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June 24, 2024

Card Mensches E41 Greatest Living Ballplayer Now & More!

Card Mensches E41 Greatest Living Ballplayer Now & More!

The world lost its greatest living baseball player this past week. Who does that torch get passed to now and some bonus topics this week as well.  

"Card Mensches" Brought to you by SGC &  Stadium Insurance . A new format for Sports Talk and Sports...

The world lost its greatest living baseball player this past week. Who does that torch get passed to now and some bonus topics this week as well.  

"Card Mensches" Brought to you by SGC &  Stadium Insurance . A new format for Sports Talk and Sports Cards!"

Join us live every other Friday for our great and interactive chat room.  We definitely have fun!




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SPEAKER 1: Hey, everyone. John Newman here. Thank you for downloading this episode of Card Mensches myself and Danny Black of Hobby News Daily would like to remind you this is a live show every other Friday at 9 P.m. Eastern. It can be found on most of our social medias. Danny's at Sports Ball and Hobby News Daily.

SPEAKER 1: I am Sports Car Nation Podcast and it can be found on our YouTube channels, at Hobby News Daily, Sports Carnation Podcast at Sports Bult and at card matches. So with that being said, we hope to see you very soon on a Friday night in our very active chat room. Now, let's start the show.

SPEAKER 2: Experience, quality consistency and the quickest turnaround times in the grading industry. We are proud to partner with SGC grading. Check them out at www dot go SGC.com.

SPEAKER 3: Hi, I'm Danny.

SPEAKER 1: Black and I'm John Newman.

SPEAKER 3: Welcome to card matches.

SPEAKER 3: Well, hello, I guess. I'm starting. Welcome to card matches. Episode number. Where are we?

SPEAKER 1: 41 41 man.

SPEAKER 3: 41. That's 82 weeks of card benches. That's great.

SPEAKER 1: You haven't had enough. Here's another one in your face. Yeah.

SPEAKER 3: But tonight we're, I think I have a good show. We're talking about the easy part is the greatest living ballplayer. But what John doesn't know is I've added three other categories to tonight's conversation without telling him. So we're gonna have four questions that we're gonna answer.

SPEAKER 1: And someone secretly switched out my coffee.

SPEAKER 3: Exactly. What's going on, Steven?

SPEAKER 3: Hello to everybody. What happened? You both look tired and worn out. I've been at the Chantilly show working all day. I got in, I'm, I'm in my hotel room. I got in here like seven minutes ago. I'm not exaggerating.

SPEAKER 1: This is what great looks like. I even took a nap today. Can you imagine if I really looked tired and worn out?

SPEAKER 3: I mean, you should be insulted that it is that you look anything like me.

SPEAKER 3: So, you know, first of all, I think, let's, let's start with, the serious part of the conversation is we lost a great player, a great human and, and a, and a certainly a figure in American culture in Willie Mays, sadly lost him right before the Rickwood field game where he played as a young boy.

SPEAKER 3: But he gives us a chance to honor his life, his career and you know, and, and look at baseball beyond, beyond May to a certain degree. But, you know, certainly r IP Willie couldn't agree more and you know, listen, some people say he, he was the best five tool player ever. You know, some people say the five tools were created because of him on the scouting reports and, you know, everything else.

SPEAKER 3: R IP Willie is.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I thought, you know, a, anytime you lose someone, I don't care how old someone is. Right. The finality of, of death and they're not here anymore. It's, it's sad. I think it's a little more sad too that he couldn't see that Rick game and, you know, whether it be watching on, on his TV, or there in person, I'm sure he was there in spirit.

SPEAKER 1: But, you know, the timing of it was sort of, I don't wanna say odd but unfortunate, I guess is AAA better word. And, you know, i, it's, I think sometimes not, not in my case, but I think in other, in certain other people's cases, you don't really learn the greatness of somebody until like, something like that happens and you really start deep diving.

SPEAKER 1: Some of the numbers are paying more attention, you know, post, you know, humorously. So, you know, obviously and deservedly so he's getting, you know, recognition for his playing career. And, but, you know, when someone passes away, it's, it's always, it's always a sad time.

SPEAKER 1: And so, you know, he was, he was, no one was debating when he was alive that he was the greatest living ballplayer. But now that he is passed on it opens that door for the discussion, which we'll have tonight. You know, who takes that belt? Now that it's been in the sense vacated. Right. And a lot are gonna be a lot of different answers.

SPEAKER 1: We've got some messages on, on, on our, our social media, we've had a message in the room from TJ who couldn't be here to watch live. He, he wanted to weigh in with his opinion. Right. There's no wrong answers to this question unless you say Greg Jeffries, which is my pick tonight, but it's a wrong answer.

SPEAKER 3: Who was your pick before? Anyway? So it didn't matter.

SPEAKER 3: I did just put in the chat room which card of Willie Mays is your favorite?

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I mean for me, are you asking me or just in general?

SPEAKER 3: I I'll ask you just from a cool looking card, you know, not value or anything.

SPEAKER 1: All right, taking value and the rookie significance out at 53 tops is pretty cool man. I mean 53 tops design makes any card look good.

SPEAKER 1: But that Willie Mays is a, a really sharp card. So I would pick the 53 Mas in terms of aesthetics. 51 Bowman, you know, in terms of the meaning and all that other stuff.

SPEAKER 3: 50 two tops.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. Orlando is with me. I got a second from Orlando.

SPEAKER 3: Orlando is only 53 and I'm not against the 53. I love it. But there's something about the classic 52 set, but like the same thing with 5353 is arguably one of the greatest, you know, I love 53. But 51 Bowman, I, I, I'm a sucker for, you know.

SPEAKER 1: 73 tops and he's in a matte uniform. So there's that connection, you know, so got some, got some off the, off the, the mainstream here with some picks, stu, with the 62 hour vision, you know, I mean, these are all great. That's, that's what's so awesome about the Hobby guys is our opinions are our opinions. You're not wrong. None of these are wrong answers other than the Greg Jeffries, some are wrong.

SPEAKER 3: But we just don't tell you.

SPEAKER 3: Here's a good answer for Mookie as always. 54 tops and 73 tops are my favorite Willie cards. 54. He won MVP in the World Series and made the catch 73. He came home to his fans in New York. Ok. I'm gonna absolutely see on the 54 is a gray card. He looks so old in that 73 card. It's, to me it's a little sad.

SPEAKER 1: He was on his last, I mean, he was out of it, is what it is. That was his last as a ball club. New York.

SPEAKER 3: I get that like, definitely. But he just looks old in it and, and it's a little sad.

SPEAKER 1: He was old. Think about it. His rookie card is 51 and now he's on the 73. That's how long his playing career, was, which is a testament to exactly.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah.

SPEAKER 1: You know, so.

SPEAKER 3: Well, mo most people considered him the greatest living ball player before he passed. And so I have, some questions tonight.

SPEAKER 3: A shout out for the 64 Tops Giants is great too.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I've been getting a lot of those for those that don't know, I bulk up for SGC. I'm not necessarily Mays alone, but I've been getting a lot of 64 giant tops cards like for, for gray.

SPEAKER 3: So and just, you know, that that's a separate set. That's, that's not the team, the Giants.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. No, that's the bigger size.

SPEAKER 3: Well, it was me. So I didn't want any confusion. Yeah, that's a good point.

SPEAKER 3: Ok. So John, I mixed in a couple of questions here.

SPEAKER 3: First two and I, and I wanted to separate these because I think it's gonna take the conversation in a different place. Who's the greatest living player and who's the greatest living Hall Of Famer.

SPEAKER 1: How would they be different though? Like chances are they're gonna be in the, well, they could be, they could be II I.

SPEAKER 3: I'm gonna give you Pete Rose and Barry Bonds as two examples.

SPEAKER 1: All right. All right.

SPEAKER 3: So greatest living player to me is Sandy Koufax.

SPEAKER 1: I, I love, I love Sandy Koufax. I love Sandy Koufax. I'm not arguing. Sandy Koufax. And my pick is a guy I don't like, but I got, you know, you can say a lot of things about me but II I call it like I see it right. It's gotta be Barry Bonds and I don't like, I love Ken Griffey Junior. He's right there in the mix.

SPEAKER 1: But it's Barry Bonds and I don't, I don't like Barry Bonds. I don't like, I wish I didn't have, I have to say Barry Bonds, it hurts a little bit deep down in the solar plexus or whatever, but it is Barry Bonds like it is like if you look at the, not even prior to the H DH stuff, he was in the sense of Hall Of Famer.

SPEAKER 3: So that's my problem is how do you look at 73 home runs and say, yeah, that seems a little reasonable.

SPEAKER 1: That's one season enhanced. But he, before he start using my, this is my point. He was a paper before that. That's the sad part about it is because of that whole controversy in the usage. It's costing him his just due. It's costing him entrance into the hall. But I we can't, we there's no argument whether Barry Bonds is a Hall Of Fame player. He just broke rules and that's why he's on the outside looking in.

SPEAKER 1: But if you're he's still alive, so he to, to answer this question honestly, which is what I'm going to do. I do not like Barry Bonds, but he's the a my answer to this question. Would I love to say Sandy Koufax and be honest in my sincere sure, but I wouldn't be honest if I said that and then there's something about playing every day and pitching every fifth day. There's a difference.

SPEAKER 1: And so that's, I'm gonna say Barry Bonds, I don't wanna say Barry Bonds. I saying Barry Bonds and I see stu I I hate the fact that he used, I hate it.

SPEAKER 1: But like he's still the answer to this question.

SPEAKER 3: Well, it depends. Are you giving more value to the fact that he was an everyday player versus Kufa?

SPEAKER 1: For sure? I said that already.

SPEAKER 3: Well, you said that to me offline. I wasn't sure if you said it.

SPEAKER 1: On, I, when I think about greatest living ball player, unless there's a serious drop off from that pitcher to the positional player, it's always gonna be a positional player to me.

SPEAKER 1: So that's why it's Bonds over Koufax now, you know, I'm not even sure if Barnes wasn't my answer, but still wouldn't be someone else over Kofax. Some of the guys for me that were in the, in, in my mind, you know. Well, we've, we've seen him in, mentioned in the chat room. I'm a big advocate for Griffey Junior. I love.

SPEAKER 3: What about Pete Rose. What about I Rose, Rose and Albert Pools.

SPEAKER 1: Albert Pools. I, I'm gonna throw Ichiro on that list. I know he, he, you know, he was playing in Japan, first, but he came over here and did some incredible stuff in a, in a shorter amount of time.

SPEAKER 1: And just an incredible ball player. So, you know, Mike Schmidt, is another one that I, I see me, Reggie Jackson. Reggie Jackson.

SPEAKER 3: Mike Trout has to be mentioned.

SPEAKER 1: Not, not in my book at this point.

SPEAKER 3: Well, maybe not, but if we, if we're having this conversation in, let's say, 5, 10 years.

SPEAKER 1: You better start playing some more.

SPEAKER 3: Ii, I agree with you there. But does that hurt Griffey? Does Griffey's hamstring cost him the conversation because he hit 50. What was it? 57 home runs? Two years in a row?

SPEAKER 1: Ii, I love Ken Griffey Junior and I don't like Barry Bonds, but I can't put Griffey ahead of Bonds on, on the, on the numbers. It's, it's closer than people probably think, maybe not to some others.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, there's, you know, there is rumors about fool holes using and whatnot. That's why I love Ken Griffey Junior because he did this during an era where a lot of people were using and he's never ever mentioned, suspected he's a no report and you know, the stuff he's done in an era when a lot of other people were, were using performance enhancers and he wasn't adds to his, the state.

SPEAKER 3: Right?

SPEAKER 3: So, well, then the question is, is you're keeping Bonds ahead of Griffey? Are you putting Griffey ahead of?

SPEAKER 1: And I wish I didn't have to, I, I love Griffey and I don't love Bonds, but I, when we ask these questions, right? I don't, if I'm watching a show, I don't want the host to not give a, a sincere answer. So I can't do the same thing.

SPEAKER 1: I'm gonna tell you it's Bonds and I don't, I hate saying that it's Bonds but it is, even before the H DH and the cream, you know, and, and all that stuff, which is the same. He, he was putting up good numbers. That's the sad part though, Danny is, he didn't necessarily need to do that and now he's suffering the consequences.

SPEAKER 3: Mookie is getting me worked up. Always a pleasure. Thank you, Mookie.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, Clements, one of those guy, another guy, I'm not a big fan of but.

SPEAKER 3: And somebody's gonna say somebody's gonna mention Nolan Ryan and we're gonna have to talk about how overrated he is and I'll say Steve Carlton because I think he's underrated.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, Stan Stan Usual is gone. But, like Stan us is one of the vastly underrated guys when we look at overall what that are, that are, you know, players, but we've done that show. We've done that show. It's, it's Bonds. I wish I did I wish I could say another name like Griffey.

SPEAKER 3: So, so, so I think your top four, let's do top four because I think that makes it hard.

SPEAKER 1: I'm gonna go Bonds, I'm gonna go Griffey Junior.

SPEAKER 1: So just in case any senior fans are listening and they just right.

SPEAKER 1: Man, the last two are those two kind of rides to the top and then you got your po hoes, your Schmidt, your Reggies, your Koufax.

SPEAKER 3: You know, Koufax is above a Schmidt and a Reggie.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. Yeah, I, I'll put Koufax as my fourth. So now that leaves that third guy, Ricky Henderson is an interesting had, you know what Reggie Henderson? Ricky had, look at that like, I know he gets like he's a compliant.

SPEAKER 1: He's not the MENSA guy. So sometimes he gets kind of picked on or, you know, he's, he. Yeah. Yeah, I, I, other than bench, Johnny bench, you know, I'm gonna go by. Mine would be Bonds. Griffey Henderson Koufax.

SPEAKER 3: Bonds shows in every postseason.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I get it.

SPEAKER 3: So you're, you're going Bonds. Griffey Ricky Henderson, Sandy Koufax.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. And then Paul Halls, Ichiro Ichiro.

SPEAKER 3: Really?

SPEAKER 1: You know what you asked me tomorrow? I'll give you like two different names. That's how, that's how this list works. All right.

SPEAKER 3: So here's where I am. Ok. I think terribly underrated P Rose. I think all the, all the other stuff has diminished. The player that was P Rose and that's all we're talking about right now. We're just talking about the player. Ok. I think you gotta have P Rose in the top four to me. I understand that you discount pitchers, you know, there, there, there's Jim Palmer.

SPEAKER 1: I don't, I don't like the word discount.

SPEAKER 3: They, they don't carry as much weight.

SPEAKER 1: All right. Ok.

SPEAKER 3: Except for David Wells.

SPEAKER 1: Who I was mistaken for at the Yankees.

SPEAKER 1: I don't know if that's why you mentioned that, that joke against Newman. Thank you.

SPEAKER 3: No, it was coincidence. Actually David Wells was an Oriole. So I have a soft spot for I, I have Kofax number one Bonds, number two. Pete Rose three, Griffey four.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. Ii, I like Pete Rose like I, I don't love Pete Rose. I like Pete Rose.

SPEAKER 3: I don't like the person.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, but I mean, you're right, you're right. The player like incredible. He's the hits leader still probably always will be at this point.

SPEAKER 1: You know, he'll tell you how great he is himself. Sometimes I, I'm not a fan of that but he is, he is a great player.

SPEAKER 3: You know, hey, Jim Palmer, Jim Palmer doesn't like him. He go, he's an Orioles broadcaster and he's still one of the top pitchers of all time.

SPEAKER 3: Is Bob Gibson still alive?

SPEAKER 1: No, I think he passed recently.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah. So Mookie Mookie, I thought about this. He, he just not, he's not in the top four yet. He's still too young. If I did a top 10, he would be on there.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, he's not in the top four, man. Like I like Cal Ripken but I love Cal.

SPEAKER 3: Ripken and I think he will one day will be the greatest living ball player, but he's not in the top four right now. Ok. So that leaves.

SPEAKER 3: Yes, that's a great one.

SPEAKER 1: 00 my God. He's got, I can, I do my left.

SPEAKER 3: Over to your list over?

SPEAKER 1: All right, I'm gonna, man, this hurts again. I gotta keep saying them, I gotta go.

SPEAKER 3: Bonds don't put you over Griffith. You're going to, aren't you?

SPEAKER 1: No, I think I'm going Bonds.

SPEAKER 1: God, it's hard, man.

SPEAKER 1: I'm going with Bonds. Henderson Griffe.

SPEAKER 3: Yes, Rose Koufax Bonds, Henderson, Griffy Koufax, Rose Koufax. Ok.

SPEAKER 1: And I like pools but I, that, that whole cloud of whether he used or not.

SPEAKER 3: Does he have, he had a last 5 to 10 years that were not hung on and accumulated some stats, the foot injuries and, and stuff. He was battling and all that stuff.

SPEAKER 1: I'm a y guy man. That was one of my favorite, like not non New York players, but he was from Long Island, so he was a New Yorker, but he didn't play on the New York team, obviously playing for the, for the Red Sox. So one of my favorite players. So, yeah. Yeah. And, and it has nothing to do with it. Like I must, he's the only living triple crown winner at this point.

SPEAKER 3: We lost, we lost Frank recently.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. So you gotta take that in the, that's you probably, yeah, I don't know if you ever see that. Really? It's, it's very rare Cabrera I think. Did it was the last one, if I'm not mistaken.

SPEAKER 1: You're not gonna see that that often if and when it even happens again. And besides that triple crown, he's an incredible b ball player. So I just, you know, you, you forget about dudes when you're, when you're racking your brain and you, you're putting these lists together.

SPEAKER 3: So yes, Miguel Cabrera is still alive though. We, we have you know what, he was a heck of a ball player. I'm not putting him on the list but he's.

SPEAKER 1: His last few years. Like it was like the Tigers wanted him not to be there. But you know, he wanted to, it was.

SPEAKER 3: When he was young, he was as good of a hitter as I've ever seen when he was younger.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I think.

SPEAKER 3: His right handed hitter was, he was just dangerous.

SPEAKER 1: I think his last 5 to 6 years. I don't want to say sour, you know, sour Hall Of Fame career, but it didn't, it wasn't the cherry on the top, so to speak.

SPEAKER 3: Ok. Well, I got a couple more questions. So let's let's kind of tie this one in with the greatest living Hall Of Famer. And do your top four that way. Greatest living Hall Of Famer.

SPEAKER 1: I mean, you have to take the, the list. I would go then it would be Henderson.

SPEAKER 3: Ricky. Henderson is your number one living Hall Of Famer?

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I gotta say, man, I gotta get him.

SPEAKER 3: You, you, you're bigger on Ricky than I am.

SPEAKER 1: You, you gotta look at like the overall body of work. I think what hurts Ricky? What should I talk like, Ricky now? You know what hurts Ricky. Let me tell you what hurts Ricky. I played on a lot of teams. The people don't like that. Ricky played on a lot of teams. No one likes that.

SPEAKER 3: That was a terrible force.

SPEAKER 1: That why I don't get asked to do it at like shows.

SPEAKER 3: But you know what, why was he on so many teams if he was that great?

SPEAKER 1: Maybe he was not a great clubhouse guy. I don't know the an, I honestly don't know the honest answer to that. That's a good question.

SPEAKER 3: Ricky, a great Mets Hall Of Famer.

SPEAKER 1: No one loves Ricky more than Ricky played for half the half, the teams in major league base Orlando has Bonds.

SPEAKER 3: Griffey Kofa Ricky for his four.

SPEAKER 1: So to mine with the, with I move Koufax down a little bit and move Jazz up and you know what, Johnny bench?

SPEAKER 3: He is, I guess I might be the greatest catcher of all time.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I, I, I'm, I'm probably not being fair to bench. I'm just not a huge bitch.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, that might be my deep love for Thurman that I feel like, ok.

SPEAKER 3: So gorgeous Living Hall Of Famers.

SPEAKER 1: So I'm gonna go with my list and then so it would be Henderson Griffe. Yes.

SPEAKER 1: And then it can't be Griffe.


SPEAKER 3: And then one more.

SPEAKER 1: Then it probably has to be a bencher Schmidt.

SPEAKER 3: Not a Koufax man that like you really don't want to pick a pitcher.

SPEAKER 1: I try not to. But if it makes you feel better, if I didn't wrong and you're being honest, I want you to be honest, I don't have to. If I did take a pitch, it would be Kofax but.

SPEAKER 3: You're not, you're wrong.

SPEAKER 3: What do you want to do wrong? And you're just skipping the whole position?

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I'm, I'm not skipping the position when I just think of greatest ball player of all time. It's a guy that's in the lineup every day, man. And that's not Koufax's fault. He's such a great pitcher. That's what he got to do and was probably one of the greatest ever do it. That's, it's not his fault. I'm not blaming him. I just, when we make these lists, II, I have to take that into consideration.

SPEAKER 3: This is a Farrakhan and probably a great conversation. Rubin says he'd put Randy Johnson over Koufax. I mean, Randy Johnson was similar to Koufax. He had some bad years before he found it.

SPEAKER 1: What's the knock? If, if there's a knock on Koufax, it was the, the, the, the length of his career. Right.

SPEAKER 3: The, the, his peak was short.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, it was dominant. But it was all, like his last year went like 26 and four. That was his last year.

SPEAKER 3: It was arguably his best and he couldn't brush his teeth and move his arm, you know, like that. He says he'll take Ichiro Ricky Griffey and bench for his Hall Of Hall Of Famers Best Living Hall Of Famers.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I don't, I wouldn't even argue. I don't, and I don't know if I, I don't know if that's the order is ito in yet. No, he's not in. So you gotta take it off. He will be in next year if my, if my math is right. So thats a pool holes, pool holes in it going in the same year.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah.

SPEAKER 3: Ok. So, I mean, to me, I'm, I'm not gonna skip pitchers but I think you gotta look at Griffin.

SPEAKER 1: I just, I gotta pick, I just go with the, you know, the, the seventies right there. Sixties and, yeah, seventies and eighties. Henderson is in eighties.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah, Mr Smith played in the eighties.

SPEAKER 3: Yeah, I mean, I just think if you look kofa is, I, is in the small hall and a lot of these guys are in the Slightly Bitter Hall.

SPEAKER 1: I don't wanna say small hall. He's a Hall Of Fame pitcher, man. There's no bait in that with anybody.

SPEAKER 3: I just, I, when we all Hall Of Famers that everyday guys but not all Hall Of Famers are equal. Harold Baines is not the same as Babe Ruth.

SPEAKER 1: The Harrow Bays make anyone's list here.

SPEAKER 3: I mean, Edgar Martinez is, has anybody mentioned him?


SPEAKER 3: Paul Hols will be eligible for the first time in 2028.

SPEAKER 1: I think it's sooner than that. I thought, well, we could be wrong five years tournament. I I thought it was 20 six.

SPEAKER 3: No, I I lost track of when he retired. Yeah.

SPEAKER 3: Ok, so I got a couple more questions and the next one is, is, is really one that I think is, is a great, a great way to look at this greatest living player card.

SPEAKER 3: So is it the, is it the Nolan Ryan rookie? The Koufax rookie?

SPEAKER 1: It's a good question man and I I had no 80.

SPEAKER 3: Nine upper deck Griffey PS A 10.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, there's just too many of those man. Not necessarily too many tens but just too many.

SPEAKER 3: Well, that's my point. Ricky Ricky Henderson rookie.

SPEAKER 1: Great card. A lot of them, you know, double printed in a sense.

SPEAKER 3: Well, I mean, Ruben obviously knows the winner. 89 flare Bill Ripkin fun face.

SPEAKER 1: Why not? The Jackson Holley series two tops card?

SPEAKER 3: I think I'm the only person who, who, who finds his face creepy in that picture.

SPEAKER 1: But that makes it funny. That makes the card, get it, get it go on its own route.

SPEAKER 1: So I was, you know, KFA yet. I all right. I, I'm gonna make it up a little bit here to see it. I mean, the Kofax, the 55 tops. Koufax is definitely on that short list for greatest living player card.

SPEAKER 1: You know, when I think of the guys, I, I think of the guys that's on, on my, that made my list without the card part of it. I can't pick the Henderson card. You know, I can't pick a Bonds, a Bonds card.

SPEAKER 3: What Orlando has the 86 top shirted Tiffany Bonds. It's a great card.

SPEAKER 1: I like that. That's a good one. I I I'm trying not to pick them. So, you know, so I'm not gonna pick the card. I pick the player because I gotta give just desserts there.

SPEAKER 1: I got probably Koufax. The Schmidt card is not a classic card, you know what I mean?

SPEAKER 3: None of those guys.

SPEAKER 1: You know, you got the double card of Ryan.

SPEAKER 1: So yeah, I guess it would be Kofax. I love the Griffey card. I try to get them anytime I can pick one up and add to it, but just so many of them.

SPEAKER 3: This is true. Ii I heard somebody else say those Jackson holiday does look like the Mad magazine.

SPEAKER 1: He does. That is Ruben.

SPEAKER 3: Great call.

SPEAKER 1: I think Ruben. I, I agree with Ruben. This one. This one is, is on my list for sure.

SPEAKER 1: This and the Koufax.

SPEAKER 3: Here's a great one and here's a great one. His liv Jason's Living Hall Of Fame rotation.

SPEAKER 3: Maddox Koufax Johnson, Ryan Carlton.

SPEAKER 1: Wow, that those are all great. Maddox is one of those guys. He Maddox and Tony Gwynn like modern day or, or more recent of don't get enough credit. Maddox was an insanely great pitcher that we don't talk about in the same vein. And with other guys, I got, I think Maddox is, is actually better than Randy John.

SPEAKER 1: I know we had Randy Johnson over Koufax. I, I kinda like Maddox better than Randy Johnson. I mean, Randy Johnson could throw it through a steel plate and Maddox probably couldn't. But, you know, when you talk about, hey, we need to win this game. Who do you want on the mound? Like out of these guys?

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, Tony Leva, 65 tops, 65 tops. One of my favorite designs.

SPEAKER 3: A lot of, a lot of love for Pedro here. We haven't talked about him.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, he's another guy. You know what hurt some of these guys. It's not necessarily fair. It's the Ricky Henderson thing we talked about Pedro played on four or five teams. I think people.

SPEAKER 3: People associate him with the Red Sox. I think that's different.

SPEAKER 1: Well, I think a lot of people associate Ricky Henderson with the Oakland A's for a good, more or more the A's I think then the Yankees and then, you know, he's got Blue Jays Mets Padres, the Giants.

SPEAKER 1: And listen, we as a fellow Mets fan, any, you know, you appear one day if you're even like in the stands attending the game and you're on a Mets guard, you're a Mets, you're a Mets player.

SPEAKER 3: So, so greatest living player card to me. I know everybody's gonna laugh in my chalk on this. It's a Koufax rookie to me. It's, it's a ner, I'm right there with you.

SPEAKER 1: I, I like the pull ho Ito chrome, dual rookie card. How about that? Two great two players like that on the same card. Chrome in its early, in its early days of, of existence, right? Not the chrome we know today. Yeah, in the Hobby.

SPEAKER 3: Just asking about relievers, Raleigh Mariano Goose Gossage, Mariano Rivera.

SPEAKER 3: But a lot of them.

SPEAKER 1: Fam, I got a funny, real quick Goose Gossage story. So I guess speaking of Hall Of Fame, I got to meet him at the Hall Of Fame when I was a kid in New York and.

SPEAKER 3: He's not a natural goose, by the way.

SPEAKER 1: No, it's actually Goose Gossage the, the reliever and pitcher back when I pitched two or three innings to get a save, right. So he, he, he always scared me like he was like a menacing, you know, with the with the mustache that came all the way down to the, the bottom of, of the jawline. He always scared me. So I got to meet him and talk with him in, inside the Hall Of Fame was sort of a, a meet and greet.

SPEAKER 1: So it was my turn. I went up to him, shook his hand and I said to him, I said, go, I, I'm New York City kid, Brooklyn, you know, watched you a lot, whether it be at Yankee Stadium or on TV. You always, you always were menacing. You scared me. And, he said, how about now? And I said, not, not, not as much.

SPEAKER 1: He laughed. I laughed. And, but I, you know, we, we talked a little bit more, after that. So the funny there's my funny, you know, one minute Goose Gossage story. But yeah, he was great too. I, I think Mariano kind of came over for you. You know, you can, if we're talking about player.

SPEAKER 3: Card, if we talk about player card, would you put any reliever on the list?

SPEAKER 1: What, what 92 Bowman Mariano and his like slacks and t, yeah, it's pretty cool card when you think about cards, you know, it's an ugly card. I like it more than I guess you do, obviously.

SPEAKER 3: I don't know, he just, it looks like he's going for a job application, you know, like he's going to apply for a job at, at ST or something.

SPEAKER 1: Well, and for those that I, I think many people know, like he was a failed starter. That's how he got to be, or he was almost out of baseball. Like the Yankees were at their last nerve with him and he developed a split finger and, you know, became the greatest club. That story almost didn't have that movie ending. He was almost out of baseball. So when you think about that, right?

SPEAKER 1: That's it. I mean, for pitchers that's on my list, for sure. You know what's weird about the 92 Bowman Mariano people either love the card or they hate it. There's really no, no in betweens.

SPEAKER 3: That's, that's probably true. I, but I'm also somebody who I'm not a big fan of the nineties. Look on a lot of the sets.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, but that 92 Bowman is, is even, I even like that design to this, to this day. Like it's, it's, it's, you know, they have the gold, they got the gold edged cards, but even the base card, which is nothing.

SPEAKER 1: It's just the white with some of the orange and black, you know, piping on if you will, even though it's a simple design, it's actually pretty nice looking. I, I opened a lot of 92 Bow and Holy Smokes. That was my first year of owning a card store. There's one of an emotional attachment to it.

SPEAKER 3: You have an emotional attachment.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. But it's that part of the Hobby.

SPEAKER 3: That's a big part of the Hobby.

SPEAKER 1: So, there you go. I'm, I'm gonna, I'm gonna hang my hat on that peg.

SPEAKER 1: Both khakis.

SPEAKER 3: You love those khakis because they remind you of the game.

SPEAKER 1: It was so different, man. Like it was such a different thing, you know.

SPEAKER 1: You know, that we weren't getting in other, in other, on other cards. That's why I say people either love it or they hate it. There's no one but you, it moves the meter one way or the other. There's no way.

SPEAKER 3: Hodges says Mariano Rivera's rookie card is like pineapple on pizza, love it or hate it.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, that's it. I do. I love and I love pizza.

SPEAKER 3: I do not love pineapple on pizza.

SPEAKER 1: I love, I love pineapple. I love pizza. I don't use, I don't have pineapple on pizza, but I love both items.


SPEAKER 1: So we turned into a food show so.

SPEAKER 3: We always turn into a food show for a couple.

SPEAKER 3: So who, who are your top 545 player cards.

SPEAKER 1: For, for Levy? You're saying for Levy?

SPEAKER 3: And Mookie says John gets emotional when he sees Mariano and his khakis got it.

SPEAKER 1: Especially if they're, especially if they're hagger Hager. You say my favorite K I do I Tagar or Hager. However, Dockers.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, Koufax that Ichiro Phos Chrome Dual Rookie.

SPEAKER 3: I love, I love y rookie. Yeah.

SPEAKER 1: I love it too. It's right behind me here, I'm probably blocking it but it is behind me.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, so top five I'll go, I'll go Koufax gotta make my top five. I'm gonna put the Cheo's pool ho in there.

SPEAKER 1: I'm gonna put the Mariano. I, I think we, we gotta give, you know, I know it's a different card but that's so that's my third.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, I like the rookie. I that's behind me too. I just, I just is, it's not a great card man, like in, in terms of the shot like it's a kind of a distant shot. The photography is honestly not great kind of blurry.

SPEAKER 3: It's not Stadium Club.

SPEAKER 1: No, it is not Steam Club. It was, I think it was cops trying to be Stadium Club before they actually could like master it.

SPEAKER 3: They hadn't booked the good cameras yet. They were still in.

SPEAKER 1: The 19 eighties attempt at Stadium Club.

SPEAKER 1: It fell short, it fell short. It's a great card because it's the players who's on it and it's his rookie, right? That's what that card is. So that leaves one more spot, you know.

SPEAKER 1: I don't know, man, it's so tough. I, I feel like we and you know, the 89 upper, I'm gonna put the 89 upper deck Griffey in the five spot though. I don't want to rank it too high, but it is. That card brought people into the Hobby that weren't hobbyist, that it's still.

SPEAKER 3: The, the most rated card of all time.

SPEAKER 1: So I'll put it in. I, it'll be my fifth card out of the by five. Probably should be, I'm, I'm putting it in the five slot. It's like the A P college football rankings. Right. Probably should have got a higher rating.

SPEAKER 3: But I'm Dylan's coming after you, John.

SPEAKER 1: I know. But Dylan, listen, it's not the greatest looking card. It's a great car, but it's not the greatest looking like if you're opening 1980 tops, you sure as hell want to pull a Ricky Henderson rookie card.

SPEAKER 1: That's not what I'm saying, but I'm saying aesthetically pleasing, it's not beau it's I don't, I don't think it's beautiful for the player whose first card it is. But the if, if you took the name off and I just, if you, if you call it in the name, you know, on the pennant and you just said, hey, what do you think of this card? It's not a great looking car but.

SPEAKER 3: The Griffy is.

SPEAKER 1: It is. And what you, what, what do you want to steal? Use my line? What do I like? What big b straight facial, close up rookie card.

SPEAKER 1: NG is that card that Griffey's the card? Yeah, and that's I got after really thinking about it, I I put it back on in my list.

SPEAKER 3: Barry with the Nolan Ryan.

SPEAKER 1: I don't, you know, I don't own that card. I have owned it in the past. I don't love that card.

SPEAKER 3: The Ryan rookie cause of the cause of Kuzin or you know, like multiplayer rookies.

SPEAKER 1: You know what's weird? I don't have like, I don't like that card but I like the s a rookie and it's really the same difference by a year.

SPEAKER 3: Sr's not alive anymore.

SPEAKER 1: So no, but I'm saying in general, I'm not talking about alive versus dead. Yeah, that, you know, 69 bench, I know it's his second year but there's people who believe it's his rookie card, just like the 52. Tops man. People say that's his rookie card. The 69 bench is a cool looking car. It is a cool looking car.

SPEAKER 3: Dylan says that he's been listening and working. He had to chime in evidently the rookie. I always got him worked up.

SPEAKER 1: I know and I, I might, maybe I'll be a little tough under Henderson. Listen, I put him on my top living ball players. I put them on my top.

SPEAKER 3: Big fan of the Bo Jackson.

SPEAKER 1: I like the 87 Dover rated rookie if we're going Bo Jack, you know, we were doing, I like the 94 motorcycle passing by that.

SPEAKER 3: I'm, I'm in a, I'm in a motel.

SPEAKER 3: I like, I like the score at the bat in the football that another score.

SPEAKER 1: You know, I like the 87 do R rated rookie rookie.

SPEAKER 1: I feel like I feel like I explained why. Again, it's the card you want to pull out of 80 tops. No one's debating that. But look, you want me to pull this card out. I mean, everyone knows when it looks, I'm taking everything out.

SPEAKER 3: So, I mean, this is, that's the one what I was saying before. I think that's gotta be considered on the list.

SPEAKER 1: The only problem. Here's the thing that I think hurt. They use pretty much the same picture at 61 tap, which kind of hurts, hurts this card, right? This I love this card, man. And I, I try to pick these up anytime anytime I can. Right?

SPEAKER 1: Well, come on, man, like I mean, it's not terrible. I'm not saying the card's terrible, but I would have, I would have rather seen Ricky on, on this card like this with just Ricky instead of Griffey. I would have liked the card itself much better.

SPEAKER 3: So, so we are talking about just to catch people up the greatest living player card. So, which card for a living player is the greatest card? And we're, and we're trying to do our top four or five for me and, and I'm not quite in order yet, but after this conversation, I've been thinking about it, I gotta have the Koufax rookie. Definitely the Bo Jackson, definitely the Jazz, definitely.

SPEAKER 3: The Griffey, you know, I'm tempted to say those are my four favorite cars.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, you can't argue with the Kofax.

SPEAKER 1: You, it's got the, it's got my facial close up that I, I so love, you know, it's got I I'm a fan for like the two poses. You got the face in the, in the pose in the background, you know. So, so that's what's great about these lists, right? Is we can be all over the place and, and other people are gonna have their own version and no one's wrong. I'm not wrong. Stokes is not wrong. Dylan's not wrong. You're wrong.

SPEAKER 3: But no, this is twice tonight. Barry says you all both look tired. Must have put a lot of thought into that question.

SPEAKER 1: We are aging, we are aging gracefully.

SPEAKER 3: Oh I can't believe we've been called tired twice. Oh, that's, that's great.

SPEAKER 3: Oh, I feel it's only a matter of time before John knocked something over. You know what?

SPEAKER 1: When he went to pull out the co my apple sauce, you promised me, you promised me apple sauce tonight with the stick of looking old Bo Jackson or Reggie.

SPEAKER 3: You know, the Reggie rookie is cool and famous. But I think B for me, I was like, I connect with him more.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, but that Jeter card and I know, you know, most people probably know that card. It's kind of a gimmicky card because then we can put the 89 bill, Billy R in that I So you love, you know, on the list Billy Rep could not a great ballplayer itself, but the card is a legendary card for obvious reasons.

SPEAKER 1: Well, there's gonna be a new A N, there's gonna be a Mensch card.

SPEAKER 1: So maybe that makes, I don't know if we'll look old and tired on that card.

SPEAKER 3: That should that be our new name card? Men is old and tired. Turn in at nine.

SPEAKER 1: That's our new movie coming out in 2020 five.

SPEAKER 3: All right. So the last question that I wanted to add, ask tonight is expanding from baseball, just a little bit greatest living athlete. So covering all sports.

SPEAKER 3: This is very well played. Cheers Barry an honorable mention.

SPEAKER 3: Mookie Mookie doesn't like your logic that the Jeter rookie card is Mariano makes you emotional.

SPEAKER 1: All right, let me explain this real quick. I'm not gonna spend a lot of time. Dem Mariano is really him just leaning up again in, in street clothes. That's the shot they used, they didn't like put like Photoshop, you know, Bush and, and you know, so in, in there.

SPEAKER 1: So that's the gimmick, you know, you might not like the Mariano because he's not in a Yankee uniform pitching or on the field. I get that part, but it's not a gimmicky card in the sense of comparatively speaking to the Jeter, which is 100% like tongue in cheek stuff, you're wrong.

SPEAKER 3: But it's OK.

SPEAKER 3: Greatest living athlete, Michael Jordan Bo Jackson, Bo Jackson. Kelly Slater. Dylan, go back to work. I thought you were going back to work.

SPEAKER 1: You know, Kelly Slater is a surfer.

SPEAKER 3: So there is no doubt. I knew that Kelly Slater was a surfer when Dylan, I just wanna make sure you knew that before you, you know, I was ready.

SPEAKER 1: I thought you might think he was a character. I'd saved by the bell.

SPEAKER 3: That was Ac Slater. And now you're talking, you know, my wheelhouse.

SPEAKER 3: If you bring up boy meets World in Topanga, then then, then you've really got it.

SPEAKER 3: Athlete definition. Bo Jackson Michael Phelps. Great call. Not gonna argue with the Baltimore boy greatest Olympian ever. Kelly Slitter too. Wow.

SPEAKER 1: Two for Kelly Slater saved by the bell. Yeah, Jordan's got to be on that short list and Jordan does have to be on that short list.

SPEAKER 3: Donny or Danny Ainge. You know what? I collect multi sport players. Respect the Danny Ainge. Shout out but no.

SPEAKER 1: I think that's why he mentioned them is because he knows that you, I don't think Ruben did that because he thinks Danny Ainge.

SPEAKER 3: I don't know Danny Ainge.

SPEAKER 1: To gotta be on that list. Jordan's gonna be on that list. Serena Williams. Yeah, I mean Barry Bonds minus the whole thing. Wayne Gretzky, Wayne Gretzky, man, that guy. Yeah. Yeah, Wayne Gretzky is a good Tiger Woods, I think had he kept up, we get married.

SPEAKER 3: We all did.

SPEAKER 1: I did it.

SPEAKER 3: Well, then.

SPEAKER 1: That's, yeah, but that might have been, I was a little bit older and I could have got arrested.

SPEAKER 1: I'm thinking, I, I didn't watch that show either.

SPEAKER 3: It was right in my wheelhouse.

SPEAKER 1: I didn't watch that show.

SPEAKER 3: Mookie nailed it with Vogel.

SPEAKER 3: Vogel Back Mets Hall Of Famer.

SPEAKER 1: How about John Crook?

SPEAKER 3: What do I think of the, of hard knocks during the entire NFC north? Well, this is for John and I can both answer this.

SPEAKER 3: I've, I've I don't, John Harbaugh said it's all fake and made of it and to just ignore it. So that's how I treat hard knocks. I enjoy watching other teams. I don't need to see the Ravens.

SPEAKER 1: The Steelers refuse to do it. So this is the only way they agreed to do it is with the whole division doing it. So I don't know how much they're gonna be featured or not featured on it. Am I interested? Yeah, I'm, I'm interested in just cause I'm a Steeler fan and II I like to see behind the scenes stuff, right? But like you said, how much of it is for the camera and how much of it is naturally occurring.

SPEAKER 3: Ruben says, I agree. I don't need to see the Ravens either.

SPEAKER 1: Oh, I know one of the first things here. One of the first things me and Danny are doing after this episode is firing our makeup artist at the time.

SPEAKER 3: I mean, I, I, I, my ego ha has, has gone down.

SPEAKER 1: I don't need to come on here and be told I'm old and tired. I'm married for 25 years. I get that at home.

SPEAKER 3: I was gonna say I'm only married 20 I get it.

SPEAKER 3: Kelly married ac, so we got Kelly Slater.

SPEAKER 1: We got saved by the bell. We got pineapple pizza.

SPEAKER 3: We got Edgar Allan Poe here a little quote. The ribbons. Never more.

SPEAKER 1: You never know what the heck we're gonna talk about.

SPEAKER 3: Greatest living athlete. Iiiii. I do want to take this seriously. Yes, Messi has to be mentioned. I don't think Jordan got enough love in this conversation. You know, I, I think we do need to talk about Dion Sanders. Yeah, you got, I mean, what he did going back to Florida State if you just want to look at what he did there. I mean, just a generational athlete.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, this list is, is long, especially when you open it up obviously to all sports and, and athletes. So, you know, all great choices. All, here's another one for rookie card. Great. Like of, they went for 74 tops. Yeah, that's a great card.

SPEAKER 3: I was just gonna say he's an underrated athlete in general.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, he, he got, he, he was, I think he could have played all, almost all four major sports. Definitely basketball and, and football. I think Jordan of Atlanta.

SPEAKER 3: Falcons and the Atlanta Braves was a defensive back and from Baltimore, by the way, there you go. How about CID Finch?

SPEAKER 1: How about Jason Varitek? Just so I can say I gave up a home run to the greatest living athlete of all time.

SPEAKER 3: Al Bundy also answered Danny's question. I hear he scored four.

SPEAKER 1: I just seen him on TV today.

SPEAKER 3: What's going on, John Ruben, I just roll my eyes whenever you mentioned he was wrong.

SPEAKER 1: You do you do this with Baltimore folks? I do this with like New York City or Brooklyn folks.

SPEAKER 3: Ruben throw in the Pittsburgh guys if you want, throw it whoever you want. I happen to be from Baltimore. Yeah, I think.

SPEAKER 1: Are, are we all don't we all like, aren't we always proud of like our hometown heroes?

SPEAKER 3: Y anyone can kick, throw, hit a ball? It takes decades to be a good surfer. Respecting Kelly Slater does not take away the, the skill of other sports.

SPEAKER 1: Is Kelly Slater like the mi is, is he the Michael Jordan of surfing? And then my question, who's the Lebron James of S surfing?

SPEAKER 3: Now, Lebron James wasn't mentioned on greatest athletes living athlete.

SPEAKER 1: I wouldn't put him there. I would.

SPEAKER 3: How about Jerry Rice? Jerry Rice was going around a specific thing. He was greatest wide receiver ever. But I don't think you look at him as an all over athlete. I mean he wasn't a 4443 guy. He had good hands and could run a good route.

SPEAKER 1: I had to show up that P I don't think I've ever showed it on, on a live before.

SPEAKER 3: John's going to get something evidently in the middle of our show.

SPEAKER 3: Whoever said John was gonna knock something over, was that you Ruben Lebron James?

SPEAKER 1: I picked this up. I picked this up and agreed.

SPEAKER 3: Here you go.

SPEAKER 3: 11 time world champion on Slitter.

SPEAKER 1: How about an 86 tops football rack pack with, with Jerry Rice sealed on the top. Come on that, that's, that's great. Jerry Rice is definitely in the, in on the list. I, I wouldn't be my first pick to grow fun to say we should do a show names that are just fun to say Dick is 50.

SPEAKER 3: One year old old and just now retired this year. There you go.

SPEAKER 1: Rusty Kuntz.

SPEAKER 1: Rusty Kunz is another name. Fun to say.

SPEAKER 3: I'm still not over the fact that there was a player named Mike Tyson whose nickname was Rocky from our last played on the Cardinals in 74. 0, wow. Does Hobby Palooza have a makeup box?

SPEAKER 3: Oh, remember 10 a.m. tomorrow morning Eastern time. We'll kick off with Hobby hotline at four o'clock is Hobby News Daily and on Sunday at 4 P.m. you can see card mens.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, we're doing a special Sunday version at 4 P.m. on Sunday, obviously.

SPEAKER 1: And that will be if you remember we did the best card from each American League team. Our favorite card I should say from each American League team. We're doing the National League version of that. I was supposed to have Dick Perez and Mark Evans on but they had a scheduling conflict. So you get Danny instead sans makeup as well.

SPEAKER 3: I I'm iii I might, I might go buy some makeup.

SPEAKER 1: You know, we should wear masks. I think everyone's saying just that to put masks on.

SPEAKER 3: Instead of the mask singer, we can be like the mask, the baseball card collector, mass mattress, the mask mattress. We can be like Zorro. But instead we go around like, you know, like shaba candles on Friday night.

SPEAKER 1: Dick Trickle for all. Name for the Dick wrote Dick Trickle.

SPEAKER 3: Rusty Cos, by the way, Logan has quite a collection of, King NASCAR of, name of names and he's got a pretty thorough collection.

SPEAKER 1: Speaking of Hall Of Famers, he's a PS A Hall Of Famer.

SPEAKER 3: There you go.

SPEAKER 1: Who, who would have thunk it?

SPEAKER 3: Yeah. All right, Mr Newman, we're winding down and evidently the two of us are old tired and, need makeup.

SPEAKER 1: I, I guess my question. Do we look worse now or, or worse at the beginning?

SPEAKER 3: I was, the funny thing is I feel like I got more energy now.

SPEAKER 1: I took a nap today. That's a scary thing. That's the scary part. I actually took a, a two hour nap this afternoon.

SPEAKER 3: I knew I was gonna look like shit, but they're calling you out on it too. That should, you should feel that, you know.

SPEAKER 1: I'm 51 years old. Apparently I look 61.

SPEAKER 1: But, or worse. But, and you, apparently we gotta, we gotta call plastic surgeon. Maybe we'll get a two for one deal on plastic surgeon.

SPEAKER 3: I don't think you want discount plastic surgery.

SPEAKER 1: Well, next time I come into Baltimore we'll catch an Orioles game and get Botox. Botox and Orioles iiiiii.

SPEAKER 3: I take my lessons from Joan Rivers. I'm, I'm gonna stay away at the end, Jack Nicholas.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, he was, he was in there. He's in the, that's, this list is long, we could do a top 100 greatest athlete living too. Like if you just do, we could do a top 100 living if you did even like extended it to even not living that this list is even harder far.

SPEAKER 3: It wasn't just you. We got it from a couple of people.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah. No, I thank you, Ruben says it's the lighting. It's not me. It's on John's end.

SPEAKER 1: I like Ruben.

SPEAKER 1: Ruben.

SPEAKER 1: Ruben.

SPEAKER 3: I dumped you. I'm sorry, I like Ruben the person and the s both II I feel, I feel like I, I've somehow hurt him and I don't know it.

SPEAKER 3: Mookie says don't ever ever discount plastic surgery or discount sushi.

SPEAKER 1: Get stay away from gas station, sushi, 7-Eleven sushi. You could, you could wind up getting surgery after eating gas stations. That is possible.

SPEAKER 1: Or your stomach pump Ruben said.

SPEAKER 3: And that he was saying that's why John looks old because of his letting. So I look young. Evidently I'll take that Ruben.

SPEAKER 1: See what I'm gonna do as soon as the show is over and I took my nap today. I'm gonna put on my cape and bite someone's neck and try to get young.

SPEAKER 3: You know what's funny?

SPEAKER 1: Fuck your blood.

SPEAKER 3: Well, I'll tell you, I'll tell you offline. This is not a public story. I just realized, ok, we'll leave on these words, whatever you do do not eat the pistachio ice cream. It has turned.

SPEAKER 1: I like, I don't, I don't know if I've had, I'm sure I've had pistachio ice cream. I love for me and my dad. If there's P pistachios, the, the nut itself and me and my dad are around, those will be gone between both of us. I think he likes them a little bit more.

SPEAKER 1: That's one of the things I get him for like a birthday or Christmas. Every, it's like a big giant bag of pistachios. That's like his number one snack food. And I like it too. So sometimes I get that knowing he's probably gonna open it up that day or where we are and I'm gonna get to eat it at him as well.

SPEAKER 1: Oh my goodness. Oh, for a minute, I thought there was two of you.

SPEAKER 3: Oh, no, this is just my, the hotel internet. I think that I think that's a sign.

SPEAKER 3: Guys, I'm, I'm, I'm in a motel at the Chantilly Show Six.

SPEAKER 1: He's at the Thank you very much. How many hours do you have left on your stay at the motel?

SPEAKER 3: Doppelgangers, Danny.

SPEAKER 1: That was scary. You were old times too right there for a second.

SPEAKER 3: That would make me, that would make me almost 100. So we, we, we can skip that.

SPEAKER 3: First it was Dolly now, Danny, leave the light on for us. Motel Six headed to Fargo North Dakota Show tomorrow. Well, it's probably probably there than it is here.

SPEAKER 3: All right, my friend. Thank you for helping carry my energy load. Even though you took some abuse.

SPEAKER 1: I'm a, I'm a good sport and, you know, I've, I live by the city. If you can dish it out, you gotta take it.

SPEAKER 1: Listen, I'm not a young, I'm not a young guy so I get it. It is what it is. I'm, I'm still here though. Somehow. Some way.

SPEAKER 3: I, I'm just a tired looking booger eating guy.

SPEAKER 1: So that should have been, we should have put that on the cart.

SPEAKER 3: I think that's what my wife is now gonna use at our anniversary dinners.

SPEAKER 1: Yeah, there you go.

SPEAKER 3: Good night, John. Good night, Danny. Good night, Barry.

SPEAKER 1: Let me get this off the screen here, by the way, I don't know if I mentioned this before. My dad's name is Barry. Barry New.

SPEAKER 3: So there you go, John, we will see you tomorrow morning.

SPEAKER 1: Yes, be prepared. I we cannot guarantee anybody's safety as I always, as I always say as goodnight moon, goodnight stars.

SPEAKER 3: All right, say good night John.

SPEAKER 1: Not before I say I'm gonna go get a facelift done before tomorrow's show. So with that, I'll say good night John. See you guys.