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Dec. 22, 2023

Ep.263 w/ Danny Black of Hobbynewsdaily.com

Ep.263 w/ Danny Black of Hobbynewsdaily.com

Fellow Card Menscher Danny Black returns to SCN and we review 2023 among other things.

Talking Points:

*Rise of Hobbynewsrdaily.com

*Cutting up on Card Mensches

*NSCC 2023 & looking forward to Cleveland 2024

*Covid Crescendo.vs Now


Fellow Card Menscher Danny Black returns to SCN and we review 2023 among other things.

Talking Points:

*Rise of Hobbynewsrdaily.com

*Cutting up on Card Mensches

*NSCC 2023 & looking forward to Cleveland 2024

*Covid Crescendo.vs Now

*More hijinks

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SPEAKER 1: What is up? Welcome to episode 263. Back again. Happy to be back. Got a, guest today. You, you might be familiar if you follow, my podcast or content creation. We do a show called Card Mens. Together, he's my partner in crime, on, on Hobby Hotline, Hobby News Daily. Danny Black. And, we have a lot of fun and we kinda haven't had him on this show in almost a year.

SPEAKER 1: And as we're winding down here with Christmas, and the end of the year kind of wanted to have him back on. It's been a while with this year. So, talk some serious stuff, as well. I know we joke around but I get a little serious too and, and chop up the Hobby. Talk about our year, individually, combined, roommates at the National.

SPEAKER 1: So we're gonna, you know, just, you know, not a, not a long interview but, have fun. Talk about how our year went, individually and as, together the stuff we do together. As you, me, as I mentioned, Christmas, is coming in a few days if you're listening to this on Show Release Day. And so, wanna wish everybody out there a very, very merry Christmas or whatever holiday.

SPEAKER 1: You may celebrate happy, healthy, enjoy it with family and friends and, get ready for 2024. Which I, I got a feeling is gonna be a crazy, Hobby year. But we'll, we'll see. Let's not put the cart, before the hor horse. So let's, hear from a couple of our great sponsors and then we'll bring Danny and, and chop up some Hobby and have a little fun Hobby.

SPEAKER 2: Hotline is the Hobby's only live interactive call in show. Join some of your favorite Hobby personalities every Saturday, 11 a.m. Eastern. 8 a.m. Pacific and the first Tuesday of each month at 9 p.m. Eastern to discuss the hottest Hobby topics if you miss us live, catch us after the fact on all major podcast platforms. Follow us on socials at Hobby Hotline.

SPEAKER 3: Iron Sports Cards is your number one source for all your PS A and other grading submissions. Their elite status improves turnaround times. Heck, they even provide the card savers. Their chat rooms provide updates on all your submissions.

SPEAKER 3: They also offer wax options and single cards to cover all the bases. Check them out on Facebook at Iron Sports Cards Group or on the Web at Irons Sports cards.com or even give them a call at 1877 Ironps A Rob's got you covered.

SPEAKER 1: All right. My next guest on the Sports Card shop guest line. Someone I don't know super well, but, decided to have him on the show nonetheless to get to know him. A little bit better. I'm, I'm kidding.

SPEAKER 1: If you want, if you're seeing this on video, you know, I'm kidding. But, it's been actually about a year since he's been on sports carnation. So I figured it was time, to have him on, a again. But, obviously it's someone I know very well, a very good friend of mine. We do card mens together. He's the, owner of Hobby News Daily, Daily Black. Welcome back to sports coordinator.

SPEAKER 4: Is it pronounced Newman? Mr Newman? I'm glad I'm glad to, glad to be here.

SPEAKER 1: Easy to pronounce, but I've had it spelled like 15 different ways.

SPEAKER 4: Well, Mr Newman, I'm just honored to be here and I'm, I'm here so I don't get fined.

SPEAKER 1: All right. Well, that makes two of us. So, I, what's going on, buddy?

SPEAKER 1: Listen, it's been, you know, I, I kinda wanted to have you on to talk about 2023 as we sort of, wind down here a couple of weeks, left the, the, the year actually has a significant, you, eight months in the Hobby News Daily. We wanna talk about that.

SPEAKER 1: We're over a year by a, by a week or two of starting card mentors and doing that show, 27 episodes in and that's every other week. So, doing the math, what's been 54 weeks, of that show? And, you know, you were, we were roomies at the National. So I figured, well, we can kinda, wrap up the year and kind of talk about all those things. Let's start with Hobby News Daily.

SPEAKER 1: You started it about eight months ago. What it is today is obviously a lot different, than what it started. It. There's more riders, the site has progressed, kind of talk about, the trajectory of, of that site and, and for those that may not know right, what, what it actually, what happens there.

SPEAKER 4: Well, thank you for letting me give a shout out to, on Hobby News Daily.

SPEAKER 4: Considering you're the one that kind of kicked me in the, in the TOS to, to get it going. And I, and I don't know whether to thank you or, or, or hit you every day.

SPEAKER 4: But it, it's, it's been a blast. It's been a great, eight months. Thank you for encouraging me to, to, get going with it. It has been, really fulfilling to me to be able to give back to the Hobby in a way where we're telling entertaining stories.

SPEAKER 4: Some of the writers are actually doing good research on stuff and, coming up with stuff on, on vintage sets that have never been brought out before. We, we've had a lot of articles on setting, setting up. It shows, be careful saying that children, the FCC will come after you. We've had multiple articles on setting up it shows and, that's been really fun.

SPEAKER 4: Now, the business side of it is we do a podcast every morning that's really starting to take off. We started a YouTube channel, in the last couple of months, where we do an interview series and we released an interview with a Hobby related person or personality a couple of times a week and, you know, 14 other things that I'm probably forgetting.

SPEAKER 4: But we were just revamped the site. We're partnering with grate. Still. We get their daily data before anybody else. And, and we're proud to say that even before Ryan puts it on his Instagram feed, you can find that at Hobby News Daily. And, we release about one article a day. So it's always something fresh.

SPEAKER 1: I'm just glad you said, took us, that sort of made my day. Right there after that, I actually didn't listen to anything you said, but I'm sure it was good. Others will have to, fill me in. I, I can, but not about the, took his part. That, that was, I, I'm generally tickled to hear tus. So, but, you know, I, I'll joke it aside.

SPEAKER 1: Like you said, it's, it's, you know, you make it sound easy but as we both know a lot of work, goes into it, not just you or me, there's a lot of other people, great writing staff, some new, some originals and, you've done different things with, with Hobby News Daily, you know, even, even with some interviews and hot corners and there's more stuff, to come and, and like you said, I'm not trying to pat my, but when you're sort on the fence, I'm like, no, you can do something that, that isn't being done and anytime someone can do something that isn't being done, I'm definitely going to encourage it.

SPEAKER 1: Plus I knew like you would do most of the work. So it was easy for me to say.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. And do it. But, no, listen, II, I think it's great. You're getting, you, you, you know, I know you and you, you wanna cover as many niches and crannies of the hobbies. It's hard to do that.

SPEAKER 1: I think you've done, considering what you, you know, you can't make someone do something they don't want to do. But, I think you've done a good job really covering non sports sport and, and a lot of things that frankly, maybe another site doesn't get into detail about and if it doesn't happen, it's not for lack of effort and, and that sort of thing.

SPEAKER 1: So, I'm happy to be a small part of that and you know, and, and look forward to the site growing, even bigger and you, like you said, you've got some great deals. You, you know, you mentioned the grate deal where you get that info for everyone else to get sort of ahead of schedule.

SPEAKER 1: And that's, you know, Ryan's a great guy to, to do that. And, I was part of those meetings. So, you know, again, take a little pride while you're working, you know, just having a small role. I, I take a little pride in that. So, you know, go ahead.

SPEAKER 4: I, I wanna give a shout out to Adam Palmer. I'd be remiss if I, if I, if I didn't give him kudos, Adam is the voice you hear every morning on the morning minute podcast. He, he is the, the, the, the Morning Sound Of Hobby News Daily. He also does a lot of the visual content what you see on the website. So the layout and the design, a lot of that's all Adam. So I want to just give him a shout out. He does a fantastic job.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, no doubt, no doubt. A lot of stuff wouldn't happen without them. So, Kudos to you for, for recognizing that we're not gonna name all the writers. There's 1617 different writers.


SPEAKER 4: You know what I've learned, I tell people go to Hobby News, daily.com. They're all listed there.

SPEAKER 5: Yeah.

SPEAKER 1: And that's, I was gonna say we're not gonna list them all. Go to the website. Like Danny just gave out and, and see for yourself. And, like you said, there's probably something new every day and, it's, it's, it's done a little bit different and, I think people, if you haven't seen it, I think you'll, you'll appreciate sort of the, the angle, the site comes from and, and, and that sort of thing.

SPEAKER 1: So, and it's gonna get bigger and better as, as it ages, obviously. And, so, let's go on a card matches that's a show me and you do, like I said, we're a year into this thing, man. What do we do?

SPEAKER 1: But that's the best part. One of the things I like about that show Dan We and, and, and this is stuff we've talked about between ourselves. But, you know, we don't really go, we don't go in with sort of any script. We may pick a topic and, and that's it. And, and, you know, shout out to the chat room of that show.

SPEAKER 1: Sometimes they're funnier than, than we are. And I think we're pretty funny if I may be so bold, but there's some great people in, in the chat room very, we try to be interactive. It's just a fun show, you know. Again, I'm gonna be a little bold and saying we sort of do it outside the norm.

SPEAKER 1: We kind of try to do talk about stuff that's not, you know, kind of, you know, the, the, the car wash or being at nausea and stuff, you know, every once in a while when there's something we have to talk about that maybe is not, sort of different. But, we try to keep it, we try to keep her fresh, kind of unscripted.

SPEAKER 1: We laugh at ourselves. We make fun of ourselves. The chat room, like I said, is, is a big part of, of that show and it's just a lot of fun. You know, it's, it's every other Friday and, and, and when that Friday rolls around, I'm not, and I'm not making this up and I, I believe you feel the same way.

SPEAKER 1: I'm looking forward to 9 p.m. that day. Because I know we're just gonna have fun. I don't know if anyone else is gonna have fun that I can't, that I'm not gonna promise. But we do have a money back guarantee. So if no one has fun, we will give you your money where your money, everything you paid.

SPEAKER 1: But, you know, I know I'm gonna have fun and I, I think all joking aside, I think people from, just from the feedback we've gotten, I think people, enjoy the show and, and I think, you know, when you have a chat room, and you recognize that and interact with them, I think people appreciate. That's something we, we definitely, try to do and, and, you know, pat ourselves on the back. I think we do, a, a good job.

SPEAKER 4: Well, I agree with everything you said because you talked about how great our show is. So, I'm not gonna disagree with you.

SPEAKER 4: But my, my, my, therapist says that, it, it's ok to, to talk about what's good in your life. And card mens is good. Card, mens is fun. I call it the best hour in the Hobby that you can drive home from afterwards. You know? It, it's, it's, it's, it's just good, clean fun.

SPEAKER 4: Mostly clean fun.

SPEAKER 4: But the thing that surprised me is how fast the hour goes. We'll start, we'll start an hour sometimes and, and we'll say, you know what, you know, let's, here's the topic, you know, let's just start with this and see what happens. Well, an hour later the show's over you and I will talk for a couple of minutes and say, where did it go? And that, that, to me is something special.

SPEAKER 1: And I think people appreciate it. Right. That it's sort of unscripted. Yeah, we kind of go in with the topic, but we'll be, we'll play off the chat room too. Someone will ask a question and there we go in a, in a different direction and that's fun. I, I don't like, I don't mind scripted stuff or, or topic heavy stuff.

SPEAKER 1: I mean, that's where Hobby Hotline, sort of, kind of comes in for, for both of us and o and others. But I kinda like a show where you can start with one thing and wind up in a whole different town and not really sure how you got there. You know, there's no gps. You didn't program it in, you just wound up there.

SPEAKER 1: And it's fun and like you said, that hour is probably the quickest hour. Sometimes we, we go over that hour just cause we're having so much fun in that chat room is still so sort of interacting with us and, and, and pushing us to go over and, you know, I think we talk about stuff that maybe some other shows, aren't, for whatever.

SPEAKER 1: Maybe that's just because of the way our minds work. But, you know, like, like you said, it's a, a lot of fun and, you know, I know we've talked about even recently, you know, about doing it every week, but I, I think I, I like keeping it every other week. You know, you don't want to beat a dead horse. I think people you know the old saying? Right.

SPEAKER 5: Said Mike, am I a dead horse in the scenario that, no, I'm dead.

SPEAKER 1: You're the horse. I just wasn't sure who's getting beaten or I'm closer to dead in your job.

SPEAKER 1: But, you know, I think people pre I think we did the show every week and you never say never. I think it kind of changes the dynamic, of, of the show. So, you know, and plus I like Hobby quick hit cause I like to do a shorter show, at least once a week and, you know, 2025 minutes. That's, that's one of the, the big reasons. But, I also think, you know, when you don't do it every week, people look forward to it.

SPEAKER 4: I think, even more so that's what my wife says and I just disagree with that.

SPEAKER 1: My wife says the same thing. So, that's, it might be a topic for a future special episode, things, things our wife say that might even have a Hobby of meaning as well.

SPEAKER 1: So, but, again, it's a lot of fun for those of you who, who listen to this, you may have seen it, you know, it appears, on this platform and, again, we're gonna keep doing it. Feedback's been, been good and at worse, even if feedback wasn't good, we, we laugh at each other and that's, that's good enough. Well, for us But, yeah, I know, I'm.

SPEAKER 4: And I know I'm the guest on your show. But can I, can I, hijack it for a second? Yeah. Yeah, I'd like to give a shout out to you. For, for, for sports coordinate. You are on episode, 438 I believe.

SPEAKER 4: You, you, you've, you've actually done more episodes than Cal Ripton had games. I don't know what you're at, but since you were talking about our shows, congratulations on finishing another year and I wanna wish you a happy holiday and a Happy New Year, for everything you do on your show.

SPEAKER 4: Not just my stuff and the stuff we do together.

SPEAKER 1: Well, I appreciate it, man. Coming from you even all the more, I mean, this is five years, actually November 18th was five years, of the show. And, you know, I said it, Danny, you know, I've said this on this show, like if you would have told me five years ago that this is where we'd be.

SPEAKER 1: I would have thought you're nuts and yet that's the case. And, I just having a lot of fun. I, I, I hope, you know, I'm providing some entertainment. I mean, the, the numbers say, I am but you know, numbers are just numbers, right?

SPEAKER 1: It's that feedback you get, sometimes I get letters, I've even got gifts. I know you have, as well. And, that's not, I'm not, you know, asking for that. I mean, most of these are, are unsolicited and I'm, I'm so grateful and humbled and appreciative, of those things. Ii, I got one today.

SPEAKER 1: I, I won't mention them by name cause I know he, he, he doesn't really want me to. But you know, 1975 and 78 original tops packs custom made the coasters and I'll be, those will be on my desk and, it's those things right when you can impact somebody in a positive way, that's one of the best things, you can do.

SPEAKER 1: And I get to do that every day in my, my job as a T A with, with, special education and to, and if that wasn't enough, you know, to do it, even on the content creator side is just, just an added bonus and, I say it all the time. I'm appreciative for as much as people say they are appreciative of me.

SPEAKER 1: I really feel it's more the other way because, you know, I wouldn't do it if I didn't think I, I was and, you know, it, it's fun. But, to, to, for the, you know, when you hear it from other people just sort of validates what we do and, and, and I know you've told me stories, you, you'll be at an event, and some say Hey, I saw you on such and such for this show.

SPEAKER 1: It may not even be maybe car mats and maybe something else. So it's nice to be recognized, you know, not that we do it for accolades or, or gifts or, but it's nice, you know, when people appreciate what you do and to give their time. Right? It's, you know, we say, well, we're for.

SPEAKER 4: I do it for the, I do it for the accolades.

SPEAKER 1: Well, I like accolades.

SPEAKER 4: I do and I accept free gifts. So, don't listen to John Noonan. I will give you my address. It's DNA Black.

SPEAKER 1: Tips are accepted.

SPEAKER 1: But, you know, and, and, and I, I think that's why we get along. We're, we're very similar minded. We just wanna have fun and try to be positive as much as, as we can. Sometimes we have to talk about some things that aren't so positive, but we try to do it in, in as big a, a positive way, a as we can. And, you know, if you're not having fun, in the Hobby, that's what the Hobby should be about.

SPEAKER 1: If you're not having fun, you gotta reassess or take a different angle to kind of change, change that, to, to having fun. And, so, you know, for, for us, you know, card matches is fun and we've, we've gotten a lot of feedback that other people, enjoy to Hobby Hotline. I think we're in our fourth year.

SPEAKER 1: There a as well, another sort of inac, interactive show, with a chat room. People can actually call on, to that show if they so choose and kind of steer the show, where they want. Ii, I have something to be said about shows like that where they're in interactive. I think people, appreciate that. They feel like they're part of it. They have sort of some control. Would you agree?

SPEAKER 4: I love interactive shows. However, I'm antisocial.

SPEAKER 4: So II, I like little, little, impact. So I love card benches, our chat room and card benches is very intimate.

SPEAKER 4: I, I can't do 100 person chat room that, that becomes like, like a, like too much going on. I, a Hobby Hotline, you know, 50 to 100 people. Perfect. You know, in there when we get feedback, card mentions, we've got a great chat room.

SPEAKER 4: So I love the, I love an intimate chat room where we can actually read the comment, talk to people, get their feedback. And, you know, the last show we did, I mean, we, it was practically an open conversation with the chat room, the whole show. So, yeah. No, I very much enjoy that.

SPEAKER 4: And, and, you know, there's some other shows that, that talk to you and I think you and I both like talking with people.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I agree. I would have had, like, sometimes I get to yell at people so I'm not gonna lie. Just, just, you know, that's a little fun to do s, since I gave up football coaching, I don't yell as much.

SPEAKER 1: So, so to, to get that out, sort of, you know, I don, I don't go to Rage Rooms. I just go to Hobby Hotline every once in a while and get to do it, there. But, I'm kidding. Sort of not really, sort of, not, not as, not as much as I make it out to be but whatever.

SPEAKER 4: You are, if he's not kidding.

SPEAKER 1: So, all right. All right. I, I, enough of that, let's talk about, a little bit about the Hobby. Let's talk about the National. I, I, we, we room together. I don't know about you. I had a great time, you know, a as, you know, and I kind of talked about, I was not feeling great a couple of weeks before.

SPEAKER 1: That wasn't sure I was even gonna to go. I still, you know, it, it's funny because even on the trip, a as, you know, I still was not 100% but made the best of it, you know, in a better place, now healthwise than, than earlier this year. But, not been a great year. Health wise, you know, you turn 50 you're not 50 yet.

SPEAKER 1: And, and it's like Forrest Gump, you're much younger than you. Yeah, the, the scene where he runs, he runs and all the stuff starts falling off, the braces. That's sort of in a good way. But when you turn 50 things start falling off. Not in a, in a good way. So, you know, but, listen, you, you make the best of it.

SPEAKER 1: We had a, we had a lot of fun, couple live main stages. We got Cleveland. Count down the days to that for me. I can drive. So, you drove from Baltimore to Chicago and we, so we use your car. It'll be my turn, it'll be my turn next year. Cause I'll be driving to Cleveland.

SPEAKER 1: And so I'm sure we'll, we'll do it again, but it'll just be my vehicle and I'm gonna go a day earlier to check out the rock and roll Hall Of Fame. I've never been, we're both as, as a Raven fan and a S Steeler fan. We're just gonna walk around, we're just gonna walk around the city and make fun of, of Browns fans.

SPEAKER 4: Although you're gonna have a, one of, one of us can do it better than the other one through.

SPEAKER 1: I might, I might not, I might have to just let you do it and I just laugh at your, at your Zingers and, and you know, as, as Pittsburgh, pulls up the Caboose in the AFC, north. But we'll still, I'll still try. But, you know, again, looking forward to that, that being said though, you know, the hobbies in a different place now than it was.

SPEAKER 1: We both know, two years ago, you know, as a dealer, I know you do some shows, I've, I've done a lot more shows this year than in past years. I just sort of adapt. Right. You gotta lower your prices of your cards. If I don't wanna sell something. I've talked about this on the show. Right. I don't put it out.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, there's not a little go about that or I don't bring it, as part of my show, inventory. You know, some people, like to point to, like the current status and say the Hobby, is dying. That's not true. But, it does get clicks and, and can be, you know, a deceiving title to get people to watch something or listen to something.

SPEAKER 1: You know, I, I don't do that. I think you've been in this Hobby a long time. I've been in a long time. We know how this ebbs and flows. The Hobby is not dying. Some people may have laughed, never to come back again. And that's, that's on them. But there's plenty of transactions, you know, you're a broker for your job.

SPEAKER 1: So, you, you know, you he bought a new house. So, something, you know, the Hobby is not dead, contrary to what some will, will lead you to believe, believe me, you know, between the bulk subbing I do and setting up with my own cards. It's, it's been a good year, on the show front.

SPEAKER 1: Your thoughts kinda on where we at today? In relativity to what I call the COVID crescendo.

SPEAKER 4: I love short questions.

SPEAKER 4: I, first of all, I God do I love you.

SPEAKER 4: Let's start with where we started with at the National.

SPEAKER 4: The National was amazing. You absolutely gutted it out for, for, being a trooper, in that heat in the fact that we had to walk, I think it was only 10 or 12 miles every day, with the, with the parking.

SPEAKER 4: And then inevitably I would, forget where the car is. We'd have to walk another 10 or 12 miles. And, so you, you were a trooper through that.

SPEAKER 4: You are the only person I've ever met that snores louder than me. So that was comforting.

SPEAKER 1: I really, I really do and there's other people that can attest to it. Marlon Carlson. I room with him, Sparty Hawk Cachet, Eric Norton in Toronto.

SPEAKER 1: Who I, you know, one of my tricks is I let the, I try to let the other person fall asleep first before I fall as it's just, it's just, I call it courtesy or being polite. But if you, you know, even when that happens, if, if you wake up, then you're, you're privileged to, to, hear the, soulful sounds of a deviated septum and probably some sleep apnea. So, who knows what else?

SPEAKER 4: I just want to know if you do weddings and bar mitzvahs, you know.

SPEAKER 4: But the, the National was, was fantastic. I mean, everybody knows all the jokes about the Cleveland Heat the first couple of days, or the Chicago Heat the first couple of days and then, yeah, looking forward to Cleveland. I might actually end up there twice because I really love the Strongsville show in April.

SPEAKER 4: And so, I haven't missed that the last couple of years. So, if, if I can, I'm gonna be out there for that in April. So, I'm gonna hit the rock and roll Hall Of Fame on one of those trips.

SPEAKER 4: I agree with you with, with that.

SPEAKER 6: Someone's at my door. I've got to get that be right back.

SPEAKER 7: Are you a new sports cars collector or someone returning to the Hobby?

SPEAKER 7: Maybe you're just looking for a friendly trustworthy Hobby community to hang out with and enjoy collecting Midwest Box breaks has been bringing collectors together for many years with affordable brakes, helpful breaks and a discord group packed with generous people who genuinely care about the hobbit and other collectors check out the brakes at Midwest Box brakes.com.

SPEAKER 7: Our goal is to bring you as much value as possible. Also find us on Twitter at Midwest Box springs.

SPEAKER 1: Also remember to check out Midwest Box breaks, marketplace for brakes packs and single cards from over 300 trusted sellers apply to sell today at ISO dot GG forward slash Midwest Box breaks.

SPEAKER 6: We are back.

SPEAKER 4: The Hobby is a whole, you know, you and I were talking off there. People don't like change in general. It doesn't matter what it is. It doesn't matter if it's a job or home. You know, people don't like change. So, the fact that there's change in the Hobby makes people uncomfortable to begin with, is it good change or bad change? I don't think we know yet.

SPEAKER 4: But it's certainly a, a lot different than it was a year ago. I think that, we're seeing a lot of stuff coming out now with and there's gonna be some growing pains. Maybe that's the nicest way to phrase it. But when you have a company take over there, there appears to be some growing pains, throughout the Hobby.

SPEAKER 4: The Hobby has gotten also very litigious.

SPEAKER 4: You know, Paul Eco has become a Hobby celebrity and that's, that's good on Paul. He's, he's, he's.

SPEAKER 1: Very smart and you didn't know and you didn't know that, I don't mean to cut you out. But you, he's probably the guest on next week's show. So, the fact that you mentioned him would tell you, you know, not my first time.

SPEAKER 4: Not my first time in your account.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, that's good.

SPEAKER 4: But no, in all seriousness, I mean, who, who would think that an attorney, is, is the guy that everybody wants to hear from the most?

SPEAKER 4: And these are true collectors, you know, these, these are people that just, you know, want to know about what's going on in the Hobby. So, to me that all that change, is just a different way of collecting, you know, five years ago, did you ever think you would care about what happened in a courtroom related to the Hobby?

SPEAKER 4: It just, it, it was off the radar. It didn't affect the cards you would get. Now we're at a place where everything seems to affect the cards you get down to super fractures and one of ones and, base sets and, and breakers and every, everything seems to be, going through change.

SPEAKER 4: So to me it, it's to be determined if it's good or bad but it definitely has rattled the cage.

SPEAKER 1: Well, here's the other thing, like, you know, it's never gonna be 100% good even during a crescendo, right? Prices. As a dealer, I was glad because I was selling stuff for stuff, you know, and it seemed like anything you touched her, I call it the midas touch anything you touch, you could make a profit on.

SPEAKER 1: Right. But when you wanted to buy stuff, it costs a lot more money. You know, Jackie Robinson cost me more money during those crescendos. So now, you know, we look at the good stuff now and again, it's not all, all bad. It's not all good. Right. But some of the good stuff now I'll, I'll say it right.

SPEAKER 1: I think the Hobby settling down. Some of those folks that were in it just for do, signed solely, you know, sort of exited stage left. You know, whether you think that's bad or good, it didn't bother me either way to each their own. But, you know, some people will point to that and say that's a good thing.

SPEAKER 1: We have like, you know, more purists now or true collectors, whatever co you know, terms you, you want to use some of them I've heard. And I, you know, for being in this 40 years, I don't even know, what some of that means. And then you look at now, you know, 10 ones, you can get multiple, one on ones now.

SPEAKER 1: So you, you, you, you could double, your future is crazy.

SPEAKER 1: You could double your chance and sometimes triple your chances at getting the same one on one. That's a positive. I kid, obviously that's, it's not really, a positive but, you know, there's going to be like you said, you got a new company, I'm not making, I'm not defending them or, or errors but, you know, no one's perfect.

SPEAKER 1: I don't know how some of this stuff happens. But that's not for me necessarily to know but we have to talk about it. Report it, on different, shows. We do not every show but on some shows that we do, we have to talk about it.

SPEAKER 1: You know, I've, I've heard the, you know, a, a term people like to throw around a lot. Like a Hobby watchdog. I don't believe like you, you anoint yourself that I think we're all Hobby watchdog. I think we all should look out for one another. I don't, you know, it, you know, you don't get knighted by a queen, you know, Hobby Watchdog.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I don't think you make your own plaque and put it on your desk with that title. You know, if someone asked me, do John, do you, you know, for as long as you've been in the Hobby, the content, do you consider yourself a Hobby watchdog?

SPEAKER 1: And I, I wouldn't use that exact, coinage. I, but I'll just say, listen, if I know something and that, and that knowledge can help someone navigate, and avoid, you know, losing money or getting duped or having a bad Hobby experience, then I'm gonna share that information. I, if that makes me a Hobby watchdog, then.

SPEAKER 4: It makes it makes you, it makes you a mensch.

SPEAKER 1: All right. Well, I like that term a lot better than a Hobby. Watchdog. But I think, you know, with that term watchdog, I think we all need to, to look out for one another, whether it's a man or watchdog. I think that's just being, a good human, a good person.

SPEAKER 1: And so I don't care about the title as much as the Act, the Actions more than, than the words, right? Or the title. So we should all be sharing information, to, to help each other out. Especially maybe someone new in the Hobby, not as familiar with the terrain.

SPEAKER 1: If you can help them out, you know, I'm learning stuff every day. That's the other thing. I don't care how long you, you do this, you know, I don't believe in even the term experts. I've been called that when I've been on another show and, I'll never kind of say that I'm one myself, just experience maybe, but not, and I know expert and experience kind of are derivative of each other.

SPEAKER 1: But, you know, I'm learning stuff every day along with everybody else and I think, that's important and, you know, I always said the minute I don't learn something, I'm not paying attention.

SPEAKER 1: And then I, if I'm not paying attention, I probably shouldn't be coming on and doing content creation and and sharing information when I'm not, you know, paying attention and learning myself. So that's my soapbox on, on all that kind of stuff to us.

SPEAKER 1: Two took everybody just got two Tes in one show. That's, that's a new record, I believe.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I believe the previous record was zero. So we've, we've whatever percentage is higher than it.

SPEAKER 4: We took the, if you, if you took the over on to us, you won.

SPEAKER 1: So, but, you know, so I, I don't know, man, it's, it, I'm, I'm just having fun. That's, you know, when I wake up every day, I wanna, I wanna have a good day whether it be in my job in life, family in the Hobby.

SPEAKER 1: I, that's my approach.

SPEAKER 1: You know, I've always been, speaking of approach, I know you're like this, I'm always been approachable. I answer any kind of an answer. Every correspondence, even the guy who, every three weeks says I'm not listening to your show anymore. And I say, ok, I'm sorry to hear that.

SPEAKER 1: And then three weeks later when I get it again, like, I mean, it, this time, I appreciate that, that gentleman, as, as well and, and I respond, you know, I responded to, to everything as, as long as it's not a personal attack, I'm not gonna, you know, I'm not gonna respond necessarily, to that or at least, you know, I'll use a burner account. If I do, I'm kidding. I'm kidding.

SPEAKER 1: But, if you get a message from Sports Card investor, it's really not, don't even say that cause someone's gonna, someone's gonna believe it. But, you know, speaking of that I got, you know, it's a question I asked other guests. I don't know if I've ever asked you if I, I don't believe so. So I'm gonna, you know that the, the I word I call it right.

SPEAKER 1: People don't like to, you know, talk about the Hobby and, and being an investment and my stance has always been, it can be if you choose it to be, but it doesn't have to, to be if you choose it to not be, you know, so, but those who say, like it's not, I, I don't be, I don't agree with that. We see what some of these, items are bringing, on the auction blocks, millions of dollars, double digit millions.

SPEAKER 1: To say that's not an investment.

SPEAKER 1: You know, is, is, I don't think it's true. Now, you don't have to be in a Hobby to be an investor. You don't have to collect, for the money side of it. That part, I definitely will, will agree with you. But to say the Hobby, you know, part of the Hobby is not an investment is, is just not accurate. Your thoughts d on, on the I word.

SPEAKER 4: I think that anything that you can make money on if you want to. It's fine to be an investment. If you don't want to, that's your freedom, then hold on to it and don't, and don't sell it. So I, I'm never offended by the word.

SPEAKER 4: Because I think you can also invest in your collection if I want to sell some of my cards from this pile to get better cards to put in this pile. And maybe I've invested and made money and I've gotten better cards now. Well, that's a form of investing. I don't think that's a dirty word. I think that's part of collecting also.

SPEAKER 4: And I'm also noticing if anybody's, you know, watching this and not listening to it, it appears that I have a double chin on camera that's all lighting, by the way, I'm very, very, I'm just noticing. So, yeah, I just want to clear that up.

SPEAKER 1: Well, here's the other thing, I don't know how to follow that, but I actually do have a double chin. It has nothing to do with lighting lighting or it's real. But that is, it is what it, what it is. But and I got this shirt from the Sinsky collection. So for those watching on the video. But you know, here's the thing you, you know, again, for what some of the stuff goes, you know, your time is an investment, right?

SPEAKER 1: Whatever time you spend in the Hobby, you may not look at it that way but you're spending, you could be doing something else. You're investing whatever time it is you're putting in the Hobby, in, in the Hobby. So, I, I don't know why we've made it, a bad word. We have a, a gentleman here in Syracuse. I won't mention his name.

SPEAKER 1: He's a billionaire. What did he make his money on scrap metal? Just buying other people scrap metal and reselling it. Now, when you throw that stuff out, you're not thinking it's an investment, right? Well, this gentleman who some may know by my description, at least locally, I will argue that he's made a billion dollars from scrap metal. So anything can be?

SPEAKER 4: How many, how I'm just curious how many scrap metal billionaires are there near you?

SPEAKER 1: I think there's just one. So you might have outed him and, and, and in his defense, you know, he's very philanthropic, does a lot of stuff for charity as well with his billions. So, but he made, he made his fortune on, on scrap metal and you know, pe people make money as, you know, hauling garbage. You know, somebody said, well, that's just garbage.

SPEAKER 1: Well, it became a business, right? So I think we got to get away, you know, a little soapbox. I think we gotta get a, where we're making money is sort of, you know, looked at as sort of a negative thing. You know, I've had people say, you know, well, John, what you're doing shows and you're making money in the Hobby. You're not a true collector.

SPEAKER 1: You know, and I always chuckle because I, I have cars that never make it to the show, that all the stuff you see behind me is not part of my show inventory. Never to be sold as far as I'm concerned, at least while I'm here.

SPEAKER 1: So, like, those are part of my collection. So you can say I'm not ac, you can say call me any name you want, you want to. But, but we, there's this negative connotation when it comes to anyone that sells cards. I don't get it. I don't understand it. But go ahead.

SPEAKER 4: Explain the hypocrisy about the same people who say self funding. The Hobby is a good thing. Well, how do you self fund if you never anything? Yeah.

SPEAKER 1: That, and, and the people who are critical of people selling cards, where are they getting their stuff? They have to buy it from something.

SPEAKER 4: So that's why II, I take that with a big, big heaping salt of a big heaping pile of salt. And, you know, I don't believe in those terms. I, I think the Hobby is what you want. You know, if you want to sell you and I had a conversation, I'm looking to sell one card. Right? Now that's not really part of what I collect.

SPEAKER 4: It's not a mainstream thing. I like the card. I'm willing to hold on to the card. But if I can sell the card, I'm gonna sell the card and I want to put it into stuff that I collect more, you know? Does that, I mean, does that make me not a collector? Does, I mean, have I lost like rights to go to some secret, you know, show that.

SPEAKER 1: I've thrown around Danny. I'm sure you've already, you're, you know, you're not a purist, whatever purist means.

SPEAKER 1: I looked it up in, in the Webster dictionary.

SPEAKER 1: There's no Hobby connotation for it. But based on, but based on the, the definition of it, I, I just really don't know when I hear the word purist, I, in, in using Hobby terms, I honestly don't know what that entails. I, I don't even think I wanna be, a Hobby purist at the end of the day.

SPEAKER 1: You know, so, I just want to be a hobbyist, period. I don't need anything after, the hobbyist. So, you know, collector, I'm a collector. I sell cards as a dealer.

SPEAKER 1: I keep cards never to be sold whatever that means or whatever, you know, the script, whatever definition that is, that's, that's, that's what I am. And, you know, like I said, I don't pay too much money but I always get a chuckle.

SPEAKER 4: When, when I've heard that, like, I think that's why you and I get along is we're nonjudgmental collectors.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. I tried to be even, even the term like flippers, especially during the, the, the COVID crescendo and a lot of people came in, especially from the sneaker side of the Hobby just to kind of make money while it's not my thing.

SPEAKER 1: I didn't, I, you know, I could care less. I don't wanna say I could care less but like to each day their own as long as they're doing everything above board. If someone buys their stuffs and they're getting, they're shipping it out to them.

SPEAKER 1: Then they're, they're not doing anything wrong. It may not be my approach. Maybe some of those folks aren't here, anymore. That's their, their business. But, you know, I've heard people say, well, they're not real Hobby.

SPEAKER 4: You mean, you mean out of the Hobby? You mean out of a Hobby? Not passed away? Yeah.

SPEAKER 1: Well, I don't know. You know, I don't know anybody but, but, you know, I have, I have heard people, you know, well, flippers aren't really part of the Hobby. Yeah, they are. You may not like that fact but they are part of the Hobby.

SPEAKER 4: Yeah, Michael Rubin talked about 33 prongs of distribution, retail card shops and, and guess what? Breakers are now the third prong. It's different. Things are changing.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. You don't have to, you don't have to do it that way. You don't even have to like. Yeah. But you can't just dismiss folks cause it's not your forte or it's not something, you would do. And, and that's something I've learned, through many years is right. There's just different ways to Hobby while I may not be fond of a way that doesn't mean that person doing it that way isn't part of the same ho Hobby.

SPEAKER 1: It's just a different sort of, fraternity, you know, and, but they're still in, in the Hobby, still on campus if you will. And, you know, I think we've got to get away from the labels. I don't like, necessarily, labels. I think we, you're either in the Hobby or you're not right.

SPEAKER 1: Someone who doesn't collect or deal with cards is not a hobbyist. Right. And, if you are then you are, I don't think we, you know, we should, you know, label people, and, and give ourselves our own labels either. So, that's always sort of been, my approach and, I'm not gonna, you know, I'm too old. Speaking of not liking change.

SPEAKER 1: You know, I'm too old now to, to change, any kind of, you know, approach. It's always sort of been, you know, my mo is that you're either you're in the Hobby or you're not, there's, you know, whatever way you do it is up to you. So, and that's kind of the way I'm gonna, keep it.

SPEAKER 1: But, any, you know, we're, we're winding down here, Danny cause we don't, we don't do enough, content but, anything you wanna kinda close with. But, you know, give out, where people can find Hobby News Daily and all that other, all the other good stuff.

SPEAKER 4: Absolutely. First of all, al, al, always fun to do it on, on, you know, the record and off the record, with you and for people who don't know, we literally have this almost identical conversation when we're not recording. So there, there's not much difference here.

SPEAKER 4: Other, other than, John gets to talk more on his show.

SPEAKER 1: Talk a lot of all the shows.

SPEAKER 4: Ok. Hobby News, daily.com.

SPEAKER 4: And that, that is, like I said, there every day it is, we call it the home page of the Hobby.

SPEAKER 4: I, if you want good fun entertainment, Hobby News, daily.com and at Hobby News Daily, on all Social Media and YouTube, and, you know, for a totally separate thing, every other Friday check out card benches, either on Sports Card nation, John's channel or card benches has its own, or I even have it on my personal one which I barely use, but sports vaults.

SPEAKER 4: But I'm, but we, we have a very loyal viewership to that. And so, thank you to everybody for who follows any of the things I just mentioned.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. Yeah, no doubt. And, all that stuff is fun. Check out Hobby News Daily. I write an article a month but there's plenty of great writers, even better than me and, doing a great job covering a lot of different aspects of the Hobby that you won't get, from certain other places.

SPEAKER 1: So, something fresh and, and new and, if you haven't checked it out already, check it out, bookmark and, check it every day cause there's probably something that's, new, the following day that you haven't seen, yet as well. So, with that being said, we don't do this, this often, so it was sort of refreshing and, well, I'll see you soon.

SPEAKER 1: See you next year as you probably can tell we have some fun, when we get together and we have as much fun off the air in conversations as we do on and, and like Danny said during that, interview, if you will, that wasn't much different than our conversations when we're not recording. We, we just keep it real and have fun and, and that's what it's all about and, never gets old.

SPEAKER 1: And that's why we do card mentions if you haven't checked that show out on this very program every other week. The audio is released on Monday. We do it live every other Friday at 9 p.m. Got a great chat room. Hope to see some of you there. Check out Hobby News, daily.com, a lot of great articles, a lot of great news stories. Jem, rate early, releases and, much, much more.

SPEAKER 1: I know I'm leaving something out and, podcast, there as well. So, always, always try, and it's great to have great friends in the Hobby. I think we all know that. And Danny, checks that box, for me and I hope I check it for him. So, with that being said, we're gonna have our Hobby as the people announcer and some closing thoughts.

SPEAKER 6: Time for our Hobby is the people announcer of the week.

SPEAKER 8: This is Rob Petrozzo from rally reminding you that the Hobby is the people. It's not any corporations or breaks. It's not even fractional companies. It's not any of that. It's people and the people that make collecting great and make it what it is.

SPEAKER 6: If you'd like to be the Hobby, is the people announcer of the week, do a WAV or MP3 file and send it to Sports Card Nation BC at gmail.com.

SPEAKER 9: That's a wrap for this week. Huge thanks to you, the listeners out there because without you, there is no ice.

SPEAKER 9: If you like the show, we truly appreciate positive reviews. Big ups to our great guests. Who drive the show and our awesome sponsors who make it all possible. Sports Card nation will be back next week but don't forget to catch either Hobby quick hits or cod mentions coming up on Monday.

SPEAKER 9: I'll leave you with this.

SPEAKER 9: How do we change the world?

SPEAKER 9: One? Random act of kindness at a time.

SPEAKER 9: Remember the Hobby is the people for more than 30 years. Robert Edward auctions has been the nation's premier auction house specializing in sports memorabilia and trading cards with significant experience and expertise in all major sport, non sport and Americana collectibles.

SPEAKER 9: Re A has helped clients achieve record breaking prices for their items and has done so with a reputation for integrity and transparency by actively partnering with collectors and enthusiasts throughout the entire process. Re A has created the Hobby's most trusted forum for selling high quality collectibles. Go to Robert Edward auctions.com for more information on how to buy or sell in their next auction for nearly 50 years.

SPEAKER 9: Sports collectors digest has been the voice of the Hobby. Bringing you comprehensive coverage of the sports collectible industry from industry news, auction results, market analysis and in depth stories about collectors and their collections. Sports collectors digest has everything you need to know about the Hobby.

SPEAKER 9: S CD. Also your leading source for listings of sports collectible dealers, card shops, card shows and the latest from the industry's top companies to check out all the latest news or to subscribe to the Hobby's oldest magazine. Visit sports collectors. Digest.com. Or call 1 808 29, 5561.

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