Fun episode where we each pick our favorite All-Time card from each American League team. A few may surprise you.
"Card Mensches" Brought to you by SGC & Stadium Insurance . A new format for Sports Talk and Sports Cards!"
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Fun episode where we each pick our favorite All-Time card from each American League team. A few may surprise you.
"Card Mensches" Brought to you by SGC & Stadium Insurance . A new format for Sports Talk and Sports Cards!"
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SPEAKER 1: Hey, everyone. John Newman here. Thank you for downloading this episode of Card Mensches myself and Danny Black of Hobby News Daily would like to remind you this is a live show every other Friday at 9 p.m. Eastern. It can be found on most of our social medias. Danny's at Sports Ball and Hobby News Daily.
SPEAKER 1: I am Sports Car Nation Podcast and it can be found on our YouTube channels at Hobby News Daily, Sports Carnation Podcast at Sports bult and at card matches. So with that being said, we hope to see you very soon on a Friday night in our very active chat room. Now, let's start the show.
SPEAKER 2: Experience quality consistency. The quickest turnaround times in the grading industry. We are proud to partner with SGC grading. Check them out at www dot go experience quality consistency. The quickest turnaround times in the grading industry, we are proud to partner with SGC grading. Check them out at www dot go
SPEAKER 3: Hey, I'm Danny.
SPEAKER 4: Black and I'm John Newman.
SPEAKER 3: Welcome to card mentions. Well, hello and as the intro just said, welcome to card mentions. I'm Danny. That's John. Do we know what episode? This is yet?
SPEAKER 4: 39.
SPEAKER 3: 30 nine.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, it's crazy.
SPEAKER 3: I was about to say who would have taken the over on that bet.
SPEAKER 4: I don't know. I'm gonna have to make 40, next, two weeks from now.
SPEAKER 3: That's, yeah, on my birthday weekend we're gonna, that'll be a big show. We gotta do something special.
SPEAKER 4: I'm top, I'm going topless. You heard it here for breaking news? This just in.
SPEAKER 3: What's up Ruben? We, we got a fun topic tonight. I'm trying to, a little couple people get in here so we can share with everybody. Why don't, why don't we talk about stadium insurance real quick and then we'll get started.
SPEAKER 4: Well, some of the cards we're gonna talk about on today's show probably should be insured, stadium insurance. You know, like what we say every week if you ship perceive we have a, a really nice collection that you, you value, you know, you, you should insure it right? And, and state of insurance, not only insures your cards and your inventory but anything you mail to someone else or you're getting from someone else.
SPEAKER 4: So, people don't even realize that half the time. So, it's, key and, you know, you shoot a 20 minute video with your, your smartphone of, of your, your major parts of your inventory and boom, you're good. You get the, the worth it. Don't matter if you buy a man rookie for 100 bucks. If something happens, you get the market value, not the 100 bucks you pay. So that's always a, a nice perk, as well.
SPEAKER 3: Awesome. All right. So I'm excited for tonight's show. We have, a cool topic, our favorite cards for every American League team. So we're gonna go around through each of the divisions and this isn't the most expensive card or the most famous card.
SPEAKER 4: This was just what happened, be a rookie. It could be a rookie but doesn't have to be great point.
SPEAKER 3: It's just a card that we think of. Maybe we associate with the team. Maybe it's our a favorite card of ours. But, but it was just something that when we think of this team, this was our favorite card.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. And you know, some of them were tough, some of them were a little easier than others.
SPEAKER 4: Even some, we talked before the show, some, we had to kind of do a little research like which direction we wanted to go. Some came right to me. They were sort of no brainers too. So it's a little bit of everything. The nice thing about this episode and it's something we try to do in a lot of our episodes is get the chat room to chime in with, hey, you missed this one or this one's mine.
SPEAKER 4: Sorry guys. You know, I shoot both of you down. This is my choice for that teams. My t that team favorite card of, of my, and obviously I'm a Met fan. But that being said, I have favorite cards as, as someone's been in the hobby way too long.
SPEAKER 4: You know, I have favorite cards from, from teams. Right. Some of these are gonna be vintage. Some of these are not gonna be vintage. That's the other thing.
SPEAKER 3: So some of the teams aren't vintage. You can't find vintage Tampa Bay.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. No, maybe it might be someday but not today.
SPEAKER 3: Ruben says the devil raised 2001. Bowman Greg the toe Nash, just because of the name that, that see, that's we said and that's what he thought of.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, that's the idea. So I think we should go kind of in reverse and not start with the A L East. We wanna start with the A L West.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. Well, you, you can get off with a team and then we'll go from there.
SPEAKER 3: All right, I'm gonna start with, with chalk here in the A L West and I'm going in order of current division standings is I think how I wrote it down.
SPEAKER 3: So that puts the Seattle Mariners up first. This is my, my chalkiest chalk, chalk, chalk.
SPEAKER 3: 89 Griffey upper deck.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, that's mine. That's mine too.
SPEAKER 4: I just think it's too iconic of a card to the hobby. You know, it's a card. Listen, there's no, we, we're not fooling anyone. It's not a short printed card. As a matter of fact, the opposite is true.
SPEAKER 4: Plenty of them, plenty of them in existence. But it's just, it's one of those cards people who aren't even in the hobby recognize. Like, oh, that's a Griffey rookie. It's, it's just iconic. And you think Seattle Mariners? I know he's from Cincinnati.
SPEAKER 4: Where you think Seattle Mariners number one pick, son of Ken Griffey senior play together that card. Just it just, you don't even have to be the Mariners. It's just an iconic card. It's got to be no have to be. But it was my choice as well for, for the Mariners.
SPEAKER 3: I would be willing to say for over half the American League. If their player was, was, was that on that card? We would still take that card? That, that, that is just iconic.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, that, that one probably the maybe one of the chalkiest picks probably out of the 15. We're gonna, we're gonna go through tonight.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So, so let's move on there from there because we got a bunch to get through. Texas Rangers.
SPEAKER 3: I'm gonna, I'm gonna throw out the one that I didn't pick first because I want to give a shout out to 1974. Jeff Burroughs.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, that's a good one. I, I will, I will do pick. Yeah, I won't say my pick yet my pick is two years before that and we'll leave it at that. But, but go ahead.
SPEAKER 3: Ok. Well, I'll, I'll show the one that I actually went with.
SPEAKER 3: This to me is just an all time classic card. First of all, you know, I love two sport athletes. Not that Ryan played in the NFL, but the throwing of the football, just the whole 89 upper deck is a set that I that of my age is iconic.
SPEAKER 3: And I just, th this is the card I think of, I think the Texas Rangers, it's right across his chest. It's very obvious.
SPEAKER 3: That, that, that was my pick for the Rangers.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, that's a, that's a classic card. That is the, the back story with the football throwing for those that don't know, Tom Grieve is the one who installed that and he said it helped with mechanics and with velocity. And so the Rangers adopted that philosophy and you know, the rest is history. So we see Ryan there but a lot of the other pitchers did the same thing but we don't really care about them. So we'll talk about it.
SPEAKER 4: So for te, he's not known for, for a, as a Texas Rangers, but he was the manager there. Very long, long 1972 tops. I don't have a picture. I didn't, I didn't select it as a picture pick the 19 Tom House. I said Tom Reeve.
SPEAKER 4: But I, I, I had my last name wrong. 1970 pitching coach, 1972 tops. Ted Williams as the Rangers manager. You know, anytime you can get Ted Williams in an active card. I mean, he wasn't a player but he was an active manager in the 1972 you know, Texas Rangers. I bet you there's a few people, I bet some probably a majority know, but there are probably a few people didn't even realize he managed the Texas Rangers.
SPEAKER 3: Isn't that the car where he's wearing like a batting practice, warm up jersey or something?
SPEAKER 4: And it might even be, it might even be one of those where they, they, they colorized it or whatever.
SPEAKER 4: But every time I see that card, I chuckle and, and I'm not, listen, you know, there's probably more valuable, well, there is more valuable ranger cards, but I just thought, how cool is it to pick Ted Williams as the, you know, it's my favorite Texas Ranger card. That's what the show is about.
SPEAKER 3: So, Ted Williams, that's all that matters. All right. So, moving on the A L West, the Houston Astros. This, this was a interesting one for me. It turns out I don't really have a favorite Houston Astros card, but there's one that, that I think of when I think of the Astros, but I'll let you go first.
SPEAKER 4: All right. I have a pick for this one and it's coming from a set. You, you selected the other. You want the high numbers, I'm going the, the low numbers, the 89 upper deck regular series, Nolan Ryan as a member of the air shows. Why I love this card. Look at it like this was upper deck first foray into the hobby and you got to try, you know, wind up card and we, we, we had not seen this really yet.
SPEAKER 4: You know, we don't count sport flick. We didn't, we haven't seen this on a regular, on a regular non dux card, right? And I mean, how cool is this when you first seen it? And I opened a lot of 89 upper deck. I'm sure other people did as well. The first time you've seen this card, you know, I, I remember the first time I seen this card, I'm like, is it an error?
SPEAKER 4: Is it a misprint? And then you realize when you got the next one, like this is the card that's supposed to be like that. How cool is that? The different stages of Nolan's iconic wind up. And I know again, it's not the most ex, it's not about the most expensive Astro card. It's what card I think of when I think about Houston Astro and this one is one of the first ones that comes up.
SPEAKER 3: Well, that's all you need for it to matter.
SPEAKER 3: Barry. Hello, Barry.
SPEAKER 4: Well, it's not too late. You can still get some right.
SPEAKER 3: They're, they're still printing on that.
SPEAKER 4: The Griffeys are still rolling off the President.
SPEAKER 3: Mark Hoyle talking about williams' manager, his first year Senators manager. The team batting average climbed considerably.
SPEAKER 3: Nice pick Barry says on, on the Nolan Ryan.
SPEAKER 4: So it's just cool card. That's just a K card.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So my card is the opposite of coal, but my card is definitely of its time. Jeff Bradwell Rookie Stadium Club.
SPEAKER 3: The pose reminds me of Mariano Rivera. If you put him in uniform, if you put him in pleated khakis in a polo.
SPEAKER 4: Now, what is that? Is that a diving board? Is he like like.
SPEAKER 3: I don't know, I don't know what they were doing, but that's the card that I think for the Astros.
SPEAKER 4: Jeff Bagwell. That's all the Sox legend.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, Barry says that's his too. Yeah, I mean it's the, it's the Bagwell they're the bleachers in the background.
SPEAKER 4: Oh, ok. All right. It almost looks like he's leaning against the diving board.
SPEAKER 3: So I just, I find the Bagwell Rookie to be one of the funniest cards. Ii I it, it is so perfect. For, for 91 is it has 1991 written all over it.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, that was a great release in 91 Stadium Club people, you know, I know it's not in the grand scheme. Of things value, value wise. It's not, but it's, you know, it was trying to be premium has a glossy feel.
SPEAKER 4: The foil, the foil lettering. I remember opening that like, hey, these are pretty cool. I'm a huge fan. Not, not necessarily because of that year's release, but I'm a Stadium Club is one of my favorite brands of all time.
SPEAKER 3: Well, I mean, the photography on any set that at that level, and they just do it every year. So, yeah. Ok. So moving on, from Houston, Oakland, I went very chalk. So, did you, I don't know what you did on Oakland, but I, I'll just say I went with the Reggie Rookie.
SPEAKER 3: I, I'd be lying.
SPEAKER 4: I didn't take that.
SPEAKER 3: I'd be lying if I, if you tell me Oakland A's card, that's the one I go to.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, I, I have to watch that too. Mark. Thank you for, hope. Hopefully it was nice. I haven't got any hate mail, so I think it was all right.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, I missed the Reggie. I, I kinda, I missed that one. I'll tell you, I went with probably the second chalk and it's not a great shot. It's kind of a distance. I think I've probably given away the, the, the Henderson, I went with the Henderson rookie again, much like the Griffey, not necessarily a short permit card, but I still think it's undervalued for the player.
SPEAKER 4: Henderson was look at the, the stats and some of the records he holds and, you know, I know sometimes we talk about some of the goofy things he said and we laugh at that but as a player, he was one of the all time greats and, you know, a, a speed guy who could also hit home runs, steal bases, change the game and be a game changer at different ways in the same game.
SPEAKER 4: I don't love the, you know, I don't love the card is the, it's kind of a far away of him in his batting stance, but it's the first card I think of when I think of the A's and I think I didn't pick the Reggie now that I'm really kind of talking about Anderson because he's not known for, he's known more for being a Yankee, than an A and so I know he was on the A's, but that's why I think that's why I leaned to the Reggie or the, the Rickie.
SPEAKER 4: And Ricky played on lots of other teams too, but I think he.
SPEAKER 3: Was rookie is a very, is, is, is, is, is no slouch.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. So, so II, I think I, I avoided the Reggie because he, he's known more as a Yankee. I think that was, you avoided the Reggie because you forgot about it that too. But I think the reason I forgot about it was because of that.
SPEAKER 3: Well, then you're really gonna like my nephew to bus. You're, you're gonna love my next pick the, the Los Angeles, Anaheim, Anaheim, Los Angeles Angels.
SPEAKER 4: Say it might be better just to say California Angels.
SPEAKER 3: We're doing the California Angels.
SPEAKER 3: Well, I'll go because III, I think this is hysterical that I did take the same guy again.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. But, yeah, you picked Reggie twice. I didn't even pick it once.
SPEAKER 3: Because I'm sorry, this is one of my favorite with the glasses. The older Reggie Early Diamond King. You iii, I like that car.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, I won't argue with, you know, Trout was in the, was in the conversation. The Trout update. Rookie. I thought that was two chalk and not on the same level as Griffey for Seattle and I don't know, it, it, they, they don't have a lot of standouts, you know.
SPEAKER 4: I went with the 2018. I was new 2018 tops chrome show. Hey, Rookie.
SPEAKER 4: I think, I think, you know, it's funny like Mike Trout was one of the best players in baseball and then O Toi came along and it became a debate. You know, he may not even be the best player on his team any anymore, let alone in baseball.
SPEAKER 4: And I know we got some of the controversy with the betting. But I think if, if Otani can stay healthy, he's gonna be one of the all time greats in that card is gonna be, you know, an iconic card. That's where he started.
SPEAKER 4: So I picked at it and it might be just a factor, Danny in, in chat room with people listening. It may be just the fact that, that there's not a lot of great angel cards, you know, you got the Trout update, you know, I, I don't know how much you love him.
SPEAKER 4: He got better.
SPEAKER 3: I thought about it but nothing hit me. Sorry.
SPEAKER 4: Nolan Ryan.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, the 74.
SPEAKER 4: But yeah, yeah, that's what I, I thought of the Ryans. I didn't forget them. I just, like I went with, I went with like one of what I think a player is gonna be at the end of his career and then that car becomes the, the key card in the hobby. It already is. But even more so.
SPEAKER 3: Barry, I'm not sure that I have any Rod Carew cards that I really find exciting. If I'm forgetting one, let me know. I, cause I like Rod Carew.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So do we just fly through the A L West? I think we did. All right. And we're on schedule, check this out. Look at us.
SPEAKER 4: So the plane is scheduled to land at its estimated time of.
SPEAKER 3: 39 episodes and we're, and we're on schedule. Ok, let's go to the central. Right. Yeah, exactly.
SPEAKER 3: Let's start with Cleveland and this could go in all sorts of directions because you can go vintage, you can go modern. They, they've had a lot of great players. I was tempted quite frankly, to go with Al Rosen.
SPEAKER 4: I, he was in my mind, he was in my mind.
SPEAKER 3: I, oh, I don't want to run anymore because III I, your player is somebody I thought about. All right.
SPEAKER 4: It's, I don't know, I, I know sometimes he gets, you know, he kind of gets overlooked and he's, you know, I don't know, he, but, this card is great. I don't own this card. But, the Bob Feller, 1948 Bowman rookie and like, you know, we, you, you look at how young he is and, just, I think he, you know, when we talk about great pitchers, we sometimes I think forget Bob Feller in that conversation.
SPEAKER 4: We talk about the Gibsons, the kofax, sp, you know, Seaver Steve Car and sometimes we forget fellow and this guy threw hard, when, when other people weren't really thrown in as hard nowadays, it's par for the course. But, you know, I just remember the video of the motorcycle and this fastball and.
SPEAKER 3: That's how they timed it.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. So th this card it's on my list to eventually get someday.
SPEAKER 4: I have the spa, from the same set. But, this was my choice for the Indians. I almost went with one of my favorite players. The 19, I believe 74 buddy Bell Rookie. But I, I went with the fellow.
SPEAKER 3: You can go with a lot of people in the Bell family. Yeah.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So I went with 49 Bowman satchel. Yeah.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. I, I can't argue. I, I can't argue that I, I picked, you know, I went, I like the 53 top satchel. Like a lot of people do. And for whatever reason I thought in my mind it, it was a Cleveland Indians card. And when I looked to verify, I, I some told me to check that and good thing I did cause it's actually as, as some probably know a Saint Louis Browns card.
SPEAKER 4: So I couldn't, I couldn't use it that card. But I won't argue with this pick. This is, this is a pretty good pick.
SPEAKER 3: I like the color on the hat but he looks so young and we're, and so there's not a lot of real young looking satchels, even by the 53 card, he looks way older.
SPEAKER 4: Well, even in this picture, he's probably 62. He just, they did some good lightning.
SPEAKER 3: It's a stunt double.
SPEAKER 4: It's Gary Pettish Junior, right?
SPEAKER 3: He's a, well, it could, if he's any short, it would be Gary Coleman.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So do we just get through Cleveland?
SPEAKER 4: We did Cleveland. We didn't, we didn't spend a lot of time there that, like you said, well, you know, we didn't pick a guardian's guy, that's for sure.
SPEAKER 3: No, that's why I just kept saying Cleveland, I didn't want to butcher it.
SPEAKER 3: So next on the list is the Kansas City Royals. I'm gonna let you go first on this one.
SPEAKER 4: All right. I kind of went c I, when I feel shock, I kind of thought Bobby Wiz Junior is one of my favorite players. That's not a, a Met.
SPEAKER 4: I didn't pick him, to the Beatrix. I went chalk with the 75 Brett, whether you wanna call it mini the regular.
SPEAKER 4: I know it's kind of chalk but it's still a great card. It's the first card I think of when I think, the Kansas City Royals. And so, I went with, the Brett working 70 ft tops chalk so sort of bland as far as exciting, but it's a great car. So, it made my list.
SPEAKER 3: Well, I, if, if nothing else I'm consistent in my taste.
SPEAKER 4: I knew you. Here's the other thing I knew you're picking this, I knew you're picking it. Would you have picked it? No, I still wouldn't have. But the fact that I knew you were picking it made my choice of Brett.
SPEAKER 3: Like just, I don't like the Brett Rookie. I don't II I don't like the colors on that set specifically to me. To me, this is such a classic.
SPEAKER 4: It's my favorite Royals card. I guess if I can have one Royals card. Great pick Barry Berry. Like the 87 tops did, did enter my mind along with the Bret Road. But I went, I ultimately, you know.
SPEAKER 3: You have but you know, with the bad and you know, I just, it's fantastic. I own the car. I love it. It's great.
SPEAKER 3: Rubin says 87 top.
SPEAKER 4: Future super popular card to this day.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah. Yeah, it's a great card. I could have gone with that also. But when I think of it, I think of the, the bow nose.
SPEAKER 3: Who is your Kansas City that Bret rookie?
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, man, you dementia set in early.
SPEAKER 3: I really because I really just tuned it out. I really don't like to do that.
SPEAKER 3: Ee 87 for sure, maybe the 86 top traded the 86 tops traded.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah and you know me in close up facial rookie cards like a at and close up facial rookie cards and, and I'll come over your house like I'll get into, I'm not, I'm not touching the man, you know, other people get in a white man that says free candy. I get in vans that say, you know, close up facial rookies and acetate cards. I'd say I get in the van and then I get chloroformed and away.
SPEAKER 3: We go Mark Ole said played against Bobby Wood senior in high school. Mark you or go Jackson.
SPEAKER 4: No, him he's ain't him.
SPEAKER 3: That's very cool. Yeah.
SPEAKER 4: But did you give up a home run to him?
SPEAKER 3: All right. Did you hit off of him? That's what I wanna know because Jason Varitek took me out of the park and this is the new tops now, John loves good facial. Yeah. Yeah, I'm, I'm, I'll sign up for that senior is a great tt M er, that's good to know. You're right. Ok. So that, that puts us on to Minnesota. Another one where II I, to be honest, I thought you were going with the killer brew rookie.
SPEAKER 4: I, but it's a senator and I, I kind of did Washington and went with nationals. I love the Kill Klier Rookie is one of my favorite cards, period. Not even team related card. Just one of my, I'll, I'll be probably owning one very shortly here. That's the story for another day.
SPEAKER 4: I've owned that car 56 times, so sold it. I'm probably in the, I'm gonna get another one that won't get sold. So I love that card. So I, I'll put it as my one. A, but, because it's Washington Senators, I didn't pick it for that reason. That's the only reason.
SPEAKER 3: Mark says 67 career rookie thought about that.
SPEAKER 4: That was in my, that was in my short list.
SPEAKER 3: So this is not gonna be a popular opinion. I don't like Kirby Pocket. Why a whole lot of reasons I'm not gonna get into.
SPEAKER 3: I think he I think he had some off the field stuff later in his life that, that, you can Google.
SPEAKER 4: Kirby Pocket for me was one of my, again favorite players, not from my favorite team. You know, his body type like me. It gave me hope like, hey, I can make the too, you know, but, you know, it really kind of a quiet guy just went about his business but did his talking on the field.
SPEAKER 4: You know, for his size was actually a pretty good defensive. He was like five as well. Yeah, and he was a good defensive player as well as a home run guy. When we talk about what a guy means to a franchise.
SPEAKER 3: He's, he's right there and, and, and those, they don't win the 87 World Series without him, you know, the loved player to a city, a Plexiglass is, is an all time favorite here. I get it.
SPEAKER 4: She have to play another team like a Ripken in, in, in Baltimore. That's my pick. But I'm, I'm, it's not the cards people are putting it in the chat room. Should I put, should I put it on the screen? Go for it. I love this card. 84 flare update, Kirby Pocket. You got a young, the young Kirby, he's got his basically the spring training uniform on here.
SPEAKER 4: No one had any idea what kind of player he was gonna be. At this point, a little thinner, at this point than what we've kind of got a lot thinner. Yeah, accustomed to see him playing. And it's just, I know it's a traded card but the fact that it's not all over the place like an 89 upper deck. Griffey.
SPEAKER 4: To me, this is a card you don't see very often. It's the first card when I think of the twins. I know Carew was an all time great. But Puckett did it there his whole career, which got, which was a little shorter than it probably should have been. But I just love this card and you know, I've owned this one a few times. I don't own it at the moment, but it's on my list to reacquire and never sell again. So, this is my twin card.
SPEAKER 3: I can, I, I can certainly respect it. Loved Kirby during his playing days. Definitely a hall of Fame player. No, no argument about that at all.
SPEAKER 3: Not the card I think of now I'm partial to a certain set and it's gonna come up more than once.
SPEAKER 3: But wow. Wow. I gave it away. I thought I had the picture. So I'm going with the Jim Cott rookie card, the 1919 60 tops Jim Cott Rookie. I love the 6060 tops rookies.
SPEAKER 3: Jim Cott, one of the best nicknames of all time. Kitty cat, won about, I don't know, 400 in baseball as a, as a, 1960 bear. I think I did. Well, I meant to, w would you say he's still what he still broadcasted? I thought he retired last year, but maybe I'm wrong.
SPEAKER 4: Maybe he comes out for special occasions. Like we can burn. It's like the bathroom towels like you can only use at certain times.
SPEAKER 3: Is that how you just described Hall Of Famer, Jim Cot, I guess.
SPEAKER 4: He's, he, he is, he is, he's a good guy. Every, all the accounts of I've talked to people who've Met him and got, you know what, deciding he's really a kind of what you see on the air is really who he is and I won't argue with that but it's not gonna beat out by 84 for update. Fuck it, sorry.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So that, that got, we got through Minnesota. That was one of the tougher ones.
SPEAKER 3: For me, it was anyway, I looking back, I probably would have gone with the killer brew. Had I known that you were, you were not going to but the Jim Cot that 60 set, I always think of that and obviously another one coming up later.
SPEAKER 3: So that takes us to Detroit and this is one that we.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, we, we kind of cheated and we, we both, it's funny we both picked this card. We both bought this card at the same time at the National. So there it is LK line rookie ours that are in better shape. I just kinda grab this from Google.
SPEAKER 4: But it's behind me in this display here. 54 K line again, Young Kline the, the double pose with the 54 tops and a guy that got doesn't get enough credit. One of those underrated ball players who played under the shadow of Mays Mantle and those guys from.
SPEAKER 3: Baltimore and never played a day in the minors went right from high school to the majors.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, that's, yeah, that's something I didn't pick him for the Baltimore reason though. Just, just to be a fan, I didn't.
SPEAKER 3: Pick him for the Baltimore reason.
SPEAKER 4: I know I'm just busting to j.
SPEAKER 3: But, but I, I think coming going right from high school to the majors.
SPEAKER 3: We, well, yeah, what's up Jay? 54 K line will always be the top Tigers card. That's how I, that's how I felt. Yeah. Yeah.
SPEAKER 3: So good to see everybody in the chat room tonight, by the way. Happy Memorial Day.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. Yeah. And, and real quick, that's a good segue.
SPEAKER 4: I, I wanna say this, I'll be talking about tomorrow and Harvey highlight to, you know, take a minute to think about folks who made the ultimate sacrifice. So we have the freedoms to do content, collect cards and then everything else we enjoy time with our families.
SPEAKER 4: There's some that aren't here, anymore that, you know, s made the ultimate sacrifice so we can enjoy the things we enjoy. So that's what the weekend, is about. I try to think about that. I, I have military in my family that thankfully, you know, did that, you know, I have to make the ultimate sacrifice.
SPEAKER 4: But others did and it's important to recognize well said my friend and on that note and on that note, perfect from sentimental to the, to the white. So this one was, was kind of tough for me. And I think my pet, my pet might surprise. I think I would go ahead, go ahead. I'm gonna let you go first here.
SPEAKER 3: Mark, tell them, thank you for their service.
SPEAKER 4: Yes. Yeah. You know, absolutely.
SPEAKER 3: So I went II, I was a little chalk here.
SPEAKER 3: But once again, I am in my mid forties and if you're of that age, the.
SPEAKER 4: No name, I didn't pick this, but I did pick the guy. I picked the player, not the card to me.
SPEAKER 3: This is just the one now, I know he's wearing the Auburn uniform, but it's a White Sox card.
SPEAKER 3: So II I thought that was more, more than satisfying are made up requirements here.
SPEAKER 3: The noname Frank Thomas 90 tops.
SPEAKER 3: Number one draft pick it's just, it's just a cool card. He's a big guy. I mean he's on one knee and he's about the same height as the runner.
SPEAKER 4: So I went Frank Thomas but I didn't go, I didn't go to that card. I went with the 90 lead Ruben.
SPEAKER 3: Ruben will put in time out.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, so, so I'm sorry, you, you, you went with the 90 the 90 leaf and the 91 leaf.
SPEAKER 4: 90 leaf, which is considered, you know, his rookie. You cause that card, you know the Griffy card was still a bus then and then the 90 lead Frank came along and sort of took a little of that buzz away. Not of time. It's still, it was still 89 Griffey. But that 90 leaf Thomas said, hey, hold my beer here. We we can, we can play in this arena too.
SPEAKER 4: And so people were opening up a lot of 90 leaf and those silver and blue and red packs myself included to pull those Frank Thomas. And so when I think the White Sox and they have a storied history, they have a lot of great players.
SPEAKER 4: But the 90 leaf, Frank Thomas, you know, 18 year old me opened a lot of 90 leaf trying to pull as many of those.
SPEAKER 3: Like, do you ever see the thing with Lincoln and Kennedy? How like Kennedy's secretary was named Lincoln. Lincoln secretary.
SPEAKER 4: It's kind of crazy.
SPEAKER 3: Well, Barry says Frank Thomas Jeff Bagwell were born on the same day, same year. Fir both played first base and had mvps in the same season. That's kind of cool.
SPEAKER 4: That is Kennedy. Yeah, I had heard that before but I didn't remember it until very said.
SPEAKER 3: We love Cliff Clavin. Facts here. So that, that's some of our favorite chat room are the Cliff Clavin.
SPEAKER 4: Mark says John Valentine. We, Heavy Jay said, you know, Michael Jordan, you can have White Sox cards.
SPEAKER 3: He's answering, he's answering. Who's the player in the background? On the Auburn?
SPEAKER 4: Hey, that's a good question.
SPEAKER 3: That's John Valentin. Oh yeah, that's, that's what he was.
SPEAKER 4: I didn't know that.
SPEAKER 3: See, you learn something here. We're an Thomas, we're an educational program.
SPEAKER 4: John, I'm all about education.
SPEAKER 3: We're gonna, we're gonna be on PBS next year. That's why I'm trying to get us.
SPEAKER 4: You make it.
SPEAKER 3: Well, this is getting even weirder. Ruben says Barry. I think they both play.
SPEAKER 4: That's true too.
SPEAKER 3: At the same time also.
SPEAKER 4: They're in that Cape Cod League set. Believe it's 88 Cape Cod League set. Yeah. Good point. Good job.
SPEAKER 3: So that, that was my White Sox.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. You know, I felt kind of guilty picking Frank Thomas with, with a lot of their, you know, it's not like they're a new team, but it's just the first I thought.
SPEAKER 3: I mean, they just don't have any sexy heroes.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, it isn't, you know, I thought of Hoyt Wilhelm.
SPEAKER 3: How sexy is a knuckleball pitcher.
SPEAKER 4: But when you're, when you're winning behind them, it's pretty sexy.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah. Not for a card. Hoyle is talking about your set, John, that you were just talking about great set. Go to games down the Cape all summer. Yeah, that's supposed to be amazing. I'm jealous of, people that get to go to the Cape games.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So did we just finish the central?
SPEAKER 4: Oh, did we miss anybody?
SPEAKER 3: I think we got it all right behind base, but we're all right. I'm sorry, we're on to the Big Daddy, the American League East.
SPEAKER 4: I got a feeling we're gonna piss Mark Hoy off a so, you know.
SPEAKER 3: We we'll see mine. Mine will definitely be to talk, I'm sure. I'm gonna go a little bit out of order on this because I don't wanna finish with the Blue Jays because that's just not good.
SPEAKER 4: So I'm gonna finish with the Orioles.
SPEAKER 3: I mean, you know, whatever happens happens.
SPEAKER 3: So for the Blue Jays, I'm going with Danny's dressed like he's on a Mormon mission. Thank you John. I am kind of, you know.
SPEAKER 4: Where did it like like a NASA thing? You go up somewhere. So I'm taking the come on Danny.
SPEAKER 3: Ainge Granny Ainge rookie because when I think of Blue Jays cards, this was one of the first cards when I was collecting that he did. To me he was a star with the Celtics and that he had a, and they have at second base 6 ft four.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, he didn't play very long in the period, but no, Mark likes it. So he got his vote.
SPEAKER 3: I was, I thought about that one actually John, but I couldn't do it.
SPEAKER 3: Jay is saying the same thing.
SPEAKER 4: That's, yeah, I thought about it. I, I did and I probably, you know, I could have picked it. I didn't I know people aren't gonna like it. This is one of my favorite cards. It's not very, it's not crazy money.
SPEAKER 4: And again, we told you it's not about the most expensive card. I love, you know, I have a a love affair with Stadium Club. This is one of my favorite cards. People and this is Bo Boches, Stadium Club, 2020 Stadium Club Brook.
SPEAKER 4: And it's just a great card. You got the CN Tower, you got the sky dome open and fully the lights and you know, the clouds with against the blue sky backdrop. Whenever I see this card I try to buy. I don't know how many I, I own 4050 of them.
SPEAKER 4: Again, it's not about the value here. It's about the aesthetics of the card. And I just, I look, this is my favorite Blue Jay's card, right? And that's the title of the show. Favorite cards of each team. And so there are other great Blue Jays cards. The Bump Wills, you know, others, we could have went with a Joe Carter card potentially. But, this is, this is the one for me.
SPEAKER 3: Gray card.
SPEAKER 3: The Blue Jays were, were a little bit of a challenge. I know you love that card but they don't.
SPEAKER 4: Have, did, you know, I was gonna pick that?
SPEAKER 3: No, no, I, I thought you, I thought you were gonna go Vlad or, or be, but I, I didn't expect that one.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, that's one of my favorite cards, period.
SPEAKER 3: Well, I know you like.
SPEAKER 4: Of the value just like, what is your favorite card to like? Look at that. That's right in the next.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So, I got, I got a, another team that I had a hard time with. I'm just gonna be honest and I'm gonna ask the chat room. Tampa Bay Rays, Tampa Bay Devil Rays. Give me your favorite card. Give me a great Tampa Bay card and I don't want to hear, you know, wander Franco Rookie or, you know.
SPEAKER 4: I think you're gonna get, I, I'm gonna, I think you might get some Josh Hamilton's maybe in there. He wasn't my pick, he wasn't my pick.
SPEAKER 3: Exactly pass.
SPEAKER 3: Wade Boggs. I mentioned that, that I thought about that ultimately.
SPEAKER 3: You know, when you think of the organization, I think there's one player that stands out.
SPEAKER 3: And, and, and this is the 2008 Bowman Chrome Fracture for Evan Longoria. And, you know, it, to, to me it's, it's probably the coolest true Tampa Bay Car. I, he's the guy I think of when I think of Tampa Bay.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, I won't argue that. I mean, I thought his career was gonna go in a different, yeah.
SPEAKER 4: How about this one? How about this one for going off the Carl Crawford whose son, by the way, we saw play in Aberdeen a few weeks back who's putting up some big numbers. Didn't have a good night. No one had a good night that night, I think.
SPEAKER 3: No, no relation to Sam Crawford.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, I went off the grid a little bit with the 2000. Bowman, Jim Morris rookie card. No way. Yes, sir. Oh, nice. The 2000 Bowman Jim Morris rookie card, which later became, was a movie about him. The old, like I think, I think it still stands the oldest rookie, to make the major leagues. And I think it's a, it's a product of not, not up against a lot of great competition. So that was my pick.
SPEAKER 3: I stand by the fact that nobody in the chat room has put up a card. They've named players Crawford.
SPEAKER 3: Yes, they're Carl Crawford, Cindy Crawford.
SPEAKER 4: They're picking their best Crawfords now.
SPEAKER 3: Tampa Bay Minor League player, Minor League team plays here. In Alabama. In the Mon Biscuits, they just send me Biscuits.
SPEAKER 4: Well, they gotta have some, I, I just think a team called the Biscuits. They gotta have a cool logo. Some cool hats. Man.
SPEAKER 3: That's, they serve good Biscuits at the stadium.
SPEAKER 4: I'm sure they do. I'm, I'm assuming they do.
SPEAKER 3: Michael Crawford was great and Phantom of the Opera.
SPEAKER 3: There you go.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So we, I think we've cleared out, mo most of the, most of the dead wood here.
SPEAKER 3: I'll go ahead and let's knock out the Orioles.
SPEAKER 3: I'll let you go first on this one.
SPEAKER 4: This was tough. This was tough. We kind of talked about it, you know, the 57 Brooks for obvious reasons for me. Right, the big f and close up rookies, check those boxes very close to going that way.
SPEAKER 4: And I would have been, I wouldn't have felt bad picking that I went with. I'm almost like, I'm second guessing myself. I went with the 82 tops traded.
SPEAKER 4: Kerin Junior. A great card again, short printed out of a traded set, well, not short printed but less printed out of a traded set, you know, him holding the bat and not sharing the card with two other guys. Not that there's anything wrong with that.
SPEAKER 4: But I don't like threesome cards. I like full facial rookies but not threesome cards. And, so, I went with the 82 tops, traded, the Brooks was right there. I kind, I almost wanted to, I thought I'd be cheating but I would have picked both of them if I could get away with it.
SPEAKER 3: So I ran into the same problem of, I obviously had too many cards that I wanted to put on this list. So I'm gonna give you the quick rundown of, o of my list was the, the Brooks 57 the Frank 57 the Palmer 66 the Murray 78.
SPEAKER 3: The rip in 82 traded and I do, I think the 82 3 player card is one of the most famous rookies. Ooo of the generation. It just is. But my all time favorite one that I think of is the 1980 Charlotte Orioles Place orange issue.
SPEAKER 4: I thought, yeah, we talked about this before the show, my own wo gripe with it. That's a great card. I I we're not arguing the greatness of the car. It's just not a really like a pack pool card, but then you could come back with me and with my two traded card picks and say that's out of a factory set newman. So I guess I'll, I'll be for that reason. I have to like accept it not to have a choice anyway. But it's a Steve Stone.
SPEAKER 3: The orange card is the most overrated card in history. Wrong answer. Orange and blue are my favorite color combo. There you go. The two police colors that they did that year.
SPEAKER 3: 73 grit. Yeah, that was a, that was a distant 17th.
SPEAKER 4: So, you left off Ken Singleton. Doug Dein says.
SPEAKER 3: Not great cards though. Great, great play. Not great cards. Rick Dempsey, one of the few players who played in four decades, sixties, seventies, eighties and nineties.
SPEAKER 4: Hello, Kiko Garcia.
SPEAKER 3: Absolutely big fan of Kiko.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So we, we got the Orioles done. All right now. Buckle up.
SPEAKER 3: We, we, we saved it. All right. Let's just clean it. Danny Martin.
SPEAKER 4: Two teams left. You're acting like we got one, we got two, we.
SPEAKER 3: Got two, we got two big boys left. No, I'm, I'm ready for both of these. El Presidente Dennis Martinez and the 78 Murray was on 78.
SPEAKER 4: Murray was on my short list. I just didn't pick it. It was, it was in the, it was on the paper. I just didn't check the box. It was on the ballot. I just didn't, you had a hanging chad?
SPEAKER 3: I don't think I look like John Lowenstein, but I, I, I'll wear the glasses anyway.
SPEAKER 3: He was the guy I was talking about. He, he like disappeared off the planet. They couldn't find him for a couple of years. Seriously.
SPEAKER 4: Well, though, where's Lois? Then?
SPEAKER 3: You're wrong. It's the first, I'm kidding.
SPEAKER 4: You know what I like. Hey, what do I like about the 78 Mary card.
SPEAKER 3: The shot.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah. Big. Close facial cut. Yeah.
SPEAKER 3: You love facials?
SPEAKER 4: I do. I like.
SPEAKER 3: All right. So I like facials.
SPEAKER 4: I can, I think they wrote a song about that. Oh, that was big.
SPEAKER 3: But yeah, I'm, I'm not touching that.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, better now.
SPEAKER 3: Ok. So let's go to Boston.
SPEAKER 4: Well, listen, we got the ultimate Boston guy. I think he's still in the room and Mark.
SPEAKER 3: Mark Hoyle, if you're in the room, who's your ultimate Red Sox card before we put him up? I'd love to see who I got.
SPEAKER 4: I, I, I'm not gonna say it, but I think I know, I think I know, I'm not sure what card he'll pick. I think I know what player he Mark.
SPEAKER 3: Oy is.
SPEAKER 3: This was, that's a good one. The 8484 flare update Clemens. It's a classic one. Mark says 41 Ted Ted Williams.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, I thought he was gonna go there. And so II I and he's gonna be mad at us because I don't think either one of us picked that card. It was on my short list. Obviously, if it's not on your list, there's something wrong with you. We can make the argument. There's something wrong with us for not picking it, but if it's not on your list, period, there's something wrong with you.
SPEAKER 3: Stay tuned, stay tuned.
SPEAKER 3: So here's, here's what I want to clarify there. Are cards that I like better. But this is the card that we, I associate when I think of Red Sox. This is the one if you told me name a Red Sox card quickly. This is the one that's gonna come to mind.
SPEAKER 4: You wanna get same card?
SPEAKER 3: Did we do the same card?
SPEAKER 4: Pick the same card? Because when you put it up earlier by, by mistake I said that.
SPEAKER 3: Ok. 1960 tops. Yeah. Rookie. Yeah, I just, yeah, Mark, Mark.
SPEAKER 4: Now I picked this card to the 41 play ball. No, I'm not arguing against the 41 play ball, teddy ball game. You can't, but it's our favorite part, right? So here's the thing for me for y you know, growing up as a kid in New York City, Brooklyn, I was a Yankee fan initially.
SPEAKER 4: And, but believe it or not, I was a huge Carter strey guy, even though I wasn't a Red Sox fan. I love Carter STRS from Long Island. Multi sport athlete still holds high school records to this day that are still in the record books in Long Island. So I was, I had the, the Yazz album, the 3000. I had a lot of Yazz memorabilia for New York City kids. My friends would come over and say, what is wrong with you?
SPEAKER 4: I'm like, I love ya, man. He's a New York City guy. Like what I'm supporting. I know he plays for the Red Sox, but he's a New York City guy. That's, he's one of us and the other story with ya when I got in, when I really went back and got cards before I was around. When I stopped buying those cards. The Yaz Rookie was one of the first acquisitions I sought out and bought.
SPEAKER 4: And, this card, that card is behind me, in this PS A rack here. So, the, a card for me takes me back to how I got. One of the reasons I got started early in cards and he was one of my favorite players from, again, from a team that wasn't my favorite team. But a New York City guy nonetheless.
SPEAKER 3: I do like the 74 fisk.
SPEAKER 3: Ruben says he likes the 64 over the 60.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, teach the 60 rookie once again, we, we talked about it earlier.
SPEAKER 3: So, all right, anybody else have, have Boston picks before we head to Gotham City. I've always wanted to say Gotham City on air.
SPEAKER 4: Do a comic book reviews now.
SPEAKER 3: Really? 63 and 64 are the same pick.
SPEAKER 4: Cats never did that.
SPEAKER 3: No, no, no, never.
SPEAKER 4: Bagwell new brand Minor League set. I had, I had, I had a bunch of those at one point.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, but I wouldn't, when I think of it, it's still gonna be the as for me. So, all right, the New York Yankees. I mean, the list of cards you could pick is.
SPEAKER 4: Very, I know whatever card you pick, someone will, will be disappointed in.
SPEAKER 3: And, well, let me, let me give you my thoughts. 52 men you can't argue with as being the most well known card in the hobby or to not, you know, the most shown card in the hobby, but it's not the one that I think of or that I like the best. How about you? What, what were your thoughts going into the?
SPEAKER 4: Well, I will say someone got my pick right in the chat room. I won't say who because it gives a card away, early, you know, I didn't pick a Mantle card and not that they're not worthy. I think that's a no brainer. But you gotta remember, I've told them anyone that follows my content knows my relation or what this player means to me. And it was the first player I cried.
SPEAKER 4: It was the first time I cried over the death of somebody. I never even Met him. Now, I seen him play in Yankee Stadium, but I had never Met him personally. And it's how I learned what death was, when he passed away. And I, I remember asking my grandfather, you know, they broke in the news report reported what happened.
SPEAKER 4: And I said to my grandfather who I was raised, my grandparents, grandpa, does this mean he won't be playing for the Yankees anymore. And then I had to be explained what death entail and crushed me as a, as a very young kid. That's my card. It's not his rookie, right? But there's a lot of people who probably feel like this is his rookie card because of the gold cup. You know, and great shot, right?
SPEAKER 4: With, I forgot the, the a guy that's sliding in the home here. I used to know his name. So I think Harry J knows or someone else knows can put it in there. Just a great, you didn't get a lot of action shots during these, this era of cards and this was one of them.
SPEAKER 4: Everyone loves it. Most people love a gold cup and a lot of people mistakenly believe this is his rookie card, but almost like people think the 52 tops is Manor Rookie cards. I love the m in rookie card.
SPEAKER 4: But this card was a card that really I gravitated to try to get trade all my friends to get more of. And so 71 months in the black border card, it's in, in, in many cases, this card is more valuable than the rookie card because of the condition or a.
SPEAKER 3: High, a high condition one.
SPEAKER 4: So, but it that for me, it's not even about the value. I just threw that in there as an antidote. But this was, this is the card I think of, you know, again, the era I grew up with, born in 72 the captain was my guy, my, my all time favorite player during when I was watching baseball, you know.
SPEAKER 4: And, so for me, this is my pick again with the Yankees, you could have picked on 100 cards and people would agree with everyone. But this, this just happened to be my.
SPEAKER 3: And it's, Chuck Dobson slotting in.
SPEAKER 4: There you go. And, and probably the only time or very few times, Chuck Dobson is gonna be mentioned when we talk about ST M and All right.
SPEAKER 3: Well, I, I did go Mantle so I, I gotta fess up to that. But for me, you know, there's, there's just one there, there really is. It's the 51 Bowman.
SPEAKER 3: Maybe it's chalk, maybe the 52 tops is the chalk and this is not, but I feel like in this chat room, this is chalk. This is an educated chat room.
SPEAKER 3: I love the color. I love the look. I love the shot. I love the set. I love everything about it.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, this was on my list. I had three, I had three cards on my list. That one. Obviously the Munson I picked in the 79 Reggie, the 79 Reggie was the first card.
SPEAKER 4: Well, not the first card I, but like the fourth card in the first pack I opened as a seven year old kid that got me started my journey into hobby. So, for sentimental reasons, I almost picked that one. I went with the 71 Munson because I was more of a Munson fan than a Reggie fan.
SPEAKER 3: But the Reggie got me into the hobby hook line and, like urban says it'd be interesting to see how many of, Mantle's cards. He's actually batting right handed.
SPEAKER 3: Or if somebody has a man.
SPEAKER 4: Someone, I'm sure someone broke that down.
SPEAKER 3: I'm sure Barry says that he got that.
SPEAKER 3: He b back.
SPEAKER 4: Me. No.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, they, I had, I had a, didn't we, was it at the National or one of the card shows gave a little notepad book away and, and it had a 51 me Bowman man on the front.
SPEAKER 4: I don't know, I never got Yeah.
SPEAKER 3: So we, we, we landed the plane almost on time here.
SPEAKER 4: We did. You can now take your seat belts off and head to the restrooms.
SPEAKER 3: Did we, did we miss anything? Is, is, is there any cards that, that.
SPEAKER 4: I'm sure we missed cards? I mean, you get in the Yankees and the Red Sox, we could do an hour of just iconic. Those team starts, you know what?
SPEAKER 3: We didn't talk about it. I, I think, I think Steven put it in the chat room for the Orioles, the Bill Ripken fun face one.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, that, that's certainly, I think it didn't.
SPEAKER 4: Make my list. It's an iconic card.
SPEAKER 3: Obviously, I'm not gonna sit here and tell you we're doing the Brewers with the National League ribbon we're doing where they are currently.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, we're, we're kind of keeping it current to the standings where they are aligned today.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah.
SPEAKER 3: Mark. Thank you. It was fun for us as well.
SPEAKER 4: Yeah, I, it, it gave me a little more thought process than I, I thought. I thought I would just write the teams down and boom, it would come to me and in some cases that did happen and many others it then and in some cases I had to kind of Google search like to give me some, some more choices because I didn't sort of want to miss something potentially.
SPEAKER 3: So, you know, I think I'll be honest, I had Chad G BT do the whole thing for me.
SPEAKER 3: I'm having so much fun playing with that now.
SPEAKER 4: Well, all right, I'm not gonna, I said something else.
SPEAKER 3: Yeah, I mean, good show, good show, good show. All right. Any final words.
SPEAKER 4: No, I think it's probably a safe bet you'll see a National League version of this in the near future.
SPEAKER 4: But yeah, this was fun and, and when we came up, you know, when you came up with this topic, you know, I it, it's nice because the, the we like to come up with topics that get to where the chat room can interact and put their picks and tell us we're wrong. Tell us we're right. Tell us, we don't know what we're talking about. All of that is true.
SPEAKER 4: And, you know, but we try to pick topics where, you know, the, the chat room can, can interplay and, and interject, their picks as well. That this is, this is why I thought this was a good, a great topic as well because we can get other, you know, we can get other opinions on it. So.
SPEAKER 3: Well, Ruben thought I was older than I am. So that's my takeaway from the night is that I look much older and Ruben knows I'm older than I am.
SPEAKER 3: Yes, Barry, Happy Memorial Day weekend, John, I want to echo the thoughts that you, said before me.
SPEAKER 4: You know, and I know we get an extra day off from work. In my case being in the education, we get a four day weekend for me, barbecue, spending time with family, but again, take them home. You know, I think sometimes people mix up Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Memorial Day is the day we remember those who, who will lay down their lives in service of their country.
SPEAKER 4: And so even if it's for a minute, sometime this weekend, I think about it. If it's a family member, obviously I'm sure you're doing that without me, telling you to, to do so. But we all need to remember the sacrifices made by our men and women who, who served this country.
SPEAKER 3: Well, said, Barry says nice upper deck shirt, John, I had to represent, you know, I, I, I just wanted to see, if somebody was gonna catch that tonight. So that made my night.
SPEAKER 4: I could have worn my old bank shirt again, but I did it.
SPEAKER 3: Ruben says it's what you do in public toilets.
SPEAKER 3: Oh, I think that's how we're gonna finish out the evening.
SPEAKER 3: You know what guys, this was, this was, this was a blast. Thank you. As always John. Say good night, John.
SPEAKER 4: Good night, John. Good night guys.