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Oct. 4, 2024

Ep.304 w/ Brad Askew Part II

Ep.304 w/ Brad Askew Part II

Brad Askew returns on today's episode to conclude our previous hobby conversation. Brad is a vintage collector who also super collects Hall of Famer Eddie Murray.

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Brad Askew returns on today's episode to conclude our previous hobby conversation. Brad is a vintage collector who also super collects Hall of Famer Eddie Murray.

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sports card Nation the hobby is the people Weekly News and interviews It's
Your Number One Source sport card Nation the hobby is the
[Music] people Sports
Nation what is up everybody Welcome to episode 304 of sports card Nation happy to be
back we have my friend ask you back on the show for the conclusion of our great
conversation we started on last week's episode uh Brad's a super collector from
Atlanta Georgia Edie Murray is his subject of choice there but he collects
other stuff as well we we talk about that amongst other hobby things uh want
to uh welcome our newest sponsor the penny sleer they make great uh products
and suppli to protect our precious cars I got to meet Isaac in Cleveland and uh got to
sample some of those products and use them right uh I've always said on the show we are not going to you know if we
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and do everything they're supposed to do so uh check them out at uh penny.com and
uh code sction to save 10% off your order so uh we're going to take a quick
commercial break and then be back with Brad ask hi I'm Isaac Albert a longtime
Card Collector and the co-founder of the penny severer my wife and I started the
penny severer with a simple premise in mind to offer collectors top quality supplies at fair prices we offer a full
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fair prices all right now the conclusion of my conversation with my friend Brad
ASU continued from last week hope you enjoy it yeah I think I remember like um
Tanner you know's a big cono guy you know do podcast and stuff I remember him talking about this became such an
obsession he's like I gotta check eBay 27 times a day and all that you know just to try to get it and yeah after a
while it's just it's exhausting you know and it's like I can't and it gets to it gets to an addiction Point too like like
you know you mentioned like I'm checking 20 um any kind of free moment I'm grabbing my phone or logging on my
computer right right and that again again to each their own right hobby your
way all that stuff I like to say of course but I like to enjoy my hobby and I I just go in it you know on the
Robinson you know I collect Jackie Robinson and Hall of Fame graded rookie
I on both sides of those aisles I'm never going to have every one of of either one of those niches and that's
and that's okay right I you know I get what I get and when the Music Stops it
is what it is what it is I'm not gonna stress because if I'm stressing about it like you know I I wanted to see the
rookie two years ago at the national didn't happen I got it this year right right you and I told I was like what are
you looking for John and I was trying find something for you you can go find or look at yeah so I don't I don't like
if it happens great if it doesn't I get other stuff right I mean the worst thing that can happen is you walk out of there
and you didn't buy anything which is pretty rare you know that's no good that that might make some stress but you know
I think you go in with the right mindset and you enjoy the process you enjoy the
the cards you do get you enjoy your collection and I think most people I I'm
probably preaching the choir to most people I think most people have that approach especially nowadays with all
these new releases it it's it's hard to keep up and and you can't even get I'll
show Even if you want I don't even care if you have a unlimited bank roll it's still hard go ahead go ahead here's your
Jackie uh you can see this is this is actually one of my prize possession cards I've had this going back to my dad
my dad and I bought this back in the 80s this is I actually got it graded on a Becket holder a long time ago and it's a
which I I don't have mine handy but that's a higher grade than the one I have so it's want to trade I think I got
a three I'd give you exactly I I absolutely adore it I love it I love it and I you know I know that you know like
U it's probably a card as I mentioned ear my son's not really into the cards my daughter likeed the movie 42 this
card will probably be my daughter's one so I mean you know I just I love that I'd love to get all of Jackie's vintage
cards from back then but as you know my goodness they're they've got I had most of them back in the day but my dad and I
sold off um a lot of that stuff yeah here's the thing I don't have every one
of even his playing days one I'm missing a few yeah and to to one of the things I
did like even to acquire the the leaf was I had to sell a couple so it's on my you know it's on my list to pick off and
and get them back again yeah um you know but uh you know know we do that
sometimes right we move part of our inventory to acquire a bigger card because we kind of we want to get that
we don't want to wait too long so you know to I don't have I have most of them
I don't have I don't have all of them so I'll tell you a Jackie story that'll kind of blow your mind uh you remember
back in the day when a guy that you profiled in sports collector's do just once Al Rosen remember when he had the
Rosen fine of the 52 High numbers they back then my dad somehow one of our
contacts my dad was able to get a 52 Jackie Robinson from that fine we got
the card John it was a Blazer man I mean it it was off center side you know it was like two3 one third maybe as I
recall but it was Blaze gorgeous card I I think and we sold it Year Dad paid a
few hundred dollars for it literally yeah and we sold it for more than that but you know pennies of what we should we
should have kept I think if I had that card now it probably would have graded a
seven or an eight or maybe whatever I'm like oh my God that that card in an eight can I'd be like what in the world
would that be worth nowadays you know and that I I had one one you have I'll just say I'll just answer that like this
you'd have a lot more Eddie Murray cards yeah exactly yeah I'd like to have the
Jackie I'd like to have that Jackie back it was gorgeous and we you know I think
we all have stories like that right you know I tell the story you know Jeter's SP rookie came out during my store years
when I had my shop and I'm in New York so people loved him I always thought at
the time that he was overrated I thought he was good I didn't think he was gonna be great so I just sold I just sold him
as quick as I could get him I'd buy him to resell them and for what I sold them
for you know I probably went through 140 15 in a a two years in a twoyear span not
like in a month but over the course of two years from opening the SP product to just buying the card and and then
selling them at the store but I didn't I didn't I didn't think he was going to be what he turned out to be right so we all
have we all have super stories like that a mulligan you know can have a
mulligan on Jeter SPS that I went through you know so and vintage cards
too I had vintage cards back in the day that I sold I sold Jackies to acquire
other Jackies that probably would have made more sense to keep them and and just buy the Jackies I bought and keep
the ones I sold so so I think we all have those you know things we regret and
it just comes with the it comes with the collecting uh uh territory and that if
you're arounded as long as you and I both have been you're going to you're going to screw things up you're going to
wish we'd never sold all those old sets wish we had on to that Robinson wish we'
done this even with my Murray the one the biggest regret I have with Murray I remember being at the national in
Atlanta uh this would have been 99 I think it was uh David Adams had the the
uh the gold the mirror gold 96 select Murray which they only made 30 of them
and that's a uber popular set even today and they had one and held in my hands
and they they want a hundred bucks and I I did not pull the trigger and I'm like
what an idiot because one sold they don't come up very often but when they do one sold on eBay recently for like
$2,200 yeah no I I tell the story I tell the story with the Jackie Leaf which I
do now own you know I three times Brad I could have bought that way you know at
different moments a lot cheaper than it wound up cost me and if I could go back know if that delore I always joke if
that DeLorean was real me and Dr em Brown would be going back to those moments and like I'd be pulling the
trigger rather than saying nah I think I'm gonna wait I'll get it another thing right oh God you I think I think back to
those early 80s John I mean I was the kid and I'm sure you were the same way and it's why it's so cool that you and I
both have become friendly with Dr Becket which is just a joy but I I remember getting that Becket every month and just
pouring over it and reading all the all the yeah we wanted the
triangles oh no that went down my world is ending that went down you know all
crazy I read that thing like it was my job and I read I read it I read it like
it was my job and then i' go through even after I read into what Who had who had all the black triangles who who's
the guy right oh yeah I think we we all have similar stories and I was like a
walking Becket because my dad and I would be walking around shows on a weekend and like Brad what's that book for that book's for
$22 I would I would like have it in my brain I knew I knew what all of those were it was crazy back in the day well
people like people had that in their back like folded up in their back pocket oh yeah like it was everywhere yeah yeah
there was no there were no smartphones and scanning cards it was we have we
didn't have eBay it was just you know it was you like you talked about 1984
earlier we were all on strawberry hunts searching out we called it Berry hunts we're looking for strawberries we're
looking for this and just that was a thing man now by the way you mentioned 84 doners that is still to this day one
of my very favorite sets I absolutely I love it I I know it's not his rookie and I'm a rookie card guy but
that Gwyn that secondy year Gwyn in it is is to me one of the best looking GN
cards and it's just it's a it's a great set especially when you look at there
three prior sets uh gar well they weren't all garbage they weren't great
but well was comparatively speaking to the 84 donus they actually they were but
they they whatever happened with the whoever designed the 84 donus they hit a
home run that year with that they did I still have a lot of them I've actually got a bunch of them in screwd Downs
they're $2 cards and even the bats even even even the bats on those with the
teal like they're just it's a sharp looking 80s card when you think about 80s cards
design it's it's it's it's it's it's probably the well for me it's number one
in the 8 I don't have I don't think I have a complete setup I know I've got a bunch of Stu I I probably need to I
don't look through binders I've got a good bit of binders I I should look through them more than I do but that would be one that would would be worth
having in a binder because it's even though it's just a great set I totally
yeah no doubt you you got a a a Murray item I which I you you showed me before
we went on that I think's really cool if you want to talk about it not a card
it's not a card but it's it's a really you you know we talk about you know rare
things or one-on ones I'm sure there was a few yeah but how many survived right how many of these survived so I'll let
you it's your item but you shared set up yeah I was on eBay many years ago and a
guy had this I'm searching at Murray stuff of course and this guy there's a bottle on there and I look at it and I
read it it was listed on eBay by a former coach of the Mets um I could grab
the paper but basically it is a champagne bottle from and I'll show it
here on the screen uh kind of cool it's got the you know the open bottle or though there and if you can read it
which may not be able to with the thing there but basically it says June
1992 1510 RBIs and it's signed by Murray in
in in Black Sharpie and it's just a bottle of champagne um that they opened
apparently they did several bottles that night that, 1510 RB why that's significant John when he got that he
passed Mickey Manel who we talked about earlier as the most rbi's all time by a
switch hitter so and yeah and he still owns that record with is finished up at
1917 uh and he he owns the record by tons I mean I think chipper chipper may
have gotten to 1500 as well he was in that neighborhood but Murray's got the record by 35400 RB and I mean that may
stand forever I mean it stood for you know 20 something years 25 years 30
years almost now it'll probably stay in for a for a very long time but anyway the the bot I found it on eBay I think I
paid a couple hundred dollars for it and I'm like that's one of the best deals I've ever made to get it to get
something like that signed by him with that significance you know with that date on it with a letter of authenticity
from the coach it's just a great item to have that's a that's a personal item that's not an 8 by10 that you just hand
him that's something that was designed for the record absolutely yeah who knows
how many of those exist maybe two three four at the most there probably aren't many and yeah I mean know that you may
have something for that matter Brad when you think about this you may have something that Eddie Murray himself
might not even have any but like he may not he may not I'll I'll read real quick
the letter who was it it was Dave L Ro he was a pitcher back in the day he was a pitcher yeah for the Yankees Pirates I
believe yeah to whom it may concern on June 6 1992 New York Met first base when Eddie Murray drove in the 1510 run his
career breaking Mickey M's record for career RB by switch hitter in celebration of this event Eddie Murray
opened this bottle of champagne and toasted with teammates and coaching staff being a member of the New York
Mets coaching staff at the time I took this bottle that was opened on that occasion and had Eddie Murray sign it
signed dve Ro right there so so listen until you read that let's let's connect
it could be I doubt it's the only bottle surely they did more than one bottle way he the way he way he W way he wrote that
it maybe it was like just for the event right oh it was and it almost sounds
like it was going to like it was just kind of left there and he's like I'm grabbing this and having Murray sign it
yeah I mean I mean I'm sure models of champagne there might have been two or three for 30 y I don't maybe maybe
Murray has a Clos one but I don't know how many of these really techically
exists that's that's pretty I love having it it I just played on one of my
shelves here in my office and it's it's just cool to have so really cool but uh
you know it's it's I've got I've got tons that that's something I want to do with my collection time to hear from one
of our great sponsors but sports card Nation we'll be right back after that hobby News Daily is your homepage
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Rob's got you covered let's go you are listening to the sports card Nation
Podcast I'm not a Content guy I love watching content and listening to content obviously you Dr Becket Mike
Summers Mike moan many others I I love the content on YouTube as well as podcasts I subscribed to multiple
podcasts John keading Etc who's also a friend who I got to know this year at the asille that was cool but um you know
it's just it's just really uh you know really cool to to uh get to know you
know folks like that and to you know just share this collection share the hobby with folks
and me to sign yeah are you asking me to sign the Eddie Murray ble no I'm not
asking you to sign that no no I'm not no I'm not good to face it John by having you sign I love you man I'm
not that's exactly that's exactly what that that's exactly
what would happen if did the value just got the value just got cut in in half or
or maybe in a four it it just got or or or even worse you'll have to just cut
the Eddie Murray Auto out at ex absolutely no that's just a great that's
just a great item that you yeah I mean you know I have a it's behind me I have a Cy Burger uh media uh spring training
media pass nice I've never seen another one anywhere right so like you know like
if I'm you and I have that bottle every once you do this do you ever check to see hey is there another one out there
like so yeah I mean I if there's ever I've never seen another one pop up that they certainly could I mean obviously I
don't see everything that pops up there but uh you know it's it's a it's a crazy
thing but yeah it's there as he said in the thing there probably weren't many of them you would think there might have
been two or three four but s they would have had 20 bottles of champagne for 30 guys or whatever I'm sure it would the
way the way the L Ro letter sounds he he yeah you know it's like it almost sounds
like it was it was one for the event where everyone was who wanted to partake who knows who knows right it's cool yeah
I mean I'd have to ask Murray might remember I don't know or David Ro for that matter who knows but very cool very
cool when you go to a show when you go to a show what how what's your mindset whether it's a national or local show
are you like hey I'm I'm getting some muray or like where does your buying I
don't really it's sad with so much that I have and what I need is old yeah you
kind of asked earlier and I think we got off track but yeah I do I do I do track
my collection well between Becket organizer and spreadsheets you I've got everything from okay these are like the
standard cards that are on Beck and organizer here's what I have here's what I don't then I've got spread sheets of
like here's Oddball stuff that's not on there that I have so that I know I have
that you know then I have a list of you know whatever like uh these three dimensional kind of items like the
bottle or or stuff from the hall of fame or whatever I have a list of all that I've got a list of all the Publications
I have so you know if I've got all that on my iPad or even printed or whatever and I'm at a national I could look at
and go okay do I have that Orioles media guide I probably do let me check I could
look it up and find out as far as cards go I do have a want list that basically
goes and I'm still kind of constructing it but I I do have a want list from the beginning of his career through the like
0405 and as you can imagine when you get into the later years it's hundreds of items you know the early years it's
hardly any that I need so you know so yeah there are items that I would love to pick up that are older perhaps um and
then when you get into the 03 especially 0405 it's all these different parallels
and and all that kind of stuff that came out like I was talking about the the Hall of Fame set that I love so much
there's 180 of them I've got 101 105 whatever I've got you know well that
means there's a whole bunch of them I don't have you know and those are ones they pop up on eBay I'm going to track them and I'm going to try I may
overspend for some of those but I'm not going to overspend as we talked about earlier for yet another 2024 Auto that
comes out numbered to 25 I I'm I'll pick him up if I can get them cheap but I'm not going to overspend I'm going to
focus on the older stuff that is a little more you know career you know playing career time or close to playing
career time that are special to me but so that's kind of my thought when it comes to the National I don't really go
into their thinking I'm gonna find Min Murray's because I just don't think I will literally this year at the national
I picked up a couple items nothing special that you know were that I that I got um I got a blank back like 85
Allstar tops Allstar card I got a I got a uh a relic card recent like National
Treasures that's about it nothing special I'm not GNA find rare Murray stuff there that I don't think usually I
usually go to the National and I'm focused more on Vintage kind of like you where you're focused on uh you know your
Hall of Fame which who's my two or three or four I want to focus on this year I usually go in there with an open mind
and go I want to pick up one or two or three nicer vintage cards I don't even
know what sometimes I know what I'm looking for sometimes I don't uh but you know sometimes I don't sometimes I think
it's better not even to have a like go in without a list and just whatever hit you I know I know you got some car we're
coming down the home stretch here sure but uh if you want to share some of some of your collection whether you got at
the a national or however you're acquired it but go ahead go ahead couple year yeah this is for instance this is
Jake Beckley this is a t206 uh I got got it in a four I got it at the Chicago National
23 um it's a pedm back nothing too special but uh but Murray actually broke
his record for most games played at first base and this is one of the few playing Day cards that Beckley had he's
a Hall of Famer he's a minor Hall of Famer not even a lot of people don't even know who he is but because Murray
broke that record I'm like I want to get that card con there's the connection so that's the connection there for me um
you know this year at the national I picked this up from a very dear friend of mine he had it I picked up a diamond
Stars melot I did not go into the quood national thinking I want to get a knot this year I I just saw it it it Peak my
interest I'm like heck yeah I want that so I picked it up so that's you know that's the kind of thing that i' I've
picked up you know I've got a lot of in my vintage that most of my vintage collections either stuff that my dad and
I had going back to the 80s I would say probably 80% of my hundreds of vintage
stars that I have are back that I've had literally 30 40 years ones that are more
recently uh you know acquired I would have gotten mostly from my my friend uh
Roger nelt who's a 80s something year old dealer out in Oklahoma City um
that's a dear friend of mine I've worked the last couple of Nationals with him um
you know he wasn't able to come this year but I worked two Nationals with him before that and just enjoy helping him
him out of his booth and and doing that and um you know dear friend and and
that's what the Hobby's all about I mean as as your slogan says the hobbi is the people I met so many awesome people
through this hobby I love the cards I love going to the National I love looking at cards and buying cards Etc
but going to that show really is as I know you've said before it's like a family reunion you're going to see so
many people that are great friends from Dr Becket to yourself you know I've got
met Danny TI a little bit uh also you know Mike summer and and then these
other friends and even before you know not even people I would necessarily see at the national being a Murray collector
going back all these years there are several Murray collectors that I have in my phone I don't really correspond with
them much anymore but some of them you know I've traded with or I bought cards from they're older they're they're
looking to move on from their collection I bought stuff from them one of them particular is a guy named Dwayne crater
that lives in a he had a huge Murray collection bigger than mine ever has
been back in the day and I bought tons of stuff from him I've been to his home multiple times so I mean those kind of
relationships are this cool and that's the same guy that I went to the Hall of Fame with back in ' 03 when Murray was
inducted so those relationships you make are just so cool and it's great to have people as friends share relationships
with them uh I just met two new guys uh this year at the national two actually
three new guys I never met before that I met and and I've become friends with and
we you know we text each other every now and then we're planing on seeing each other future Nationals I mean that kind
of thing is really cool and you actually met one or two of those Tom Snell was one of them and a guy named Robert
Robert dogd as well and then um you know a guy named Ruben as well are all guys
that I met they're just they're so cool the great guys to hang out with and get to know and that's just what's so great
about the Nashville is seeing all these people it's it it's very true uh here here as they say and much like cards we
add to our collections right we can add friends to our uh Collective friends
list uh as well and uh sometimes they they might last longer than the cards as
we as we move cards uh here and there as well that's that's a great way to kind
of uh finish for for for for now and uh you know for those I know you're not big
on social media you're the smarter of the two on the screen here because of it
but if someone has maybe an Eddie Murray that they think you would like and wanted to check with you how might they
do that Brad go ahead and give like you said I'm not you know U I'm I'm not on
Instagram I I've got a Facebook account but I don't ever do anything on it that kind of thing uh really for me it
texting and phone calls and and email is fine as far as people reaching me uh um
actually my cell phone which I don't mind sharing is 44444 9393 anybody wants to reach out happy to
send me a text that'd be great uh email is Brad asku
comcast.net and um you know yeah muray collect Murray I collect vintage as well
I still love my vintage cards but you know Murray's the main focus of my collection so there you go you got a
Murray you think or or you you want to even be super nice and like hey I want to get this too yeah there's how you get
hold of a Brad and like I told you before we I gotta I got to look at some
some of my stuff I might have uh some stuff too I know I don't have a ton of marry but there might be something
hiding that I I can send your way as well Brad this was fun I enjoyed it
we'll have to do it again be you know uh we'll have you back and uh kind of catch
up again so thank thanks for coming on John it's been a pleas pleas I really have enjoyed your content over the years
uh I've been a sports collector's digest play I'm one of the still subscribed to
it I still get it I enjoy your columns in that as well and it's just a pleasure to call you a friend my friend well well
thank you maybe you'll be read you never know maybe be reading about a guy named Brad ASCO who who knows you don't you
wouldn't have much readership man if you did that don't do that no listen they'd
be surprised so well Brad well Brad thanks again again man I I'll I'll I'll
be talking yes sir it's pleasure thanks so much Sean have a great day thanks to my friend Brad ASU for coming on uh
sports card nation and uh really good guy you know uh the hobby is full of
great people he is just one of them and uh glad to have them on uh the show this
week and and uh last week as well so uh again shout out to our new sponsor the
penny S uh go to penny.com use the code SC Nation uh for 10% off uh
your order uh there and uh great supplies uh I use them and uh you know
cheaper than maybe some of the bigger names if you will and uh go check them
out time for our hobby is the people announcer of the
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wave or MP3 file and send it to sportscard Nation pc@
gmail.com that's a wrap for this week huge thanks to you the listeners out
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