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June 7, 2024

Ep.287 w/ Ray Schulte of Collectible Media/NSCC

Ep.287 w/ Ray Schulte of Collectible Media/NSCC

Always excited to talk to Ray Schulte. Firstly because he's a great guy and secondly because it usually means the National is around the corner.  We talk NSCC, Cleveland and the hobby!

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Always excited to talk to Ray Schulte. Firstly because he's a great guy and secondly because it usually means the National is around the corner.  We talk NSCC, Cleveland and the hobby!

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SPEAKER 1: What is up? Welcome to episode 287 of Sports Car Nation. Always excited to have today's guest on the show anytime, but generally when he's on, we know something is very close to occurring. And that is Ray Schulte of collectible media, also the director of media relations for the National.

SPEAKER 1: And he's wears many hats for that show and that show doesn't happen without Ray and his team. So, we're gonna talk about it in preview the upcoming National. What's new, they're under new leadership. What might be different, what might we see differently?

SPEAKER 1: I've never been to Cleveland. So I'm gonna, I asked Ray, what's a Cleveland National? Like, maybe it's your first time in Cleveland as well. So, real fun to chat with Ray as always and appreciate that. He, makes time for the show. I know he's a busy guy, especially this time of year. So without further ado quick 32nd commercial break and then we're gonna talk to Ray Schulte.

SPEAKER 2: Hobby hotline is the Hobby's only live interactive call in show. Join some of your favorite Hobby personalities every Saturday 11 a.m. Eastern 8 a.m. Pacific to discuss the hottest Hobby topics if you miss us live. Catch us after the fact on all major podcast platforms. Follow us on socials at Hobby hotline.

SPEAKER 4: All right, anytime this next gentleman is on the sports car shop guest line, it's usually an indication a big event is imminent.

SPEAKER 3: It's, I believe, II, I talked to him before we went live here.

SPEAKER 3: This is, I believe the fourth or fifth time.

SPEAKER 3: We're doing this and he's, he knows this. He's welcome any other time of the year as well, but we definitely always do the preview for the National. So as always, I want to welcome Ray Shy, welcome to Sports Fair Nation.

SPEAKER 5: Thank you and John, you've been, you've been so gracious. I mean, you've even had my son on and un unfortunately, he's at school today but you know, he, he, he loved it and we, we always appreciate talking to you, you know that.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah, and I, and, and right back at you and, and, and Ryan is, you know, getting more involved and, and getting hands on and, and you know, I always appreciate to see, you know, us old guys, right? We, we, we need some of the younger eyes perspective too because they're the, they're gonna be the next ones to carry that Torch forward.

SPEAKER 5: At some point at some point that is that is accurate.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah, hopefully later than sooner. But it's nice knowing that, he's gonna be there, you know, to, to do that and learning at an early age, you know, and, and I said that when he was on too Ray, like he's getting the experience that kids his age are, don't get.

SPEAKER 3: And that's, you know, I'm sure he realizes that. And that's, that's important. I think some as, as someone who's in education, you know, I, I, sometimes, I think we don't always teach kids enough about real time stuff and stuff that they can implement.

SPEAKER 3: You know, you know, the old joke is you do algebra in high school and then you graduate and you're like, when am I gonna use algebra again? Right. You know, but we don't necessarily teach, you know, balancing a checkbook or a budget and stuff, stuff like that that might come into play.

SPEAKER 3: So he's getting, you know, real time, experience and, as you well know, the National is becoming a bigger event, it seems like every year that, that doesn't seem like how could that happen because it is such a huge event. But yet, it still raises the bar each year last year, record setting for attendance in, in Chicago, expanded, right? Bigger floor plan, last year in Chicago.

SPEAKER 3: So the show is getting the, the numbers bear that out. That's not a, something to debate. That's just where the facts, lie. We'll start out with that. I think I ask you this every year or, or almost every year, what number National will this be for you where you're involved in, in, in getting it done?

SPEAKER 5: Well, you know, I started in 2010 in Baltimore. And so this will be my 14th National, you know, first time under the new management and and hopefully more to come, but this has been a really great time for me because, you know, you know, a as much as the industry has grown and the National has evolved, you know, coming into this year with, with kind of like a whole new fresh approach.

SPEAKER 5: You know, take what's, what was successful, what we've done and just kind of keep adding to it and doing things that really kinda like thinking outside the box. So, for me, you know, this is, you know, we, we're not in June yet yet. We're in full mo at least I'm, I'm in full mode right now and planning and working with, you know, all the teams, professional teams in Cleveland, which is fantastic.

SPEAKER 5: Working with rock and roll Hall Of Fame, pro football Hall Of Fame, things that, you know, we didn't really have it, you know, a real handle on in the past. It's, it's opened doors for us this year. So we're we're real excited. I'm very excited.

SPEAKER 3: Does it seem like 14 to you? Does it seem like more, you know, when you, when you sit back and take a breath and think about how many does it, you know, like I'm married 25 years. It feels like I'm married 35 years. Does it seem like it's more than 1415 or? Does, is it, does it feel like it's about that?

SPEAKER 5: I know. I know you're gonna think I'm crazy but it feels like it was yesterday.

SPEAKER 3: No, iii I get that too.

SPEAKER 5: These, these years have gone by so quickly and, and it's, and it's really a testament to what the National is and I'm just, I'm just honored and fortunate that I get to be part of it, but it's much bigger than any of us. And, you know, every year when I, I usually have the opportunity to take media and bring them down maybe on a Tuesday or a Wednesday prior to the show and I kind of expose them to, you know, the floor.

SPEAKER 5: Ii I, it's just amazing that they get so excited because it's not anything that they thought it was meant to be right. I mean, who could ever imagine, you know, that, that kind of, exposure and, and, and see all the people and see all the exhibits and, and, but here's the thing, the reason I bring it up is because I get very excited.

SPEAKER 5: I, I mean, every time I'm at that door looking into the show, I say, oh my gosh, I said, this is just unbelievable. And I think if you know me, well enough to know that for me, one of the reasons why I keep doing it is because of the, the, the Hobby community.

SPEAKER 5: It's, for me it's all about making connections, making friends. You know, you have accomplishments, you know, you deal with challenges, you learn quite a bit, but it's all about, you know, when it's all said and done at the end of the show, how many new relationships have you cultivated?

SPEAKER 5: How many new things can you look back and say, listen, that was unbelievable experience once in a lifetime experience and, you know, working with the people that I get to work with, it's just been unbelievable. So it's, but II, I do believe, you know, strongly and, and people have heard this from me before.

SPEAKER 5: It's all about community. It's all about collecting and it doesn't matter whether you collect trading cards, memorabilia, pop culture, Pokemon, it's the concept of collecting. And once you understand the concept collecting, then I think, you know, you can create some beautiful memories.

SPEAKER 5: And that's what life is all about, right? C creating memories, whether it's music, music does that obviously. But I think, you know, collecting does too in a big way and, and we're fortunate because I, I see in the industry, music and collecting, getting closer and closer in terms of, you know, the, the numbers of people out there that, that are gravitating to that.

SPEAKER 5: So, you know, I, I guess it's appropriate that we're in Cleveland, the home of the rock and roll Hall Of Fame and, and I'm sure a lot of people that will be coming to the National are gonna spend some time in the rock and roll Hall Of Fame and they should.

SPEAKER 5: But, you know, that's what it's all about John. I mean, for me at the end of the day, if I can make some new friends and, and see some old ones and iiii, I can't wait.

SPEAKER 4: Yeah, we circle.

SPEAKER 3: We, you know, I, I know I speak for, for probably you and a lot of other people in the Hobby and, and collectors, right? We circle that week, of the year on the calendar and we count the days down. I do a countdown as part of my Social Media. I use athletes and their jersey numbers to, incorporate that to give the, the sports, feel to it as well.

SPEAKER 3: And it's, you know, it's called the National and you know, exactly that it's really international. You, you have people coming from, out of the country from Germany, Australia, obviously, Canada. But other countries are, they're circling that, that week, as, as, as, as Americans do and they look forward to it do and they make a trip, you know, to the States for the National.

SPEAKER 3: So I know it's a National but we had almost called the International because we, you know, we have people coming from other countries and that's the hob, that's epitomizes the Hobby. It's a, it's a worldwide, it's not, it's funny.

SPEAKER 3: But, go ahead.

SPEAKER 5: Go ahead. It's funny. You mentioned that I was just recently up in Toronto at the Expo Show. And, you know, the first of all, the number of Americans going to Canada has increased dramatically. There were a lot of ambassadors, a lot of influencers, a lot of, you know, the young content creators that we were up there from America.

SPEAKER 5: And there, and I just, I just retained his name is Greggy and he's, I think he's like 14 years old. He's our, he's one of our new National ambassadors and he's from Canada.

SPEAKER 5: But my point is that when we're up there, everybody was talking about the National and, you know, for the first time, you know, I've got media coming down from Canada to, to, to, to work on the National, I've, you know, there's exhibitors coming down that and so it, it is really an international event.

SPEAKER 5: And, you know, last year I had about, I took care of about 50 fans, sports fans from, from London that came in and just for the National. Of course, we get them from, you know, Australia, Japan, Germany.

SPEAKER 5: But, yeah, II, I think with the expansion of the Hobby, the way it is with the international they are, people are coming here and, and again, you know, it's, it's reflective of who we are, where we have Americans going to London to, to Japan. And so that world is getting closer and closer and closer. Thanks a lot. Social Media.

SPEAKER 5: But also the shows that are out there and you know, I know that, there's a huge contingent from Canada coming. I think they're gonna have a Canadian night at the National, you know, and so it, that's what it's all about. You know, it's kind of a, a destination, for not only domestic but, you know, everyone throughout the world.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah. And you know, I, well that, I've coined it, the Super Bowl of the Hobby cause, you know, the Super Bowl Week and in the National basically is a week. Everyone knows when it is. It's an event where a high percentage of the Hobby is there. Just like Super Bowl Week.

SPEAKER 3: A high percentage of NFL folks and, and fans and former players and, and that sort of thing are there. So that's why I came up with, I've heard other people call it, you know, the ho the Hobby Family Reunion or Collectors Family Reunion cause it's, you got the show, which is great, obviously.

SPEAKER 4: And then you have the events, post show trade.

SPEAKER 3: Nights, sporting events. You mentioned the rock and roll hall.

SPEAKER 4: I'm coming in a day earlier than I usually do to, to hit that, before, before the National, starts, get that cross that off the bucket list.

SPEAKER 3: And then the rest of the week is all, all the National time for a quick break.

SPEAKER 6: But we'll be right back.

SPEAKER 7: Hobby News Daily is your home page of the Hobby providing original writing, exclusive gem rate data, a daily morning minute podcast and some of the best content creators in the Hobby. Remember Hobby news, daily.com and at Hobby News Daily on social happy Collecting.

SPEAKER 6: Thanks for sticking with us. Let's return to the show.

SPEAKER 3: And, you know, we mentioned, we talked about the internet with people traveling to the National from other countries. You mentioned how Americans are going to other countries, in, in, in reverse, in support of the Hobby. You know, we've seen this in the NFL Ray where they played games Overseas, Mexico. We've seen other sports, do that as well, you know, taking it to the Hobby.

SPEAKER 3: Might we see, you know, a National related type show maybe in a London or where wherever Germany, potentially like an Overseas National with, with this kind of the same people behind our American one, maybe sort of bringing it, sort of a home field advantage for those folks that can't make it maybe to the States.

SPEAKER 5: You know, anything's possible and I know, I know that a lot of people had conversations about that leading up to this year.

SPEAKER 5: But is, you know, as you mentioned, as we evolve, as we grow, I think, I think there will be, I mean, I know the guys from London and, you know, and, and they are very, very involved with us.

SPEAKER 5: In other words, they'll come over and, and, and they'll look at what we're doing and then they'll take it back and, you know, not only will they take it back but they'll, they'll understand how to utilize sponsors, how to, how to create that experience for the fan and what the fans are actually looking for and, and what really makes that experience, worthwhile, from a collector's perspective.

SPEAKER 5: And we've seen that, I mean, I can't tell you how many calls I've got from, you know, the London promoter and, and others who are, are basically just, you know, picking our brain.

SPEAKER 5: And I, and I don't mind that because I think it's a good thing, you know, the more international we become, I think it's gonna grow the Hobby and, and I'm more from, I guess the old school where I, I always felt like organic growth is the best growth, you know.

SPEAKER 5: And so for me grassroots and, and, and I'Ll, I'Ll travel to maybe 10 shows throughout the US, and in Toronto, but I'Ll just to go and kind of communicate and, and let's, and talk to people and meet new people.

SPEAKER 5: Get the word out there be relevant in terms of, you know, representing the National and, and I see, I see others doing the same thing but, you know, John, there's so many new shows that are popping up, you know, smaller shows, regional shows.

SPEAKER 5: You know, that it's really kind of interesting and fascinating because I'm, I'm, I'm from the old school, right? Remember brick and mortar?

SPEAKER 5: And that's where, that's kind of where, you know, the fathers and most of their kids went to learn about collecting because you have the store owner, we talk about, you know, this card is, you know, valuable because you know, this guy played in, in three all-star games and MVP A and you, you heard the story direct and that's what was important because that resonated with both the dad and the, and the son.

SPEAKER 5: But now with the shows, it's easier for a family to go to a show and talk to the dealers and, and, and get that same experience. So, the brick and mortar will always be extremely important. But the, the shows are so, you know, for us, like for the National, we don't see that as competition.

SPEAKER 5: I see that kind of like, you know, like it's kind of like another league sending us, you know, all the, all the the people that have got involved in the Hobby or wanna learn more and, and it's easy for us. Mike.

SPEAKER 5: Burke has had, he coined a ph, a long time ago. He goes, if you can't find that the National, it probably doesn't exist. And, and that's so true today. But you think about it and I get questions all the time. Will there be grading there?

SPEAKER 5: Will there be authentication there any question they ask me? It's a simple. Yeah, they'll be there because everybody and their brother, whether you're the CEO of the company, no matter what category the company is in, no matter what, relevance they have in the Hobby they're gonna be there.

SPEAKER 5: And you don't see that in any other shows really where you have everybody there.

SPEAKER 5: So, you know, you go to the National, you know, you're gonna meet people of, you know, that can, you know, be in a position either to help you or, you know, again, you know, one of the things that, that I find that is important is to have references that people you can call and talk to you and say, hey, listen, this happened to me or I'm looking for this and the only way you get that is you go to like an, an, you know, you go to the local shows too but you go to the National and those references are there.

SPEAKER 5: I mean, those are the key people, even if you have customers, you know, you say, well, you know, I met the, I met the, the head guy from PS A and, and, and he ex, he, he explained it this way. Well, now you're talking from strength, to your local market to your local collector and I think that's what gets everybody excited.

SPEAKER 5: Aside from all the other things you do and needless to say, you know, all the manufacturers, all the Corporates, they, I mean, they have so many giveaways and, and they, they all wanna cut through the clutter. So it's, it's great. That's how we grew kids. I mean, you know, Mike, long time ago, you know, kids are like 12 and under got on free on Sunday, you know, and then Mike at one point said, no, let's do it every day.

SPEAKER 5: And so that started, but then the manufacturers and everybody else followed suit. If we're gonna have kids come in, let's let's take care of them. Let's, let's, let's kind of expand it. And so, you know, you started having pack wars and giveaways and things like that and it's kind of grown or it has grown to the point now where, you know, there's certain expectation about coming to the National.

SPEAKER 5: You know, whether your Tops Panini leaf whoever from the manufacturer side, it's gonna be something special and then you have all the others. Ebay A PS A and other, I mean, so you have everything at your fingertips.

SPEAKER 5: And I think last year, what was so great is that we brought a lot more, technical aspect of it, you know, from companies that, that came in that were able to show, you know, the, the, what we, I consider like the future of, you know, how you, how you can find cards, how you can find out what the value of that card is.

SPEAKER 5: You know, ho how I can ho how I can send it or how I can put it in a vault or whatever everything and anything that question that you have pretty much can be answered by just attending the National. Now, having said that and you may, you, you may be asking this question, but for me, the most important thing about Ghana National is preparation.

SPEAKER 5: You have to Yeah.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah, I get that question. Now, I'm probably this will be my fifth or sixth. I'm starting to lose track myself and, you know, it's the old wear, comfortable shoes, you know, the tongue in cheek, wear deodorant.

SPEAKER 4: But you know, you gotta have a game plan, having a, if you have a little bit.

SPEAKER 3: Of game plan, you don't have to, you know, micromanage everything, but sort of having a game plan depending on how long you're, you're gonna be there the whole week, which is ideal.

SPEAKER 3: It's easier obviously.

SPEAKER 4: Because you have more time.

SPEAKER 3: Right. But if you're not that, if you're not gonna be there the whole week or the whole run of the show, that's where you gotta be a little strategic and kind of set your days up and, and game plan. That way you don't miss, you don't miss anything or if you miss something you don't miss much. Right? And you hit the things, you get the stuff you really wanna do.

SPEAKER 3: Done. It was funny hearing the, the Mike Burke is quote, which I didn't know he said about if it isn't here probably doesn't exist. My first National, Eric Norton was doing his Fat Packs podcast and he had me on his show. It was like the third day I was there and he's like, John, what do you, this is your first National?

SPEAKER 3: What do, what do you think? And not knowing that, that quote, I said, Eric, if it's, if it's not here, it probably doesn't exist is what I, what I think so. I, I don't know if that's great my instincts alike or I just told Mike Burke quote without knowing that it was this quote, at that point.

SPEAKER 5: But it's so, it is. So, it is so true though. I mean, but, you know, even, I mean, I'm, I'm a good, I'm a good point of reference. I mean, I, I, you know, going to the show, there's probably, there's probably about 10 or 15 people that I wanna meet or, you know, I would like to see just to say hello or whatever.

SPEAKER 5: And at the end of the show there's so many times where I say, oh, my gosh, I, I, there's, I missed him. I missed her or whatever. It's very, I, it's challenging for me too and frustrating. So, I don't, I always say, depending on how many, you know. Yeah, I always say work backwards, right? How many days are you gonna be there? You know? Five days. Ok. Three days. Ok. One day you're in trouble.

SPEAKER 3: One day, one day, you try to make it at least 21 day. And I, I always say it's also the fastest week of my year, right? It's like like if the rest of the weeks went that quick, you know what I mean? It just seems to go very fast and, and it's a blur and, and then we count down the days.

SPEAKER 3: So we're already looking forward to the ne to the next one. But yeah, that make you feel a little bit better. I, I think we all can probably say, man, I didn't get to catch up with so and so, and I think that's unfortunately it's par for the course, but that's how big the event is, right?

SPEAKER 3: Just because that list is so long of, of people you wanna, you know, say hello, catch up with that. It is almost impossible. And, you know, it's my listen, no one likes to talk more than me. But at some point too, you wanna enjoy the fruits that the, the show has to offer. So I, you know, I have to shut my big mouth and, and look at cards and maybe.

SPEAKER 4: Do a main stage thing.

SPEAKER 3: I've been, I've been and fortunate enough to, to do that as well.

SPEAKER 4: So you gotta, like, you gotta budget your time.

SPEAKER 3: You know, again, after the show too is a great opportunity to have dinner with, with friends and, and, and people that you you know, wanna kind of catch up with. It's a great opportunity.

SPEAKER 5: Well, I, yeah, and I always recommend to, to people and especially this year, you know, do some do your due diligence, you know, research the city in terms of restaurants and places to go.

SPEAKER 5: You haven't been there yet, but there was a place called The Flats that back in the day when I was, when I was attending the Yankee Games out there in Cleveland.

SPEAKER 5: It was brand new. It's like the place to be kind of died out, fell down a little bit. Now. It's res resurrected places like that and, and, and Google it and, and, and find out because, you know, for, for us that's part of the experience, you know, like you, you have a plan to go to the rock and roll Hall Of Fame.

SPEAKER 5: That's great because when you leave, we just want you to have a such amazing experience that those five days or seven days or whatever it may be was well worth it, you know, and hopefully, and hopefully many of the people will, will leave with, you know, cards and memorabilia that they'll treasure forever too. I mean, that's, that's important as well.

SPEAKER 3: You mentioned this Ray, we're seeing, a plethora of shows, start to be born and, well, like you mentioned, regional, local, local, even here in central New York. We're getting shows and in parts, of New York that never had a show before, you know, small shows, 3040 table type shows.

SPEAKER 3: But this is an area that's not known as a hotbed for the Hobby, per se, but it's starting to gain traction and you, you know, all you have to do is follow Social Media Hobby. So, and you just see all the shows going on. So on the same weekend every weekend, there's, there's multiple shows in, in multiple States and multiple countries.

SPEAKER 3: Are you, are you concerned? Is, is, you know, one thing I think about, I've, I've been doing this for years. This is how my mind sort of works. Can we get to a point where there's an oversaturated of shows? The National has not worry about like, the National is the grand, you know, like they call the rose bowl, the granddaddy of them all.

SPEAKER 3: And the National is the granddaddy of them all. But just shows in general is, is there, is there a tipping of the scales where we get too many? And it can hurt the show circuit again, not the National, but just shows in general.

SPEAKER 5: That's a good question. And, well, you know, for me, I think the oversaturated of anything is not really good.

SPEAKER 5: But having said that, you know, in my travels, when I go around, I, I always make it a point to get to know the promoter cause I really kinda wanna know where his or her head's at, you know, in terms of, you know, what are they looking to do?

SPEAKER 5: What are they trying to accomplish or who are they trying to reach? And it's funny because there, there's so many different perspectives and, and, and, and, and, and I, I won't go into names or, or, or sh particular shows, but for the most part, they're really, really good.

SPEAKER 5: And really what I call authentic meaning they have, you know, the right, the right mixture, the, the right understanding and the right people in place to make it, you know, a success. But like you said, we're, we're, we're still growing and yeah, I, I never thought there would be more and more card shows like for 30 or 40 tables, you know, you know, maybe 100 100 and 50.

SPEAKER 5: But they, they are, they're really small and, and trade nights are kind of superseding some of the local smaller shows, you know, where, where it's a brick and mortar or even a promoter says, you know, I'm just gonna, I'm just gonna call out a trade night, which is not necessarily bad.

SPEAKER 5: But again, you know, kids, you deliver the quality and experience, that has been expected by, you know, your potential customers out there.

SPEAKER 5: And for the most part, I haven't seen anybody that's been really, I say negative in that, in that respect, but it's something that to be concerned about and it's something to make sure for the most part, all the people that I've dealt with are just like, can't wait, are so passionate, just wanted over deliver.

SPEAKER 5: But, you know, there's gonna be factors that come into play, you know, with growth comes more challenges and you know, how you deal with those challenges. It's, it's gonna be reflective of your success. So, I, I, I'm, I'm positive right now.

SPEAKER 5: But cautious.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah. No, I, I probably carry the same sentiment do it for this week's episode.

SPEAKER 1: Thank you to Ray Shy. As always, if you like that conversation, guess what part two is coming up next week as we keep the length of these podcasts at around 30 minutes, which I think people enjoy. I know the downloads, show that.

SPEAKER 1: So, next week Ray will be back and we'll finish our conversation about the Hobby. The National Cleveland, who knows what else? So, always appreciate talking to Ray. Let's hear from our Hobby. The people announcer, some closing thoughts and we'll wrap up this week's episode.

SPEAKER 6: Time for our Hobby is the people announcer of the week.

SPEAKER 8: Hey, guys, this is Dylan from YouTube double D vintage baseball cards reminding you that the Hobby is the people.

SPEAKER 6: If you'd like to be the Hobby is the people announcer of the week, do a WAV or MP3 file and send it to Sports Card Nation PC at gmail.com.

SPEAKER 9: That's a wrap for this week. Huge. Thanks to you, the listeners out there because without you, there is no ice.

SPEAKER 9: If you like the show, we truly appreciate positive reviews. Big ups to our great guests who drive the show and our awesome sponsors who make it all possible. Sports Card Nation will be back next week, but don't forget to catch either Hobby quick hits or cod mentions coming up on Monday.

SPEAKER 9: I'Ll leave you with this.

SPEAKER 9: How do we change the world?

SPEAKER 9: One random act of kindness at a time.

SPEAKER 9: Remember the Hobby is the People.

SPEAKER 10: Iron Sports Cards is your number one source for all your PS A and other grading submissions. Their elite status improves turnaround times. Heck, they even provide the card savers. Their chat rooms, provide updates on all your submissions. They also offer wax options and single cards to cover all the bases.

SPEAKER 10: Check them out on Facebook at Iron Sports Cards Group or on the web at Irons Sports cards.com or even give them a call at 1877. Ironps A Rob's got you covered for nearly 50 years. Sports collectors digest has been the voice of the Hobby. Bringing you comprehensive coverage of the sports collectible industry from industry news, auction results, market analysis and in depth stories about collectors and their collections.

SPEAKER 10: Sports collectors digest has everything you need to know about. The Hobby. S CD is also your leading source for listings of sports collectible dealers, card shops, card shows and the latest from the industry's top companies to check out all the latest news or to subscribe to the Hobby's oldest magazine. Visit sports collectors digest.com or call 1 808 29, 5561.