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Dec. 12, 2022

Card Mensches The Debut!

Card Mensches The Debut!

"Card Mensches Premier episode. Brought to you by SGC and waxstat.com A new format for Sports Talk and Sports Cards!"




"Card Mensches Premier episode. Brought to you by SGC and waxstat.com A new format for Sports Talk and Sports Cards!"




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what's up everybody episode one of what we're calling card matches debut episode
I'm joined with my good friend Danny black I'm John Newman I'm from sports car Nation he loves sports ball uh also
we both are at Hobby hotline as well so I figured you didn't get enough of us there we would spin off our own show uh
and here we are and uh you know it's it's going to be fun uh this is going to be every other week for those of you
familiar with the sports car Nation platform uh it's going to be replacing
half of the hobby quick hits which release on Monday so every other week you're gonna get a hobby quick hits then
uh card Mensch then a hobby quick hits and card match uh back again so every
other week uh hobby quick hits is not a live show so this will be live every
other week we're going to try to keep it to Friday or Saturday 9pm we will let
people know ahead of time in case they do want to catch the live show if you missed the live show or we're just just
too much ugly on the screen for you to take you can get the audio released on Monday mornings
um we have a chat room uh we will we don't have any call-ins per se but we
will respond or talk about comments uh in the chat room if they're applicable
applicable to the topic uh at hand so uh again bear with us this is the first
episode uh we probably won't get any better but hopefully this one uh we're
pretty clean and we stick The Landing but uh happy to happy to do this and we're going to talk about not just this
is going to be kind of a different show folks we're going to talk about uh the hobby I mean the name of the show is card matches uh so we're gonna have you
know we're gonna talk happy we're going to talk cards uh but we're going to talk sports because a lot of us are sports
fans or most of us are and we're going to talk listen fantasy leagues DFS
DraftKings betting right a big part of a lot of people who are in the The Hobby
as well I know me and Danny do that so we're going to bring uh all three of those worlds sort of together on One
show we're gonna keep it try to keep it to an hour or less but we don't really have like a hard stop so uh that's uh
that's really what the show is going to be about again uh first of what we hope
uh will be uh many and I think uh I should introduce myself
I'm Danny and for those of you that are uh used to listening John to an hour non-stop on that now I I'm here as his
brake pedal I control the mute button and I'm allowed to cut them off anytime I want so uh we're looking forward to
having a lot of fun and uh thanks for joining us we are going to talk like
like John said we're going to cover the hobby we're going to do a segment on that we're gonna have guest occasionally
and then we're also going to talk about the over under the bedding we're going
to make sure we hit Monday Night Football we're going to make sure we talk if there's any fantasy picks we like so we're going to get into all of
that so we're looking forward to it and uh with that John you ready to get this
show started let's go man I'm excited time for Danny and John to take you around the Hobby
and sports universes all right John I think the uh big thing
we're talking about this week you wanted to get into I know was the
sign that kind of went viral so let me put this up here um and I'm gonna let you do the
background but I want to read this first this was a sign on a door at a card show and it says notice only vendors that
have paid for tables at Today's Show May sell items at Today's Show collectors
make sell items to the vendors that have paid for tables at today's show but may
not sell items to other collectors inside the building
um you have a little history of this tell me what's going on yes so so that sign was on What's called the
Horticulture Horticultural building on the New York State Fairgrounds where in
Syracuse New York that is my home show I do that show uh whenever it's it's
scheduled unless like I have a uh you know something where I can't be there but other than that I'm always there
this was the Mega show this was over this was 256 tables normally the show
has 110 tables this one is the Mega show um they had the Ghostbusters card there
the Tardis from The Who uh they had Storm Troopers they had R2D2 R2D2
rolling around uh the floor uh Darth Vader uh was walking around uh had sort
of a Comic-Con uh and card show sort of feel and uh just a Big Show and I gotta
be honest that sounds like one night after a party in college I think I saw all of that walking home yeah I mean I I
actually had here's the flyer I mean this is the flyer for the show you can see my logo I was there actually on
behalf of SGC really throw this in real quick uh taking bulk Subs in uh for them
that was very uh successful and so this was a huge show Lawrence Moten former
Syracuse University great and NBA player uh was signing free autographs uh and so
it was it was a pretty big event for this town uh for this city I should say and so that sign was on the door that
sign as you said went viral I'm a dealer Danny obviously I just set up you know
you you set up at shows or have in the past um but this is really making a lot of of
waves people are very feel very strongly on one side or the other they they you
know I know the promoter for over 20 years that posted that uh sign I will not mention his name you can figure it
out if you really wanted to do the research there's not that many shows in Syracuse and so you know I I know why
the sign was up to give me a little back story that you're probably not going to get on a lot of the viral posts that
you're seeing uh on on the social medias is I'm pretty sure dealer complained uh
that people were you know selling in front of his table that sort of thing maybe putting a case on a table while
doing a deal with someone else which we've probably all seen that if you go to enough shows so that's where it came
from the promoter I almost said his name by accident the promoter put that sign on the door now my take on it is this
this is a big show like I just said 256 tables he's got two employees in himself
it's a lot of ground to cover he's the nicest guy if you know him he's a nice guy I've never heard him any stories
where he had to ask somebody to leave so I think what it was and again I don't want to speak for the a promoter but I
know well enough I think I can I think a dealer two dealers wasn't me I tell you
if it was may have complained and he put the sign sort of to appease them hey I
put the sign let's hope it works well you know I hate to say it I know what you're saying and that's and that's fine
for you and that's fine for that show but let's talk in general you and I are about the same age okay when you were
raised going to shows what were you told was dedicated if you were going to do a deal with a non-dealer
yeah I agree that's what you get yeah what you what do you get your tax number for right so you can sell yeah your
taxes maybe uh or most of them right and uh you know and and you know Bank I've
done shows I'm old so I've done shows since 1987 as a 15 year old kid I'm
gonna be honest with you I think you'll agree uh you've you've been at shows and done shows for a while too
um selling back then that that's really progressed now it's it's it's more
prevalent today I'm not saying it didn't happen then but I will say that's the cases were smaller back in the late 80s
and early 90s than than what we see uh folks carrying around now uh the stuff
inside the cases is also more expensive now in relation uh to back then but it's
a different hobby right we're talking about a different hobby a different a different uh decade but there was there
wasn't etiquette now you know some will argue that times are changing that etiquette sometimes can get outdated but
I try to uh you know abide by that you know if if I go somewhere where I'm not
set up I'm dealing with the dealers right I mean that's why we have you know I've heard the artist I think it doesn't
go out of style good manners right I agree okay you know some are saying that
the trade nights that we're seeing at not just card stores but uh at these big
shows where across the the nation even in other countries have blurred those
lines they don't do the trade in the middle of the show in front of your table
that a lot of times the trade night happens on the same floor the show is it's just the show kind of closes to the
dealers any dealers that want to stay for trade night can keep their table and keep doing business but a lot of people
point to that that say well the lines are just it's just sort of a blur what difference does it make everyone sell to
whoever you want to sell and and that sort of thing so you know from a dealer
perspective uh you know I I wish it was really just dealer to Consumer but you
know you get a big show how do you police that the the thing that the only thing I'll say is and I've had to say
this I don't like to do it I hope it never but I've had like a consumer to Consumer start to make a deal and you
know that Zion case goes on in my glass showcase well they're not looking at my stuff and I will just you know I'll be
playing like hey guys you know you're gonna make a deal You're Gonna Make a Deal can you like uh do it you know go
somewhere else so if someone wants to get to the table uh there's room for them and every time anytime I've had
that scenario uh they've always you know I've never gotten any sort of you're you're being Serbian you're being way
too nicer you're being way too nice about this uh well I yeah
you're a match okay but the dealers in general I think carry a lot away with
the promoters and whether it's this situation or there's been situations with with other people who do vlogs and
buy and sell shows that the promoters have reacted in some cases uh very
defensively very aggressively you know whatever you want to call it and I don't think that's necessarily appropriate
either um I I think that if you pay to go to a show or if you know you're in the building you deserve some respect as
well um and the dealers just because that's where the money's made from the promoters that carry a disproportionate
amount of weight would you agree with that yeah I I agree I mean I wish this wasn't
even a topic where we discuss it where everyone just played by sort of the rules the etiquette do the right thing
right but we know this it doesn't matter what industry or what you know part of life we're talking about people are
going to do stuff that's you know Against the Grain or against the rules Point Blank right uh it's it's
going to happen how do you you know how do you police it um you know the promoter isn't a
catch-22 Danny let's you know let's be honest he doesn't want to piss off a customer right and kick him out because
you know they're going to tell who who knows how many people get it in an uproar uproar and you know he wants them
to come back he doesn't want any sort of bad PR but at the same time he wants to appease like you said his dealers who
pay for the table in some case deal like myself been there 20 years right many
other dealers have been there as long or longer uh than me so you know it's he's
kind of caught in the middle I didn't hear of anybody you know where it was enforced or I'm not sure it had to be
enforced I can tell you I had uh three uh three tables including my two and my
SGC table where I was taking bulk Subs on their behalf I didn't see in front of
my three tables now that's a small sample size in the 256 table show there was no issues in front of my tables that
I that I noticed but it happens right just because it didn't happen in front of my three tables doesn't mean it
didn't occur that sign's there for a reason I know why the promoter uh put it there I see a lot of backlash on social
media people you know with angst against the promoter why do you have to put a
sign like that leaves a bad taste in your mouth before you even walk through the door uh that sort of thing
um well then let's let's give a couple tips if you're going to a show and you want to make a deal with somebody who's not a dealer and since both of us have
been dealers uh what are your tips what are your suggestions you meet somebody at a table in front of the dealer you
like their cards you ask them take take well take it
outside right here's the problem though we're talking about Syracuse Danny so outside's 35 degrees right this isn't
Orlando Florida where it's 60 degrees even is there a lot so is there a you
know a VIP yeah to this particular show the building is the show like there is no
real dead space you had to pay it was five bucks admission in this particular instance and there's no could you go is
there is there a corner yeah uh you could go into sure there is but you're still if you want to play by the
technical rules you're still on the show floor the promoter if he saw it and wanted to act on it could say Hey you
know I don't want to see that in here right but I didn't see any of that occurring uh but that doesn't mean it it
didn't happen I just didn't hear about it or see it I'm assuming I would have heard about it but again I can't say
that with a hundred percent uh certainty so you could probably find a quiet
corner you could go out in a car and get in the car right you know both people
one in the passenger side one in the driver's side put the case in the middle cases John I think you're explaining
John I think you're explaining something totally different yeah
nope no parking lot deals with cases uh other than baseball cards yeah
well you know maybe whatever floats your boat so to speak uh you know
um I don't I don't know it doesn't I think the biggest thing that bothers me and it's only happened a few times and
and I can't count how many years um is when someone puts their cases on
uh their their character their card cases on your showcases right and I have
a friend I'll tell this story I have a dealer friend of mine someone did that I don't even know if it was to sell to
just another regular person I think they just sat it down to look at the other case and the case broke the glass yeah
and I said well what what did the person say to you after it happened he said oh
man I'm sorry about that picked up his case and and walked away you know in
those cases are expensive people by the way they're they're 110 bucks but yeah you know it's still 110 bucks 110 bucks
110 bucks that's that's a good chunk of shake but he said I said he just walked away didn't like offer to pay and he
said nope and uh I said what did you do he goes what what was I what am I going to do like tackle the guy so that would
bother like if that was me I would probably I don't want you know
he just told me I was a nice guy I would probably come out from my table and say Sir or ma'am or who you know hey your
case just went through my glass showcase what how are we going to handle this right yeah
um you know am I going to charge him a hundred ten dollars no it's not a new case it's you know it's an old case but
you know you still I got to get the glass replaced if I want to still use this thing right I don't know what a
what uh the answer is the answer is 110 I know but it's not new and go find a
broom yeah okay I got you I'm just glad it hasn't happened to me but it did
happen to a friend of mine where a case went through a showcase right don't you don't jinx yourself
yeah I probably just did so okay well I'm gonna catch you off guard real quick because I there's something I forgot to
ask you all fair so I'm just gonna throw it in here go ahead okay you're a Mets fan
you just traded one Cy Young for another you know what Verlander degrom which way did you want
it to go and are you happy with the way it ended up with the Mets I love to grab man I I didn't want to see him go but
that I don't you know I I had a feeling the Mets weren't going to be able to uh match what what he got uh he's been a
little he's been a little injuries here and there uh you know it's not old
um Verlander's older uh it's just a two-year deal uh with coming in with Verlander where the grime got five years
with the Rangers I'm glad they got Verlander with the Grom leaving you know what I mean they so uh it's hard to
compare them Verlander's older you get the Kate Upton show uh for free uh for
what that ever what that's worth and yeah it's going to be in New York not Houston
right so this could get interesting the stuff off the field might be more interesting than what's going uh on on
the mount but quite frankly so I I don't know if people remember when
uh Verlander did not win the Cy Young one year and it was a controversial she put out quite a quote so if you want to
Google that um you can see what what a loving spouse uh does in in you know to support their
husband well hey the Mets have the highest payroll right now in baseball they're gonna actually have to pay uh
the luxury tax you know Hey listen this is far from the days of the will ponds
where we were signing you know double a career Journey men and they were putting
out press releases like we signed Aaron judge you know so I'm a functional Walter fan I don't think he would have
gone there if they weren't serious no and if you you know going back to the ground deal like you know the only thing
I will say and I love I love Jake uh he's a great player great pitcher great guy doesn't talk a lot of junk we had a
guy like that his name was nowhere syndergaard uh just goes about the play
um but I didn't like one thing he said at his press conference uh in Arlington he said you know they asked him what was
it where he picked the Rangers over the Mets and other teams and you know he said uh I like their their their
thoughts about how they want to go winning about winning the championship and I just thought well what are the
Mets I mean would all due respect a Ranger fans you look at both these lineups and you know one spending more
uh Maybe not maybe not by a ton but they're still spending more and I mean one lineup to me is better than the
other at least on paper right they don't play the games on paper but yeah you know
the teams like men yeah but if you took the names
off to teams and you just said here's the roster I'm going to take the Mets roster without even knowing you know
it's the Mets roster you know kudos for the Rangers for for bucking up and and and paying out the cash and and I don't
wish you know the grand mal I wish he was still in that but didn't work out we
had to we had to kind of uh you know scramble they scrambled and got uh
Verlander I'd rather they did that than not do that and that's where we're at
well I'm an oriole fan so we're sitting on Kyle Gibson right now um so uh hopefully uh you know for for
everybody watching live tonight that's where we are hopefully by the time the audio plays on Monday uh they're thrown
in Carlos Rodan also so uh that would be happy the Orioles have probably the best
minor league system right now no probably yeah
Henderson I mean they got players so uh uh it's not the Orioles from a few years
ago when it was pretty ugly so yeah
yeah um we are proud to have uh SGC is a sponsor so uh let's hear from
them experience quality consistency and the
quickest turnaround times in the grading industry we are proud to partner with SGC grading check them out at
www.gosgc.com eight to ten days if I may add Danny so
um absolutely you know I sent an order I I the commercial's over but I sent an order on a Monday and I had the the
order back the following Wednesday uh and that's which with shipping days in
there so yeah first Heston uh kajerstad yeah no doubt you guys are you you know
I I tell you what I take your minor league system ours isn't terrible but I I trade you
well on that note let's talk about things that we think we know about welcome to the failure segment where
John and Danny share their picks sure to go wrong all right Mr Newman
so you and I have uh talked a little football trash throughout the years and for a little bit of background you are a
self-admitted Pittsburgh Steelers fan I am a proud Baltimore Ravens fan and uh
we are in the same division and uh we have been since the Ravens uh came to
Baltimore um so we we are uh got a little bit of a match up this weekend
uh we do it's we do and and just I real quick I'll give the cliff notes version
I get asked all the time John how are you from New York City and you like the
Pittsburgh Steelers well I'm you know I was born in 72. uh if you're old enough
uh to remember the Mean Joe Greene coke commercial where the kid gives them his Coke he throws the jersey that kid uh
and me were the same age at that time when that commercial aired we also had a similar resemblance if I showed you a
picture of me and that kid we had a similar look and I became in my own mind that kid uh like me Mean Joe Greene
became my guy Steel Curtain defense obviously they were winning uh at that
time there you go good Segway uh they were winning at that time and I just didn't like the Giants and jets quite
frankly and uh took a lot of heat from my friends in New York and how do you like the Steelers you can't even go to a
game we don't live there and I just said that's my my team and that was about
1977 I was five and I've never looked back since listen uh there's some really
lean times in the 80s uh and when uh you know we were losing a lot more games than we
were winning I I never jumped ship and uh you know won a couple more Super
Bowls and now we're this year is not a great year I had a bag with some eyes and a mouth cut out we've won a few
games in the last few weeks against not great teams so don't get me wrong I'm a realist I'm not thinking we're going to
the Super Bowl or making the playoffs um but you know the Ravens like you said the Ravens game is the Ravens game as a
Steeler fan and for a Ravens fan the Steeler game is the Steeler game you can throw out the records you know it's a
it's an interdivision rival you know it's going to be you know Rock'em
sock'em uh you know you don't have of Lamar Jackson that that helps our cause
but uh Huntley Huntley did pretty well against us last year too so anyone that
wants a circle with W already before the games played I've watched the Steelers
all year they're not the team I don't care who they're playing they just beat Atlanta Falcons team that arguably is
one of the worst teams in the NFL and they they beat him 19-16 they couldn't even crack the 20-point mark so I'm a
realist this is not our year uh and uh you know I think tomlin's headed for his
first uh losing season as as coach well uh you did get Marcus mariota's
game that convinced it landed a bench him so um you know that that might that might
show what you were up against um yeah no I think the Steelers uh in general uh not at all their year uh
Kenny Pickett coming in um trying to be the hometown boy uh
Tyler Huntley he's got a little bit more experience in the league I think the Ravens top to bottom much better roster
uh Ravens are getting two points in Pittsburgh I will take those two points all day what say you Mr Newman
um well you know I'm not gonna lie anyone that knows me knows I'm a straight shooter even if you don't agree
with what I say I'm I'm going to be honest and tell you because I watch the Steelers every week and and sort of know
the mo or offensive coordinator Matt Canada should probably be at the high
school level somehow he's upstairs wearing a Pittsburgh Steelers uh coat
and hat trying to call uh plays he's doing a horrible job if you ask me
um and I've won some money you know I figure listen you're still gonna have a bad year not make the playoffs probably
have a losing season I'm gonna make some money on DraftKings they've been they've been nice to me in that department uh
obviously the L's in the in the right hand column are no fun but the the dollar signs in the top right of my
DraftKings account is nice so I've sort of bet you know I'm the Auntie Pete Rose
I bet against my team uh I'm not going to the NFL Hall of Fame now because of
that and um man it's hard I don't think I've even picked them this year maybe at
the start of the year before the wheels really uh came off uh Dan so uh man I
don't even want to pick this game because it's it's tough I'm gonna I'm gonna probably it's one of those deals I'll probably
throw five bucks on it and pick the Ravens uh and the points and the way I
look at it if I lose the five bucks and the Steelers win it's I don't know how much of a win that is because now we
slide down the draft board and get a you know at least on paper a lesser draft
pick so yeah you don't root against tonight teams I don't root against my team but man every one of these you know
kind of garbage wins that aren't going to get us in the playoffs are costing us draft spots it's such a a catch-22 to be
in as a fan right you you don't want to root against your team but when they win you slide down the draft board and and
certain players are not going to be there that you could really use so
I'll take the Ravens and and and be willing to lose five bucks you know if
the Steelers uh cover and or win outright well for the hardcore Bettors out there I would also say if you get
better number and take the Ravens on the money line um because you'll probably probably get a better number there anyway and and I
like the Ravens on the outright win now very interesting uh Raven Steelers are usually a low scoring game anyway but I
think with uh Tyler Huntley and Kenny pick at 36 and a half was the number I had there I don't know if that's moved a
little bit but uh that seems really low to me even with both of them uh how you
feeling on the over under well they know Matt Canada's still the offensive coordinator how he is I don't know but
Las Vegas knows uh he still is so that's where that low number comes it's going to be close I can see sort of a 24
7 17 that would be 41. I could see listen the Steelers just had trouble
putting up 19 points against the Atlanta Falcons so I I a venture guess that the
Ravens D is better than the Falcons D so it might be one of those 16-10 games so
I'm if gun ahead so to speak I'm going to take I'm going to take the the under
you know what's funny as I'm doing the math in my head here and uh I'm thinking
you know like two touchdowns two field goals for the Ravens and I can't come up with uh a way to get to the over so um
we're at 36 and a half I I think I'm gonna go with the under there as well um which would be
perfect Raven Steelers I mean you know if we're not going to have the first string uh guys we're used to you know
let's have a real slobber knocker I missed that one yeah a couple shout outs real quick
Paige and Deanie Bean Brennan Ryan says Merry Christmas uh guys Merry Christmas Brandon happy Hanukkah to my friend
Danny on the other screen there uh as as well there we go and I've been trying to
flash some of those but thank you um Paige any updates on the what not what not um is yes is in you know where
where are the sellers where are the buyers um so I was glad I tried that I don't
know if I'm going long term but it's very interesting um and I will talk about that definitely more in the future thanks for asking
um John we've got another game we wanted to look at today uh Monday Night Football
everybody's favorite or least favorite team New England minus one and a half at
Arizona what do you think going into Monday Night Football well Arizona man is such an enigma you
know Kyler Murray's been out when he's been in this year he hasn't been lived up to that big contract uh he got you
know coming out of college I wasn't a big uh Kyler Murray guy I thought you
know Arizona taking him with that first pick was was kind of crazy then he was playing very well making me look uh
fairly bad on that assessment um and then he kind of became down to earth he's still talented he's still uh
you know can make something out of nothing and you know scramble away from a rush and run for 40 50 yards
um but he's not had you know when he's been on the field this year he hasn't been great New England still has
Belichick I know they're you know not having a great year playoffs not looking
likely for them they had the Mac Jones Bailey's app like who's going to be the
guy uh you know week uh one week or two week kind of uh debate Mac Jones has got
his job back but he has not played well as well I think this is going to be one of those consistent
yeah yeah for sure for sure you got a four I see the 43 points uh the 43 over
under I think it's going to be under um just based on what I said uh I'm
gonna pick New England I think you know they're trying to keep their hopes alive we got to win in that division which is
actually pretty good this year with the Bills and Jets and Miami playing well I'm not I'm not saying New England makes
the playoffs I just think they stay alive for another week I'm going to take
them into points but take the under I would take the under uh in this game and
like the like the opening says you know disclaimer you know better at your own
risk uh you know this is what we call the failure segment for a reason I think till we prove otherwise yeah and the
fine print do not follow the the this advice um I'm going to agree with you um I'm
gonna take New England here as well I like any Bill Belichick team later in the CIA season once they've had kind of
that that time period to learn his system that which changes every year and get all the right pieces in place
especially without a preseason now they seem to get stronger throughout the season consistently so I'll take a Bill
Belichick team uh different than you I I think we're going to see a little bit of a shootout here we're going to be inside
the Dome uh I think Mac Jones has the ability as you Sean to put up a big game so I'm going to take the over here I I
actually think this is going to be a shootout I could see a 34-27 type of game
well keep in mind Matt Patricia is the offensive coordinator he's a defensive
guy um so they're all I think the coordinators are are sort of
not in the right positions you got Belichick son Steve uh calling the
defense um you could argue you know nepotism there or you know there were probably
better candidates but he went with his his kid I'm not going to complain too much of that but you know why not why
not have a real offensive guy calling the offense might you might see Josh McDaniels uh back there next year if the
Raiders keep losing games
I mean is that unbelievable what's going on in Oakland yeah it's crazy yeah I know I do it too you know you
look at the the Belichick coaching tree name a successful Belichick coaching
tree coach that uh has done has done anything it really
variable might be the most successful and he doesn't have a ring right yeah you could argue Rebel but you could also
say he's kind of petered out once they get to the postseason you know what I mean so
he's probably the best one I mean if you're a lawyer and you're trying to argue the case you you know rabriel's
your exhibit a for sure but you don't have much after after and I mean some of
these guys you noticed any people out there listening to this right right now know this I mean some of them have been
epic you know McDaniels failed uh in in in Denver he's not looking good in the
same division uh with the Las Vegas Raiders uh but you know the the nice
thing is they always know they can come home to Daddy in New England and he's got a spot for him just like Matt
Patricia so they they're playing with house money when they leave I mean I mean Devonte Adams is having a Good Year
Josh Jacobs is having a good year you know is it the defense
yeah I think the defense is suspect I mean the uh Colin uh Pharaoh I could
probably say his name the Clemson kid that they picked very early when he was projected late first round you know I
like Mike mayak when he was on the NFL Network I don't like the GM Mike mayak
he's not there now um obviously he kind of went out the door uh in the Groot in Fiasco but he
made some terrible picks they tried to get cute they tried to say hey we're smarter than you guys we're gonna take a
guy that's not even rated this High because we think we know something you don't that blew up in their face uh and
now they're reaping uh the repercussions of that they they really sort of got to
go in there and sort of like a wound gotta clean it out pour some hydrogen peroxide and sort of you know wait to
the scabs over and and new skin comes there's an analogy he didn't think you were gonna
I don't know what you think about this when you hire a coach like McDaniels
who's a great coordinator right some guys are just better coordinators than head coaches but when you hire a guy
like that who really knows in the back of his mind like if I if I don't if I'm
not successful here I can go back to New England as long as Belichick's there and
have a job how how you know what I mean when that's in the back of your mind are you are you
again I don't want I don't know Josh McDaniels but are you getting a hundred percent when he sort of has sort of a
safety net to go back to New England if he's not successful in Las Vegas you
know what I mean like if if you have a job if you're an employee and you know like hey if this don't work out I can
have my old job back you know uh you know sure I'm not saying he's losing our purpose but I mean we
may not is it is it a self-pride though isn't it um I don't know your legacy do you want
to be known as Belichick's you know baby or do you want to be known as an offensive Kyle Shanahan you know Sean
McVeigh one of these guys well sure I I think they want to be successful on their own but when you're successful
under a guy and you have six rings on your hand make or four or five depending on how long
you you're tendered there you know that you know if you're I don't know you know if you're a single guy or married guy
and you're going to the same places Robert Craft is uh you know you you know
having four five six rings is is a nice conversation piece so I don't think they
mind coaching under Belichick they've got jewelry out of the deal obviously
when they leave and take a head coach job sure they don't want to fail right who wants to fail any anything you do
um but I don't think I think when you know you sort of can come back home uh
to the Patriots and Belichick will take you back I mean look at Patricia he didn't even have the defensive
coordinator position was filled by Belichick's son he said well how could
Patricia go back right the spot's taken they made him offensive coordinator well
you know if that was taken he would have been like the guy that fills the balls up before the game I think we're going
to see a lot of turnover over the next couple years especially with the stuff that's come out you know some of the
illegal stuff um so like you said some of these guys are put in positions they shouldn't be
um you know Jim irsay hired his drinking buddy nothing personal Jeff Saturday but you
know that that wasn't a real thorough head coaching search I think on any level
um but that being said uh how you feeling my friend we're 40 minutes in you still
lost you still got you still got your sea lights I'm still going man I I'm not uh I'm not tired for an old guy so let's
uh let's uh let's keep going all right well somebody had a great comment here
um yeah how about Brock Purdy um against Tom Brady yes I I everything
I'm hearing out of San Francisco is that they love Brock Purdy I don't know if he's real the next Tom Brady
um but the word is is that Purdy and I can't say those straight face Purdy uh
is party and uh he was people talked about in training camp as somebody who
was a legitimate chance to to have a spot especially if Jimmy G was going to get traded early in the year so I I
picked him up in fantasy and uh both in the Hobby World also
yeah I'm not gonna lie I don't know a lot about Brock Purdy like you I've heard that they they he was impressive
uh in Camp and when you when Trey Lance goes down and Jimmy G goes down and
that's your guy you of course you're gonna say nice things right we we love him uh he can win games for us uh he's
you know played well in the minimum uh sample size um but you know what the the Niners
defense is arguably one of the best in the NFL so if anyone's going to put Brady in this place on Sunday it's
probably going to be that that Niners defense uh you know uh Nick Bosa and
crew uh they're playing Pretty Lights Out uh football they're starting to get hot here they lose you know two
quarterbacks right most teams lose two two quarterbacks right that's end that's the end pack up the tents uh turn out
the lights when you're done type of type of season right yeah the 49ers are are
competing I think that shows you a lot of the grit I think you got to give credit uh to Kyle Shanahan for keeping
that Wheels uh uh you know from from falling off and real quick so yeah 49ers
are minus three and a half I just checked yeah man you know it's hard to bet and
I'm not a Tom Brady guy like being a Steeler fan he's he's kind of been our
arch nemesis uh knocked us out of plenty of playoff runs um so anytime I cannot say something
nice about Brock about Tom Brady I try to
um but uh you know I I I'm going to take Tampa Bay's still not playing great they're winning that
division at what five and seven I I think you know so uh it's a crazy
division uh I'm gonna take I'm gonna take the Niners though but you know that Brady magic we saw it uh uh you know
again last week is still that Tank's not at e yet every time you bury this guy
and then put the shovel uh down on the ground he digs himself out he did once
again you know the Giselle divorce he struggled around that time and now he's starting it's sort of being in the rear
view mirror he's starting to play better uh okay so I'm gonna I'm gonna take the
Niners but I wouldn't be shocked if the if the Bucks covered or a straight out
one check out this strategy a little Sun Tzu here
Rock Purdy goes after Giselle
I think flowers I think he puts up a billboard I
think he gets into Brady's head early in the week pretty soon I can see ya listen I can see how well you're following
Giselle Bundchen because if you have if you have you would know she's I think
she's already seeing someone else in his name it's I think it's it's her karate instructor so Brock Purdy might be late
to that party not a bad dog I think I think it's rebound karate I don't think
this is committed crime I think Purdy's got a chance I I think if you're writing if you're
writing a script in your movie uh yeah you know
yeah well the karate instructor may explain a lot I for those of you who don't know me well I know nothing about
pop culture the second we step off the field I'm lost no John's John's gonna be
our pop culture expert somehow he's the cooler one of the two of us I didn't even know why I know that like I
honestly just we're hearing it on maybe another Sports Talk Show
I've been to your house you have a subscription to people yeah no not on purpose I don't you know
so maybe maybe in an office where I'm waiting it's on the it's on the coffee table but
so all right well buddy I appreciate it this has been a fantastic first episode
I am looking forward to a a long successful run um there's nobody I'd rather sit
alongside for uh for card mentions and see where this takes us we have guests
coming up we're gonna have guest Pickers um and yeah I'm gonna I'm gonna I'm can I tease the guests coming up I'm Not
Really Gonna tease I'm just kind of gonna give it away I was about to say there's no way to half tease it yeah go
go for it I'm gonna have uh I mean it's I always call them the man that needs no introduction I believe it'll be the next
episode uh we're gonna have Dr James Beckett and uh he's agreed to come on
we've we've me and Danny both know him uh pretty well and uh he's going to talk about something I don't you know I don't
think he's talked a lot about he has talked about it but you know when he sold his company obviously uh Beckett
media uh I you know I'm sure like many of you you have a lot like just sort of
the dichotomy of that deal right why did he sell uh the company what what was the
the backstory who approached who how did it was it an easy transaction that so
I've always wondered those things and you know for the two cents it's worth
um I I think it's you know most will agree uh you know Beckett the company hasn't been saying the same uh since you
know he uh he exited stage right with the sale of that company and I've just
I've always wondered I've I've you know sort of the dichotomy the idea why how
you know I don't know what you know we we haven't talked to him yet I know uh with those questions I've talked to him
plenty about other stuff but I really want to hear some of those as much details as he's willing to share about
well I I saw him I saw it in print I believe the words were correct me if I'm wrong ask away whatever you want
something to that effect yeah yeah he he gave us kind of carte blanche you know to ask the question now you know I'm I'm
gonna ask about Todd Van pople I'm still pissed at him about that so we're going to get into the hard stuff very you know
and and again some of that I'm not even so much you know Dan I don't know about you I'm not so much worried about the
amount I just want to know all the other stuff you know how it went down did he
ever like did he have second thoughts before the deal was consummated did he say maybe I shouldn't do this was he a
hundred percent like it's time you know those sort of things so uh you know and
and what he said we could ask him uh anything we want you know but we're also we're going to do it in a respectful
manner obviously and you know he may say hey I don't you know I'll answer that like this but I don't want to get that
deep into I'll let him we'll let him sort of uh you know he will he will answer for Todd Van Papa
I'm looking forward to hearing the whole back story um there's a lot more uh to it than I
think people realize or people that have gotten into the hobby the last couple years so um yeah no very thrilled to have him on
and uh not not ready to announce it yet but hopefully by the next episode we're gonna have a great guest picker coming
up uh that I think uh will be fun to share so we've got a lot of great things
coming up and uh excited to share with all of you and uh with that I'm gonna
say good night everybody oh yeah I just want to say thanks everyone who was in the
chat um for those listening yeah for those listening um on on Monday this will come out on
audio on Monday on the sports car Nation platforms um uh we we're gonna go every other week
at the moment you know that might change in the future but every other week um and then we're live Friday or
Saturday we'll post all that info love to see you uh in the chat room uh and
interact which is as much as possible so I can't thank you everyone enough we
appreciate it we don't do this uh without you right we'd be we'd be talking to ourselves not that we do that
too but that's more fun uh with uh with everybody else obviously so I think you
just gave away the secret of how that we formed the show um
so yeah no I mean for everybody for tonight for for the future
um you know we appreciate your comments your feedback uh we we want to make this
entertaining for everybody so it's not just the two of us um alone so I I Echo John's words there
and uh for a Ravens fan a Steelers fan uh to be able to sit here and do this
just shows the power of the hobby friendship and life itself so uh how about we head out on that one uh I hope
it wasn't too bumpy guys and appreciates you uh watching our first episode of card benches
foreign [Music]

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