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Sept. 2, 2024

Card Mensches E46 Why do we have to have a favorite card show?

Card Mensches E46 Why do we have to have a favorite card show?




hey everyone John Newman here thank you for downloading this episode of card Menches myself and Danny black of hobby
News Daily would like to remind you this is a live show every other Friday at 900
p.m. Eastern it can be found on most of our social medias uh Danny's at
sportsball and hobby News Daily I am Sports guard Nation Podcast and it can
be found on our YouTube channels uh at Hobby News Daily sport card Nation
Podcast at sportsball and at card menes so with that being said we hope to see
you very soon on a Friday night in our very active chat room now let's start
the show quality consistency and the quickest turnaround times in the grading industry we are proud to partner with
SGC grading check them out at www.gc.com experience quality
consistency and the quickest turnaround times in the grading industry we are proud to partner with SGC grading
check them out at
www.gc.com hi I'm Danny BL and I'm John Newman welcome dard
menes well welcome to episode 46 47 something like that um 46 46 I believe
before we get started here too quickly I just want to give a shout out to our sponsors uh Stadium Insurance guys if
you have a collection you need a protected check out the stadium Insurance app easy snap a picture and
get covered also I know a lot of people are starting to check out uh CIA
auctions that's collector investor auctions that's uh Texas Snowman and Chris Soul uh and they are uh really
doing a fantastic job over there uh I've heard nothing but good things and they are growing quickly so uh CIA auctions
and thank everybody for that and that's cool if you win if you win an auction you can tell people you bought it from
the CIA exactly uh what are we up to tonight
buddy how are you not much I just got back uh from uh vacation with my wife
everyone's favorite uh National venue City Atlantic City um you know there's a you
know I know it gets a bad rap but like if you stay on the beach and a resort on the beach and just have like it's not a
bad way to decompress and get away from from the you know everything and it's
back to school time next week for me so well what are we talking about tonight
so you know we just had and I didn't go you went we just had Fanatics Fest in in
my hometown uh not Manhattan but New York City um and you know when you know
a lot of people are drawing comparisons between that and the national and the Nationals better I like Fanatics Fest
better and so today we're just going to talk about why do we have to have a favorite show why can't we like more
than one show um and things pertaining to shows and why do we always compare
shows and sometimes when we compare shows you this is a point you brought up of there sometimes we're comparing shows
that really shouldn't even be compared to each other because they're really different criterias so that's what this
episode is kind it's gonna be a show about card show and Sport shows that's
very deep I'm I'm proud of you on that one it's almost like a Seinfeld a show about a show about show
whatever show about show um was a good description but that's what that's well
it started because did go to Fanatics Fest um and I wanted to go that's I
think that's the comment of the light uh the night right there Danny your favorite show is the one that you're at
yeah it's a great comment but we're not giving the a away yet well right now it's the leader in the clubhouse Ruben
making a good point hello maroy um so I'm so I went to Fanatics Fest and I
went just because I wanted to see what it was about I didn't go because I I loved it I didn't go because I hated it
I went with an open mind um just to see what it was and well you can't hate it
if you had never been been there yet you can't plenty of people in the plenty of people in the hobby did if you
ask that's not fair well that's the point of the show tonight yeah that is all right there we go it all comes full
circles now I know why I'm here for a minute I'm like what's going on the show about shows um so I guess my first
question is is did anybody else go to Fanatics Fest um or is your initial
reaction heck no would never go and uh I think I heard from a lot of people
beforehand saying heck no they would never go and um it was interesting I I'm I'm Anna Adventure guess before we get
the official T I don't think this chat room many people went and and I don't
mean that in a negative sort of way like you know what I mean um it's I just
don't think it's the mo of a lot of the guys that I could be wrong Pro you know someone did um I had want to
mfest what work what city would good dinner it's more like a good dinner well
yeah what what there's a question what city should men's Fest be held in if we
only could pick one all the time oh obviously Baltimore um but what but don't don't
you think that most people going into Fanatics were they if you took a poll were negative on it in Hobby socials or
do you think the hobby was excited for it I think it was both I think people who were going let's be real I think
everyone that was going was excited for it because it was the first one no one had an idea what it was going to be like
right I think PE I think then the other half of the people who didn't go I think
half of those would hate on it and the other half were like me who didn't go but I I I asked people who went what was
it like what did you think give me the pros give me the cons and so I judged it
on people who actually went but I didn't prejudge it I didn't prejudge it well
the M's comments interesting what's up friendos I was at uh the East Coast National and several dealers said they
had Out of Towners who are visiting for Fanatics Fest and decided to do the East Coast National as well um yeah so I want
I want to ask smooky and everyone else there's a little backstory there you know it right Danny you know about this
right I do know so for those that don't know uh fanatic Michael Rubin tried to buy the
East Coast National the East Coast National said we're not selling the East Coast National to you so what did Reuben
do he scheduled Fanatics Fest the same weekend as East Coast National as kind
of uh ba fungu to to the East Coast National so I I want to ask mookie how
was the attendance did do you now let me ask you this oh too pronged if you've been
before was the attendance on par from ones you've been before or lower or but
your first time how was the how was the attendance in your opinion absolutely and you know a couple weeks after the
national is tough for a lot of dealers um I wanted to put this back up here because uh this is how I almost
described it to you exactly as like a like a like a FanFest um and it it had a
card show portion off to the side but it was much more like a FanFest um mooki
says East Coast National was very healthy one par for sure with last year well good all right so for so back to
Michael ruin East Coast National said back to you right you know and there's
no truth to the and no truth to the rumor that you had to wear all white at Fanatics Fest
that's not a good idea for me in in more ways than one right um that's all I'm
gonna say and a happy lior day weekend to everybody by the way yes and if
you're in the teaching or School industry welcome back
tool yeah or you have kids that still go to school you know I gotta get so
there's preliminary talk between me and the group of dealers I set up with here in this in the Syracuse shows about
setting up at the East Coast National I don't know like I told them you know I don't know how there's a waiting list
for table space if you can even get in there but we're we're at least going to
probably attempt that uh next year so um and I'll invite Michael Rubin if he
wants a table too I'll confess I've never I've actually never been it's been
years um I'm not going to re you know if you ever hear me tell my Mr mint my
brush with Mr mint story that happened at an East Coast National many moons ago
uh 85 to be exact um so and I probably
went to a couple after that that was like the last ones that I've been to all right and getting back to the point of
our conversation everybody was comparing Fanatics Fest to the National yeah and
that's but you but you as someone who went you told me it's not can't compare the two shows it's apples and oranges
and mooki says 500 tables at the East Coast National just try and stay out of the basement it's less busy down there
um I mean that 500 tables I don't know size show I I would be I would wonder if
anybody saw a number at Fanatics Fest because it didn't feel like 500 tables at Fanatics Fest I gotta tell of dealers
you mean Danny uh John I think I've been busted see I don't have to look off
camera because my teleprompter is in front of me tells me what to say it's my
chat GPT like show teleop so I I don't have
to like I'm looking at it and talking at the same time hypothetically the Oriols are up one nothing hypothetically um
anyway I would say that it did not you got busted though Reuben Reuben's on the
ball man that's I know I'm absolutely fussing up to it uh I didn't catch it
but I knew you were I knew about it I didn't catch you because I knew I've doing this for a lot of years this is
Reuben didn't know when he caught you that's the difference this is one of the first times anybody's ever caught me
yeah and I see be a Mets fan you don't even care about the game anymore just
focus on the show it's for for those they wondering the Mets the last check
which I don't even care the Mets are losing now to the Chicago White Sox of all teams well that's pretty
embarrassing so I can't listen it's parf for of course everybody was comparing comparing Fanatics Fest to the National
and I think it's appleson Ares the national is a card show and memorabilia so what but what's the definition of
card show because if their deal is set up at the Fanatics Fest it's a card show within maybe a bigger event so well it
would it was a card show off to the off to one side of the show as part of 41
metsis John keep that see I just keep I use reverse psychology I'll keep Bing them and they'll win so I use reverse
that's the trick that's hysterical now now I'm self-conscious Ruben uh but I
think the national is where I would go to buy a card I cannot see myself anticipating finding a specific card at
Fanatics Fest I might browse to see more modern stuff but I wouldn't go there
expecting to find you know the national they say if it's not there it's not anywhere that would not be the motto of
Fanatics Fest Fanatics Fest would be have a lot of sports fun you know run the 40 watch Adam Sher up on the stage
you know listen to panels with athletes and Industry insiders and there's a card
show over on this side um and it was what it was you know but I wouldn't go
back there to go there for the card show if that makes sense I would bring my kids back and enjoy the whole thing like
one big all right this is only an opinion this is only a guesstimate of the dealers did you walk around where
the dealer tables were I did what percentage of you of them and again you
don't know officially but if you had to guess them it what percentage of them also set up at the national would you
say is it 50% is it 25 I would say that's a great question um it was
definitely I think a lower percentage than I would have expected but to be fair Fanatics Fest from everything I've heard was expensive as heck
um used to have card shows at Timberwolves games people came came for the game but some went through the card
show it's cool that some players looked at cards yeah I mean that's I'd like to see more of that like they do a show now
at Fenway Park I like to see more Stadium type events and not just
baseball like stooks just said that's that's NBA we can have it in any sport
right how about a foot I know football is a huge tailgate stuff so you're not g to get a lot of people as said coming in
the stadium early um but you know maybe at a basketball baseball game you know
last year I contacted the Syracuse Mets with floting that idea I I didn't get
much response might be time to do that again um uh you know but I'd like to see
more of that I think that's good and I think you're gonna see Fanatics do a lot
some of that stuff as well did you hear Burbank just rebranded itself as the West Coast uh National or the West CO
the West Coast card show west coast card show they want to be the West Coast National um you can't use the national
name I know but I think maybe you well how does East Coast National do it well now we know how they do it but before
that they do do do you think that was a smart move I think that's a brilliant move because they that's supposed to be
a great show what does it really change it takes it away from it being a Rob verish it's the same show like if I come
on next two weeks from now with matches and I say hey I've I've legally changed
my name my name is is Mike applebe right it's still me so mookie says I've been
in the javet center for Comic Con uh multiple times W that's a big I listen yeah I've been in there too not for an
event just kind of walking through so but that's a big statement for mooki here I'm not I'm not sure muk's wrong on
this one um and you were there so yeah I gotta say you know I gotta say now let's assume that let's assume that to be
factually correct or close enough to call it that's a big deal because I think if you're Reuben and the Fanatics
group right you're basing how the first one did with how many of these you're going to do there's going to be another
Fanatics Fest and it may be somewhere else and it probably will be at a different location I think the next one
is what Orlando or somewhere else yeah but if you come out of the box and you
have just an H an okay one that's going to kind kill your Vibe a little bit how
many of these you want to start you know I know Ruben's got like a big bank account but you don't want to lose
that's he didn't get rich in the first place by losing deals you're talking about Michael Rubin yeah what did I say
not Ruben Snider I just oh yeah Michael ruin Ru b i n good good shavas thanks
Larry um but can you compare Strongsville I never been there you been
there I haven't uh Ruben says the Pittsburgh Fanatics Fest just got cancelled already and got that in from
my LCS today very interesting is that a joke or is that I didn't know even Pittsburgh would had one schedule
neither did I but I with Ruben I don't know if he's like is that Tu and cheek
or is that a is that like a real a real news well if it is real it seems kind of
makes sense that they would cancel it um do you need a fanatic's account to have a card Booth if ftic Fest I I think
that's part of it I believe there is definitely uh incentives and uh 25% off
if you wear all white no it's legit on the Pittsburgh uh Fanatics festiv yeah well how about that
there we go breaking news from from Reuben and then confirmed by Warren Warren coming Warren is the second
that's called Second Source in in in right in journalism yeah Warr
Strongville Is My Jam Warren says so Warren this is my question do you feel like you can compare Strongsville to the
National or Strongsville to a regional show because I don't think we can compare it the Fanatics Fest I think
it's two different types of shots but can you compare not to Ru your I'll let Warren answer that too but you're that's
a smaller show like can anything but if you're looking for just vintage you're
you know I think you have a very close chance to have well the Nationals
obviously going to be more but it's clo Strongville had I missed this year last
minute but in the past I I I felt I could find almost anything vintage in Strongville H says you can only compare
Strongville to Strongville well that's part of the magic of it um Warren says they are different but I'd rather be at
the smaller show like strong there you go that's why you could you don't have to have really a f you can like all the
shows but prefer one over another right I go to multiple shows yeah I love I
love stokes's right off the bat right it's the one I'm at is my favorite one right yeah well you know it's not saying
like a bad day fishing is better than a good day at work right well a bad day at the show is better than a good you know
just being at the show so this one's for you well this yeah this is Dan Ryan who
who's uh lives in in the Syracuse area like like me and uh the next one B is
September 8th next not tomorrow or not this Sunday but the following Sunday at
the fairground doing your normal thing you want to give a shout out to you you want to give a little commercial if you're coming to the show bring your uh
money in your bring your SGC cards for bulk sub I'll be I'll be Syracuse
Fairground September 8th in Watertown New York September 21st that's a
Saturday there you go there's my there's my middle of the show infomercial we gotta get you we gotta
get you a custom commercial well it would change it would have to that's it's a live read uh
Warren says uh because I love the intimacy of Strongville but the strength of the cards available is amazing and
paces and paces the national in my opinion yeah
uh that's a great lie too little bit from far as G but card
shows are like you just don't know what you're G to get that's the beauty of show what are you gonna find you GNA get
a deal are you GNA sell something that you you know and make money even what
and that's both ways as a dealer as a consumer if you bring cards uh the the
shows right uh there's no I I don't know if there's a bad I guess there could be a bad show I mean it could be a bad show
I don't let's be truthful you know I've had bad show as a as a dealer not too many thank thankfully knock on wood but
I've had I've had a couple in 30s something years of of 37 years of doing
shows and going to shows well I'm gonna give a shout out to my one of my local shows uh Larry says he prefer chantilli
but now that he lives uh in Nova uh now that he lives in Nova it's easy to get to went to small shows
when living in Denver yeah um northern Virginia I hear a lot of good things have you you've been to the you
you I hear lots of great things that's a show I need to get to I would like to
know if anybody's been to Dallas and chanelli because I've heard I've been to Dallas I've been I've been to Dallas
twice I have not been so I got you I got you at two Z in the Dallas column you
got me in Strongville and Chantelly um Dan says uh NFL kickoff weekend for a
card show will be fun lucky my Packers play on Friday in Brazil so the kickoff weekend won't pull me away so I want to
ask Dan will his flight from Brazil get back in time to get to the show on
Dallas no chantilli well that's interesting the Dallas card show is is
is good I haven't been in probably two years two years ago was the last one but
it was good Stu are you saying that Dallas is no Chantelly or you would take Dallas not Chantelly because I read that
is Dallas is no shantell Larry says shantell is greatest that's a that's a that's an interesting comment from from
Larry here too because I've heard it compared to being a small National so it's it's got I've heard that from from
different people yeah I mean shantell is also known as a big autograph show um
they well the national back checks that box with the national right you know which which is interesting and you know
I got to be honest does anybody in the chat room go to a show for the autographs or or is it always the card
show part portion because if I'm not bringing my kids and they're not looking for a specific one I can't think of the
last time I went to a show for the autograph and I know there's people who do um I don't I guess if I had the right
rookie card and the right person was signing for the right amount but you know doesn't do card shows he does
tidings though but only like two to three year or Fortune yeah they are um
we price this out last time I think yeah so how big are your shows mine yeah the
Watertown and the other one I thought you were speaking to everybody mine so watertown's the smaller of the two
regular ones I do um at like 55 tables uh Syracuse is about
120 and then we have a big one in December called the a show and that's like 160 tables well that's 160 is not
terrible Ruben says card first and if there someone's there I want then it's a bonus yeah that's fair yeah yeah um
shantell I wonder how many tables that actually is I feel like that's you know every time I hear chanelli just the way
my mind's wired I hear the Big Bopper singing like shantell La
face so I now I can't get that out of my head say I'm not waiting in line or paying
the ex extortion they asked for for signatures I'll buy on eBay for a ton L yeah that's the problem like even like
at this year's National like I have Mean Joe Green autographs unfortunately I've never met him I would love to meet my
football Idol but I can't I can't justify like spending a half a day or more of my national waiting in line so
if anyone knows me and Joe Green and can make that happen um let me know right well you can use your Lawrence Taylor
contact um our club in the Twin Cities has monthly shows uh has monthly show for 48
years wow golf tournament Hall of Fame banquet after Fantasy Baseball League
senior lunches twins 58 table show good mix that seems look they got all a bunch
of events that's the all that's the All-American town right there that's great man they got a club like they got
events we need to see more of that like in other areas too good good for for stooks in that group but we need to see
more of that uh Mark H says I don't go for the Autos but if the price is right and it's a guy I collect I'll grab one
the local shows always have the Lesser known players which I like that's a good point um John Dan wants to know do you
guys have more fun shows now as an adult or did you have more fun as a kid that's a tough question for me question it is a
great question I did my first show as a dealer as 15 years old at 1987 and I've
really done them since then so I've kind of done shows as a de I will say this I
enjoy going to shows that I'm even not set up with because I don't have all that the the the gear to Lug and the
full car to unload so I like both aspects I like the dealer aspect because
usually have a good show you make some extra money to spend right back in the hobby um or on some Personal Collection
items but I also like going like go I like going to the National and not being
set up and walk around and buy stuff and talk to people so I like I it's it goes
back to sto's original comment right I like any show I'm at and I I don't
remember I know this is gonna s sound sad to say I don't remember a lot of
shows as just a kid not set up you know what I mean setting up at at age 15
maybe you know I probably went to less than two hands counting on two hands of shows I went to as a kid before I set up
as my first one on the dealer so I'm kind of like Mano I really got IND
doctor like I'm like the menudo kid of card
shows uh Ruben says he has more fun now because he has money back in the 80s shows
Rec get much sometimes I even make myself laugh H that well well let me put
up this comment here from Warren uh Warren says drink another Crown J I'm not drinking tonight this is just RC
Cola it's Royal Crown Cola but there's no Crown in it right and I'm on well I'm
on the co I'm on the cocacola but there's no coca in it anymore it's just Cola see royal Crown's hard to get here
in Syracuse that's a I remember growing up on it as a kid in New York city so in
Atlantic City they had it so I bought a bunch and brought it back a little
heal so my my uh but
I grew out of mudo I I should but I'm sticking around
I'm like the Lou Pearlman now of mudo no moon do you have moon pies with
the with the RC you know what I grew up on as going back to like my you know what my breakfast was which will explain
some stuff now I joke around I never got my cavity cavities from tops gum because
I traded my gum for people's card you know where I got my cavities from as a kid soda and uh yodel remember Drake's
like the yodel which I still make that was my breakfast yeah the Yodel the
chocolate with the cre the is that Yoo no I'm talking about the cake Yodel the
the that was my breakfast that was my breakfast yodel and soda breakfast the
champion St said he was 24 before uh went to his first show he had to try four hours to get there growing up in
the boonies yeah that's and that that's probably why maybe appreciate shows even more the
more so because of that I think I enjoy shows much more now and even if even if
I don't make a purchase or sell anything um I I definitely think I enjoy it more
now I think getting more friends in the hobby also makes it more enjoyable you know it becomes a little bit more
intimate the room becomes a little smaller I do like Twinkies but Yodo was like I don't know if it's because my
grandparents bought them and stocked them and I kind of grew up on them but I like Twinkies I never kicked a Twinkie
out of bed I'm not going to touch that one uh
Larry says do you still have teeth eating yles and pop no no I I oh I I
have missing teeth luckily they're more in the back than anywhere else uh Dan says people always talk about kids in
the hobby but as a kid the main thing that made it fun for me at a show was budgeting $10 on cards and people
trading me kind no need to have free stuff for kids yeah a good
point it goes a long way yeah yeah yeah it's true and you know and now some of
these kids we all know right what they're walking around in their Zion cases and their money in their pocket
it's it's it's h yeah Shameless plug um it's it's scary I always try to and I'm
not just saying this because of dance uh I always try to give like if I see kids at my shows I'll give them some whether
it be a pack or some cards or I've had kids come up to my table and pick a
couple bucks out of my boxes and then come up to pay me and I'm like it's your lucky day that it's free you know what I
mean so I try to do stuff like that um as much as I can uh because I remember
you know being a seveny old kid in the hobby myself and people being very
supportive of of me back in the 70s and early early 80s to date myself so you
know I try to do that now and you know I'm in in a position where I can right giving some packs away and some cards
away for free doesn't doesn't hurt me it makes me quite the opposite makes me feel good so it's a great Point by Dan
Ryan right uh I'd like to see more dealers uh kind of do that not gonna
break make or break you and it's just it's just good and they you know these
are these are the next group that's going to carry the the the Baton forward in this race right whether we want to
admit that or like to admit that or not right that's you know I was seven and
now I'm 51 and there's going to be the new seveny old's going to be me someday
and that's just the circle uh of life so um I I'm very cognizant of that when I
see kids I love to see kids and the thing that really warms my heart even more than just seeing kids in the hobby
is I'm seeing more kids man be interested in vintage cards and players that they were never even alive to see
play and that that's always very cool to me and I catch myself especially at the
I see it a lot obviously at the national I always catch myself like stopping when I see that and watching almost like kind
of a almost in a creepy sort of way and then I'll then the light bulb goes on
and be like okay you gota you can't stare dude I was so proud my son got an autograph at a show and he wanted Bo
Jackson my son is way too young to have seen Bo Jackson play but just from hearing the stories and learning about
it um this this this was awesome he got to meet Bo and now he's a Bo Jackson fan
forever even though he grew up years after his career I'm gonna answer this qu question from everybody's buddy Mark
right here I'm assuming you're doing your first show Mark and you're asking this for that reason and congratulations
s up for the first time any ofice besides having cards price and having change yeah I'm a pricer so people have
heard me get on that soaps box I don't think that's a prerequisite I think being organized having like you know
your V 70s together 6s together 80s together so if someone asks or they
looking they can go right to that I just did something tonight with with getting ready for my show next weekend is I had
kind of all my vintage and kind of one just kind of one box and today I sorted
them by errors so 50s 60s 70s and yes you can hate me if you want but 80s oh
that's not 83 83 and and and older I is
what I classify as vintage I know you know get the get my picture put on your
dartboard um so today I kind of before they were just kind of all under a
vintage box today I got more specific so that's that's One Thing Mark uh is and
you can do that you know if you have like game use you could put game use together if you have Auto cards you can
put so the better organized you are so if someone comes up to you and says hey
I'm looking for I mind stuff by teams so if someone says hey I'm like in Mark's
case hey I'm looking for Red Sox I can point to the box and boom every all the Red Sox stars are going to be in that
one section that's help that's helpful and sometimes they don't what if Mar what if Mark's only selling Red Sox
players I he's probably keeping those and it's every every other team so if you go to Mark's table unless he
probably selling his dupes if he's got some Red Sox he's selling it Warren yeah I'm by three
years yeah I'm off I'm off by three years I kind of follow the 40-year rule
but I don't know how long much longer honestly I can yep and this is a uh if
you have memorabilia in the room a backup table with yeah here's another thing I do Danny I
think you know this especially when you when you have more stuff than the table space you you really have I build up on
my tables so I will put a shelf I will put shelving on my table and put like
shoe boxes and monster boxes on the shelving so it doesn't take up all the
table and people could pull the boxes off the shelving and then look through it when when they whenever they want to
but I can build up and I don't take all the space I can put other stuff there uh in the meantime so there's another tip
from Uncle John and Mark it's all about you know get being comfortable with what you're doing what type of stuff you're
selling what type of show but do John's right being organized I personally
always like having a way to record sales or write if I have to write down somebody's number or something like that
you just I would say have a pen and paper with you um and make sure that
listen if war war if we were close I'd love to do that it's it's as crazy as it
sounds it's not it's it's sort of fun that does sound crazy but but the more organized you are it's not even just for
the consumer's benefit it's also in my case for me as a seller because if
someone ask me where something is boom I can find it here's the other thing let's be honest right more a majority of us
right if you're selling at a set up at a show you most likely have some of the stuff listed on eBay so if I sell
something on eBay it's easy for me to find and get that shipped out very quick by being organized I had to leave this
up here I mean well I don't know if Ruben knows this or not that's that's
what that's why I mentioned it because you are a pizza bagel I'm I'm half a TI and half Jewish so that's why I 5050 but
we don't have to get into the exact percentages so my one hand and then my other hand goes like
this that's hysterical uh Dan says maybe a nice sign that uh that has your name
on it you're a super friendly dude so inviting people to know they can talk to you that that is true when I first
started when I first did my early shows as as that young kid like I mentioned I
had really poor bedside manner I I didn't talk much I didn't say hey how
you doing is there anything you're looking for who do you collect great day at to show I didn't have any of that
that banter so much so that one one point I told this story on the podcast
I was sitting there once and the guy said hey I'm interested in this card but I'll wait till your dad gets back
because I want to see if we could do a little bit better at it he thought I was just sitting there because I had no no
game I had no dealer game at that point um so that's a great another great Point by Dan right be personable I try not to
be too over the top like every person that comes to my table I'm not like hey how you doing you know I don't want to
be game show guy hey how's it going today welcome you know there's Larry
from Syracuse you know what I mean but where's the double
Point what are you looking for money fors so I I I I do it not to that not
like embellish I will talk but here's the thing when you've done shows for so long and you've done a particular show
like my Syracuse and now I'm probably in my 12 month of Watertown you start to to
know people so you don't have to like I know people on a first name invasive so I could say hey Bob how's it going and
then they know me whatever they want to say hey I'm looking for this or hey look I just picked this up over that tap like
I have that sort of bit now camaraderie with people but when you're new to shows
you definitely probably want to you know hey how are you if there's anything I
can help you with if you want to see something out of the cases don't hesitate to ask me that sort of thing so
a good show now we we've turned into like show advice well both of us have
done it um a collector's dream Orlando hello everyone what is going on Orlando
um I do want to wrap up some on some of the card show stuff I don't want to leave it hanging out there yeah yeah
yeah has anybody been to card shows out west not me
Dallas Burbank I've heard that one's good I've heard that that's what that's why I want to hear about it well this is
just good Common Sense uh let me put just good Common Sense comfortable shoes deodorant water yep I will tell you
that's whether you're attending or or working yeah definitely comfortable I will say this man for this year's
National you know out of the ones I've been to this was the first time my feet really didn't kill me and I wore three
different shoes during the week so maybe gotta rotate so I think the trick
is not even just comfortable shoes because I've worn One National I wore hokas like the whole show and my feet
still hurt this year I wore those I wore some hay dudes and something else I
brought and my feet really didn't hurt my back hurt I'm not gonna lie about that my lower back was was barking but
my feet really weren't I I I remember uh yeah breath mints are nice I I go
through two two or three in some cases I pop them I pop them all day like
a like like an addict maybe maybe you are a breath man I just want to be ready
you know so so I don't get caught off guard well maybe we'll see that commercial have you taken CS between the
Years 2012 and 2024 I'm fine I'm fine you might be
entitled for conversation oh that's hilarious so nobody's been to nobody's been to
Burbank huh we we have a very uh M Midwest East Coast side thank you I
think how do you want to take that well listen I went to Atlantic City I came back four pounds later because I skipped
lunch there as well and I didn't drink soda that much like I usually so STS is
this your first time uh doing this show Curious Fargo I've actually heard the Fargo show is good because there's
nothing else around here's an interesting question what's the smallest show you've ever went to so for me I
went once to a 20 table show show 40 years there you go that's the smallest
show I've ever attended I've heard stories where someone walked into a show and there were seven dealer tables can
you imagine that that's not a show that's a couple guys getting together yeah that's a card store inside a show
that's what that is that's a true story that's a true story now this is a weekend the Bison football game s
Saturday in card show Sunday there you go uh never had regular big shows in
Denver until I moved and I was there 47 years that makes no sense man Denver is
a big city you got what you got NBA you've got you know hockey at different
you know hockey with the with the avalanche now and like I'm surprised I'm
surprised but I've been I've been to a show with five tables yeah vintage says
50 tables that's that's my water toown show that's my monthly Watertown show
that I'm doing which by the way I know I talk you before so starting in November
I don't I don't think it's going to be every month but starting in November JSA is going to be at that Watertown show so
there you go you just did your Seinfeld Voice who would think chsa would come to
Water Town what's the deal get it it's a small show they're coming it's crazy I
don't explain it to me all right there's my sign F my bad sign f d what is going
on Larry says we did have Mile High auctions well I guess in in Denver you do get that at least you want to hear my
uh what's the Newman impression when when when Jerry says hello Newman and
then he says hello Jerry Ruben says John is a master of his own domain yes he is we we could do
Seinfeld all night yeah that's the perfect uh perfect sitcom for this show
um I don't know I'm a mash fan uh Orioles took the lead three to2 I know everybody was uh very uh very
concerned about that yeah well here's the thing with Zion too new you know I
just had Clint on the show double episode um as as they all tend to be now
um even if they can't be there but you want to represent them they you know they got to talk to you and get that but
they can get your product and you know much like I do with SGC in the bulk sub and know before anyone asks I have no
plans to set up as a Zion I already can't cover all the ground I I cover now
um unless someone wants you waren yeah I like mash too I like mash too I like it
more as an older when I watch it as a kid somebody the humor went over my head it's not a kid show no I know but I did
watch it as a kid yeah now definitely definitely uh I I could put on almost any episode and enjoy Mash but yeah
there's a here's the other sneaky thing about me there are a lot of like people before they were bigger stars that were
were popped in on that show oh yeah they're famous I just saw an episode
that had Patrick swayy as a young young actor I think that was his first role actually really yeah it was it was early
yeah by the way we always we always stay on topic I don't know what you guys
say yep mic dropped it's Mash I'll okay real quick I gotta know everybody
everybody's favorite sitcom man there's too many for me there's too many I like mad Seinfeld I I'm I'm sort of
embarrassed admit I kind of watch friends I wouldn't say it was my all-time favorite um you
know says I'm so confused I don't know I was a big satday I don't know if you considered a sitcom but Saturday Night
Live back in the Heyday was big for me I don't know if that's a sitcom or you
know ay show Curb Your Enthusiasm yeah that's a great one that's a great one I'm
almost thinking like two ER right younger version company how about Threes Company
Beverly how about I was a big Threes Company fan back in the day yeah Hill Street Blues I was being a New York City
kid Warren says don't be embarrassed about friends I love it yeah how about how about Hill Street Blues anyone
remember that that wasn't funny that was serious it wasn't funny but it was a it
was it had funny moments that characters on there like the I came out the one guy with like would bark and stuff like you
know and I remember the captain like let's be careful out there you'd always do that cheers is a good call yeah I
like cheers yep that is a good call and newart I like newart I didn't watch too
much I was a big Carol brunett kid Carol brunett show that there's some there's
some skits on that to this day are still like classic uh w
krp w krp and Cincinnati the turkey episode the Thanksgiving episode might
be the one of the funniest single episodes in sitcom history Barney Miller so just little little side note to
Barney Miller if you remember the the character fish on Barney Miller played
by the actor V A VOD what are you laughing I haven't even told you I already know where you're
going with this go ahead oh because I told you the story yeah my grandfather
dead ringer my grandfather on my father's side so his name was Max Newman
for in Brooklyn if you put a picture of him up next to aod you would think they were the same guy dead ringer for a Goen
my my grandfather on my uh dad's side so there you go that was that was that was
some good shows I miss some of these shows yeah Carol brette man that some of the skits on that the whole show was
funny but like the one that sticks out even to this day was the dentist skit
you know and you know it's funny when the characters break character and they're laughing and trying to deliver
their lines at the same time if you it's on YouTube if you if you Google like or
if you search on YouTube Carol Bernett dentist SK it'll come up one of the alltime funniest skits ever like any
comedy series like just I can wa I'll watch it every so often and I've seen it like it's nothing that's going to
surprise me and it gets me it gets me every time and I do need to agree with Ruben and uh his assessment of the uh
acting abilities uh on WKRP in Cincinnati um all right we're on the
home stretch here nobody's been to the West Coast so I'm very disappointed I actually wanted to learn about the
Burbank show um and uh nobody's been so we need to work on our West Coast uh
following if you know somebody on the west coast and they enjoy cards and they enjoy fun conversations well just
because you're there just because you're on the west coast does you know California is a big state you doesn't mean you're going to the the the the
Burbank or whatever call Now card show you know I mean I'm in Syracuse and I
haven't been to an E East Coast National in in double digit years and that's only
200 something miles away it's not well you're talking about doing a table there next year so yeah how about Duke's of
Hazard I watch that as a kid my favorite Night Rider um 18 that 18 I have a cigar
I love it when a plan comes together yeah I used to I was scared to fly too so I was like I kind of lived by Cary to
Mr T he was he was your uh well the first time I flew was to go on my honeymoon
and I remember telling my wife like give me some Xanax I felt like I was like knock me out so I can get on this plane
Rockford FS that's another one yeah James Garner evidently tonight's Nick
and night special but this is man like you forget about Happy Days happy day
how we miss Happy Days MacGyver not not not much but I like mcgyver and Quantum
Leap while we're at it I'll admit to that all right anyone want to admit they saw some episodes of Murder She Wrote oh
big fan of murder and secret and Matlock not Matlock but I did
see some my grandma used to watch Murder She Wrote so I kind of got roped in she
was planning it yeah uh I've also seen I've also seen Dirty
Dancing probably over a hundred times not because I like it that much because my Grandma had to think for Patrick sesy
and so she'd watch that movie over and over again and if I was channel surfing as a younger when I still lived at home
with my my grandmother right and if you if you Channel Surf and she caught like a scene from Dirty Dancing it's like
she'd say stop stop it right there so if I saw it and I could change it to the next Channel real quick I definitely
always tried to do that um Ruben says the a team and GI Joe best is recruiting
tools in the 80s for kids in the 90s um STS Magnum Magnum PI absolutely Detroit
Tiger hat and he's Tom cel's a Die Hard baseball fan in real life that's is he
really a Tigers fan or was that a show G no he really is if you look at all the movies they're always related to the
tigers um yeah Haj says I can that he can still hum the opening song of Murder
She Wrote that's funny yeah great show don't it feel like I don't know don't it
feel like the shows were better quality then than they are today no um I think
it was pre- reality shows like there were no reality shows yet to take up the airspace Mr Baseball yeah that's a great
card yeah that's the Upper Deck card s played basketball USC I did not know that I did not know that so we learned
something he was in the celebrity Home Run Derby when was at orial Park I I
think he might have been the only person to get one out yeah yeah pretty good swinger well he's a big dude I know he's
over six feet is he yeah if you look at that that Mr baseball card that that
Ruben brought up with next to Frank Thomas he's right there with Frank Thomas I'm not saying he's bigger than Frank Thomas but Frank Thomas is not
dwarfing him because I saw Clintwood one time in real life and was very disappointed he's like 5'7 who Clint
Eastwood I expected him to be like John Wayne Billy Crystal's pretty tiny guy I
met him I met him when I was probably 13 in Fort L out of Yankee spring training
talked to him for like 20 minutes there was no one else around he wasn't that much bigger than me and I was I was a
little did he did he talk back or was that just you talking the 20 minutes no he did more I I was a shy kid so he
actually did he carried most of the I just says he thinks Eastwood has shrunk over the years uh that that could be
like dude he's 90 something years old probably now right Frank and his prime was 65240 that's unbelievable he was he
was a big dude well he still is a big dude it's new genx is why he's maintained that big dude status Warren
says James Garner signed a receipt for me as well uh as they were filming the
end of The Rockford Files I made him a club sandwich I had some bright I worked
in a gift shop in Brooklyn After High School I went back to New York and I
carried some like you know expensive like knickknacks and dishes to some
celebrities car uh cars and stuff the biggest one I remember was Danny aello I
put some some dishes in the back of his car he gave me a tip s if you 6'4 sorry
what did Danny iello give you how much did he give you a tip yeah I think it was like 20 bucks which back then was
was even more than 20 bucks is is today right not a lot of small talk but thank
you thank you young man and here you go and you know have a good day and so there you go I was just shocked that
celic was 6'4 that he slipped it to me as if he was a mobster like kind of a
handshake and then well he is Haven you seen the movies no I know but it was funny that's how I got to John did you
make Vera sandwich after I hit the Dinger off you me R
Ruben verch made John his you know what John John uh dude I got him out the to I
think he he I think he went like one for three or two for four of me didn't with the home run that was a shot besides I
got him out too it wasn't like he went three for three I've had a few like
John so all right my friend um this this got totally off the rails I had a blast
um I need this F that's why you never know what this show we we start off with card shows and then we're talking TV
shows who you know you never no I got a sword tokus I need a new chair and you got a Jer a bad Jerry Seinfeld a bad
Newman impression although there's no way I can do a bad Newman well it's not an impression if you're doing yourself
yeah well I was doing the Newman on Seinfeld so that wasn't good yeah it was a pleasure to see you buddy both of us
were out of town this week uh so people don't people don't realize that uh we really did uh catch up on the
show yeah happy your life's about to get your life's about to get busier I'll let
you well we'll talk about that next next week hopefully or in two weeks uh
hopefully um yes my my life is about to get much busier um all right guys well
to everybody thank you um yeah I'll say it I haven't said this in a while so I
think I'm due we best chat room best chat room in the internet I'm not even gonna say hobby just the best best
group that's why right for stuff like this Ruben I'm just fat don't worry I'm
not pregnant I'm not fat I am pregnant uh thank you Warren and John to
your point it is the best chat room in the business it it is man these guys and and I don't know all I don't know if we
have any ladies so so I don't want to be you know we appreciate everybody in the chat room you're if you're if you're
watching live and you're shy we appreciate uh you as as well I get that
because I was a shy kid so I get it people are some people are shy nothing wrong with that um so and if you're just
listening to us because you don't want to see our ugly faces in real time I get that too so if you're downloading us on
Mondays uh thumbs up to you as all right say good night John good night John

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