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Nation what is up everybody Welcome to episode 299 of sports card Nation you know it's
crazy even me saying it when you think this is a a once a week show we're on
episode 299 as we approach year six of the show which is still SC I still
scratch my head over that uh but uh here we are and uh still going strong still
doing very well thanks to you out there I know I I say it all the time but I'll
say it again you know there is no show without uh you folks out there and uh uh
I appreciate it and a day goes by that uh I don't realize that so thank you uh
I got a great guest another gentleman I should have had on I know I say it all the time uh sooner uh but glad to have
him on and that's uh Mr Craig Miller you might not you might know him better as
midlife cards on YouTube and uh he puts on a great show uh on his YouTube speaks
from his heart calls it like he sees it whether you agree or disagree although I find myself agreeing more than
disagreeing and uh great content uh very interactive probably one of the most
interactive uh shows uh out there so really appreciate that about him and
we're going to we're going to chop up a lot of hobby topics a lot of a lot of ground we cover I got to meet him in
person uh recently at the national in Cleveland which was was cool got to talk to him there and said hey let's let's
get you on an episode and and here we are uh today so enough of me blabbing
let's uh let's take a quick 30 second break and then we'll be back with Craig Miller hobby hotline is the Hobby's only
live interactive call-in show join some of your favorite hobby personalities every Saturday 11:00 a.m. eastern 8:00
a.m. Pacific to discuss the hottest hobby topics if you miss us live catch
us after the fact on all major podcast platforms follow us on socials at Hobby
hotline all right real excited to have the next Gentleman on the sports card shop guest line I met him for the first
time at the national uh in Cleveland but I've I've seen his stuff and have
watched his show uh prior to that but that as far as meeting in person that was the first time and a mutual admirer
of of both of our content said John like why isn't Greg been on your show and so
I'm ending that drought uh today and uh welcome Greg Miller from midlife uh
sports cards thanks for having me I'm excited I've I've watched many of your different channels for a while and uh
I'm excited to come on and get to talk some more after we got to have that first chat in Cleveland yeah no doubt
and that's my bad for it taking uh this long and and whatnot you know I'm getting older and uh you know I walk in
a room for to do something Greg and then I forget like why did I come in here so
that's that's where that's where I'm at so that I don't know if that's much of a defense but there there you go but uh uh
you know you you you've done YouTube about a year like your channel has just been tremendous in in terms of content
and and growth and and we're gonna definitely talk about that but it's the old standby starting first time on the
show question kind of your entrance into the hobby uh many years ago and kind of
where you how it's come full circle and where you are today yeah so you know when I was a kid uh every every Friday I
would get a dollar allowance from my dad and we would on the way home from school
uh he'd pick us up on Fridays my brother and myself and we would head home and on the way we'd stop at 7-Eleven and
usually we'd spend our dollar for the week uh at 7-Eleven and and this was
about 1986 1987 and so uh what started happening is
I started buying garbage pale kids and then 87 tops cards packs and at the time
there were a quarter sh by four of them and then I'd go home and I started collecting them that that's really where
the cards started and then and um we were at my brother uh needed a new bike
and so we were garage sailing one Saturday looking for a bike for my
brother and next thing you know uh I found this this house and they had a
binder for sports cards and uh had pages in it and it had a few 86 tops cards in
it nothing special and I was just like oh my gosh it's a place to put my cards
and at that point I kind of could formally collect and so I started to put
my cards when I'd get my packs into uh the binder and the pages and then fast
forward to about uh 1988 when card shop started popping up all over and uh I was driving running an
errand with my mom we looked over and I saw this thing it said cards and cards was the name of the card shop and it
said sports cards and I begged her to go in we went in and I made many many
bicycle trips down to cards and cards uh for the next few years and then
eventually so it's really my brother and I and then eventually what happened is uh we got my dad into cards because we
were going to card shows we started getting in the backs of beckets it would say you know all the different shows for
the month and we would know the locations that was our only source of information for them so we'd go to them
and my dad would bring us and eventually he was like I I I I I mean I remember
seeing him I remember the moment I was walking across the card show down an aisle it was a big card show in San
Francisco several hundred tables and he's walking toward me with this big smile on his face and he had he had put
together over that day the 1960 tops yankee team set including the mantle um
and I was like why 1960 goes that's one of the sets I collected as a kid and so he was hooked and then the journey
really took off because now it was not just him driving my brother and me uh it was the three of us kind of started the
journey together um and then you know I kind of I continued to dabble we continued to go to the big shows San
Francisco used to have a massive show Labor Day weekend every year uh there's a fashion district some huge buildings
there the national actually was there one year we actually attended that Moscone Center downtown San Francisco
and and uh we just kind of West Coast went everywhere and then when I got into
college I still was collecting but I had so many things going on so I started getting more into ticket stubs and I
started getting into golf cards so I was doing a lot of 81 82 uh golf cart sets
and I was collecting a lot of Olympic ticket stubs and then uh you know I
continued to check eBay along the way uh you know I would always check the what
the Ernie Banks rookie card was going for what the yogi Bara rookie card was going for um but I wasn't buying because
you know we had a single income I was working we had two two daughters and so I wasn't really buying and then over the
last few years you know as my wife started working again and money got a
little bit Freer and my kids got older I'm like I need to get a hobby back and I need to really get into something and
so the age of my kids and myself and our income it all kind of worked and here I
am that's awesome and and I love the family bonds right like with your brother your dad rekindling it for him
like he said he collected as a kid here he is he's back and like you said you could you you knew just by looking at
him you had that uh you know the cat the cat swallowed I I I'll call it the cat
swallowed the canary uh kind of grin and and yeah you know I love that stor is
because I think for especially people around our age Craig and and maybe a
little bit younger or definitely older there was always someone else that kind of got us the the itch or the bug right
for me it was my grandfather and my dad uh and then my dad stopped and a similar
story to you when I started really getting heavy into it again he started
picking up uh some stuff again and and you know cuz uh all his stuff uh like
The Story Goes uh bike Spokes and throwing them against the wall and and trading them so he got he picked up some
uh he's you know we're we're from Brooklyn so uh he went went to Brooklyn Dodgers route and um but it's always
those those common threads right those family threads that uh uh you know
whether it's Nostalgia or sentimental I just love hearing that because it for a lot of us it rings it rings close to
home um maybe not as much in current times but I'm sure I'm it still does too
even no matter what area you're in there there's those similar uh stories uh as
well uh you know I saw an episode where you had your dad uh on and you were
looking through you know a binder and he was talking about you know some of the backstory behind the cards and then
finding that card again you know not the actual well in one case it was the actual card in the card store um you
know just you can't put a price on on stuff like that like you've had a lot of
guests on your show as I I have but it's it's those kind of moments right you
just you can't that's not scripted you can't make that stuff up that's yeah that's true reality hobby TV if you will
and you know even watching that it like just relating to it myself with my with
my dad and and that sort of thing I mean got it's got to be cool for you what you
know doing doing an episode like that let's it absolutely is and you know um I
was actually believe it or not I was listening to a a Howard Stern episode
several years ago and Howard Stern was talking about how he hired a full like
camera crew and producer and stuff to come and film him talking with his
parents because he knew that his parents you know we're none of us are going to last forever and he wanted to capture
that conversation with his parents about different stories and their backgrounds and you know and and that's one of the
reasons I wanted to have my dad on a few times and I'll keep having him on um you
know but it's because I get to capture and I have that now forever it's a time capsule and it's there and I I can
always go back and watch it and you know he came with me to the National in Cleveland he was there he made some big
big purchases you know a lot of uh a lot of my circle of buddies know him and and
you know we're excited to meet him as well and so uh it is definitely was a very memorable event to be able to go to
Cleveland with him and uh he said to me just the other day he goes yeah I mean
next year in Chicago we'll have to make sure we do this and I was like oh I guess we're going to Chicago together
again you know so he definitely uh he definitely has the and he's got he's got
a pretty I mean he's got a really nice collection so it's it's a it's something fun for us to share for sure yeah no
doubt uh I I love hearing that and uh speaking of we'll segue into you you
know talking about Cleveland Inter National it going to be in Chicago the next three years so your dad could say
Chicago Chicago Chicago um kind of your thoughts uh you know you don't have to
necessarily Deep dive it but uh now that it's in the books and and wrapped up your thoughts Cleveland overall I've
heard other people say Greg that they that they feel Cleveland's outgrown it I
know traffic was an issue I didn't feel like indoors in the building itself it wasn't like we were packed in there like
sardines so I don't it might be the the the traffic issue but I mean Cleveland's
a great Sports Town not don't have a a rich history of championships but it's still a great Sports Town I'd like to
you know I'm a little biased too because I can drive to Cleveland but I I I hope it gets back there again but kind of now
that it's in the books your your assessment of of the national in Cleveland well I think that you know I
think that they did a good job um I mean it's it's a big facility it it uh it's
obviously not the biggest in the country but it's a very big facility and I felt like it was fairly organized were there
long lines when I got my badge the first day of course was there long lines getting out uh the first night of
especially yes but you know it's just like when I you know drive to San Francisco and go to a Giants game or
Santa clar and go to a 49er game it's just kind of part of the deal um I felt
like there weren't a lot of like hiccups it wasn't people talking about oh I ordered my tickets and I didn't get them
or they didn't open on time or you know the the the complaints that we had were
kind of minor I mean when we have tens of thousands of people in the same location of course the Wi-Fi and the
internet's not going to be that good especially when it's indoors in a big old building like that like that's just
part of it um my main issue or my my main feeling is that the national really
the number one thing is the accessibility for people and it's really easy to fly into a town like Chicago
Chicago's got a big airport it's a hub it's easy to fly there from anywhere um
the hotels are across the street so you know there were times where I know
people were a little concerned uh going in and out of the area with as much cash as they had on them or the cards that
they had on them because you know you're not right at your hotel which provides some sense of security but Chicago you
don't have that concern um Cleveland's a little bit more spread out the hotels
aren't all right there so you kind of had to drive in which is part of the reason for all the car traffic
so I thought that the show was great I thought that the layout where they put
the you know the corporate boots kind of together in this section and the autographs in this section and there was
really the main thoroughfare for the the cards and and I I had a great time I
mean and I know people were upset because that you know they didn't have the aisles where you could just walk
this aisle and then walk this way back they had kind of had it in squares but that maximizes the Sur surface area of
the space and it also provides a way for you you getting lost isn't good
necessarily for you but it kind of is for uh you know the the dealers because it it forces you through areas you maybe
wouldn't have so overall honestly I I thought it was great uh and I I I know
there were complaints and sure there are things I could complaint about but um I had a great time that said I am looking
forward to Chicago because it's a little closer for me I can fly from Sacramento
to Chicago instead of having to go to San Francisco to get a direct flight you
know um I I know it needs to be kind of at least Midwest to East Coast because
that's where the majority of the dealers are located if you do it in Las Vegas if you do it in LA there are a lot of
people who aren't going to come because they have to go across the country it's the same reason I don't really feel like
it should be in Atlanta it's like Atlanta's on a coast it's it's it's a
long route for a lot of people it's not near the dealers that just they might
have the uh infrastructure to do it but I don't think that that's the way to
make it accessible and and I think you know Denver would be a decent option but
I think Chicago is just kind of like it makes the most sense it it's it's great
for a lot of reasons and you know people talk about well you know uh it's
nobody's big enough now or it's getting everything is going to be outgrown and I think there are ways around that you
know you could make it instead of five days or something you could make it you know eight or nine you know you could do
seven or eight there are some things that they could do um to expand that
part of it but honestly I thought it was great and uh I'll be back at the Cleveland Airport in April to go to
Strongville so they haven't seen the last of me for a while there you go I I I agree for the most part almost across
the board um you know and and you know how this goes Greg people some people are just going to complain they're gonna
find something you could pull off the perfect game National right they're gonna find one one thing to to nitpick
over time for a quick break but we'll be right
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collecting we are back the one thing I won't give the
national a pass on is the Wi-Fi because you kind of know that you know I've been to other large events that are of
similar ilk and Wi-Fi wasn't an issue you know how many dealers are said up you know how many Breakers are setting
up you have an approximate number of how many people are going to be walking through the doors it's not an exact
science but you you gotta sort of and you have a year not a whole year but you have you know let's say nine 10 months
to sort of prepare for that so I won't give him a pass on the Wi-Fi the traffic
you know you're you're you you're you're held hostage by the city situation it it
was an issue with hotels not being real close to Cleveland that's because the buildings in sort of a industrial center
that building was was built during the the the co you know the war days when that was kind of a bomb shelter they
built tanks in that building yeah yeah it's a tank manufacturing plant it's a
product of the environment I I'd like to see just in maybe they can put some hotels around there's land there they
can maybe put some some development some hotels in there uh in the future um but
like you I thought it went uh pretty smooth you got a new leadership group is their first four they're not new to
shows but this was their first national so I'm giving them a little bit I don't want to say a pass but I'm giving them a
little bit of a grading curve uh some education speak there you know so I
don't I don't have too many uh many any complaints at all I'll just Hammer them on the Wi-Fi a little bit more sure than
than you did um the food trucks were great I'm I'm not a lunch eater when I
do go to Nashville I talked about I just do like granola bars and beef jerky and water and then I make up for that at
dinner time so I it's all smelled good like I was almost tempted to break my rule I thought that was a nice touch
because for dealers who have to eat there every day um it's it had different
choices it didn't wasn't didn't have to be pizza every day um they could have pizza I saw Gyros I saw Taco so there
was a the menu was was kind of eclectic which was good for people who were eating um on site first time I've ever
heard go ahead I I personally I never even planned on eating there I I I
literally did exactly what you said like exactly I bought brought in I before I left home in Sacramento I packed my
backpack with a bunch of Cliff Bars a bunch of beef jerky I had Advil with me
because I knew I'd probably be in some pain like I I 100% uh was never planning on buying a
burger or a slice of pizza or anything so when people were complaining about that I'm kind of like what did you think
was gonna be like of course it's G to be expensive and there's going to be long lines because there's a bunch of guys
there who like to eat you know I I think I bought a couple of a beer on Wednesday
and a beer on Thursday and that was pretty much that was pretty much the extent of what I bought there so yeah
there was a lot of beer sales like there's a couple people Greg uh I didn't know him but I'm I I I saw him with a
lot of beer in their hands consistently I'm like are you here for are you here at the bar or are you here for for some
sports cards I really started to one I really started to to question I I'm half
kidding and then I'm also half you brought up something I really kind of like it I've never heard anyone else say
it I want I want to ask you about that but before I do I want to I want to tell you probably the stuff you've heard and
the stuff I've heard right because of how big the Hobby's got how big the Nationals got right I've heard talk of
having two Nationals a year rather than one I'm not for speaking for myself and
then I'll I'll get your two set I don't want to see two Nationals I think it will lose some of the luster if you have
two you know there's one Super Bowl year there's one World Series uh a year you
know even if it's busy because there's only one I I really only want to be one National but what you said a light bulb
went and I love the idea I i' signed that ped petition yesterday you know
maybe make the national eight nine 10 days like you said you don't that doesn't mean you have to go for all 10
days people obviously dealers would uh but that's their that's their livelihood and their business so that's a that's a
whole different animal but you know maybe I would pick four or five days I'm going these four or five days someone
else would pick a different maybe potentially four or five days and maybe you'd have more people but it wouldn't
seem like that because it would be there at different times I've never heard that before when you when listening to you
say that I'm like that I love that I I let me go even further further with that
like it falls on my birthday every year and it has for 25 years when you know
when my dad got so into the hobby that he was going to when I was in college he
was going to the National in Atlantic City in Cleveland and la and Chicago
with without me and he would call me each night and tell me how the show went and we'd talk about it and he would
always say are you sure it's okay that I miss your birthday this year and I'm like yes it's fine you know I'm an adult
it's it's all good you know and my buddy mooki you know you know mookie you we we
sat and talked in the aisle it mook's anniversary is uh during the national
and he's like man this is like my one chance my one you know opportunity to do
this see the reason that two Nationals don't work is is the thing about the national is
it's not just about the cards the cards are on eBay every night they're on Rea they're on Golden it's about it's a it's
a reunion with all of your friends who share the Hobby and so if you do too it's like it's like having a high school
reunion and going okay well this year it's or this weekend it's a through M
and then the next weekend it's n through Z and you're like but half the people are over there but if you do it over
eight nine days you could coordinate with your core Circle and say what days are you going hey can we do it these
days and you can make sure that there's overlap that you get to see your key guys but if if you have this thing
that's two different ones to me it it isn't it it's it's not the same thing it
would absolutely lose the luster and I would be way less likely to attend
because I would only be going to the one that half of my pals were going to yeah that's a great Point uh we're both
waving the same penet here great I don't want to see too I love your idea of just
making it longer it doesn't mean you have you don't have to go you buy passes
you buy tickets for the days you want to go and and they can even gauge with those ticket sales like what days might
be more people there than another one let's say um I don't I think there'll be
more people if they did know someone say well less people will go because they can't go for the whole time we don't
have to go for the whole time that's the beauty of it if you can't yeah go ahead
they're turning away dealers right they're turning away dealers and all the modern collectors were mad this year
because a lot of the dealers that get turned away are the newer dealers and the newer dealers are a lot of the modern dealers and so a lot of
collectors were mad that it seemed like there was more vintage and that's because they turned away dealers what if
they had it where it was you know eight nine days or even call it 10 days and
the first five days be the Vintage days and the next five days be the modern
days and then you can have the dealers that do both do all 10 or you could have
more booths for the first five and people say oh but the setup wouldn't work because people have to load in and
load out you could have some sort of flex day in the middle or you could do something where you just make it more
accessible so that everyone can go at the time that they want and I mean it
just seems it seems too obvious it's like you know you go to Disneyland and
in the summertime it's open till midnight because it's jammed in the summertime and during the holidays it's
open till midnight but if you go there in October it closes at like eight o'clock because it's not jammed you
don't need more hours to get through the park because there are less people so it
it seems like it's just a release valve that you could open and shut and and find The Sweet Spot of it and it it just
it just makes too much sense to me it does I'm on board I'll I'm right behind you when we marched to the capital no it
makes sense and I definitely don't want to see two like you I I I think you hit the nail on the head the bloom comes off
the rose a little bit I think what it winds up happening is both shows if they ever went to T that both shows actually
get watered down in that process I rather have one big one even if some people complain about something or other
it is what it is then you don't have to go right we make a choice to go like you said you go to an NFL game a 49 you know
like hey I'm going to be in the parking lot probably an hour to two hours after the game trying to get out like that's I
kind of sign up for I kind of sign up for this you know when I go I'm a Steelers fan so when I go to it's Zer
Stadium I still say hind field when I go to the stadium I know it's going to be probably an hour before I get on the the
main Highway and get rolling again that's just par for the course so my daughters went to a Giants game
yesterday with my brother and you know preseason no less well no the giant
Giants baseball Giants San Francisco oh okay okay and so but but when they the game started at 1 and you know the game
ended at like 4 and my wife and I looked at each other and said well they'll probably get home at about eight because
they're gonna stop and eat it's gonna be a drive and it's gonna be a lot of traffic I mean it's just it's just it's
not a surprise yeah yeah and and listen if you do this long enough it shouldn't be you should know uh the other thing
I'm going to stick up for the West Coast here I know you you said you're fine if you don't get it and but you like
Chicago I'm a fairness guy I'm an East Coast guy um we're kind of spoiled you
know we I don't know if we'll get it in Atlantic City again uh Cleveland's driver B Chicago's not but it's l at
least midpoint if you will I I think you should have a West Coast National whether that's in the in the form of
Seattle northwest you know Anaheim San Francisco uh uh you know Las Vegas you
mentioned but I I think in In fairness to collectors right that why should you
guys have to travel the furthest every year maybe not you know I I'll say this maybe not have it in an exact rotation
where it's West Coast mid you know Midwest and then East like exactly like
that but I think there should be a West Coast National for the folks and collectors and hobbyists out that way I
I I I if I liveed there I'd want that you you well obviously part of me would
like it just because of the ease and accessibility and and we really only have one big show on the west coast now
which is the Burbank show and even even that's a seven hour drive for me because it's not actually in Burbank it's far
it's an hour south of Burbank but when I when I think about it I again for me I
just want to compromise it's like when you're setting the time for dinner on Thanksgiving with the whole family and
you're trying to find a time that works for everyone I just want to find a place that works for everyone so that everybody can attend and be happy and if
we're not doing it where everyone can attend and be happy you know if we did it in LA it would be better for me but a
lot of my East Coast buddies probably wouldn't be able to make it and so I would rather travel travel to Denver
which is you know westish and then it's a little bit further from them but it's
a little bit you know from me but it's a hub in the Middle where we can all kind to get to it Denver I don't know what
they have as far as facilities but they've got a huge airport and it's it's
kind of close to everything you know it's a it's a three-hour flight for everyone and and that one is is a place
I wish that they would consider but they must not have a Convention Center that can handle it um otherwise it just seems
too obvious to me yeah no I'm there's you know it's I guess it's easy to say hey have it here have it there there's
more I've had Ray on the show uh you got Hotel issues and a lot of other
logistics we can make this a mobster show and talk about the union um I'm not
well that's that's the union is part of it though it's part of the deal yeah so
but I'd like you know and I would get there it might cost me a little a few extra shekels but i' I'd come to C I've
never been to California so it's a good reason for the first time ever uh but you know when fair I I try to be fair to
to everyone right it's easy for me to say hey be in Atlantic City every year I can drive be in Cleveland every year I
can drive be in New York City it's my hometown I can drive but you know I try to think of the big picture and like I
If I'd like to see it now how often I don't I don't know it's not for me to say but I I think it's fair there's
plenty you know I hear well well the Buca collectors are on the East Coast like what do we doing weighing people
maybe the heavier people are on the East Coast but I think there's there's millions of people on both coasts who
are in The Hobby So In fairness with that being said like I I I I'm not AO
I'd love to see it on the West Coast um might cost a little bit more for me but
what are you gonna do that's that's that's life right so well and choice right go or you can't go like that's it
it has been right it's been in La you know anaheim's got a a big Convention Center that's where one of the Burbank
shows is um I think it's the August one is is in Anaheim right across the street
from Disneyland obviously has the airports and the and the hotels and and it San Francisco has hosted it you know
it's been a long time but so they have had it it but my understanding is now
they pull the dealers and the dealers are the ones that decide the every other year and so they're going to probably
pick what's going to be most convenient for them and but you know it is what it is all right staying along those lines
this was a question I I don't write a ton of stuff down I I'm more of a conversation with but uh it's a good
segue we're seeing uh you're you're aware of this we're seeing a lot more shows pop up in smaller towns and
smaller venues that have never even had a card show before and while I'm I
support that I think it's great uh that those communities can get those shows we're also seeing a lot more Regional a
lot more bigger city shows where there's just a plethora shows and I I'm I'm a dealer too like I set up at
shows and I'm a consumer I go to shows so I wear both of those hats I I don't
want to say fear that might be too strong a word but one of my concerns is like we we might get to a saturation
Point Greg where we have too many shows and again talking about Bloom coming off the rose right is sometimes too much of
a good thing is is a bad thing is what are your thoughts on maybe you know an
oversaturation of shows well I think that you know in the late 80s early 90s
there were card shops po popping up all over the place you know I mentioned the first one that uh that I was going to is
called cards and cards well a few months later uh a shop opened across the street
from them called The Boys of Summer and then there's a card shop literally a quarter of a mile down the road called
timeout sports cards and there was absolutely an oversaturation but I also
believe I'm kind of an economist by heart I love economics I took economics
electives in college because I like it so much I believe in the free market and the free market will find The Sweet Spot
and if too many shows pop up what will happen is they'll cannibalize each other
and they won't make money and then those those shows will go away and they'll pop
up to they it'll find The Sweet Spot it'll find the equilibrium of what the
right amount is and I think that yeah right now there are probably some people that are trying to capitalize and maybe
put on a few too many shows in some areas some people are saying what are you talking about I can't find a show
anywhere but a lot of places it's getting a little carried away and it'll find The Sweet Spot and so I I kind of
don't really overthink that and just say uh whatever the right amount is is where
we'll land and right now uh there are probably some people that are are doing
some shows promoting and not doing super well and others are doing great and uh
it'll work itself out yeah that's a good way to look at it and I I you know you you convince me right the the strongest
will like the saying what strongest will survive I just I guess a from a Sentimental point I'm trying to save
everybody but you know how that goes you can't you can't here's the other thing I'll throw out there too though is
competition I also believe is good and so if there are a lot of shows popping
up it forces each show to be better it forces the prices down for the entrance
or if it's too much people will say I'll just wait for the one next weekend you know it forces them to really advertise
to the the the good dealers and get the good stuff in the room and a facility
that's nice not an old gym with no AC and bad tables and so I I think that the
competition is good for us as collector so I don't think I'm going to be a
person that's going to complain about too many shows because the the competition is going to make the shows
that do make it out on the other end better shows which is good for us as collectors yeah you convinced me I'm not
as worried like you said it's it'll it'll sh it'll all shake out uh in the end one way uh one way or the other uh
you we talk going back to Nashville I also too like the layout you had the you know if you didn't if you had no
interest in Breaking you could avoid that area almost alog together if you didn't want to deal with the corporate
presence you could avoid that uh as well I hope that is something the new powers
that be uh kind of keep that layout uh in Chicago uh I got a feeling uh they're
gonna uh we we we'll see how that goes all right awesome getting to yeah Greg
on the show for the first time chopping up some hobby with him and here's the best part hope you enjoyed it but the
best part is we're not done that was part one part two will be next week so
got a cover a lot of ground one of about my longer interviews uh since I start
doing two-part uh episodes uh and uh uh just
had a blast talking to him we we weren't watching time and so uh we're going to put this uh the rest of it uh come back
uh next Friday and catch it uh in its conclusion tion so thanks to Greg uh
thanks to you uh we're going to go to our Hobbies the people announcer of the week some closing thoughts and wrap up
this week's episode time for our hobby is the people announcer of the
[Music] week this is Zach burn one of many
hobbyists who returned during Co thanks to John for steering me in the right
direction and remember the hobby is is the people if you'd like to be the hobby
is the people announcer of the week do a wave or MP3 file and send it to
sportscard Nation pc@ that's a wrap for this week
huge thanks to you the listeners out there because without you there is no us
if you like the show we truly appreciate positive reviews Big Ups to our great
guests who drive the show and our awesome sponsor ERS who make it all possible sports card Nation will be back
next week but don't forget to catch either hobby quick hits or card menes coming up on Monday I'll leave you with
this how do we change the world one random active kindness at a
time remember the hobby is the people
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