Jan. 27, 2025
Card Show Reviews/Market Reports Hobby Quick Hits E197
Had a run of shows I've set up at. Let's dive into how they went and what I'm observing in the trenches.
*New Product Release Schedule
*Hobby News
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hits delivering that breaking hobby
ear you want to know those hot drops
from the car shop we've got you covered
Newman hello everyone welcome to episode
hits today we're going to do a
conglomerate show review of the last two
or three shows that uh I set up as as a
dealer talk about some observations from
the floor what's selling uh what people
asking for what kind of uh cards I'm
subtable um just an overall kind of
market report if you will at least from
the show that I'm setting up uh at so
not going to be a long episode but we'll
we'll cover a little ground and talk
about things I'm seeing how things have
been uh all that fun stuff so let's get
started okay now a quick word from our
great sponsor followed by the new
product release schedule then we'll go
around the hobby verse to tell you all
the latest hobby happenings and news
then we'll tackle today's topic of
discussion hi hi this is Pat Hughes Cubs
Announcer coming to you from the sports
card shop in beautiful New Buffalo
Michigan the goer family has built an
incredible place here for collectors to
buy sell and trade cards and memorabilia
be sure to stop by and let them show you
around the sportscard shop.com
connecting Sports athletes The Hobby and
collectors around the world hi this is
Alan pinket and I'm here to tell you the
goater family has done it again they've
just opened up the sport card shop in
downtown valarezo Indiana and it is
awesome if you're a collector you need
to check this place out tell them Allen
sent you and get a free gift on your
first visit Let's uh peruse and go
upcoming product release schedule let's
start start with the end of the month
here uh January 29th 2023 Leaf perfect
game baseball bonus box uh the actual
end of the month on the 31st we have uh
multiple products coming out 2024 Leaf
Ultimate Sports 2024 25 Panini NBA Hoops
basketball 2025 tops Chrome
Delights Hobby and mega boxes also on
the 31st 2023 24 upper duck Upper Deck
clear-cut Hockey let's go to February
February 5th uh multiple releases on
that day 2025 historic autographs
founding fathers 2024 Panini donos
football hobby 2024 Panini photogenic
2025 uh pieces of the past 1776 the
Freedom Fighters Edition 2024 Topps
Diamond icons baseball as we get into a
high-end product uh there 2024 true
2023 24 Upper Deck Skybox Upper Deck
Skybox ex 2000 hockey uh looking forward
to that one uh wild card on February 5th
has uh two releases illumination lamine
yamal rookie comix and the five car card
draw football moving to the sixth one
release 2023 24 Topps Midnight
basketball going to uh the 7th uh a lot
of releases here on February 7th 2024
Leaf history book pop culture edition
chapter 1 2025 Leaf metal poker 2025
Leaf power slap 2024 Panini rookies and
Stars Football also on the 7th Pokemon
scarlet and violet blooming Waters
premium collection Prismatic
Evolutions uh blasters tins and surprise
boxes also staying on the seven 2024
Topps Dynasty Formula 1 racing Yu-Gi-Oh
blue eyes white D white desk
structure deck and we'll finish out uh
2025 pulse Stratos football so there's
your releases for the next two weeks
Choose Your Weapon happy ripping good
luck Let's Go Round The Hobby verse and
catch up on this week's hobby
out holy cow I don't believe
it that's right the big news of this
week or since we last did a new segment
the Paul skines Major League debut patch
has been discovered 11-year-old boy in
Los Angeles California not far from
where the wildfires are are raging uh
pulled it uh it was graded by PS say
double 10 10 card 10 Auto uh the young
man uh probably not a pirates fan so he
uh respectfully declined the Pirates
Bounty but will be putting it in and
selling it with the Fanatics collect
auction which will take place in March
along with Souther Beast Fanatics also
announced that their percentage of the
profits from the sale of this card will
be donated to the Wildfire Fund in
calfor California very cool there this
young man is going to have plenty of
money to either buy some more cards
decide where he wants to go to college
in about seven or eight years uh or you
know splurge on on whatever I'm sure his
parents uh will be involved uh there but
uh just an incredible uh pull and
obviously getting the double 10 from PSA
uh enhances the value someone asked me
you know what John what do you think
this goes for I would guess and that's
all it is is a guest you know quarter
million dollars to 1.2 I don't know I
could be off you know uh Paul skes might
be bidding on it himself uh and he's got
he's got a few bucks so uh won't be me
winning this card that's for sure but
you know the Pirates themselves they
don't spend money on players so they Bob
nutting the owner of the Pirates
probably has plenty of money uh to go
ahead and buy this uh card you know if
it gets into a bidding war and that's
going to be the interesting part you
know if you have a a rich collector Bob
nutting Paul SK all kind of wanting this
card at the same time what might this
bidding war if it happens uh go to and
uh so it's going to be very interesting
to see in March um what this card
uh goes for but uh uh you know you know
kudos to the young man it's nice to see
you know uh a young collector pull of a
Lifetime right he's never going to pull
uh anything uh he kind of peaked out at
11 uh if you will but that's uh one heck
of a peak out so congrat congrats to the
unnamed uh young man and and his his
family so uh on to the next Story the
Hall of Fame voting is complete three
players get in one is no surprise uh
icho Suzuki of mariners Lord played on a
few other teams Yankees Marlins but
known for his Mariner days got a late
start in the major league baseball
career after playing in Japan but made
up uh plenty for lost time and was a a
no doubt Hall of Fame layup one voter
yep you heard me right one voter
did not vote for icho you don't ask me
why does make doesn't make any sense he
should have been unanimous and uh you
know they need to the major baseball and
Hall of Fame need to look into things
when I that happens but it does not
tarnish uh the greatness of icho uh two
men will be joining him CC Sabathia uh
261 victories uh on the pitching mound
he does knock my socks off but when I
really looked at his stats I really
couldn't argue um against them uh you
know whenever we're going to see uh
another 300 game uh winner uh I think
250 uh wins will be the new 300 in in
baseball somewhere uh in between that
and the third gentleman getting in you
know former Matt played on a few teams
and uh on his last last year of
Eligibility on the regular ballot uh one
of the best closers you know
unfortunately played in the same error
with Mariano but uh so he's overshadowed
as everyone was by the greatness of of
Rivera but Billy Wagner gets in on his
last try Kudos the him I know some
people aren't real uh you know excited
about that but I I think as closers go
if we're putting in closers and we do uh
he definitely qualifies I know he's not
a sexy name um but uh you know uh I
don't have a problem uh with him getting
uh getting in looking a year ahead not a
great year next year kind of led by Ryan
Brun we all know uh the Ryan brwn uh
history I don't think Ryan brwn gets in
but I think a guy that got 70% of the
vote this year and just fell short
actually does get in next year because
of the weak class and that's a five tool
guy Carlos Beltran who I think is being
haunted uh by the Houston Astros you
know cheating scandal cost them the Mets
managerial gig they kind of gave it to
him and then took it off the table I
think it's cost them Hall of Fame
induction thus far but I think next
belron uh in in the hall we'll have to
uh we'll have to see uh that remains to
be seen but uh uh you know stay tuned uh
for next year's induction which is going
to be no matter what happens it's going
to be a very light class uh to say the
least Fanatics uh announced that $1.6
billion uh through tops uh which is four
times the profit uh that they made in
2020 so they they four times their
company uh or tops uh since
2020 uh here in just the beginning of
2025 as they try to expand uh their
reach uh and their command of the hobby
Dum as they try to take over uh
everything and while we're talking about
Fanatics let's stand and they announced
this spring they will open a London
flagship store right in the right in the
8700 square feet so a nice big footprint
for them it will obviously house
everything Fanatics from apparel to
cards um anything to carry Mitchell and
NES uh if it's Fanatics you will find it
there from tops products to apparel hats
uh and all the stuff that uh they own
will be in this major Superstore right
in downtown London as they expand well
you know they expand their their
dominance or or triy to um and this is
the next uh shoe to fall and that will
be again uh this spring speaking of
money uh we have another rich young man
old duk's Cooper flag a freshman Phenom
who already has deals with Gatorade and
New Balance can add Fanatics to a card
memorabilia and autograph deal he's
already in tops now on demand products
and unfortunately for Panini this shuts
the door on any opportunity for them to
feature him uh he's exclusive now uh to
fanatic sltp so if you want uh who's you
know Cooper is only projected to play at
Duke this year and then move on to his
NBA career and be uh a lottery pick so
uh that's uh uh you know you're going to
have to get him out of top/ Fanatics
products he will not appear uh in Panini
uh products so uh there you go there one
last story new movie I'm not sure I
talked about this yes it's called Uh
yeah it's called hobby hustle uh
director Michael do do not his first
film but his first hobby film he's also
an author uh you know covers a hobby
it's not the first time we've seen this
but um I haven't seen it yet but I will
be uh watching it and uh I will be
screening it and uh he will be a guest
we've already uh confirmed uh Michael do
the director will be a guest on a future
sports cation podcast to go over the
film and and the process and we'll have
him on and and Shop up the film and the
hobby uh in general so uh look for that
in a future uh sports card
nation and now our Feature
Presentation all right folks I'm going
to cover three shows that uh I've done
in the last I guess you'll say uh month
uh the December 21st show I did at the
Watertown uh venue which is a monthly
2025 uh show that I did there and in
between those I did a show uh which is
not a monthly show but uh every so often
they have one in Fon New York it's a
little town north of me about 40 minutes
uh did one on January 11th there that
was my second one there that's really
the second one ever done there and I've
done both so you know starting out with
the December 21st show in Watertown
little little concerned with that show
you know four days before Christmas
people may be scrambling the the finish
up Christmas shopping how much
discretionary income might be uh left
available for for cards uh I will say
this it was a a good show it was a
little bit better than I was expecting
but again I was bracing sort of for
impact in the wor so wasn't a a great
show a little slow on the card side
still did really well on the SGC end of
thing so if anything I would say the SGC
Subs kind of saved the day for that show
and that's kind of what I was assuming
and hoping in the very least uh would
happen so uh kind of a you know not as
big a crowd as we would normally see at
that show and again I think the
proximity uh to Christmas four days
before you know definitely uh didn't
help uh if you will but you know you you
know in defense of the promoter and
Andrew you're at the discretionary of
the venue when you do a monthly show
other events and and things like that
he's trying to schedule him around local
shows he's very good in that way other
local shows and like Syracuse and all
and he's trying not to schedule them on
the same day so uh that's sometimes uh
what happens so again overall you know
I'm glad with the intake um but not
typically how I would do at that show
that being said so we fast forward about
uh two weeks to the Fon New York show
Fon New York like I said is is not it's
a small City small town I should say uh
about 40 minutes from me between
Syracuse and asgo uh to kind of give you
a reference point if familiar uh with
Central New York this is the second one
there U same promoter that does
Watertown Andrew who's been on the show
uh this is the second show there I did
the first one I wasn't really going to
do the first one and I kind of got peer
pressured into it uh from my show buddy
Chad Mar who lives in Fon he's like how
are you not going to do my hometown show
which was in October um not expecting
much based on location and was shocked
how well I did uh the first time out now
I went into this one again I had to kind
of be talked off the ledge into to doing
it but I almost felt obligated to do it
because of how well I did at at the
first show so I locked in signed on you
know had my table SGC table bulk sub
table I went into this folks knowing
like there's absolutely no way I can
replicate what happened um because that
was more of an anomaly frankly shocked I
did better at that show than some of my
bigger shows don't ask me why or how or
what happened I I don't have a logical
explanation it's one of those Saturdays
where you sell some nice cards intakes
and it was a a great show again I went
into this one knowing like if you expect
that you're going to be setting yourself
up for disappointment so I kind of went
in again I I guess I do this a lot I
kind of go in and I expect to wor so it
you know if that happens it maybe
doesn't sting as much um this was uh uh
okay to good show like I said I knew it
wasn't going to be what the first one
was but uh started off slow and it
really was looking like it was going to
be sort of a dud show and really slow
start on both sides right on my card
side on the es side and I'm like yep
kind of what I thought was going to
happen is happening kind of a rush after
like 11 a.m. and know had a couple nice
sales know a couple folks bought a bunch
of cards kind of get a break on on
buying multiples and couple single card
sales and the SGC table even picked up
uh towards the end if I was even packing
up and someone came up as I was packing
up and turned in some cards for grading
so kind of a late Rush really salvaged
the day from being a bad show to an okay
uh show you know that's nice when that
can happen rather than you know have a
bad show listen bad shows happen right
sometimes it's no fault of anybody you
know timy um a week later I did the
Watertown show uh again uh you know
first one after that near Christmas one
which was just okay this one really this
another one where kind of late Rush has
really made it a a very good show was
kind of a good show you know I I guess I
use those terms right bad good and very
good and excellent right the four tiers
I guess I us so this became a it was a
good show became a very good show based
on some late russan late sales and so
the SGC table really really did well
really put us over the top of you know
intake and financial uh side of the
house um so very pleased um with this
show and I think there's something to be
said about the show before near
Christmas I think um people had their
discretionary income that they're used
to back and seemed like there's more
people um you know early on there was
quite a bit of people but it wasn't you
know in kind of evaluated how I was
doing it it didn't seem to match up but
when the final tally came in you know
and you know I don't know if I've ever
said this when I talked about my show uh
experiences I'm I don't count funds
during the show I kind of have a little
bit of a I have a a shoulder bag you
know uh that I wear in front of me I you
know as I make sales and make change I
it comes in and out of that you know
some dealers will pull their W out if
you will and count their money to see
how they're doing I don't do that uh I
don't know I think there's a little
Superstition there guys I don't do that
you know I mean I can kind of Gauge by
looking and and just how the show's
going but I don't I don't actually have
a an official account till I get home
kind of go here in my office and really
break down the funds you know and
different things like that so um when I
got home I realized it was that second
half of the day that really uh put us
over the top from a good show to a a
very good one that's how I kind of
classif uh bad good very good and so um
you know the last excellent show I would
say that I had was probably in October
at the fairgrounds the fairgrounds is a
a bigger show you're getting you know
almost four four figures coming doors or
close um it's a show I've done for 20
years so I have a clientele it's near my
house it's just a a good show for me so
it's hard you know it's not In fairness
to these smaller venues it's not really
fair to kind of compare them all the
time although in some of these smaller
shows I I do uh very so you know in in
July in Watertown I had a a big fairr
Fairgrounds type result so you you know
don't sleep as I often say on some of
these smaller shows U really you know
with some of the inventory I have guys
I'm I'm again I'm not trying to be
breous I sell one card out of my case
could be four figures right there alone
and that does happen maybe not as often
that does happen so um you know that
being said you know that's why I don't
sleep on these small shows so going back
to the 18th uh basically last week very
good very good on on the SG I I'd say
good on the card side very good on the
SG side SGC side had a couple big big uh
submissions and made it a big uh a big
order going to which is still there but
uh you know we'll be back in in 10 to 12
so really happy with that show uh as we
prepare and one thing I'm going to be
doing uh the promoter of the fairground
show has added some quality in uh Hotel
shows that I've signed up for at least
for this year and test the waters there
so my show schedule in terms of card
show setting up app is going to ramp up
you know I've been averaging one and a
half uh per month uh I think that's
going to be two uh per month at Le some
months where I might have three shows
out of the four week so something I you
know one of my hobby resolutions if you
will is setting up at more shows so in
those efforts quality being added I'm
definitely do that for sure uh some
observations uh you know what kind of
cards am I getting on the SGC uh side
you know there's this point there where
I was getting a a ton of Victor ratas
that has kind of uh slowed down getting
a lot of Ellie Del La Cruz cards uh
submitted I think as people start to
realize like he appears to be legit I
think everyone was worried about maybe a
sophomore slump or Jinx um getting a lot
of Jaden Daniels obviously now for
obvious reasons Josh Allen got to
remember my proximity uh to Buffalo Josh
Allen and the bills are very uh popular
team uh Michael Jordan always you know
always strong lot of vintage I get a lot
of vintage a heavy Manel Mickey Manel a
staple with my uh bulk Subs of Manel and
vintage in general uh maze your errands
um this last sub had a lot of big uh
cards in it with Ricky Henderson's
passing recently uh I'm getting a lot of
Ricky Henderson cards there were 16
rookies uh submitted on this last bulk
sub and so typically what you think
nothing no real outliers there at least
that stood out uh to be you know a guy I
love Bobby Whit Jr not seeing as much as
I would think you would see of him CJ
stoud has sort of slowed down in terms
of people submitting cards to him like
he kind of had a you know he did well in
the playoffs but he had kind of a slow
ending to his regular season and were
getting a more tentative uh there and so
uh that's kind of the market report on
the SGC bulk subbing side as far as the
selling side vintage is is always a
strong uh to me I'm I'm redoing my setup
uh you know I just had vented sort of in
a a card catalog box um my buddy makes
wooden uh boxes which are open AED uh
where they're easy more easily
accessible I'm going to go to that
format and then have my vintage broken
down by years right pre pre 50s 50s 60s
70 and an80 and it'll be I think being
out in the open uh more people access
being broken down I think you get people
look through it more cuz before I just
had them in one long box right and they
you'd have a 1950 C next to a 19d car
now kind of organizing them better uh
people who are looking for the 50s will
grab that stack of 1950 vintage Stars
not have to weed through the the other
stuff those looking for 1980 stuff will
grab that that section of cards without
having the other so I think it's going
to be more convenient and I think when
you make stuff more convenient you know
I think it you make more sales I think
they kind of go hand inand I think
people will preciate you know saving
them some time right they save some time
they're in a good mood maybe they spend
some money and then they go on uh to the
next table so it's funny it seems like
every three or four months I kind of how
I set up sometimes that cost me a little
bit money when I have to buy new kind of
cases and and and things like that so
but it's it's a business write off right
it's a business expense so it's a a tax
write off when I do it it seems like I
said every 3 four or five months I'm
kind of changing I'm trying to find one
that I can can stay with long term I
think this one is probably the closest
uh I'm going to get to it's going to
actually allow me to U maximize my space
on on my table these wood cases I'm
talking about um one can kind of go in
front of the other so you know it saves
some table space um I got my standup
cases that's not changing I got my
visapro uh cases two or three depending
on how much uh table space I have I'm
going um vertical with those which will
open up uh more taable space so again
I'm always kind sort of tinkering and
getting my kind of blueprint and cases I
use to to maximize my one or two tables
that I have for my for my cards I'm not
talking about the S that's kind of
static and I set up the same way but on
my card side of the house I'm always
sort of you know trying to to figure out
the best uh layout and blueprint and I
think I'm uh you know at this next show
I'll be probably the closest of I'll be
to like really where I want to get it so
I say that probably four or five months
from now I I'll change it again but uh
uh you know that's just kind of what I
do it's like rearranging you know it's
like you know moms and and females with
you know house want to hey let's change
the furniture around today let's move
the couch let's move the TV uh and that
sort of thing I kind of do that uh with
my show set up but uh so there you go so
we you know my next show we'll have the
the new kind of format and set up how
that goes and how it's received and uh
maybe report back when that happen so
there you go there's the show my show in
in market report if you will here in the
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