybe there's something I can take uh
from it I think that that says a lot about uh both of you that that that's the fact and uh I appreciate that right
so uh speaking of the grind right I talked about uh you you know you're making the rounds at the shows talk
about the difficulties of that your your family folks I I know right now uh
you're in Chicago with family but talk about the grind of of doing shows you
know I think it people don't realize that they think a show is just all fun and and games and it is fun it is fun
I'm I'm not someone who does them like I said on both sides of the table as a
content creator is for sure fun but there's also a lot of work that goes
into it travel not as much sleep always on to go you lose what day it is I don't
even know what day uh today is let me look at my phone and see right let me
look at my phone and see where I got to be and what time and those sort things I don't think people who don't and and
I'll stick out for them maybe they just because they they they don't do that they don't understand it it's not that
they're naive they just don't get how that process works I don't I'm not a doctor so I'm not going to do surgery so
I I can't speak to that right but talk about the grind and some some of the difficulties uh with with the travel
setting up you know representing uh content creation representing card all
that all that good stuff yeah so preparing to go to a show starts at least four months before the show uh for
the national it's a lot sooner like the national prep starts like now for next
summer um and that is because we're a small team and we have to continue
operating and running card ladder while we're at shows so um we have uh an
amazing content director and he starts putting together things uh about four
months before a large show to prep uh his work uh for content to come out
during the show and after the show about what we were doing there um or who we
were talking to there um and then we have to organize hotels and travel and
Booth space um we also have to pack up
our entire offices and bring them with us to the show and set them up in hotel
rooms um so that you know you talked about the gr John like we're at the show
talking to people and answering questions giving out uh things for
giveaways and whatever and that's during Show hours so uh we're pulling double
duty during shows as well because after that we're running out of the convention
center trying to grab something to eat quick and then going up to the hotel office
and then we're sitting down to review comps and sales and make sure we're answering customer feedback that comes
in online um because it's not just we're talking to customers during the day
we're also talking to them at night who might not be at the show or who need
assistance uh and we're answering DMS throughout the entire show uh to help
people and then um we're staying up until about 3 a getting those sales
reviewed um so that everyone wakes up in the morning to go to the show with uh
accurate comps and accurate data so that they can make the best informed decisions and we're waking up with them
as well so that we could be at our booth uh and there to answer questions or to
do whatever we have to do uh on the agenda that day um including meetings
and things as well with other companies or other people um so it's a lot like
honestly I it takes me like personally to like for after a big show it takes me
about two weeks to just like get back on my normal schedule of like I'm on top of
my emails I'm on top of the DMS I'm on top of the customer service um because
like everything kind of Falls like secondary to a large show uh like the
national so it's it's exhausting um but I have a great team uh and the guys all
pull their weight so that you know I can wake up late one morning um if I had
like you know a crazy day the day before I just gotta stop right there Christina is being a little too humble I mean she
does she is the sled dog pulling the sled when it comes to the shows when it
comes to setting them up when it comes to you know preparing the booth ordering the pieces
that come in assembling it when it gets there interfacing with all the different people that need to be interfaced with
to make sure we get our booth and that we're set up in the right spot she often times is planning the whole trip I mean
all the way down to the accommodations and then she is the one who's always anchoring our booth I mean Josh myself
and Nick would go we would go nuts if we had to sit in that Booth all day you know we we get to walk around and buy
Cards and talk to friends and deal you know I love you you know I love you I am going to tested that because whenever I
come by it's always Christina you're there sometimes I don't I'm not gonna throw you under the bus but I think
she's clacking more hours oh 100% that's why I just had to she did a great job explaining it but I just want to add on
that like she she doesn't take a break during the whole time she it's a it's a
very stressful environment you know falls on her shoulders we've never had anything but a very successful show
because we're in great we're in great hands when we're in her hands for that stuff but just so she doesn't downplay
herself too much there I mean she is the star of the show no pun intended thank you but I will say this past National
like Josh one day was like Hey sleep in tomorrow I will cover the booth in the
morning because you need like you're running on fume and uh so like my team
does Step Up for me is all I want to say like they are really good the guys are really good of like Chris being like why
don't you go walk around like for like an hour or two I got this like I'll stay
here so like they it's taken us a few years but they can read when I'm at my
breaking point and right before I get there John they'll step in and be like hey let's not have a Christina panic
attack or a freak out stress moment you step away we got this so um yeah I I
have a great team that supports me and recognizes the work that I put in and
therefore um like it's been knock on wood successful shows uh thus far yeah
it's and and it's it's great like you you're there for each other it's a Well oil machine even though it's a grind and
tough and and has its moments right you know you can depend on the person you
work with or work uh you know behind you or everyone's willing to kind of pitch in and do what it takes uh to make it
happen or relieve someone else to give them a break so they can recharge and replenish and you know that's not always
the case and and sometimes that's why maybe someone doesn't make it or they burn out um you know how many shows uh
like how many shows are you do I know what changes every year we got we got new shows popping up every year
approximately uh how many weekends would you say are you on the road um so we go
to shows but don't always set up at them um and a lot of that is for uh meetings
or just like to walk around and do some brand uh like branding stuff like
talking to dealers um getting people set up on card ladder when we can help uh in
person but setting up and like doing a full Booth is kind of kind of rare for
us due to the fact that the show hours are very long and we have to work every
night so we really save that for the large shows and that's like two to three
uh a year that we'll set up at the large shows um the national is always one of
them uh but like you know we live in Dallas during the basketball season so
um we're at those shows uh we also travel so we just at the Minneapolis
show um this past month in September uh we're planning to go to the Orlando show
at the beginning of November um so like there are things like that where we will
we'll go to shows and walk around and talk to people have meetings um but not
full setup so those shows are my favorite because I get to actually experience the show floor uh versus when
we have booths and set up uh I'm pretty much stuck at the booth uh and if I want
to see someone I better message them and tell them to come find me yes you know
we're talking about the grind and and and the work and effort that goes into pulling all this together right um and
you guys do a great job like you said you you gave your team credit which again uh illustrates the kind of folks
both of you are time for a quick break but we'll be right back
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back how has like this rise you know through the hobby like we you were card
collectors before all this too um and we're all here on the show as we collect
cards how has it changed sort of how you hobby I imagine it has I mean even I
don't do nearly as much as you guys do but even the content creation has cut
into the time that I can click on a selling platform and try to find a card
or buy something or go to a show that I'm not set up at and try to get cards at talk about the diff you know how it's
changed how you've H how you Hobby and collect You' me kind of just like like working in the industry how that has had
an impact yeah just you know you you know with card ladder and and content
creation you got to put the time in it at it obviously it's like a pie right Chris yes you can't make it necessarily
bigger you just have to a lot well how many slices and who gets you know what what gets what slice that more or less
along those lines yeah that's a good question one of the things that got sliced right away was how much time we
put into preparing for podcasts so back when we were doing the house of Jordan's
podcast which like we had to stop when we started doing card ladder especially at that time when we were like all over
the place you know I was supposed to be studying for the bar Christina was working another job and then we were
trying to start this company too and but uh you know we just didn't have time but
so one of the things we did was like for the for the house of Jordan's podcast I mean we would have like a 10 to 15 page
scre ripped just full of notes and research that we would consult and you know the time to be able to do that just
went away like the time spent the mental effort spent like researching and preparing had to go into building and
researching for the business so what we did is a pretty good hack I think all at
the end of the day for Content so we could keep like a weekly piece of content coming out I just started uh
putting out a call for questions um so that started on Instagram about four and a half years ago uh Josh
and I and Christina started doing like a live show and we would just go live late on Friday night and but all day during
Friday I'd put a call for questions on Instagram you know to anybody who sees this if you have topics if you what
what's on your mind as a collector what are things that are bothering you what are things that you're happy about what's a sports card topic that you'd
like to hear discussed a little bit and people would just flood them in and they do now now they do the work for the show
you know now now my time preparing for a podcast is just limited to about I I have to take about an hour right before
the show starts I just have to collect all the topics and the question just collect them put them all into a
document and then just kind of go into the show and read but in in your credit too Chris and Christina and Josh I know
he's not on screen but it's easy but it's also interactive right it's making
people part of the show yes and it's something I don't do I think I do a little bit of it not on anywhere on that
level that you just talked about I can there's definitely more of a ceiling even for for me to do that I do a Q&A
with with um with hobby quick hits but it's not live so I like just hit record
whenever I want to record the episode take those questions like you mentioned and do it and I think let's be real it's
easier to do a tape segment than to do a live segment right because if I don't like something or oh let me take two on
that one right when you're doing it live like any show that's live there is no take two everyone sees it you can't you
know so you know feather in your hat right is being interactive um whether
it's to make it doing the show easy or not it's also making people more involved in the show and feel part of
the show and that's that's a good thing and and something I try to do a little bit more of I definitely have a a ways
to go and uh I do it when I do it on a Q&A with with hobby quick hits I'm not
doing it live so it's the degree of difficulty goes down even with with what
I do but I wanted to to throw that in there and you know give me some proper credit there but go ahead yeah no it's
true it is true I the the pressure is higher when you're doing it live and you you know inevitably when you do things
live you'll say something stupid I mean I've done it a million times so you just kind of hope you know well we'll just roll with the punches here but you know
I I would like ideally I'd like to be more in a Content space like how you approach it which is you bring in guests
you have segments that get thought I'm sure you're thinking about him throughout the week as you're sort of crafting your show and ideas are coming
to you I have to write them down Chris because at my age if I don't write it down yeah it's gone like and it might
never ever come back so I'm a notes guy I'm more of a notes guy as an older
person than when I was younger sure so now yeah now I have to like I write I
write stuff down that I'm like I wrote that down I'm like yeah because I need to otherwise it's going to be lost for
either a while or or potentially forever so uh you know I always have to people
say what are you writing down and I'm like something I don't so I don't forget yeah but yeah yeah no I have I do this
I'm taking notes as we're talking right now just in case you say Something Christina says something I want to go back to it I literally am I'm writing
stuff down right now so because that's just it's it's a it's a great you know it's a great shortcut to yeah you know
freeze your brain it's a great tool it's a great tool like you don't have like people say oh you know you're writing it
you don't have to AO like people sometimes it comes across as like oh you need to write it down I want to write it
down I don't need to write it down like I want to write it down you know maybe there's a little need for me that might
you know with the memory and stuff when you get in your 50s so but uh no I think
it's good attention to it's all that intention to detail you want to be thorough make sure you don't miss
something right again I think that speaks to the person and the work ethic and all that all that stuff so you know
uh but uh how about collecting wise like has it changed sort of you know how you
look at what interests you or not not not necessarily I I think that um there
are Avenues where it's like what we do and how Focus in we are and learning new
products um constantly has helped to navigate some areas that I may not have
traversed there myself as a collector um and then it's also like you mentioned
like you don't always have the time to go on some all the marketplace platforms to check for cards so uh I have had that
problem as well and luckily people surprisingly like me I guess uh where
they will tell me when a card that they think I'll be interested in yes I'm
surprised when people do this um well like they'll be like hey I just saw this card that someone pulled on a break uh
of this no-name player that I know you collect um and then I'll go message that
person immediately and and you know be able to swipe that card up um quick and
then you know there are the downfalls of publicly collecting a player or someone
though as well where someone may know that you collect this so they will then
charge you you know five times what they paid for it when they picked it up for
the purpose of selling it to you so um which I've had happen a couple times to
me as well where it's like well if I want this card this is what their price is because they may be picked it up for
$200 but they're okay with sitting on it until I'm super desperate and I'm
willing to pay to get it into my PC it's a d it's a double-edged sword it's a
double yeah it definitely is um but you know the like you said earlier like we
said earlier the people who are looking out for you far outweigh the people who
will take advantage of you um so like I get a lot of DMS from amazing people who
help me with my collection um and I'm always grateful to them like for example
I had a so I'm collecting a 2020 prism rainbow of Maxi Clea I had two cards
that I needed left the fast break bronze out of 20 and the neon green out of five
someone messaged me he was a 16-year-old kid from Australia who said he was in
his hobby shop when another kid pulled the bronze out of 20 and he was like I
got his contact information for you I gave him your contact information like here is the details like I saw this card
be pulled in shop and I immediately thought of VI like how like how if I
wasn't active and like like super vocal about this uh prism rainbow how would I
have gotten that card right like it wouldn't it would have been like the kid would have been like oh out of 20 cool
but who's going to collect this guy like he doesn't start for the Mavericks he was undrafted it's he's in his fourth
year um playing basketball like no one wants this card but because this person
listens to the crossover this kid knew I wanted that card so um he quickly put me
in contact with this other guy and I was able to secure it for my collection
which now that I already brought it up let me just make a public announcement to all of your followers John I am one
card away from the 2020 prism rainbow of Maxi CBA I am missing the fast break
neon green out of five if anyone has any leads on this card which is never sold
publicly and I've been watching for four years now um please contact me at
Christina PC on Instagram one word k r i s t i n a s PC on Instagram on Twitter
please contact me I am dying to finish this rainbow um I've talked to Panini
many times at shows and they guarantee that this uh this one card has made it
into packs and they don't know where it is either so if anyone could help me finish this rainbow there are 46
parallels in the 2020 prism product I have 45 of them and I just need this
last neon green out of five okay I'm done let's go folks help Christina out
be fair don't price scouch just think of an honor you get to be the person that finishes that rainbow it's like an
assist right you get this she gets the slam dunet and you get the Aly upit uh
to her and that that that would be an awesome that's a great story too with the the kid in Australia right that's
going back to the the hobby becomes a smaller place even though Australia
right this is a hobby is a a worldwide thing like even you know call the show like sports card Nation like it's more
than it's the its world right and and there's a perfect example all the way
from Australia and it wasn't even the person that pulled the card he just happened to witness it and that one
thing led to another and you you added that card uh in in that hunt to to
complete that that Journey that that's the that's the Beautiful Stories that sometimes we don't talk about enough or
think about uh even uh enough so we got to get that last we got to get you
someone out there either has the card know someone has the card maybe this
hasn't been pulled yet and it gets pulled and they remember this but uh you know uh let's get the let's get the last
car but that's you know that's the that's a great story to kind of to kind of close on too because uh that's the
the beautiful things you know about the hobby is the community even with me I'll make this story short you know I was on
the hunt for a Tom Seer rookie and in Cleveland I was actually in Hunt Fort the year before but he had just passed
away they did a statue at City Field so the prices were a little bit higher and
the cops are a little bit higher than I wanted to go for it that kind of calmed down and so but a lot of people knew I
was looking for that card so I was getting DMS or text John it's at this
table it's a PSA this and it's this much and and like just I just thinking man
people are taking time out of their day they're at the national right you know the greatest uh show uh in in the Hobby
and they're stopping and texting or DM me thinking about me right or even whether that takes 10 seconds or two
minutes the fact that anyone cares enough about you or thinks enough about you to do that really it even hits home
more than acquiring the card is that somebody you know cares enough about you
to help you out and I've done you know it's reciprocal I've done that and I'm sure you you have as well done that and
that's that's the good that's the you know the Hobbies of people what the tagline of the show for for so long now
and it just it really kind of rings true and uh it's the beautiful part of Hobby
and it's why we enjoy it even though it can be a grind sometimes it's why we're still here still going and having fun uh
with it so I I always give the guest and guest the kind of the final word give
out any social medias website anything you want to share with people uh I know
you gave out your email so you can get your last uh Clea card but uh even for
card ladder the crossover giveout any of that stuff you you want to share as well
Christina oh I I I was waiting for you sorry no go ahead I could yeah well
you're better at remembering all the socials uh yeah contact us on social uh card ladder one word um on Tik Tok
Twitter SLX uh Instagram um you can reach us at contact card ladder.com um
I'll answer myself or Josh um will answer all of your messages um you'll
talk to us like that's one thing we pride ourselves on is that when you reach out you talk to us and we can
solve the problem or try our hardest before we tag the other one in um uh
yeah uh my Instagram and Twitter SLX is Christina's PC one word k r i s t i n a
s PC um crossovers are Friday nights we're about to switch the times because
um daylight savings is coming up so look out for that you can reach Chris at
Chris HJ um Josh is at cardboard Chronicles uh
Nick is at stiff arm wax like um you can reach us at card ladder as well yeah
just feel free to reach out um we're always we're always reactive to messages
yeah and you did a great like remembering all those handles and and like that's that's great Chris wasn't
kidding when he said that well let's get listen in the very
least let's get let's get Christina that last card and and put a bow tie on on
that thing and uh that would be a really cool and obviously another great hobby
story to add uh to the collection uh as well well I I say this all the time uh
with with you guys Chris Christina keep up the great work I know the work that
goes into it you know we use the word work sometimes we throw that around too easily but not not in your case you guys
are really uh you know putting in the effort uh all with a smile on your face I Pro if I even I couldn't do what you
do but if I did I probably would be a lot grumpier than than you are let's put it that way uh so you do and every time
like I said I've seen you at the shows whether it be the national or somewhere else um you're always Pleasant and both
of you and uh that's not it's not as easy to do as people people think it is
and so uh I want to I want to you know give you give you Kudos there so uh keep
it up we'll have you back I don't I don't remember it's been I think it's been over a year since you you're on
maybe close to two years well let's do it a little bit next time you come back we'll we we won't wait as so uh but
thanks thanks John yeah thanks for having us John and anytime you want to talk to us you know that we will make it
happen it's been an honor to come back yeah I appre I appreciate it thank you
always fun catching up with Chris and Christina been too long before between the last time I had them on and having
them on for these past two episodes so my promise to them is not to have that
big of a gap between kind of catching up uh again and they're very busy uh like you heard them
say traveling uh the country at shows uh doing the stuff they do for card ladder
and uh so glad they made some time for us here on sports card Nation uh we're
going to hear from our Hobbies the people announcer and then a few final thoughts and wrap up today's episode
time for our hobby is the people announcer of the week
yo this is the C Carver remember the hobby is the people if you'd like to be
the hobby is the people announcer of the week do a wave or MP3 file and send it
to sportscard Nation pc@ gmail.com that's a wrap for this week
huge thanks to you the listeners out there because without you there is no us
if you like like the show we truly appreciate positive reviews Big Ups to
our great guests who drive the show and our awesome sponsors who make it all possible sports card Nation will be back
next week but don't forget to catch either hobby quick hits or card Menches coming up on Monday I'll leave you with
this how do we change the world one random act of kindness at a time
remember the hobby is the people hi I'm Isaac Albert a longtime Card
Collector and the co-founder of the penny sleer my wife and I started the penny sleever with a simple premise in
mind to offer collectors top quality supplies at fair prices we offer a full
range of hobby supplies and we'll get them to you fast whether you're looking for a 260 Point magnetic for that
oversized patch card or a slew of semi- rigids for your next PSA submission
depending P slever has you covered shop now at the penny.com and use the promo
code sction to get 10% off your first order that's sction for 10% off at the
penny.com the penny severer top quality supplies fair prices iron sports cards
is your number one source for all your PSA and other grading submissions their Elite status improves turnaround times
heck they even provide the card saver their chat rooms provide updates on all your submissions they also offer wax
options and single cards to cover all the bases check them out on Facebook at irons sportscards group or on the web at
irons sportscards.com or even give them a call at 1877 i n PSA Rob's got you
English (auto-generated)

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