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Sept. 6, 2024

Ep.300 w/ Graig Miller of Midlife Cards Part II

Ep.300 w/ Graig Miller of Midlife Cards Part II

Graig Miller of Midlife Cards returns for the conclusion of our conversation this week and we tackle numerous topics.  

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Graig Miller of Midlife Cards returns for the conclusion of our conversation this week and we tackle numerous topics.  

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 sports card Nation the hobby is the people Weekly News and interviews It's
Your Number One Source sports card Nation the hobby is the
[Music] people Sports
Nation what is up everybody Welcome to episode 300 how about that number 300
this is a weekly show so when you do the math we're we're very close or we're
closer to 6 years of doing this show we
we did Miss I think four weeks in in that time span as crazy as that might
sound and I don't mean to PAT myself on the back but maybe a little bit uh after
six years of trying to be consistent even this week I'm battling a a little
stomach bug thingy that's uh knocking me for a loop but uh The Show Must Go On
and uh we got it done and another house cleaning too you know we went to these double episodes this is part two with
Greg Miller of midlife cards to shorten them at the recommendation of the listeners I got
three four five messages requesting that it had been something I had had already
been pondering and so those messages you know convinced me it was time to do such
and uh you know probably should have do did it sooner cuz uh friend of mine uh
screenshotted the Apple hobby podcast list and uh you know our downloads have
went up since making them shorter uh the people have spoken uh so that's good but
my friend uh screenshotted me the Apple podcast chars I don't I'm full
disclosure I care but I don't pay a ton of attention attention to it but he screenshotted it and we were number 12
overall uh and at one point I believe the first hobby podcast listed there it
fluctuates so depending on what times you're look and that sort of thing but definitely increase downloads and uh
thanks everybody out there for you know letting me know what you want rather than just maybe disconnecting and and
not listening right uh you stuck with us you gave us suggestions and uh thank you
and uh we appreciate it so with that being said 30 second break and we're
back with part two from Greg Miller of midlife
cards hobby News Daily is your homepage of the hobby providing original writing
exclusive gem rate data a daily Morning Minute Podcast and some of the best content creators in the hobby remember
Hobby newws daily.com and @ hobby newws daily on social happy be collecting hey
everyone welcome to the conclusion of our conversation with Greg Miller of midlife cards the one thing I noticed
you know and it's just powerford of course with the hobby with more people in the hobby you know the food court
became a trade night during during the show Even though there were signs that
said you know the tables are for food consumption only it's hard to police
that um you know uh but uh you know down stairs I don't I don't know if you got
downstairs much that was a trade night the one thing uh maybe I'm I'm sort of
projecting myself too much Greg starting in 1979 with that 79 tops pack as a
seveny old the one thing I picked up and and and I don't want to make it like I just realized this at the Cleveland
National but it really set in even more so is seeing some of these trades and
Deals and these uh younger FK not just younger folks but you know dominantly uh
younger folks now when you're my age almost everyone is younger folks so that's a that's a pretty broad BR but
like I'm seeing less attachment to the cards you know I don't know about you
you know I acquire a card like I'm a show dealer too like I have a show inventory and I have all this stuff
that's here that never makes it to my show but I just I you know I wasn't
staring or I wasn't involved but I I kind of picked up on stuff and and watch
some stuff and it it felt like there was just no personality to the card they
were just hey this is worth, 1500 bucks I'll give you this and this and you know
I heard one young man say I just acquired that an hour ago and he dealt
it again like he didn't even have it like an hour and I'm just I guess I say to myself and I I'll get your take on
this I'm glad I kind of grew up in the hobby era I did because I feel like you
know this is old man on the porch it is I feel like I have a greater appreciation yeah I'm not going to sit
here and tell you I don't care what the cards are worth or you know I got a deal on that or you know I paid off because I
had to have that but there's a there's more it seems like there's more of attachment there's more of a story where
in watching some of these trades and and transactions they're just like they're like pawns on a chessboard and it's it
sort of bothers me it's none of my business per se other than being talking head in the hobby is that
something you're that you you pick up on does it bother you or do you say it is what it is I completely agree with you I
think that you're spot on uh it doesn't bother me because I don't actually think I'm in the same hobby as those people my
hobby is collecting sports cards I collect B basketball football baseball cards I collect cards these people the
hobby that they have is not actually cards The Hobby is flipping and the
medium that they use are cards and so it's a completely different thing and it's my students ask me you know I'm a
high school teacher and they ask me and I teach personal finance they ask me about cryptocurrency they ask me about
Bitcoin and they're like what do you think about Bitcoin and I'm like I am
not a buyer of Bitcoin personally I am old school where I research a company I
believe in that I think is headed in a good dire Direction I then investigate
the company and the decisions that they've made I look at the long-term trajectory I look at their past I look
at the things that they're doing and then I make a decision so I might go you know if if I'm a a Midwest guy who's all
about Ford I buy Ford because I believe in Ford and and I'm gonna invest in Ford
because Ford is my company and that's not how younger Generations are right
now they're about I mean you hear these channels and they they always say keep it moving keep it moving keep it moving
as soon as it comes in it's for sale and they're trying to keep it moving you know it's I I think it's Roth cards I'm
not sure I I watch his channel because I find it interesting but uh Roth cards I
didn't he used to do sneakers before he did cards and and his medium then was
sneakers it wasn't it wasn't it it wasn't that he was a sneaker guy it's
that he was a flipper and the medium was sneakers and now the medium are cards so
I don't really consider those people to be in the same hobby as me uh they're at
the same locations as me they buy some of the same things that I buy but they're not card collectors they're
flippers now there are card collectors who buy Modern cards but uh a lot of the
guys I think that you're referring to they look at it as an investment they look at it as a hot potato they don't
want you know it's like the musical chairs you don't want to be the guy left without a chair so you got to move it
quickly before you know you run out of time and uh that's not what I do what I
do is I I like the history of the game I like knowing that I have a baseball card
of Jackie Robinson and what Jackie Robinson I mean just saying that right now I just got goosebumps like Jackie
Robinson what he did for our country you know I say to my kids you know did you guys learn about Jackie Robinson they're
like oh yeah like they have reverence for Jackie Robinson I have a Jackie Robinson card I have a Ted Williams
cards where you know he was a war hero and probably the best hitter of all time
and a pretty darn decent person and so you know you start I want those sorts of
things and and I like learning about the history not just of the player but of the set of the issue of the card itself
and that is part of the fun for me and and the kids that are buying you know
the you know animal print refractor uh out of five with Joe burrow it's not
about Joe burrow in most cases but for some of them it is some of them are card
collectors and some of those are flippers so it it sometimes bugs me that
they're using what I love as their medium to try to uh make 10% you know
and make a few bucks it kind of bugs me a little bit but I just don't really associate them as the same hobby that
you and I are participating in yeah it's a great point and and maybe I I gotta get to that point I I just I guess I try
you know it's the old average uh adage right try to save everyone and that's that's a little dramatic and I don't
mean it exactly like it sounds but you know everyone can't I I guess you you grow up in a certain way and you feel
like I feel like they're missing out like you said the history of of sports and what people meant to society and
different things like that I they I feel like they're missing that but they don't want to learn that like if they wanted
to learn that they'd be doing that so like you said they're in a different genre if you will or or niche of the
hobby that maybe me and you don't partake in and I probably shouldn't let it bother me but when it's in your face
and you see it you know what I mean like it it hits home and like I just say man I'm glad I you know while it makes me
older today I'm also glad I grew up in the age of the hobby that I did because
I I I got to enjoy it for I don't want just might be a strong statement but for the right Reason Not that they're wrong
but or for different reasons that I still hold valuable today many of what
you you just uh spoke very poetically about right it's more than the cardboard it's about that person you know serving
this country that person breaking down societal barriers and making people
think differently and then on top of that the the great athletes they were in addition uh to that I just I guess I
wish more people appreciated it for those kind of reasons but it it is what
it is and and you kind of way you I like how you said it right we're in the same location we might be in the same
building but we're doing things uh differently so it's a completely different hobby yeah yeah I I need to
really I'm gonna next time I kind of get peeved I'm gonna hear your I'm gonna hear your voice in my head Greg and
you're gonna I'm gonna feel better I'm gonna feel like okay shoot me a text and say Greg what was it that she said about
this and I I'll fire it back and then you'll go that's right all right cool yeah yeah no doubt but it's it's well
said and and it's I probably need to think more you know along those lines um
you know we've seen even the grading uh field change uh uh you know uh with
collectors acquire an SGC I'm an SGC and PSA guy uh truth be told so I that
didn't bother me that that acquisition my fear was a Fanatics or something in buying an SGC which allegedly was was on
the table or they had attempted to it it obviously didn't happen I thought that would have been a huge conflict of
interest I'm a bulk subber for SGC they sponsor this podcast we're on uh right
now that would have been and I've said this to them directly so this is not me saying it now and them hearing it and
saying wow I never heard J you know that would have been a had that happen Greg that would have been a deal breaker uh
for me in a conflict of interest I wouldn't have S my cards there and I wouldn't have taken anyone else's cards
to bulk to bulk sub to them had Fanatics acquired SGC you know uh but with
collectors they're you know arguably well not arguably really they are the number one and two grading card uh
companies uh in the industry I think at least for the immediate impact I think it's going to be a good thing uh you
know your take on that as someone think I'm a little biased with the with the whole SCC things so you know what's your
assessment of that yeah I mean I'm uh I'm a little bummed out that collectors
acquired SGC um I'm I'm bummed out because I
always saw SGC is sort of like the mom and pop coffee shop that you go down and
they say hi and they know your name and you know they they make your drink before you even order because they know
you and then PSA is like you know Starbucks or something and and I really
really like Peter I'd love to have Peter on my channel I went by the SGC Booth a
couple of times hoping he'd be hanging out I wanted to say hello to him um you know and so I was bummed out um and and
then what happens is when they go under the same umbrella under collectors then I feel like you know we all start
putting our tinfoil hats on about you know well what's really happening why did they really why have they been doing
on-site grading the last couple of years at the national but this year they suddenly weren't and how come PSA was in
one corner of the building and the furthest point away is where SGC was if
they're the same uh under the same umbrella why shouldn't they be next to each other because they're cousins
they're not you know Rivals and so you know it it the whole thing the the part
that I think bugs me is I'm just bummed out that that's how it played out um
I've sent in the both I own cards of both uh for years and years and years I
was only PSA uh and then finally about a year and a half ago I broke down and
started collecting SGC as well because I think they do a good job but also I
wanted to submit to them because I don't want to wait for four months to get my cards and pay twice as much I think they
do a great job and so and again I I feel like Peter was absolutely killing it in
the pr contest is he was out and about he was doing interviews he was doing this kind of thing and you know Nat
Turner goes on from time to time and you know he does some interviews but he's collectors he's not the PSA guy I know
PSA is a big part of collectors but it's PSA it's not so you know I I don't know
I I'm I was bummed out I guess I'll just keep going back to that um what will
happen in the long term I don't know I think that sgc's doing a great job I
hope that they don't start to have enough of a uh self-cannibalization that
they start to change things from how they're going right now uh when I when I see things like you know I know I'm sure
you saw Chris su's video where he cracked a bunch of cards from PSA and
then submitted them to SGC and the grades came back different and then you know Mike moan had a video where he had
a bunch of cards that came back as altered or trimmed or whatever and then
they got slabbed by SGC and and then that makes me go well what's what's
going on what's what is real you know is SGC too lenient or is PSA too strict or
does this company not know what they're doing or this company not know what they're doing but if I'm that Turner and
I see those two videos I I am not happy that I've got people submitting cards
coming back is trimmed going into another company that I that I own at that coming back holder in good grades
it just makes you go what in the heck is going on I don't know what to think anymore but I wouldn't have thought that
so much if they weren't under the same company because I would say well this
person 's wrong you know they're wrong but if they're sharing some technologies and I don't I don't know what to think
anymore so as a whole yeah I submit to both I buy both I think both have some
things they do well and some things that they don't do well and I'm bummed out that they're under the same umbrella
because I feel like at the end of the day I just have a tinfoil hat on all the time when it comes to grading now yeah
you some great points there Greg to unpack I I agree with you mentioned the videos where cars that were graded one
way were graded differently by the other other company and graded right and actually graded and and slamed and it it
is a head scratcher and it's it's disappointing to see I'm not going to stick up for him you know I I've talked
to Peter and I when we you know I said listen I'm not going to be a show like if you if I don't like something I'm G
to talk about it I'm G to use tact and be respectful but like so I agree with you I think my relief I if you're asking
me would I've rather been SGC been a standalone company 100% I think my
relief came from my fear was it was going to be Fanatics acquiring them so
it's like the lesser of two evils if you will um again I would rather ascb
Standalone like they were uh that's changed but I I I was so afraid so
afraid of of the Fanatics acquisition that I've sort of conceded the
collectors at acquisition uh and maybe a little bit less disappointed than you
are again would I rather they stayed their own entity 100% 110% which is
impossible but you get the you get the gist right but that being said I I i'
rather the outcome of that than what I was worried about uh happening and you
know you know you you're you're a smart guy like you said you you you you know you're into economics and people as a
bulk subber it's one of the first questions all my bulk subers asked me God what does this mean and I'm like for
the for right now it means status quo but two to three years I can't promise you that neither can can they and you
know how these deals go right there's going to be a handshake or written agreement like couple years no major
changes and then two three years in right all bets uh the seat belts come
off and different things uh can happen what those are we could spec we could do a whole show and speculate what that
what those things might be uh maybe some people won't be there uh in positions
that they are in now maybe a grading scale is going to be adopted one way or
the other and be kind of come uniform you know one thing I got asked was it
like and it's a great question right guy subbing 40 cards with me like in three
years is that what if SGC doesn't exist anymore and I have all these slabs like that's a concern of mine you know I I I
looked him in his face I told him I I can't tell you at 100% that's not going to happen I'd be I don't have a crystal
ball I don't think now if you're putting a gun in my head and asking me to to give my opinion I don't think they're
not going to exist anymore but might they exist in a different fashion that's more likely that than not exist at all
so well here and here's another thing for me you know is Peter was out and
about a lot and Peter was doing a lot of interviews and was talking very freely
um and as soon as the acquisition happened a lot of that stopped um he still you know you see him a little bit
but not like he was he was he was very active in a lot of different social
medias and if he were to come on like say he came on my show there are certain
questions that I would want to ask him that now I don't even know what the
point of asking would be because I know that his parent company is the quote
unquote competition and so he can't say something about them that he he
definitely would have said two years ago he definitely would have said one year ago and did and now he can't so that's
the hard part it's like what what I more more than having him on my show I I would prefer to just say not I mean this
would never happen but I'd love to have over in my backyard sit out on the back
have a drink together eat a eat a steak together and just say all right you can
erase my memory as soon as this conversation's over but what about this and what about that and what about that
and you know like and that's where the tinf foil hat comes in is because it's like I keep saying you know to myself
could they really not do on-site grading I know they gave an excuse but could they really not do it this year or were
they told they couldn't were they told they couldn't or was that really the company's decision because they killed
it last year at on-site grading and to turn that away and and to have an
opportunity to you know have a bunch of people submit to I I don't know and and
you can't even ask if you say Peter so be honest with me what's the real reason you didn't do on-site grading he would
go back to the line and I don't blame him I don't blame him because he has has to but we don't really know so we can
only kind of speculate as what's I did listen he didn't tell me this was off
the Record so I did get to talk to him not not live miked but just talking to
him there and the answer I got to that Greg was that their turnaround time is
is back to that that they'll say 5 to 10 I'll tell you it's 10 to 12 days and so
his thing was and I agree partially uh let me let me PR as that but his thing
is when they onsite grade it cost them quite a bit more to bring that equipment
more graders have to make the trip it's obviously hotel room more hotel rooms
they have to have the space for the grading equipment and the encapsulation equipment it's he gave me a number I'm
not going to share the number uh I share what the basically I'll paraphrase what he told me it's a it's a lot more
expensive to do on-site grading than not do on-site grad in and he would he his explanation was this if their turnaround
time wasn't so short to begin with they probably would have been more apt to do it but the fact that he can look someone
in the face and say we're g to take this back to Boer Ron and you're probably going to have it the week to 10 days
after anyway uh for you know 15 bucks um
we couldn't justify the added the the astronomical added expense I think
I think that's partially true but I also get what you're saying maybe there was an assertion from someone else that
you're not doing and and I I like Peter so much that I have to just trust what
he's saying with that uh if for some reason at some point there was going to
be a a merge of the two which I I used to think that that was gonna happen for
sure I'm now not really sure I think that Peter should be the guy who runs it
I mean he's that good he's really good and he's a really good guy and uh and I
agree yeah no I agree you know whether that comes to be that's where I'm at is
like let's you know when people ask me like these million questions is Peter gonna survive is is SGC gonna survive is
the grading scale going to change are the prices going to go up these are all the questions I'm forgetting some those
are just off the top of my head something's G like there's going to be answers to those questions and they're
not you know where I'm going they're not all gonna be good ones right there's no way that's not how there's not that's
not how this work I'm not for me to look someone in their face or in their eyes and tell them like oh nothing's going to
change ever it's G to just be like they never acquired them that's not how these
business deals work people don't Fork over millions of dollars to not change
anything you are listening to the sports card Nation Podcast we'll be right back after this
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covered we are back if I had one question for Peter one
question I saw him in an interview and I believe it was Mike Mahan who interviewed him at the 2023 National he
said we have our uh our registry is is
we're we're just finishing it up we're almost there it you're going to see it
very very soon and here we are uh 13 months later and there's no SGC registry
now when you tell me that you are going to be independent operating independently still they're still PSA
like they've always been we're SGC like we've always been and the only thing that's changed in those 13 months is
collectors acquired SGC where is that registry that was almost ready 13 months
ago so what's the story that would be my that would be the one question if I
could ask him one well I'm gonna do my best uh Peter Steinberg uh you know I
can't do his I can't do the voice I think what he'd say and again I'm not speaking for him I didn't get the answer
to this question I did get the answer to why they didn't onsite grading this is me just going off on my own riff and and
spitballing I think who's to say right let's be honest right I don't you know they spot the show but I'm be honest who
was to say maybe part of that acquisition was to prevent that registry from ever seeing the light of day right
let's let's keep it real right or there's you know there's the other side of the coin depending on which side you
believe more that says that now there might be just a I'll say Universal Universal to me means every great every
major significant grading card company uh registry but maybe you'll see sort of
a updated combined one I probably tend to believe the the first thing I said
over the second thing truth be told but that's the that's the two that's I think
it's one of those two right whatever Camp whatever Nat has said several times
that the bread and butter you know of PSA is the registry and then you have uh
Peter say that their their registry is almost done and then
you have it not happen and a purchase happen in that same time period so um
yeah yeah that might be it might be what I the first thing I said right let's be real right I'm just I'm not you know I
always try to keep it real I'm not going to stop uh tonight right so yeah it might be it might be the the former
rather than the latter I hope not I hope not but let's you know we've got to look at all the Angles and that that's a
legitimate reason the to pay some money you know to so that doesn't happen and
so you can hang your hat on the peg that you're the only one that has one right
it's you've become a pop one of of registry companies so y maybe that is
the case uh uh you know I don't want to say we'll never know but I don't think we're going to know right away let's put
it uh that way but it's a it's an interesting thought and I thought about it too it's funny you mention that it's
something I've thought about uh as well but you know that's a question too you're not going to get the a you're
going to get a lot of like coach speak and and and right you know not really get much of a of of anything juicy so
it's one of those questions I don't have a problem asking it but I know I'm gonna be in the same boat after the questions
answered that I was uh before so you know time will tell you know I think
with with that whole thing kind of just putting a bow tie on it I think you agree to it'll be it'll be in the second
or third year where we see shoes dropping and different things occurring
that we're not seeing uh at this time and uh what those are we could we could
play Bingo and and have a board and and and see who wins but uh you know it's going to be interesting uh you know next
year and and then 2026 with that uh and who's to say right collectors has a neck here's another
angle not to throw another collectors has a knack for buying something and then selling it so who's to say they
don't sell SGC to another again I hope it's not Fanatics because that would
again that's a deal breaker uh for me I said that from day one so um I hope that
isn't the case uh if if that if that's something there all right enough about rich guys and Rich companies right uh
you know you you've done your YouTube channel it's it's it's it's grown exponentially very quickly I test it to
uh the person you are you speak from the heart you you don't mince words you're very uh you know sincere and you know
it's it's not a stick and I think that goes a long way has has your you know
your growth of your channel has it surprised you or not necessarily oh it's
completely surprised me I um I I I mean I never started a channel for my channel
to get big you know and and to say that my Channel's big I mean I I have uh you
know 5,500 subscribers to my YouTube channel and that's where I direct 98% of my
effort it's I I'm on Instagram I have a Twitter account I have a Tik Tok account
but 98% is on YouTube and and the reason is because I like that interface for
interacting with people and the whole point of the channel was I didn't really
feel like there was a place for a lot of us to communicate about cards and I've
said before I think collecting cards can be kind of an isolating hobby it can be
kind of independent a lot of it you're on your own a lot of it you're sorting
you're planning you're researching and and there are some of us in the hobby
that want to do it with other people because when you pick up a big card and you share it with a couple of people and
they're super excited like that joy that you get from that makes it so much more
fun and so the whole point of my channel was I'm GNA throw out thoughts and ideas
and questions and and see what do other people think you know and to this day
every single comment I've ever received I have given a written response to um
and if I didn't give a written response it's because it got caught in the a filter somewhere and I never saw it but
I every single comment because that was always the point I throw out a question
I throw out a topic I I want to hear what other people have to say and and other people have influenced my
collecting a lot because they've they've said things and they've shared ideas and
sets and and collection topics that have made me go yeah I I agree I I like that
too and it's made it way more fun and so I think that maybe there was just a
little bit of a of an opening where a lot of people show cards there are
people who know a hundred times more than me John manini knows a hundred times more than me about different sets
a a hundred times you know Dave Blue Jacket does you know Rick's vintage Oddball cards does those guys know so
much more than me and watching their channel is like literally watching a
professor talk you know at UC Berkeley about chemistry it's like it's intense
and they know a crazy amount and what I am is more of a facilitator I'm more of
the guy who just facilitates the discussion instead of the guy who's
giving information that's necessarily worthy of you know remembering and then
executing and so I think that people like to have a place that they can share
their love of this hobby with someone else who genuinely loves this Hobby and
that's what I've tried to become and and everything that I do revolves around that you know I have every week I have a
Q&A where people can ask me questions and I give my opinion it really should be Q Ando because it's not an answer
it's just an opinion every week I do a question to my audience and ask them to
respond in the comments and then the following week I feature a lot of the comments and I talk about my take on
their comments and why I thought they were good ones every month I I have people I I I offer the invitation for
people to submit their favorite pickup for the month and I do a monthly Showcase of all the cards that people in
the community pick up you know last month we had like 125 people submit
their pickup and we looked at them together and it was it's you get to participate instead of being a student
who sits and writes down notes and then goes home and memorizes you're actually a participant in in the channel it's not
interactive it's interactive and you know this people love that it's not not
even a hobby thing Craig it's just in general but go ahead go as a teacher you know every day I get up in front of my
students and we could do it a couple of ways we could have me get up there and talk and talk and talk and then write
down stuff and then memorize stuff and then them regurgitate it on on a multiple choice Scantron test or I can
say when we're talking about you know budgeting I can talk to them and say hey
what do you think one of your bills are going to be when you move out here in a couple of years what do you think that bill is going to cost and get their
responses and and then let their eyes open when you see the reality of some of
the things that they took for granted and then they remember it better so I try to make my classroom interactive and
and this is just another place where we get to interact and I genuinely am learning as much from everybody else as
as they might pick up from me and so I'm really the facilitator of the channel uh
it's not Greg on a soapbox you know professing uh beliefs and things that
people need to know and that's why I think that people have caught on to it is they like being a participant and
sharing their thoughts and their opinions and their pickups yeah I heard someone else not in the hobby but
talking about content creation and and you you said the word right they they
use the quote like w with content creation you can be uh a show can make
you a participant or a hostage right you like and it's a little extreme uh
especially in today's day and age but but the point was right more people going to want to have their voice be
heard and and have the host highlight something to them or ask them their opinion as as you pointed out with what
you do I think people uh appreciate that and um you know I think that's I think
that's why it's one of the things I I love I need to do quite frankly a better
job of that but you do you guys when you do your live streams you're you have
participants you have we do we do I'm just saying we gotta do I think I I could do I could even do a little bit
more even with this podcast Craig on on that level uh more than I do now um and that's the
thing you know this is the sixth year of the show for almost the six year sometimes and I think it happens to more
than just me sometimes you get I don't want to say stuck in the mud but you know oh that's the way we've always done
it and that's not an answer that's not a COR necessarily a correct answer and
yeah you know the show is is different today than it was five and a half years
ago or even two years ago but I I mean I need to do a little bit more uh focus on
on that take a little bit of a page out out of your book uh as well because I think it just it's it's it's fun right
and that's what this hobby is supposed to be and you know regardless of how many years or or years I have or haven't
been doing it right like you said I'm learning I don't know everything I'm learning something every day as I should
and and you know I always say the minute I stop learning about the hobby I don't I stop caring or I don't care anymore
and that'll be a nice cue for me to like might be time to like uh hang up the the
the cards so to speak so um that's not going to happen as far as I'm concerned but you know is it you know you're an
inspiration in that terms of like I can be better and I need to be better regardless of you know you know one show
is different than the other but we can we can do it more uh across the board so you know hats off to you uh you know I
love what you do Bing it at uh and and we kind of you know give out where people uh can find that interactive uh
hobby content so any socials you want to share all that good stuff take your time all right well I mean again most of my
efforts go to uh my YouTube channel which is midlife cards uh midlife sports
cards is the technical name but if you're looking for the tag everything every social media you know Facebook
midlife cards YouTube midlife cards uh in Instagram Twitter uh I don't check
Twitter very much I don't check Facebook very much uh I you know how I know you don't check Twitter very it's called X
and don't feel bad I I still do that I still call Twitter too I'm just yeah and
and you know it's so but this is the platform this is the medium because it
you know again as a teacher the the way that I think people learn in the way
that people communicate best is not just through words like Facebook does or like
X does uh it's not just pictures like Instagram you know it's not just video
like Tik Tok it's it's comments it's written stuff it's words it's are uh
seeing my body language and and it's this is the best platform YouTube for me
you know and that's one of the reasons I don't just do it as a podcast and I do it on YouTube is because I want people
to see me because I think when you see my eyebrows raise and you can see my excitement in my face and my hands get
fire you know going is is it's a it's the best form of communication for me
and so but that's the place to find me you know um and hey you know it's I I am
meeting new people every day you know you and I spoke for the first time a couple of weeks ago and now we're
speaking again and I I had a blast both times we've talked and so it this has
just been an amazing way for me to connect with other people and I'm I'm just I'm just absolutely thrilled with
how many friends I've made from this I text friends and call friends all day
long through this this YouTube thing that started you know about 20 months
ago so yeah it's crazy it's crazy well with me I don't I do a little less YouTube a lot less YouTube than you
because I I have a face for not you is what I tell people so that that's one of
the reason but no all kid aside you you're doing a terrific job and uh I
enjoy it as as as many others uh so uh and I I I'll have you back on there's a
couple things we didn't even we didn't even get to today so gives me long as you comeback it gives you a reason to to
get you back uh on the Pod well I really appreciate you having me on I have a ton
of respect for the platforms that you have and but more than anything your
positivity of the hobby but also your the fact that you really emphasize the
history and the meaning behind The Hobby um instead of just you know like we were
talking about earlier easy come easy go you know the Hot Potato game um I love
your reverence for the history of not just the games that we collect but also
the the cards and the companies and and you know to me that's what it's all about so I appreciate everything that
you do and and it it's it was honored to come on today and I'd love to come back anytime well coming from you I I really
do appreciate that Greg you know I I'll just wrap it up like this like we wouldn't be like if you like where we
are today if you're in the Hobby and enjoying hobby today that's that's my emphasis is like we can enjoy the moment
but let's try to remember how do we get to point B right there has to be a point a uh and and so whether it be like you
said I love how you said companies and players and everything that has to
happen to get to the where we are today I you know I guess that's why it bothers me maybe more than it should when I
don't see other people sort of appreciate it it's the old man on I'll be the old man on the there and I'll be
proud of it I guess I am I have a porch and I am an old man so it's not it's not
completely off based but but Greg well have you back I'd love to have you back on and and you know chop up hobby some
more and uh uh was I had a blast thank you I did too thank you my friend that
was really a blast I believe for both of us uh as as you heard but uh Really Good
Guy Greg Miller and uh we'll have him long as they'll come back we'll have him on again we really you know it was fun
even though it was the first time we've talked is recording wise it didn't feel
that way to me I can't speak for him but for my myself it felt like I've known
him for years when when I honestly haven't so uh that was real fun hope you
uh enjoyed it as much as we did all right now for our Hobbies the people
announcer some closing thoughts and we'll wrap this week's episode up time
for our hobby is the people announcer of the [Music]
week this is Zach burn one of many hobbyists who return turned during Co
thanks to John for steering me in the right direction and remember the hobby is the people if you'd like to be the
hobby is the people announcer of the week do a wave or MP3 file and send it
to sportscard Nation pc@ gmail.com that's a wrap for this week
huge thanks to you the listeners out there because without you there is no us
if you like the show we truly appreciate positive reviews Big Ups to our great guests who drive the
show and our awesome sponsors who make it all possible sports card Nation will be back next week but don't forget to
catch either hobby quick hits or card Menches coming up on Monday I'll leave
you with this how do we change the world one random act of kindness at a
time remember the hobby is the people
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