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Oct. 11, 2024

Ep.305 w/ Chris McGill & Kristina Thorson of Card Ladder

Ep.305 w/ Chris McGill & Kristina Thorson of Card Ladder

Card Ladder's Chris McGill and Kristina Thorson are back on the show.

Talking Points:
*Hobby growth-Good or bad?
*Grinding in the hobby
*Dealing with haters
*The acquisition of Card Ladder
& more!

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Card Ladder's Chris McGill and Kristina Thorson are back on the show.

Talking Points:
*Hobby growth-Good or bad?
*Grinding in the hobby
*Dealing with haters
*The acquisition of Card Ladder
& more!

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sports card Nation the hobby is the people Weekly News and interviews It's
Your Number One Source sports card Nation the hobby is the
[Music] people Sports
Nation what is up everybody Welcome to episode 35 of sports card Nation got a
great show planned for you today not one guest but two guests they've
been here before but it's been a while figured it was time to bring them back on and and catch up uh I saw him in in
Cleveland and uh went up to him and uh as always uh talked with him but said
hey T time to get back on on the podcast but they're very busy but thankfully
they made time uh for the show and who am I talking about Chris mcel and
Christina Thorson uh from card ladder and uh great analytics uh tool that uh I
employ and uh as as do many others uh they were acquired by collectors a
couple years back so we're going to talk about the dynamic what's changed if anything some hobby stuff uh always
great uh catching up with with Chris and Christina so uh that's Today's show
that's what we have planned let's take a quick 30 second break and we'll be with
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[Applause] always happy to have the next two people
on the sports card nation and sports card shop uh guest line that this is not their first appearance I might be third
or fourth I'm not counting just glad to to have both of them back uh from card
ladder uh Chris and Christina welcome hey John thanks for having us yeah
thanks for having us back John I just want to start with this uh I it's it's
it must have been six or seven years ago now when I was first kind of looking for hobby podcasts to listen to I'd been
back in the hobby for like two or three years but I didn't really you know look for podcasts or even think they existed
at that time but yours was probably the first or one of the first I found and I
remember back then man you know the mic was maybe a little lower quality and
know trying to for I'm trying to forget that stuff Chris thanks for we have nightmares now it's cool though man it's
uh I've been following your journey from afar since at least back then and it's
it's great to be well I I appreciate that yeah I it's funny I and I've said
this on the show like if it wasn't really part of the history and the fabric and and the archive of the show
I'd probably delete some of those early episodes every once in a while I'll throw one on just to just to reminisce
or hear how bad it actually was and I cringe and like I said if it wasn't
really I didn't if if if I felt like people wouldn't say because there are people that actually try to catch up and
I'm like you know if I did delete them which I I almost like to do there be people be like hey what happened to
episode 1 to 50 I can't find them they're gone you know I don't want to answer those but I appreciate it yeah
you know like anything you hope you hope you get better at uh anything you do you usually do uh I think I have a little
bit anyway if anything in the very least the audio is it better than uh in uh
2018 which you know it sound it doesn't sound like that long ago but six years in the hobby six years of content
creation actually is a long time so yeah it's crazy it's like you know here we are we're in the 300s of episodes which
I know other shows have but when you're once a week episode that's a that's that's a lot of episodes and uh you know
so it's it's crazy and it just real it makes you realize how old I am as well so thanks thanks for reminding me there
no problem as well well listen you're you're you guys are in content creation
as well House of Jordans and then now now with uh with crossover you you're
not no you're not newbies either um as well so I mean we've seen the hobby all
facets of the hobby right different companies content creation uh grow right the Hobby's
gotten bigger uh in one way but smaller with social media in another just uh now
as as someone who's been in the hobby a while both of you like kind of your thoughts on on where the hobby is today
and and maybe where it's going to you know go yeah I like how you put that uh that the number and the size and scope
of the Hobby's gotten bigger but we've we've gotten closer because we have social media so we can chat and share
each other's Collections and make content and stuff so I that's an interesting way to put it um yeah I
don't know John it's uh I think the right metric that I use to measure the
hobby personally is uh how much fun am I having when I'm collecting cards and you
know am I am I enjoying the process am I enjoying browsing eBay am I enjoying you
know the thrill of finding and chasing new cards am I enjoying watching sports
am I enjoying my hobby relationships and friendships I have with people and the boring answer is yeah I am and I think
it's just it's a good time to be in the hobby it was it was good to be in the hobby two or three years ago it was good
to be in five years ago it was good to be in eight years ago for me I mean I sometimes I have to remind myself of
this a little bit but I remember what it was like before I came back to collecting I remember and it it just the
of life was just not as good and and it's and life ever since cards became a
major part of my life uh it just makes my life better uh every day you know just gives me something I really enjoyed
doing so that's that's my uh sense of the hobby right now I wonder what Christine is um yeah I just want to
point out that Chris and I started dating before he re re-entered the hobby so when he says that like his life was
worse back then just always makes me chuckle um but but um I I think it's interesting like
you both said like uh social media and the way that we interact
constantly um has definitely brought us all closer and I know that um you know
being able to find cards seems easier now but it often isn't as uh I am
personally experiencing a four-year Chase on one card um that I cannot find
that has never been sold which is just ridiculous but um you know I I enjoy the
fact that we're a tight-knit community um and you know people look
out for each other and they want to help others um and you know we can't let Bad
actors uh impact our view of the larger experience because they're so small like
like not just as people but characters um um but yeah so I I think that you
know like Chris said like it's been a fun journey and I wasn't a collector as a kid so it's been something that I was
introduced to um as an adult and uh I've enjoyed every moment of it uh even the
one even some of the moments that like are trying uh are still you know a lot
better than other aspects of society and life so I'm here for the long term yeah
I I like both those answers right you mentioned Bad actors I don't want to spend a lot of time on that Christina
right well for every negative or or bad story that in the hobby you know there's
20 good ones right and we don't talk sometimes I think we don't talk enough about them I'm not saying we don't talk
about it because we do but it's it's that train rack mentality everyone wants to slow down and look at the the r back
or or make light of it or make it even a bigger deal out of it than it even uh
might be and you know I always something happens bad and you know I'm sure you get a DM or a message hey do you see
this what do you think it at and I'm like and I'll give my opinion I'm not shy I'm pretty but at the same time I I
I also try to stress to you know whoever I'm conversating with or or corresponding with like you know this is
not a good story but there's 10 20 right story someone who's lost their
collection due to a natural disaster or something else a theft uh God forbid and
the community like you said Christina uh which is a great one and and bands
together and will'll collect some stuff and send it to someone no questions asked you know no strings uh attached
and sometimes we don't you know it's reported but that negative story is just going to get a lot more traction I get
it's like that in in regular news and so like you said in society as well it just
you know it carries over but you know I always try to make a point for every negative let's also you know keep in
mind is the the the good and great outweighs the bad uh tremendously that's
what makes the hobby great you're enjoying that's why we're all talking today and enjoying uh the the hobby you
know we we we're enjoying it in the moment but you know I've been in it 40 years it's crazy to say that um so I
always think you know obviously I'm not going to be around forever people you know are going to carry the torch
forward but I always worry I don't want to say worry maybe that's too strong a word but I always concerned for where
the Hobbies go and you know do you think like that or is are you concerned or you
just feel like you know I I I always get every once in a while get a mess oh the
Hobby's dying or the all these bad things are going to people going to leave or The Fanatic takeover you know
the hobby was around before me it's going to be around after me um it may
look different it may be different it's not going anywhere the sky is not falling but that being said I I still am
concerned because I want people to have a good experience in a hobby kind of your thoughts on on like even past today
if yeah I'm gonna second your notion that uh I have concerns but they are
trumped by first of all just the the overall Joy of collecting that people have and second of all that I'm not I'm
going to do my best to not let them interfere with my enjoyment of collecting but do take them seriously but yeah I have a lot of concerns
honestly one of the concerns I have is just that uh I just get concerned that cards overall just might be too
expensive and they just might be overpriced in general and I look at that
I think that's a trend across a lot of different categories I think uh there's a real risk that a lot of quote unquote
assets and I'm not trying to lump Cards into an asset category they're collectibles but uh I think there's a
lot of things that might be a little overpriced right now and you know you can trace that to inflationary pressure
fiscal policy monetary policy you can trace it to a lot of things potentially but but that's one thing I worry about
is that cards are overpriced and people like myself and a lot of others just we keep collecting and we want to collect
and we're not going to stop collecting but I worry that you know we might be buying overpriced things and that might
hurt the pocket a little bit down the line if and when things correct so I think that's a concern um and it and
it's a good one for for people to make their own evaluation on take take stock of the historical prices of the stuff
they're collecting compare it to the opportunity cost of what people otherwise would be spending their their
uh discretionary income on and their disposable income on and just see if it makes sense or not I think everybody can
perform that on calculation it might be different for what some people collect versus what I collect but that's a concern another concern is that
uh what is the what is the uh collecting
experience going to be centered around going forward um is it going to be
continually pushed towards gambling is it going to be continually pushed towards you know crap shoots where you
know the the the the hobby experience just becomes a constant role of the dice to see if I'm going to win big or if I'm
going to lose at all today and then try again tomorrow and I'm and I'm not against that necessarily in moderation I
think it's fun to have a healthy assessment of your risk tolerance that you can do within a reasonable budget
and I think everybody's an individual who can make that determination for themselves but I just wonder are we
being marketed and siphoned and pushed into uh a collecting experience that's
that that's that's forgetting about all the reasons why we love collecting and
it's being geared instead towards like hey come empty your wallet on this slot machine and maybe you hit big but you're
probably not going to and over the long term you're definitely going to lose you know but hey let's do it that way I mean
that that's just not why I got into the hobby I just it it kind of can distract us from collecting I think and and and I
would always like if anybody came to me i' would just say you know the reason why I love the Hobby and maybe this isn't why everybody loves it but I love
I love the art of collecting I love acquiring cards I love reassessing my collection I love upgrading it
downgrading it trading buying selling I just love the whole curation process
that and that's a lot of fun and it can be very rewarding and so you know that's where I would say we should be focusing
the the hobby messaging on is is the the joy of collecting but there's two things that I gave that I'm that I that are
concerns of mine uh now I'll let Christine maybe give a few um you know I
I like to to say that I'm a realist with optimistic Tendencies John so I see
what's happening and like yeah I have concerns but I think that the majority
of the hobby are just you know true collectors who don't really get involved
with the politics and the marketing that people try to py onto us um you know I
think all of us are a little bit uh geeky and OCD and that's why we collect
and that's why we like to like we have our lanes and we like to like you know
knock those uh items off of our list uh when we collecting or you know discover
new things and I think that I think that the hobby is made up of a lot more
intelligent people than some companies would like to uh believe and those
people aren't going to do something that's bad for them and their family in the long term so hopefully you know
we're not going to go too far down this gambling road but you know I think that
it's easy to get greedy when uh especially like bottom lines and profit
and going public and all these other things that are happening for these boards and these companies are on the
board to play but um I can't control that neither can you guys obviously so
I'm just gonna you know do what I like about the hobby kind of ignore the rest
uh you know it's not for me like I'm not that person so I'm just gonna go over
here and do what I love and offer Solutions and a space for people who
also love collecting the way that I do and offer that community on this other
side of the Hobby and kind of let them go do them and if someone wants to do it
that's cool like go have fun but you know I just I know that people are a lot smarter than others like to think so um
yeah that's that's where I am like my concerns and your concerns like are
obviously valid but like my concerns are more you know um making this space
making sure the space is around for all of us when we're older and for the next generation and generations beyond that
uh to enjoy the aspect of collecting cards yeah well said both uh great
points on on both accounts uh someone's at my door I've got to get that be right
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[Music] hotline sports card nation has
returned you know you Chris about the affordability right I started in
1979 when PS were 25 cents right uh it's crazy even to say that like even though
I lived it even like just talking about it uh those days are obviously in in the
rearview mirror and you know I'm I'm sure you feel the same way you see kids at a show enjoying the hobby you know
carrying a Zion case with $40,000 of inventory uh in it but whatever I'm I'm
kidding didn't but you know I I all joking aside like seeing kids enjoying the hobby however they're doing it right
whether it's their collections that big or they're starting small um that I started as a seveny old right I I
believe like that bodess well for the hobby you have Young Folks you know
enjoying it or or starting early like I I think you're more AP to stay with it
or return to it when you start young than if you just come in and you're 23
24 years old um you make it out quicker I mean every everyone's different I
don't want to paint with a broad bro I was gonna say yeah go ahead I got in after college
like literally like two weeks after we graduated I I'm here for the long term
yeah and and and and I'm glad you are but I think it's maybe not for you Christine but I think it would be an
easier exit for some that are kind of late entry not that they'll use that out
but um I think when you're in it at a young age you you there's that Nostalgia
Bond there's that memory lane thing that takes you back like even talking about buying 25 cent packs in9 and I laugh
about that but you know here I am in 2024 and I'm still around and still
doing it right and but you know you that's a great Point Chris about the affordability right maybe people getting
scared off like this I just I can't I can't do this hobby I'm you know um but
I always say like even if like you know we can get into the whole Fanatics thing
it's it's a a horse that's been beaten quite a bit but even if you don't like that I grew up in Brooklyn New York in
toss' backyard the original Topps um I'm a fan but you know having that much
market share or Market control I don't necessarily think that bods well I like to see I think more people producing
stuff uh you know brings out competition brings out better products um always
build and that's not a hot that's not a cards thing that's I think just in in general in any kind of business or
product uh we're we're obviously talking about and and I've had people I'm sure you've heard it like how am I going to
afford this hobby like you know a box this new product $8,000 a box 20,000 and
I just say you know you don't have to buy those products and you you don't even have to buy wax or packs you can
buy cards that have already been produced and as as someone who heavy vintage as in my case that's
exactly really what I do so you don't if you don't like one aspect of the hobby
you you don't have to leave you could just hobby a different way and make it
affordable whatever your budget everyone might have a different budget some people are going to have more discretionary income than others and so
I always When someone tells me that I I get where they're coming from but I also want to point out to those folks like I
hear you but there are other ways to hobby on whatever budget you're on it's still it still make it enjoyable and um
you know and and that's like you said Christina that's what I do um and uh you
can still do it so you don't have to buy the new fangled product you can buy a
card that's already been you know produced and and out in the on the
secondary market and enjoy it just the same maybe didn't pull from a pack but
that that's okay too and so uh yeah I like I I like both what you said and I
always try to when I get those kind of messages I always make a point to you know I'm not saying they don't have a
point but there's other ways there's other ways to enjoy the hobby you don't have to you know get frustrated and
leave I mean unless you really really at that point you know everyone has to make
uh that decision uh for themselves you know card ladder uh you started that
it's it's one of the leaders uh in the analytics and and IND
acquired uh almost three years ago now coming up on the three-year anniversary uh speaking of that like now
almost three years in since the acquisition you know how has it changed you know how you do it what you do uh
your even your view on it Christina you it hasn't changed anything John um so card ladder operates as a
completely individual separate company we still operate as a small business
um you know Chris Josh myself and Nick we all just like we do what we do every
day no one takes days off still we work every night still um and we still are super
passionate about what we're bringing to our members and to the Hobby Community we take pride in our work and I think
that passion and pride show um we're like I said we're here for the long term
we're collectors we're not going anywhere and we want to make sure that people have accurate transparent data so
that they can make the right decisions for themselves um and it's just a tool
to help uh everyone in the hobby because we do have a free site as well everyone
um so that they can do what's right for them and their family and however you think of collecting whether it's you
know discretionary hobby uh investment however you like want to think about it
we give you data so that you can make the best informed decisions possible um
I am thankful like that you know Nat Turner has let us run uh where we see
fit like we're kind of I don't want to say like we're like you know dug from up
where we're like squirrel and then we like run over that way um but allowing us to continue the way that we yeah nice
up reference yeah thanks it's one of my see my son's 24 so I
actually never seen that movie but I'm sure plenty out there listen know exactly what you're talk but I get I get
the general I get I get um we we're able to Pivot as a small
company um to this day when a member or a hobby Community like me like member
says something to us about how like this would help or um like I need X we're
able to quickly solve it and uh get things done in the business that you
know larger company larger companies can't because you know there's checks that have to be made or like you know
like someone has to go check with this person or this team and instead it's just us talking to each other and being
like okay how do we do this and what's in the best interest of the hobby which is always the last question we ask
ourselves and each other when we're making business decision um and I think
that that shows and that's why uh card ladder has become such a trusted brand
in the industry um not just by hobbyists themselves but by other companies as
well too because they see that we're here to help the longevity of the Hobby
and the industry and we're not going to cash out or do something that's not in
the best interest of uh I I don't want to talk and sling mud but like we're
here for the right reasons I'll just end it at that well yeah I I'll I'll I'll
Pat I'll I'll toot your hord for you Christina like you know when you're acquired right you could have exited
stage left right but you're passionate about it uh you love what you do even
though it's a grind just keep it real right it's it's work you know that's I don't think people realize too like the
work that goes involved like you say late nights staying up and maybe not getting as much sleep as you planned on
or hope hope for right so you could have e took the easy Road out if that was the
choice that you made so anyone that thinks that or questions that they they don't know what you're about or who you
are and and there's going to that's going to happen you know uh there that just comes you know SP for the course
comes with the the territory so I I think it the proofs in the pudding right that you're you're still doing do it
even after the the three years ago almost three years ago uh I think that
speaks volumes to work ethic uh care passion dedication I'm running out of
adjectives but I think people I think people get uh the idea you know I I have
the advantage of of of knowing you may be a little bit different than probably many of the listeners uh maybe not all
of them but many of them so I get it but uh you know you could have easily you
know when that happen said okay and and let's go do this now something else or even leave the hobby entirely right
we've seen that we've seen that happen uh as well and that's not the case here
so uh while I know you're trying to you know not you know not pat yourself on
the B I'll I'll I'll do it for you because I I know I know you know that's the facts and that's the case uh and I I
think I think I think a good percentage of people understand that and get it but
you know and you can't worry about the ones that don't that is what it be so Chris anything you you know
John you want to add anything to that or just a little bit I thought Christina
did a great job and John I couldn't have uh said it any better than you just did honestly I really feels like you've been
looking over our shoulders uh to to well listen I'm not I'm not as as many shows
as you but like you know you're there like at you know shows are fun I'm not
here to tell you as someone who sets up at them as someone who goes to them as just a consumer but there also could be
a grind especially when you're behind a kiosk or a booth um and you know it's
fun and It's a Grind at the same time and yes it can be both I've had someone argue with me it's got to be one or the
other and I'll I'll argue that to it's fool in the face like when I set up a show at a de as a dealer it's fun and
It's a Grind it's both when if if it ever becomes just a grind but not fun that's when I probably stop doing it so
uh you know I'm a credit with credits do like in you're there you know at the show answering great questions answering
probably not so great questions uh you know and you do it I've never and any of
my I've never heard anyone say man you know Chris was rude or Christin it was
never and and those conversations come up about other people that you know not
going to mention but never never with you guys now maybe competition or you know there's been that's the other thing
I wanted to ask you guys about too is you guys were the first or or one of the early ones that did did this sort of
thing and like anything in in the hobby right copycats come along I'm not going to give any free Pub and right and and
and when you're at the top right and it's easy to have the ones that aren't at the top to throw mud or take shots
haters if if you will you want to call him that I'll I'll use that right talk about the difficulty of of that like you
know and and I generally think that stuff I've said this on my show just as a general State I think that kind of
stuff comes from people who are generally unhappy with their own standing and so it's easy to take a
cheap shot um it makes them feel better about themselves at least temporarily and and it's it's just so
easy to do behind the keyboard board or a phone um and and rather than to
someone's directly you know how do you uh I know you're I I think I'll answer
the question you're almost too busy to like worry about it necessarily but you know how much does it does it really
bother you and how do you sort of navigate I call them potholes in in in
the road how do you navigate around those if you yeah no I mean it's a part of um I think a lot of people's
collector's experiences whether they work in the industry whether they represent or are loyal to a particular
company or brand or whether they're just an account on social media you know having a voice and people disagree with
them and then project intentions or motivations onto them and stuff and you
know it's part and parcel of the social media experience it's part of The Human
Experience um but uh but that's and that's a great topic but I just want to say one thing before that before the
potholes which you alluded to which is that uh you know the sort of the idea of a analytics company or you know a sales
database a price guide a collection tool and I just want to tip the hat to our
predecessors um because you know we were one of their earlier software applications um but uh but there are a
lot of great people and companies who pave the path and who have done similar
things and continue to do great things and one of them obviously is Dr Beckett who to me is the first face on the
Hobbies Mount Rushmore it's him and Jefferson berdick and I think Jefferson berdick sort of invented the idea of the
set which I think is incredibly important and changed the trajectory of sports cards forever and made them very
special in a way that they weren't going to be without the idea of the set and then you have Dr Beckett who for my
money not only did he sort of pioneer not the concept of the price guide but a
way of doing price guide and the methodological assumptions that he made in his decision to seek to reflect the
market rather than to guide it or to predict it I think that was such an
important and uh Integrity Laden decision that was huge so I think he was
certainly a Pioneer at the least in creating price tracking uh which is a
baton that we've picked up and then he was also a Pioneer in Hobby con content I I think even almost even more so uh is
a it's weird to talk about him as a content creator because the price guide is uh the first thing that comes to mind
when you think about Dr Becket but he was he was at the Forefront of of
contents of Articles editorials letter letters to the editor you know Showcases
of super collectors you know he was at the Forefront of all that and he was doing it with a circulation of multiple
Sports Editions you know NFL MLB NBA
that had millions of of monthly copies in circulation I mean no one's done it to the level or the extent that he was
doing it 20 30 years ago and I I just think without him and without that uh
and and also a tip of the hat to his contemporaries as well there were more than than just Becket uh that and they
were also innovating and contributing to that culture that content as well but I
just I I shudder to imagine where would the hobby be if he hadn't shephered us
through the junk wax era of the 80s which I say affectionately through the
shiny parallel induced era of the 90s through the addition of the memorabilia
and the autograph cards and the proliferation of those in the 2000s I just I have no idea where we would be
right now if he wasn't The Guiding hand and if he didn't bring to the table
his manner of ethics and statistical approaches and professorial style he you
know it's just it's it's almost unfathomable to to wonder where we would
be without him so like he's so in in we're just a you know we're just a a
pinky on the on the skeleton of of what Dr Becket architected in terms of
content and price guides and just reflecting the hobby Community but he is
certainly a pred cessor and somebody that I look to as a model um and and as
as well as his contemporaries too that were that were publishing and producing back then and even after Becka you know
when they made their transition in the 2000s uh to being more digital oriented and and ramping up the online aspect of
things then you also had you know vintage card prices vcp and several
other entities that were doing price tracking and and Reporting on sales data
you know going back that's you know in the 2000s they were they were doing that and that predates Us by you know 15 10
to 15ish years so there's just a lot of important uh people who paved the way and who did great jobs and who are
really important figures and figureheads in the industry all right that's going to wrap up part one of our conversation
with Chris Mcgill and Christina Thorson but the good news is come back next
Friday we'll have the conclusion and part two of our fun and great
conversation uh with uh with Chris and Christina so uh we're going to uh hear
from our hobbi as the people announcer of the week some closing thoughts and we'll wrap up this week's
episode time for our hobby is the people announcer of the
[Music] week what up everybody it's your boy
cousin eyes the people's mailman and along with cousin Tony the architect we are cousins Collectibles make sure to
check us out on the cousins Collectibles podcast as well as on Instagram the cousins collectibl before we get out of
here we wanted to remind you of a couple things first and foremost remember the hobby is the people and as always keep
focused keep positive and keep collecting if you'd like to be the hobby
is the people announcer of the week do a WAV or MP3 file and send it to
sportscard Nation pc@ gmail.com that's a wrap for this week
huge thanks to you the listeners out there because without you there is no us
if you like the show we truly appreciate positive reviews Big Ups to our great
guests who drive the show and our awesome sponsors who make it all possible sports card Nation will be back
next week but don't forget to catch either hobby quick hits or card Menches coming up on Monday I'll leave you with
this how do we change the world one random act of kindness at a
time remember the hobby is the people
hobby News Daily is your homepage of the hobby providing original writing exclusive gem rate data a daily Morning
Minute Podcast and some of the best content creators in the hobby remember Hobby newws daily.com and a hobby newws
daily on social happy collecting hi I'm Isaac Albert along
longtime Card Collector and the co-founder of the penny severer my wife and I started the penny severer with a
simple premise in mind to offer collectors top quality supplies at fair
prices we offer a full range of hobby supplies and will get them to you fast
whether you're looking for a 260 Point magnetic for that oversized patch card
or a slew of semi- rigids for your next PSA submission the penny sleever has you
covered shop now at the penn.com and use the promo code sction to get 10% off
your first order that's SC Nation for 10% off at the penny.com the penny sever
top quality supplies fair prices


New to Sports Card Nation Podcast?

Feb. 19, 2021

Ep.115 w/Rob Gough & the Record-Breaking Mantle

Rob Gough, is the new owner of a PSA 9 52'Mantle but he's much much more than that, he's a actor, entrepreneur but what you may not realize is how much he actually cares about the hobby, he's here for …

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Aug. 9, 2021

Hobby Quick Hits Ep.76 Live from the NSCC Main Stage w/Brody the Kid

Was blessed to get some main stage time and had Brody the Kid join me to discuss the National, Content creation, the hobby and Kids. We had young podcaster Jacob from Sports Card Second join us. Follow us on Social …

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July 2, 2021

Ep.134 w/Jeromy Murray of Beckett

Jeromy Murray is accountable, we asked some tough questions, he answered, no dodges or deflection, that says a lot about someone, we also talk about current events, Beckett's plan for the National and after. Follow us on Social Media: Website:...

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June 25, 2021

Ep.133 w/Sam Shuford from Women of the Hobby

Sam Shuford is just 22 years old but the University of South Carolina graduate is wise beyond her years, she is passionate and wants all to enjoy the hobby she loves, her show "Women of the Hobby" highlights women but …

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June 28, 2021

Hobby Quick Hits Ep.70 The Market Crashing?

Correction? Crash? The terminology itself is insignificant but the fact most cards are down 30-50% is not, why is it happening, why it's not all bad and strategy to employ during it. Follow us on: Instagram: @hobbyquickhitspodcast Twitter:...

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March 1, 2024

Ep.273 w/ Steven Lane "Greatest Mantle Collection"

Steven Lane probably has the greatest and coolest Mickey Mantle collection on the planet including some one of a kind items, we talk about his collection and the hobby. Talking Points: *Becoming a baseball and Mantle fan *Getting to know …

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April 1, 2024

Card Mensches E35 Hobby Mount Rushmores w/ Dr.James Beckett

We have a special guest mensch today! Dr.James Beckett joins us as we share who should be on our personal Mount Rushmores. "Card Mensches" Brought to you by SGC & Stadium Insurance . A new format for Sports Talk and …

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April 19, 2024

Ep.280 w/ Marc Mader "Rise of Ticket collecting"

Ticket Collecting has rose in popularity in recent times and on this episode we have one of the leaders in that space Marc Mader to share some insights in the niche. Talking points: *What he collects & how it all …

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