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Jan. 9, 2023

Card Mensches E3 Do You Like It Raw?

"Card Mensches" Brought to you by SGC and waxstat.com A new format for Sports Talk and Sports Cards!"




"Card Mensches" Brought to you by SGC and waxstat.com A new format for Sports Talk and Sports Cards!"




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hi I'm Danny black and I'm John Newman welcome to card matches
oh hello I am Danny black and that is John Newman welcome to episode number three of card munches John I know you're
in the middle of something so uh thanks for uh sticking your head up a second yeah I'm watching uh I'm watching an
auction I'm trying to win on eBay some old uh vintage boxing it's actually a
complete set of 1938 I hope I just didn't like screw myself uh saying that
it's got like three about three minutes left so let me uh pull up my tab
um under five minutes so uh I'm gonna give us the play-by-play
and uh you know it worked out well because we wanted to talk about how to buy cards that are not graded and how to
buy raw cards and so John John coincidentally had an auction ending tonight so we said let's just go live
and get the live play-by-play and see if he wins this um but in the meantime welcome to
episode three uh we are the card mensches and a if you don't know I mention uh we believe it's a kind
thoughtful and honorable person and we'd like to believe that inside the hobby uh we are full of benches so uh we'd like
to share that love and pass it Forward uh however you're buying boxing cards so
uh if you can multitask here tell us what you're trying to buy on eBay and
once again these are wrong because we're talking about buying ungraded tonight yeah it's a 1938 churchman's boxing
that's a uh English English comp company uh back in the day they I don't believe
they exist anymore cigarettes so they're cigarette cards much like the old vintage here that we're familiar uh with
uh you know in the states it's just uh you know a UK company uh 10 cigarettes
in a pack and uh they put one of these cards in between
the 10 cigarettes so there'd be a row of five cigarettes to one card which is like a t206 size and then the other five
cigarettes and uh it's a 50 Card Set uh I actually
I don't want to run out of time but I will put some up um they this is the the card this is
almost a full set it's 47 of the 50. no I'm in rubber band the cards they're in
little t206 uh top loaders uh and so it's that set but it's complete
um and I'll still try to uh complete the other one as well we're down to under a
minute so I'm I'm I may look like I'm looking at you but I'm actually looking at the the auction screen yeah I'll I'll
take I'll take over here so are you the high bidder I'm you trying to answer this yet I want to be I'm going to be
the sniper here if I get this okay how high over the bid are you gonna go
uh I'd try to win this thing
um you know I'll talk a little bit more about specifics whether I win or lose it either way uh but obviously I'm on the
track not place the bid you're you're in the final seconds where are we on the clock
80 Seconds I am I am typing he's sniping he's sniping
if you guys ever want to know who steals your cards you're watching it happen let's see if he wins this is for the
churchman's boxing complete set and John is buying them raw
I believe this is off of eBay and part of our conversation is buying
cards Raw so we're watching John live bid on auction that is ending right now
oh my God I didn't get my bid in in time oh see sniper snipers
like I I don't know I did it with seven seconds I bet I want to do in the show
wow and the bid never went up from what it was that's crazy that's
that sounds like now some sort of uh rigmarur I don't know if I believe that
that's weird I'm not gonna lie yeah very disappointed well
look boy and we'll talk about talk about anti-climatic right well so the whole
point is you were willing to buy a whole set raw off of eBay and this would not have qualified for
the authenticity guarantee correct well unless it goes over 250 which I wasn't going I wasn't going to bid which
uh man I bid with seven seconds apparently that's not enough time
all right so uh yeah double double G vintage seven
seconds man I wait till one second I got news for today I know I'm always scared that
that's Dylan hey Dylan I'm always scared to wait too close like where you you
what just happened with seven seconds apparently that's my big fear we're leaving uh too you know too little time
on the clock if you will so uh this one uh this one stings a little because I
feel better if like I I know I didn't win but I'd actually feel a little bit
better if like the bid went up like no one else how many bits were there uh in
the auction two two so
there was two bids none of them were mine I didn't get mine uh in on time
apparently so well I gotta tell you this is this is fantastic podcasting YouTube here okay there's nothing like talking
to a guy who's watching a screen who just lost an auction all right I'm done
watching the screen no no I feel sorry you lost out on that uh but the whole
point is why would you feel comfortable buying buying a set online
um because it's not rated and and we've been having a lot of graded conversations in the hobby recently
well I mean number one I I think you gotta trust someone right I know you
know you can't trust everybody we especially the last couple years uh with
with the news cycle right but this particular set if you want me to be even specific to this set this is not a a
fake really a fake kind of uh set um the one thing you want to watch with
these Churchman boxing sets is in 1990 they actually did A reproduction set
which looks just like the original except on the back on the bottom where
it says like property of like churchmen cigarettes the reproduction says says uh reproduce
1990 but very subtle very subtle uh well if you didn't know that it was there you
you could get duped and uh I matter of fact I almost bid on a reproduction set
until I really looked at the pictures closely uh it it wasn't in the title was
in the description so the title said you know 1938 churchman's boxing set but
when you read the description it said this is the 1990 reproduced uh version
and that's what tipped me off so I wish eBay would make you know put it in the
title because if someone didn't open that description and maybe that's what even happened I I obviously didn't bid
on it but someone else might have bid on it and thought they were getting a whole set I I think the other the
other way to tell Danny you know this right sometimes if it's too good to be true
um it is right so if the bidding you know if you're bidding on something and
it's just the bidding it's like just way too cheap that's sometimes a red flag right
um see I'm the right if it's too cheap or too expensive it makes me uncomfortable I I've never bought
something at a price where I say okay that must be right yeah no I'm I'm sort of the same way but
um you know it is sometimes you just gotta like take a leap of faith I know it's a
little dramatic but um obviously if you if you're dealing with like a a a single card that's of
significance you know Orion rookie uh Manos you you obviously now you got
officer may not even be you know may not be a reprint it may be an original car but now you got like the trimming Factor
you know and everyone thinks trimming is like the whole side it could be just
even a corner uh carved the road to get out a a crease and make the car thinner
it is it's hard it's hard it's listen you don't think it's hard how many times you hear a Grading Company slabs a trim
card or an altered card right they get full too so all right so let's let's
help people let's give them better advice than take a leap and you might get screwed so we're better than that so
we're out there can you go to buy a roll card let's start with with the the
biggest one is eBay's off authenticity guarantee and right what is it 250 or 300 right
now minimum price it's 250 but it's it's rumored to come down okay so they come
down to like 150. they'll back you up on a raw card I believe people well yeah they won't
even set they it has to go through there authentication authentication first so you hear you know people say hey I
bought the card but I never got it set because eBay deemed it not not adequate
but you get your money money back yep yeah it gets the transaction gets reversed right kind of sucks because you
don't get the card you were hoping to own but at the same time at least you're not duped out of your money and and then
have to you know try to try to fight it back okay and the authenticity is
certainly part of it but how about the condition of the card if you're buying a card and and you have to start talking
about good very good excellent I mean grading is so subjective when you start using numbers without numbers
um it opens up a whole other can of worms I found it interesting that pwcc partnered with Mike Baker to do some
authenticating of their raw cards and and sort of an evaluation um for the I guess the eye appeal for of
the raw cards that they've done before with graded cards how do you feel about the eye appeal when you're not in person
because I want to come back to in person well you can look at the scans that the
person uploaded but you can also request additional scans right you can if you're interested in the card if it's on a
selling platform or an auction site you can contact the seller and say hey I'm
potentially interested in buying this card or bidding on this card can you get
me better pictures of you know all the corners the top right corner I think I see you know you might
not say that to the person like I think I see something you might just say hey can I get a closer picture of the top
right corner please um your best bet if you're contacting him anyway is just requesting even more
pictures uh and that sort of thing you can ask questions it's even more than pictures Danny you can ask you know the
owner the car to Providence where does it for can I ask you how do you obtain it where is it from where did you get it
it's not so much this is true on eBay also yeah yeah I mean you might you know I
think it's rude to say hey how much did you pay and how did you get it I think you can ask how you got it without
asking them if it's a rare item I I wouldn't do it on a on a uh on the uh
tops crew yeah I would never it's bad it's bad etiquette to say hey what what do you got into it right yeah sometimes
I've had people tell me you know when you're trying to negotiate a price and you maybe you make an offer and they're
like hey I got more into it myself than what you're what you're offer me I can't do that right
um so um but you generally you don't want to say hey what did you buy it for what did
you give up uh for but you you can request information where did you get it
was it a trade was it from your dad's collection like what's the provenance of
the card um you can request additional uh pictures it's not a good thing to do but you
could say you know I see it what looks like a small crease in the lower left corner is that what it is
you know it's I mean you can do that you know they're gonna say no you don't they might say no and you can you say well
can I get a closer uh picture then to see what's giving me that impression
that there is a crease uh there you know you if it's in a sleeve you can ask you
know can you take a picture of it not in the sleeve or not in the semi-rigid OR
top loader um you know and if someone refuses to do some of that you know then they may lose
a sale that's you know obviously their their choice but um you know you can you can ask questions I
mean nothing beats I think most people will will agree on this right you I know you will uh for what you you know what
you do for for work like nothing beats seeing it in person right having it in yeah even pulling out magnification and
and looking at it right um so you know anytime you buy something sight unseen
it's it's it's really a leap of faith until you get it in your hands right and
I've had that sort of transaction go both ways right I've bought a card
that looked better in the skin and when I got it it you know wasn't terrible but it wasn't as as great as I initially
thought it might be and I've had that go the other way too like the pleasant surprise like hey I'm buying this card
the scans weren't great but I still got a you know a good price on it and then
you get the card and it's actually in better condition than you kind of envisioned it with maybe some bad scan
so that can you know it's crazy but that can actually work uh sort of in Reverse
uh too I mean not often but it has happened with cards I bought one yeah I
had a bad experience that's part of the reason I wanted to talk about this today was I got this 57 Eddie Matthews I'm
working on the 57 set um and I looked at all the scans looked
at all the pictures uh it was given an arbitrary near-mint uh
kind of designation uh I truly believe this card was pressed or cut now that I
have it um it didn't qualify for you know any authentication program and you know it's
from my Personal Collection so I you know personally I don't care a ton um I'd like to replace it one day I'm a
little peeved you know I'm at a couple bucks it is in Eddie Matthews 57. um but but that's I guess that's the
issue is is I'm putting together a set some of these cards are going to be
twenty to a hundred dollars they're not going to qualify I'm not going to get them graded you know are there sites
that we trust better as as raw buyers you know or is it the old-fashioned you
go to a lot of shows because when you pick up a card and you touch it and you smell it you can tell that it's not the
92 reprint you know from when it's in your hands a lot easier I mean eBay with their authentication uh
now in place is a little bit safer than it was uh previously
um you know any any platform that offers sort of uh you know a money back guarantee type game even if it's not
like eBay's uh authentication but where like if you feel like you didn't get
what was represented online uh when you when you finally get it right and
there's certain cards you know I know we're talking heavy vintage here there's certain cards Danny that I won't buy
almost raw anymore and so one that one that really stands out to me and I own
some they're all graded um it's the 2011 uh you know trout update uh rookie uh and I'll I've told
this story on my podcast a lot of people don't know about this this is actually something people should know about
yeah so this is a heavy heavy fugazi card like their people have made
counterfeits of this tops you know did their their retro where they made uh a
card that still looks like the original but it's it's it's a an anniversary uh
card uh but uh you know a dealer friend of mine at a show we were both set up we
weren't next to each other so I didn't see the deal but he's like hey man I just bought these 10 Mike Trout uh
update rookies all from one guy and he handed them to me he said what do you
think and I'm like well you got to get him you just get them all graded you know and um
you know how you did and uh you know he goes what do you think they're great at you know give me you think I got shots
at nines and tens at least and I gave him a quick look I didn't take him out of the top loaders they were in top
loaders I said they looking pretty most of them look like they got a shot at at
all nines and tens I don't see anything that you know you know screams like up
ding corn or anything like that so make a long story short or he sent them in I
think they were he sent the PSA all 10 of them seven of them came back as fakes
three were graded I think he got 110 and two nines but seven came back unslabbed
as uh not authentic so he bought 10 and and seven were fakes
and we talked about it after the fact and you know and I agree with him he says you know John I don't even think
the seller uh that sold them to me knew they were fakes I think he got them from
somebody and was flipping them uh to me and uh
you know now you could argue like with the 10 and this was when Mike Trout update rookies were bringing even more
so than they are now we all know prices have sort of settled down so he didn't I
think in the end he didn't if he lost money it wasn't as bad as it could have been because of the one that did grade a
10 um but obviously when you send in 10 cards and you get seven of them back on
slabbed as as fakes you know that that one stings a little bit so
um you know there's I Trout the trout scares me because I looked at and here's
why I say that I looked at those 10 cards before he sent them in yep and I
you know I've seen fake ones before where I've spotted them these didn't set off any of those alarms yet seven of
them were still fake uh to PSA so you know if I'm ever if anyone ever brings
me a like a trout update at a show or whatnot I I one or two things I'll either you
know I want a graded one or uh I'll buy I'll I'll buy it on condition like hey
I'll pay for it to get great let's agree on a price I'll send it in for grading I'll pay for
the grading if it comes back authentic and graded we'll I'll pay that price if
it doesn't I'm not right and uh you know and uh that's that's just one of those
cards I know it's not a vintage error card but uh and they're vintage error
cards too that were are the same way the Ryan rookie is classic for a lot of
fakes out there you know well I'm gonna I'm gonna give an example of something that happened to me because my wife
pulled a card out of a pack so let you open a good old-fashioned pack of cards and you get a card out of the pack you
assume it's real you assume everything's authentic but I don't want to pay to get it graded so
how do I learn about the card you know and the card she pulled with I'll go
modern on you is a trinity Rodman autographed rookie so I if I want to sell this
how do I give that Comfort other than selling it through eBay
you know to to a to a buyer if I set up at a show or somebody's selling it a show that's a that's a hard card to
prove um and I'll give a shout out to one of our sponsors Center Stage um I did actually use their app to scan
to link to a previous eBay sale so I could compare the cards and it gave me an idea of condition and what they were
selling for so shout out to Center Stage um in the real world application but I
mean yeah you know if I'm selling that other than the eBay authenticity guarantee you know it's really hard for
a buyer to have that much trust unless they know me you either know you or you I I know it's
I know it's inconvenient but kind of like what I just said with the trout you make a conditional sale right let's
let's agree on I'll take them you know it's hey I'm gonna sell them for 300
bucks I'm gonna send it in I'll pay for the grading we're not we're not haggling
on what no that's good between that's good between friends but you know that's not going to happen between yeah no you're right it's tough it's tough yeah
and you got to be careful you know this is a double-edged sword right I've had an instance uh where I someone bought a
card off me uh you know on a plat on a platform right and then said hey it's
not what what I uh thought it was it's not the car and they did the switcheroo right they put their they took their let
they owned the card already in a lesser shade and so eBay in this case sides
with them and they send back the worst condition card and they get their money
back so they upgraded their card for free right you gotta you switch your rooskis well this is the the old days
was terrible when it was PayPal uh on everything this is why I know we're talking about wrong cards and which is
important but this is why creating such a big deal was because that's the fair point yeah you know that's because of
these scenarios so I think you've got to find a dealer that you trust a dealer
that you know if there was something that came up that they would
be reasonable about it and at least hear you out and try to come up with some sort of of resolution somebody in the
comments put Greg Morris cards and they're a huge seller of raw cards uh yeah you know when you hear a company
like that you know do you feel confident on their reputation and name buying from them more than somebody else I mean do
you feel more confident I see I guess I do but with reputation right sometimes
comes higher prices and that's what Dylan's saying too what Greg Moore she might as well buy created because of of
what is raw cards absolutely now he does very he does very good business so you know he's selling
Sports our nation even com c uh same type of idea you know
do you trust it um them more well you know what what John C with Tom
C uh you know that they have the card in on their site they have the card it's
not so if I sell a card what's going on uh Canton card if I have a card on com c
I don't actually have the card they have the card I sent it to them and they've listed it I can change the prices
but as a buyer do you feel better buying from a satellite comp C because of their reputations I do be I do because they've
scanned it right and so there it if if in other words if I buy a car from com c
and I get it and I say man this is not what
the scans look like they you know at least there's a reference point there Danny you know
what I mean they can but again you can still you know they could come to you and say come back and fire back and say
that you know we sent you the card that was here and that doesn't look like the card we sent you so I mean if it's not
in person there's always that risk I hate to say it but you have a kind of a
dollar limit or uh anytime you get into
three figures definitely four figures if you're if you're buying cards like that
unless you absolutely know the provenance or you just trust that dealer
almost unconditionally uh you almost you know I I just really will buy graded now
you know I buy collections right so you're you're offering one price for you
know eight totes and you're just you know you're offering a price let's be let's be honest and genuine right you're
offering a price where you know you're trying to make them happy but you're also giving yourself a lot of Elbow Room
to come out okay whether you're reselling or even keeping the cards so
in those kind of deals even if there's a a card or two maybe that doesn't cut the
muster you're still probably okay but if you're going if you're buying one or two
significant cards like on an individual basis you know you know for example the
Jackie I was never going to buy that card raw uh sure you know I can even I
can even tell well I I I I don't want you know I tell the story I was walking with Dr Beckett before I eventually got
the jacket he knew I was looking for it and I saw one in the case at the national this was a couple years ago I
did was the Chicago one it wasn't the Atlantic City one and the price was kind
of decent and I I said Dr Beckett take a look at this what do you think and he
kind of elbowed me we kept walking and he goes no you know that's all he really said like
no I wouldn't buy that one and without saying it I really felt like he was he
was basically telling me he didn't think guys John's a man of the people his advices
take Dr Beckett around to a card show with you it wasn't we were
and I remember seeing at that table and I wanted to get his sort of thought uh I
don't know real quick I want to say hi to some of the people in the comments uh Greg yes good evening everyone hello
Dylan we got hello in uh can Card Collector what's good Brooklyn shout out
to John's uh what do you call Brooklyn you're you're
a HomeTown is that what you refer to it Hometown I know it's a it's a city but uh you know where you're from is your
hometown so that's my home um also like to thank everybody a lot of feedback from the since we're talking
about the Dr Beckett uh the Dr Beckett episode last week uh thanks for all the feedback in the comments uh any comments
you guys have uh if there's anybody that you really want to see as a guest or topics you want us to talk about uh
certainly always put those in and you can leave comments afterwards uh on the
uh podcast chats or the YouTube chats uh but also if you're in the chat right now
um I'm curious where you guys feel comfortable buying raw cards from uh because I've been searching a little bit
more I've been buying I guess more compsy than I have previously and I'm starting to just try to figure out if
I'm comfortable there so uh you know Greg Morris I've looked at they're obviously you know huge probstein you
know I I don't I don't know they do a lot of graded as well so I I don't see
specifically good deals but these are all eBay companies also um
you know and I think that's one of the things is I feel much more comfortable doing wrong person when it comes down to
it as we're talking about it you know I I think that's one of the reasons I do do a lot of shows is I do like it in
person um yeah yeah no doubt I mean there are a lot of a lot of reputable dealers
um you know I mean he says eBay and come see yep right if
you if you take out the sports collector's digest uh and read that uh
you don't have a lot of ads for like dealers that have been around 30 40 even 50 years right uh bird Bank yeah I mean
they're they're huge they they've got probably one of the biggest inventories in in in the culture
probably in the world right when it comes to to cards um you know so they're you know
sometimes you just gotta like do it right and and just you know cross your fingers but again when you get into
those higher dollar cards right it's one thing buying a car for fifty dollars and
getting burnt and then there's one thing you know it's another thing buying a car for 500 or 5 000 and getting burnt it's
a whole different thing so always that you know it doesn't even hurt to ask the seller right what's your you know
guarantee policy what's your return policy um and uh you know again you can ask
questions hey can I ask you where the card came from you know um you really can't ask what they paid
for but and where did it come from was it a collection you bought out was it something from your own personal
collection from many moons ago and you still have it your dad's where where did
it come from right you know I have a job I have a Don Drysdale rookie uh in my showcase uh you know I still have that
and someone asked me hey can I ask you where you got this card yes it was uh
Tom cyberger
he said here John I want you to have it it was you know not in perfect shape it was a little beat up
um so that's that's where it's from my dad's collection so I don't have a problem saying that you know what I mean
that doesn't change well I'm gonna cut you off while you're being sentimental uh can car collector says four sharp
Corners I've never done business with them I'm curious uh what people think about them Greg e f Facebook groups you
know what I'm hearing more and more people uh they're saying Facebook groups are blowing up a little bit right now
um that they've always been big uh we have clean sweep auctions is uh
been very good with their grades of raw well that's the important thing is are they accurate Ziggy com c still provides
pitch the actual cards with nuts yes yeah and that's the key thing uh is is that description and Ziggy that's
exactly uh what we're talking about is you know what makes you feel comfortable buying raw uh because not everybody uh
wants to or can afford to have everything graded and uh you know so
four sharp Corners is awesome that's good to know let me ask you Danny have you ever bought off a Facebook group
um I I have and I've sold but only on behalf of clients
um I am I however am negotiating my first Facebook group purchase right now yeah I I've bought not a ton but a
considerable amount of cards off Facebook Facebook groups I'm Gonna Knock on Wood here uh you hear sometimes you
hear the horror stories you do I've just been fortunate I've never had in any of my purchases off Facebook groups I've
been uh fortunate not to have and you again you can ask for vouchers on
Facebook groups right so you can say hey has anyone dealt with Danny black what what are the thoughts right and if 10
people say oh man I bought you know about numerous deals from Daniel all went well right I just lost an auction
I'm sorry I wasn't paying attention I just lost an auction
not as bad as I did where your bid didn't even get calculated and the bit
never went up so uh but you know you can ask for vouchers you can ask for references especially on a on a bigger
deal you want to be careful like if you're asking for vouchers on a 25 sale
you know maybe not the greatest etiquette in the world but you're you're you're you're more you know you can do
that so you know it's America right you can ask but you know probably save those for your you know probably three figure
or or higher uh deals but again you can ask for vouchers anytime uh you want you
know you can even ask the seller hey can you give me a list of some people you've sold uh before you know uh and you can
contact them but again when you ask for vouchers and you ask for references that's you got to keep in mind that's
going to extend the time to consummate the deal and depending on the card or
the deal right or the lot someone else may swoop in and just say I'm buying it right so take it so you you run the risk
of losing the deal the longer you wait or you you're too careful right so you
know you gotta weigh all those factors right how bad do you want it
asked are you willing to risk maybe losing the deal and the time it takes to ask for references vouchers who's dealt
with this you know and um you know then the card's gone that that's happened to me you know I asked uh people hey anyone
ever dealt with this person I got some good feedback you go back and require
about that card and he tells you hey the card someone else bought the card right you lose you lose it out so that's the
risk the the the this right now we're calling this segment do you like it raw and uh comment from Ziggy raw in person
feels better virtual online just isn't the same parentheses we are talking cards right well uh it is late on a
Friday and uh I think we've each had an adult beverage so uh yes Nikki we are still talking cards uh yes cheers to
that uh good evening to everybody in the chat thank you yes nothing and and Michael's right right nothing beats
that's why you know 50 60 000 people come to the National right you meet people in person
like right we we can talk that's why I go to a mall show sometimes yeah we can
do stream yard all the time right but to to hang out in person and meet people in person right there's an Allure to that
that there's something you know you it does you can't replicate that same thing with buying a card in person I you know
I the national to me now is meeting people I like and and and are friends
with uh and it's also an opportunity for me to get two or three
expensive you know for me expensive uh cards I look forward to it it's sort of
like you know you look forward to Christmas right not in your case but but uh you look you know John we're co-host
on a show called card mentions I was just like let everybody know we're jealous adult drinks this evening we are
co-hosting card mentions and tell me again tell me again but I go to the National to to you know
promote the show meet people go to dinner hang out with people talk to
people but I also go because it's an opportunity to buy two or three cards off my want list of significance in
person uh graded or and or maybe raw most likely graded uh and you can't like
like Ziggy said Michael said you can't you can't replicate that there is no substitute it's either in person or
online right and you know we we talk about online right a lot of things could go wrong and online right uh you can buy
the cart and no through no fault of the seller right we hear stuff gets lost in
the mail I just send an SGC bulk sub two-day priority that took eight days to
get to Boca Raton Florida you know very well about it we were I was I was a nervous wreck talking to you like hey
man what if this package is live these aren't even my cards there's 246 high
dollar you know mostly high dollar cars I I I I I will verify it was two-day shipping and and it was like six days uh
or something no got stuck in Charleston for three days with no update I'm like
did it fall off the roller did an employee put it in the back of his car you guys don't understand for for those
six days I spent more time on the phone with John than I spend time with my wife it was it was very nerve-wracking all
right we're we're we're gonna wrap it up here on the uh Do You Like It Raw segment
um and uh we're gonna move on to uh our bets picks and fantasy
advice so let's welcome to the failure segment where John and Danny share their picks sure to
go wrong and uh this week this segment is brought to you by our partners at SCC experience
quality consistency and the quickest turnaround times in the grading industry we are proud to partner with SGC grading
check them out at www.gosgc.com
all right John well we've got the uh national championship game uh being
played I think Monday uh the night that the audio on this will come out so uh
we've got it on screen and this is at the time of uh the live recording here
on Friday night uh BCS championship game TCU plus one at 12 and a half uh it's
considered at Georgia but it is neutral site so uh TCU plus 12 and a half who do
you like there uh with Georgia man what Georgia is a defending champ this game's at Sofi Stadium uh
California for just for for clarification um I'm rooting you know I have a lot of
friends that are Georgia fans so I don't really have a rooting interest either way like whoever wins I'm not going to
be that upset uh I I tend to root for the underdogs in this situation when I
don't have a dog in the fight Georgia won it last year be nice to see uh TCU I
believe it would be their first ever national title um I don't think they've ever won before
uh so I'm rooting for them but I won't be uh disappointed if if you know
crushed if if Georgia wins um that's a big number the 12 and a half
and a half a big number yeah I'm I'm I'm I I think and they're they're a quarterback is legit
yeah yeah no doubt um I think Georgia wins the game I don't
know if they cover so if I'm gonna pick the spread here I'm gonna take TCU into
points I'm not I'm not sure they can pull off uh I think the magic might run out for them here uh in the title game
but I think they might be able to keep this uh competitive I'm scared maybe a
late Georgia touchdown puts it over to spread but I think this is going to be a pretty decent competitive game so I'm
going to take the points and and TCU not not the money line here the outright win
but give me 12 and a half you know when the game starts it's 12 and a half you know TCU 12.5 Georgia nothing yeah I
like that a little bit I'm not gonna lie and the over under is at 63 before I give my picks uh how do you like that
over under it so it's actually a big number as well if it was the NFL college you never know
both these teams score points uh so I I I'm you know it is a big number but I I
can see like a 42 31 type game that's 73 points so I'm I'm gonna take I'm gonna
take you over so I'm gonna take the points on TCU and I'm gonna take it over
and uh real quick we have a comment and uh this might be more than your your
alley here so I'll let you read this one yeah who do you got on the javonta Davis
Hector Garcia fight um I'm not an expert like I used to be a
huge boxing fan so I don't know you could read the question that makes you the expert on the show
I know my memory said uh you know Davis has not
has kind of struggled lately I know I just had uh less less wolf on he
actually talked about this um so I'm just you know I got a 50 chance of getting this right right I'm
gonna go Hector Garcia I'm going to Hector Garcia all right Hector Garcia and he's gonna take the eyebrow uh BCS
championship game with TCU 12 and a half I'm gonna take Georgia I think uh with
all due respect to my TCU friends it's been a great run um I think they're a fantastic team uh I
I I just think at this point George has been on a mission and I think uh Stetson Bennett uh is going to cap off his
career and I think they're just going to kind of uh kind of lay down the wall there
yes that's in Bennett is like 34 years old so you're right he's very
experienced well he's he's earned it I mean it's been a 10-year career uh lovely uh he's actually going to be
graduating with his son which is which is a phenomenal achievement miles are tough to Stetson and his son
um and the over under 63. uh I I like the overall on that uh as well I I just
think it's going to be a little bit of a shootout um so I like the over under um I will admit on the boxing question I
have not heard of either one of those gentlemen I'm sure they are lovely uh if they would ever like to grab a cup of
coffee I am available but I could not uh could not tell you uh who to bet for
on that uh what what what what else uh are you looking at uh with the NFL
season uh going into the final weekend here anything else catch your eye are you just ready to put yourself out of
misery yeah well listen I was in misery but somehow my Steelers
are like mathematically still alive they need some help here they gotta first off they gotta be Cleveland and they gotta
have uh the Jets beat Miami and buffalo beat New England I'm confident about
Buffalo beat New England especially now with the with the great uh Demar Hamlin
news that uh the breathing tube was out he zoomed uh he FaceTime with the team
and and talked to him I think they're going to be inspired uh so I think Buffalo beats New England I'm not as
confident that the Jets are going to beat Miami and I know Miami is sputtering a little bit but it's still
the Jets Miami Miami the Jets are eliminated Miami can make the playoffs
by beating the Jets so I think Miami comes inspired uh wins and then the other thing I want to say it's Joe
Flacco is the starting quarterback right now A Lead quarterback Elite quarterback
Joe Flacco who won a Super Bowl Baltimore Ravens yeah that was you were like 12 years old
I was at the game I was at the game so anytime anytime
your your playoff hopes rest on a 55 year old Joe Flacco you're probably not
going to the plan listen I mean what does it say about Zach Wilson that they're that they're benching him for
Flacco it says that Zach Wilson is the bust I said he was when he got drafted
number two overall uh but they've killed all three all I mean they've basically
what are you gonna say that right if you're trying to Market a player you don't like right you're not going to
like I'm I'm the GM of the Jets you're the GM of the Ravens uh and you want
Zach Wilson you don't but just hypothetically right I'm not going to
say hey man Zach Wilson's terrible we can't stand them I'm gonna say hey he's young he's raw we're going to work on
some stuff we're open to the discussions if anyone else is in you know you're gonna sell your guy right you're going
to sell your commodity right we do that with our cards too right so absolutely uh the Jets the Jets have have moved on
from them already but they're not gonna they're not gonna say it like that right they're trying to keep some of his trade
they're going to get a draft pick what round I don't know but if you if you trash your own guy you're gonna get a
fifth sixth or seventh okay if you sell them a little bit maybe you get a third or fourth round and on that same logic
we get a question right now uh what do you think happens with Derek Carr and Trey last next season I'm gonna predict
that neither one of them are with their current teams and I'm going to predict what John said is right that all
everything you hear is going to be lovely spin about why you should be happy to trade for them and give up a
pick um or or uh you know on the way out it will be uh nice cities I I don't think
you're going to see a lot I only think you're half right I only think you're half right there I think Derek Carr is definitely out of Las Vegas uh and I
want to ask you about so I think there so let's uh I want to say Derek Carr is your next uh in the Annapolis Colt
quarterback I want to hear your thoughts on Trey Lance you don't I think I think
I think he's not in San Francisco I think it's Bryce Purdy and Jimmy G
in a trade land or or Lance backs up Purdy I don't I I think there's I don't
think Lance is a quarterback for Super Bowl contending team and that's where they are and I don't think Purdy would
have been either except he went in there and did it and Lance has not played as well as party has quite frankly in the
little time they've had yeah I'm gonna disagree I I think you're right I think we're both right on car
he's somewhere else I think Lance is in San Francisco he may not start because
I'm hearing you know little birdie saying maybe Tom Brady comes home to his
hometown team for his last year in the NFL wow
right right Trey Lance learns from the goat right Trey Lance holds the
clipboard for Tom Brady and then takes over from Tom Brady uh in San Francisco
that's my prediction and just remember to stand friend welcome to the failure segment where
John and Danny share their past sure to go wrong welcome to the failure where John and
Danny share their pics I had to play that a couple times uh just on on the uh tinfoil uh Tom Brady
uh Jimmy uh G said you want to take a pay cut stay in Frisco there you go I am
correct I think it is wrong and we're out of time so we're gonna leave it with that
um anything else in all seriousness John I I know we want to let everybody get out
of their cars and go see their families when they're listening to those I I think Jim I I think Jimmy G is is
not in San Francisco I think they've they're settled on Purdy and Lance and
like I said you might see number 12 wearing a 49ers uniform for his last
season in the NFL all right well how about uh we'll put breakfast at the
national on it if we have an answer about it all right all right there's our there's our Menchie our
menchieve bet so uh for episode three of uh card mentions is in the book uh
appreciate you guys always please leave comments uh click the like and follow so we can keep bringing this to you and uh
we will definitely uh catch you at two weeks from today will be the next uh live episode and the audio will always
come out on Monday mornings so you can download it and listen to it throughout the week for John I'm Danny have a good
one take care

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